I do not like that terminology, for many "Pentecostals" are violating the teachings of I Corinthians 14 about "let all things be done decently and in order" and other things
I speak in tongues, etc.
That shouldn't change the terminology or our position in it, if we believe for it you as the scriptures teach we must.
Because there are those who are presumptuous in the gifts should make us wish God was an indian giver but, He is not and we are saddled with their error that one day will be sorted out by Him.
God's word tells us that there are nine manifestations of the spirit that are given to every man (believer) to profit withal.
I Corinthians 12:7-11
The instructions of how to operate those nine are given scripture. II Timothy 3:16-17, II Peter 1:3-4
Finding all that instruction and learning it all takes time.
I was taught it over a period of time from people who had searched out, studied and clearly taught it.
Because of them, it was simple for me to learn what I needed to know and more
I have no argument if your objective was "How to handle the Glory of God". If so, I completely understand.