ECT Do you see All, Some, None of the Spiritual Gifts in Operation Today?


Well-known member
I see spiritual gifts in operation on a relatively common basis, especially those in 1 Cor. 12 as well as others. However, they need to always be harnassed by the Word of God to avoid finaticism, and its good to keep in remembrance that signs are suppose to follow beleivers and not beleivers following signs.

I bet they do not believe the Gospel !


New member
I bet they do not believe the Gospel !

Actually they ONLY believe the gospel, and what the Scrptures teach..although i know that there are some out there that use spiritual gifts who dont believe it too. They can be used by anyone God chooses to use, however, we all still have a choice to make in what we BELIEVE.


New member
I was in Assemblies of God for over 10 years, was trained in their college, elder etc...

Now a baptist, as while would say Gifts still operate in some fashion today, NO faith healers, miracle workers as Apsotles were, and no modern day Apostles/prophets in sense of speaking for God/inpired to write scriptues/get revelation from God!


New member
have to decide if Acts normitive for today to us, or IF some of what was done was for Just that period of transistion, between old and new covenants!


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have to decide if Acts normitive for today to us, or IF some of what was done was for Just that period of transistion, between old and new covenants!

Acts is precedent, open-ended, pattern for the Church Age. The gifts cease at His coming when they are no longer needed, not just at the start. Closing of canon is a lame argument. Satan has not ceased supernatural wiles, so why would the supernatural God resort to the arm of the flesh? Good gifts for early local churches would be just as good for all churches through the centuries. As well, those who reject gifts pick and choose which ones to toss and which ones to retain (no exegetical reason to do so, just bias).


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Paul and Corinthians were clearly Pentecostal, not Calvinistic/TULIP?!

Nick: You are using the atheist or fraud exposer argument, not a biblical one. Jesus and Paul did not heal everyone all the time, but this is not an argument against them doing it. Not raising the dead routinely is not an argument against gifts of exhortation, wisdom, knowledge, administration, teaching, prophecy, healing, pastoring, giving, etc.

Whether they did it all the time or not, doesn't stop some christian somewhere from being able to do it if it still happens.

I know we are healed spiritually and raised from the dead spiritually -

Where are people being healed physically meaning where are limbs being restored and the dead being raised ?



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Whether they did it all the time or not, doesn't stop some christian somewhere from being able to do it if it still happens.

I know we are healed spiritually and raised from the dead spiritually -

Where are people being healed physically meaning where are limbs being restored and the dead being raised ?


Pay attention, grasshopper.

You are using the logic of atheists who are trying to disprove the existence of God:

How is God not normatively healing amputees an argument against all other healings, gifts of giving, gifts of teaching, tongues (practiced by hundreds of millions today and in Scripture), helps, administration, etc.?! Even in Scripture, Jesus and His followers did not heal every sick person and raising the dead was rare. Does the fact that it is not recorded that Jesus routinely attached missing arms/legs (he attached an ear, did heal deaf/blind, but not all of them) disprove the numerous recorded miracles?!

There are many testimonies of healing, deliverance, miracles in modern times and church history, but your bias is against seeking it out (would you say it is all fake and demonic despite happening in the name of Jesus from godly believers around the world?).

Quit robbing God of glory and believe His Word and get informed before you spout ignorance.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Hi S0Z0!

What kind of charismatic church were involved with? What led you to leave it?

Mine was AoG. I left because I picked up a Bible one day and went straight to Romans mostly out of curiousity over such a large portion of the "New Testament" that was never talked about.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
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godrulz can not lay hands and raise the dead. If he could (or anybody) he could take my house sell, and ue the proceeds to spread the gospel. But being a fraud....


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Pay attention, grasshopper.

You are using the logic of atheists who are trying to disprove the existence of God:

How is God not normatively healing amputees an argument against all other healings, gifts of giving, gifts of teaching, tongues (practiced by hundreds of millions today and in Scripture), helps, administration, etc.?! Even in Scripture, Jesus and His followers did not heal every sick person and raising the dead was rare. Does the fact that it is not recorded that Jesus routinely attached missing arms/legs (he attached an ear, did heal deaf/blind, but not all of them) disprove the numerous recorded miracles?!

There are many testimonies of healing, deliverance, miracles in modern times and church history, but your bias is against seeking it out (would you say it is all fake and demonic despite happening in the name of Jesus from godly believers around the world?).

