
New member
You old silver tongued truster... Good flip. I wish nothing but these things upon you. And... if you listen to Tambora and Glorydaz... you will indeed receive these things in spiritual abundance.


I'd rather rot in a box, but I won't need to because I have GD on ignore.


New member

I go so far as to note that Satan is the very angel of death at the Pass over. That was Satan on God's leash. However... Anti-Free-Will theism has to account for Sin as "God's Will". This is a direct contradiction of one single verse.

Gal. 2:17 But if seeking to be justified in Christ, we ourselves also have been found sinners, is Christ then a minister of sin? Never may it be!​


There is this...

James 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone.​

These are crucial because one asserts that God never promotes sin. This means that Sin promotes itself... outside of God's will.

Even Jesus (God the Son... Jesus) says... "Not My will but Yours". He resisted the temptation He was feeling to avoid torture and death.

God also doesn't tempt.

This means that either God is using the old God-Father argument... and has clean hands... even though He ordered the hit...

Or... that God is allowing free will out of Love and working "With" "Choice" in a responsive manner.

One view holds to ALL scripture and the other doesn't. This is my base argument and can get turned up if you desire to discuss this.

If the Eternal is not in control of sin then how did he stop Abimelech from sinning against Sarah? Genesis 20:3kjv

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So does the pain, embarrassment and disgust of sin make you less likely to commit the same sin again?

For the sake of rational communication lets say we are discussing sins of the flesh and not of the mind. If you don't want to discuss it then that is fine too.

Let's just say the answer to the question is yes and leave it at that.


If the Eternal is not in control of sin then how did he stop Abimelech from sinning against Sarah? Genesis 20:3kjv

He didn't take away Abimelech's desire to fornicate with her... He had the household under duress so Abimelech couldn't get the mirrors up on the ceiling and the mood music going.

God didn't control Abimelech's desire to boink Sarah... and if Abimelech had... it would have been Abraham's fault for lying to Abimelech.

God doesn't "control" sin or micro-manage mankind. He fulfilled the power behind Sin and Death.

1 Co. 15:54f, 56 ... and... Heb. 2:14


We don't sin because God wants us to or "Willed" it. We sin because we have "choice" and aren't God. God is the only ONE Who can resist temptation... in HUMAN FLESH.

That's it. We sin because we desire to. We also hate sin. That's the old Spirit vs. the Flesh deal in Romans 7.

We screw up... God doesn't.

It's that simple!


New member
He didn't take away Abimelech's desire to fornicate with her... He had the household under duress so Abimelech couldn't get the mirrors up on the ceiling and the mood music going.

God didn't control Abimelech's desire to boink Sarah... and if Abimelech had... it would have been Abraham's fault for lying to Abimelech.

God doesn't "control" sin or micro-manage mankind. He fulfilled the power behind Sin and Death.

1 Co. 15:54f, 56 ... and... Heb. 2:14

I finished a 3 year study on Quantum Mechanics and I can tell you without fear of contradiction that the Eternal Almighty is a micro as well as macro manager.


Well-known member
One of the pastors suggested he was being called to evangelise in night clubs. I had to point out you can't hear yourself think in there. He seemed genuinely disappointed.

He "seemed"......another "story" about how clever Truster thinks himself to be. :chuckle:


New member
We don't sin because God want us to or "Willed" it. We sin because we have "choice" and aren't God. God is the only ONE Who can resist temptation... in HUMAN FLESH.

That's it. We sin because we desire to. We also hate sin. That's the old Spirit vs. the Flesh deal in Romans 7.

We screw up... God doesn't.

It's that simple!

Satan asked for Peter? To sift him as wheat. Based on what we know about Job it would have been the Eternal that said to Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Peter?

Peters sin of denial was orchestrated to save Peter from the sin of pride. The lesser sin dealing with the greater.

Your thoughts and understanding of the Eternal Almighty need to be raised far higher.


Well-known member
We don't sin because God want us to or "Willed" it. We sin because we have "choice" and aren't God. God is the only ONE Who can resist temptation... in HUMAN FLESH.

That's it. We sin because we desire to. We also hate sin. That's the old Spirit vs. the Flesh deal in Romans 7.

We screw up... God doesn't.

It's that simple!

And God, in His infinite wisdom delivered us from the law and it's condemnation. That actually means something for those who are IN CHRIST. There is no sin IN HIM.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
listen to Tambora and Glorydaz
That sounds like very good advice ..... sometimes.


New member
Around eight years ago I walked straight into a sin. Made myself some promises about the circumstances and then fell into it. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I hoped that by His providential care and control HE would either make things right or rescue me. The sin I might add would have been in the outcome or conclusion.

He hit me hard with such physical pain my whole body ached, but I didn't accept the message.

Two months later He hit me again. I didn't accept the message.

Two months after that He hit me and I got the message.

During that period of time apart from the physical pain He worked many a providential obstacle, but in this matter I was overly and rebelliously stubborn. I was snared, but I was rescued and released. To the praise of the glory of His grace.

You can fall in grace, but you can't fall out of grace.

I learned a very valuable lesson back then...


Satan asked for Peter? To sift him as wheat. Based on what we know about Job it would have been the Eternal that said to Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Peter?

Peters sin of denial was orchestrated to save Peter from the sin of pride. The lesser sin dealing with the greater.

Your thoughts and understanding of the Eternal Almighty need to be raised far higher.

Who's don't?