Pay attention, grasshopper.
You are using the logic of atheists who are trying to disprove the existence of God:
How is God not normatively healing amputees an argument against all other healings, gifts of giving, gifts of teaching, tongues (practiced by hundreds of millions today and in Scripture), helps, administration, etc.?! Even in Scripture, Jesus and His followers did not heal every sick person and raising the dead was rare. Does the fact that it is not recorded that Jesus routinely attached missing arms/legs (he attached an ear, did heal deaf/blind, but not all of them) disprove the numerous recorded miracles?!
There are many testimonies of healing, deliverance, miracles in modern times and church history, but your bias is against seeking it out (would you say it is all fake and demonic despite happening in the name of Jesus from godly believers around the world?).
Quit robbing God of glory and believe His Word and get informed before you spout ignorance.