Quit robbing God of glory and believe His Word and get informed before you spout ignorance.

Would it not give glory to God to show those raised from the dead and those without limbs receive new ones?

Have you ever seen it? If not why not? Are there none so gifted in your local church?

Im asking for information, God tells me to test all things, so show me the evidence?


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Mine was AoG. I left because I picked up a Bible one day and went straight to Romans mostly out of curiousity over such a large portion of the "New Testament" that was never talked about.

I also used to attend an assemblies of God pentecostal church with a girlfriend of mine, they were more concerned about me wearing makeup and jewelry and teaching me how to learn to speak in tongues than they were about teaching me what salvation and freedom in Christ is.


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Mine was AoG. I left because I picked up a Bible one day and went straight to Romans mostly out of curiousity over such a large portion of the "New Testament" that was never talked about.

I went to a Bible College of a sister organization to AOG. I am also familiar with their colleges and teachers. Just because your pastor did not expound Romans does not mean that others have not. When I took Romans in College, we walked through the great doctrinal truths paragraph by paragraph. Instructors wrote books on it that would be consistent with most of what you believe and what the great Reformers have taught (vs Catholicism). The problem was your immaturity, ignorance, arrogance, not the solid teaching of AOG as a whole (I cannot speak for the church or pastor you had that may not have been up to snuff, a poor reason to stereotype an international organization).


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godrulz can not lay hands and raise the dead. If he could (or anybody) he could take my house sell, and ue the proceeds to spread the gospel. But being a fraud....

My personal inability to do this does not negate my gift of tongues, the people in my church that have been healed, prophecy, gift of teaching, giving, admin, etc. that I see in our midst. You would know these things if you were not a Lone Ranger despising local churches that are not MAD. This is an unbiblical position yet you go after lesser things in other's lives? Jesus did not raise every dead person either (he raised very few). How is this an argument against all his other healings/miracles? Just because Paul might not have healed skin cancer does not mean his other miracles/healings were fake. Your argument is lame, an argument against the heresy of Word of Faith, but not an argument against biblical, balanced Pentecostalism.


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My personal inability to do this does not negate my gift of tongues, the people in my church that have been healed, prophecy, gift of teaching, giving, admin, etc. that I see in our midst. You would know these things if you were not a Lone Ranger despising local churches that are not MAD. This is an unbiblical position yet you go after lesser things in other's lives? Jesus did not raise every dead person either (he raised very few). How is this an argument against all his other healings/miracles? Just because Paul might not have healed skin cancer does not mean his other miracles/healings were fake. Your argument is lame, an argument against the heresy of Word of Faith, but not an argument against biblical, balanced Pentecostalism.

Have you seen the dead raised? Surely someone in your church had that gift?


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Would it not give glory to God to show those raised from the dead and those without limbs receive new ones?

Have you ever seen it? If not why not? Are there none so gifted in your local church?

Im asking for information, God tells me to test all things, so show me the evidence?

There are many people, villages, etc. going to heaven because of the gospel word being confirmed by signs and wonders. You have bought into a Western, scientific, naturalistic lie, not a biblical position.

There is more than enough anecdotal evidence, but this is the wrong question. Some things are fake, while other things are demonic counterfeits (does not disprove the genuine). The first step is to find out what Scripture teaches. The arguments for cessationism come out of unbelief and were centered around reactions to Catholicism, etc. by individuals like Augustine.

This is an academic book refuting cessationism and supporting biblical continuationism. It is not easy reading, but well documented and persuasive/conclusive. Few will take the time to formulate a biblical theology. As long as you avoid seeking out evidence for the mighty works of God in our generation or dismissing them because of your bias, you will continue to rob God of glory.


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Have you seen the dead raised? Surely someone in your church had that gift?

Raising the dead is NOT a listed gift. There are stories of people being raised from the dead, but the Bible never says this is normative nor evidence of the validity of every other spiritual gift listed that we can give much evidence for.

You have missed my point about the atheist-amputee argument. You are not being reasonable and are arguing like an atheist. Get serious or quit wasting our time.:wave2:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I went to a Bible College of a sister organization to AOG. I am also familiar with their colleges and teachers. Just because your pastor did not expound Romans

It wasn't that he didn't expound, he avoided it like the black plague. They were tongue wagging red letter only fools. Yet they didn't keep Matthew 23. Hypocrites (actors) much like you. You are a clown and a buffoon, William. Nothing more than a sad con artist.

Cue the cliches....