Does God Decieve?


Well-known member
Eh, I wished him a happy new year didn't I? Plus, I wouldn't wish anything the same for him as he does for others. Funny how you don't pick up all of his silly bile either, selective much?

Oh, happy new year to you as well!


I pick up on everything. He's just a bit more honest about what he does than you are.

A Happy New Year to you, as well, Artie. ;)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I pick up on everything. He's just a bit more honest about what he does than you are.

A Happy New Year to you, as well, Artie. ;)

Oh, I'm sure he actually means it when he wishes suffering on other people if they don't believe the right thing in this life. He's never been one to exhibit any sort of humanity on the topic so I ain't accusing him of lying.

I've gotta say, the whole "Isle of poofters" thing gave me a real laugh, probably for all the wrong reasons but that's just the type of comment that only a real dingbat could come out with. Never let it be said that zealots aren't good for a laugh at times.



Well-known member
Oh, I'm sure he actually means it when he wishes suffering on other people if they don't believe the right thing in this life. He's never been one to exhibit any sort of humanity on the topic so I ain't accusing him of lying.

I've gotta say, the whole "Isle of poofters" thing gave me a real laugh, probably for all the wrong reasons but that's just the type of comment that only a real dingbat could come out with. Never let it be said that zealots aren't good for a laugh at times.


And here you and I were just talking about our strange sense of humor. Perhaps you laugh at what you don't understand. For instance....seeing justice served isn't alway pleasant to watch but it can still be rejoiced in.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And here you and I were just talking about our strange sense of humor. Perhaps you laugh at what you don't understand. For instance....seeing justice served isn't alway pleasant to watch but it can still be rejoiced in.

Oh, I've got a pretty off the wall sense of humour at times but I can recognize "dingbattery" when it happens. "Isle of poofters" was just incredibly bizarre and funny for that reason alone. Where it comes to your latter then no. If you think it's "justice" to believe that people deserve to suffer for ever and something to be rejoiced in then many a crank has echoed the same. Hyper Calvinists for one. Hopefully Fred Phelps did actually soften his views before he died as some family members have reported.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Say the Phelps' at the funerals of killed soldiers or anyone that isn't part of the "elect". Not only does someone have to believe in order to escape the "justice" of "hell/lake of fire" according to you, they also have to believe a set thing, otherwise they're still on their way there regardless. Anyone who has actual love about them and an understanding of it (it's all there in Corinthians) would not rejoice in the suffering of someone simply because they didn't have the *correct* belief. I'm presuming that you think that Calvinists are hell bound as well but you have a lot in common with them.


Well-known member
Say the Phelps' at the funerals of killed soldiers or anyone that isn't part of the "elect". Not only does someone have to believe in order to escape the "justice" of "hell/lake of fire" according to you, they also have to believe a set thing, otherwise they're still on their way there regardless. Anyone who has actual love about them and an understanding of it (it's all there in Corinthians) would not rejoice in the suffering of someone simply because they didn't have the *correct* belief. I'm presuming that you think that Calvinists are hell bound as well but you have a lot in common with them.

You are headed for Hell unless you believe that your sins were dealt with by Christ's death on the cross for your sake.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

No, it's an apt comparison with someone who had a completely different Christian belief to you but spouted similar religionist diatribes. Apparently He softened a bit on that prior to his death, hopefully.

You are headed for Hell unless you believe that your sins were dealt with by Christ's death on the cross for your sake.

Which "hell" would that be? If it's "the grave" then I'm sorry to break it you but you'll be visiting there yourself. In my experience it's been bemusing as to just how many conflicting opinions there are regarding "hell/lake of fire", just among fundamentalists. Oh, and if you're part of the OSAS crowd then I can't be headed for what even your version of "hell" is anyway.


Well-known member
No, it's an apt comparison with someone who had a completely different Christian belief to you but spouted similar religionist diatribes. Apparently He softened a bit on that prior to his death, hopefully.

Which "hell" would that be? If it's "the grave" then I'm sorry to break it you but you'll be visiting there yourself. In my experience it's been bemusing as to just how many conflicting opinions there are regarding "hell/lake of fire", just among fundamentalists. Oh, and if you're part of the OSAS crowd then I can't be headed for what even your version of "hell" is anyway.

You're headed for eternal, terrible separation from God if you continue to reject the cross.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're headed for eternal, terrible separation from God if you continue to reject the cross.

Oh, so it's separation according to you is it? Funny how you think you know what I believe as well although I did think that part of your belief included eternal security? There's many circles who find MAD to be false and even heresy and they often sound just as condemnatory as you.