Job is a health and wealth preacher? Since when?
Epaphroditus recovered by resting.
Neither case shows a miraculous healing of a limb or raising the dead.
You also made the claim that God heals ALL the sick - then when you are given examples, you claim those are nothing more then gnats????
Obviously God does not heal all the sick, or Paul would have been healed and Timothy wouldnt need medicine.
You also claimed if one takes medicine for anything they do not trust God.
Show us how Timothy didn't trust God since he was using wine as medicine and how Paul didn't trust God since he suggested the medicine.
Paul said God had mercy on ol' 'Paphy and upon Paul himself by restoring him to Paul.
I said no such thing, I take medicine, quite obviously Timmy's tummy trouble was something which wine remedied, God provides wine and He provides other remedies so all healing whether direct or indirect come from Him.
What I DID say is that if you have swallowed the devil's line that God has sent sickness to you then you should not try to alleviate it through medicine...that would be to rebel against God who you suppose has sent the sickness. See how the devil has gotten you so hooked that you not only strain and wrangle scriptures but my words too.
Sure Job is the greatest health and wealth preacher in the the book, see how that while God hedged him around he was the most prosperous man in all the earth, when God removed His hedge Satan [oh... it was the devil] was able to smote Job with boils.
People believes such lies, for the devil teaches them that God was trying to teach Job not to be self righteous.
Job was not
self righteous for God Himself declared "have you seen Job how that there is none like him in all the earth who loves God and escheweth evil?"
Satan sneered "He only loves You because You hedge him about with is the blessings Job loves"
That was the we love God to be blest? or are we blest because we love God?" it was a test of Job's faith and integrity and he came through with flying colours for God rebuked his accusers and said "you have not spoken what is right about Me as My servant Job has"
Then God blessed Job TWICE as much as he was blessed before.
Job PROVES that if we love God He will put an hedge about us, he PROVED it is Satan who is the sole architect of ALL man's sorrow and woe.
You say God allowed it and I say in kindness my friend that if God is ever able to say of YOU or ME "she is perfect" He may allow us to be so tested.
James says we must learn from Job's patience WHAT? that God is kind and compassionate, that is the lesson of Job.
I will tell you something, in kindness I say it.
God is fed up with His children putting bitter for sweet, for saying evil is good. For blaming God for what the devil does.
If you want to know what God's will is in any matter LOOK, LOOK TO JESUS. He is the full expression of what God's will is, there will never be a greater expression...and He healed EVERY SINGLE person who came to Him with faith.
If He has not changed then who has? if you can believe that Christ ever sent a sinner away unforgiven who came to Him sincerely and in truth the you can believe he will send the sick one away who comes believing.
Unbelief will get you stitch. Unbelief is the only barrier for God insists upon faith WHY? because people may otherwise worry whether their healing or whatever blessing truly came from God.....when it comes through faith in Jesus you are certain. From this you can understand why so many are sick and who die before their years are up.
But the church is not set up to minister this blessing it is a function of the body of Christ [not some white suited televangelist] it must come from the congregation and the gifts are LOCKED UP in the congregation who only go to listen to the pastor's sermon and sing a few hymns.
This message would require a new reformation, this time of the ministry, to implement.