Hello Paul
It has been a while, how are you doing? I hope well and fine?
First if you believe what you are saying - and I do agree you have a point - but if you believe what you are saying then you must believe the following too?
James 1:19-20 KJV
19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
So if you will turn off the angry talk I will talk with you.
Well we can't see God - now can't we see the resurrected body of the Lord Jesus since He ascended either.
We can't, we are earthly. I can't see anything spiritual, not angels or demons or anything.
So to that extent I totally agree with you.
You are right, there is a carnal approach to spiritual gifts.
Because we are still wrestling I guess but with our carnal natures?
However, Paul said the foot is as important as the hand. He said the Same Holy Spirit feeds all. Right?
Nothing? He fed the five thousand.
First one.
James 1:19-20 KJV -----//-- James is speaking to “CHRISTIANS” how to listen and speak to the brethren, NOT TO FOOLS, Jesus spoke kindly to His Disciples, but to fools, Jesus SLAMMED OUT OF THE TEMPLE!! – Sorry! – But what’s your point concerning Christians TO FOOLS!!
Speak for yourself, the Christians do and were ordained to see God face to face!! – Again, speak for yourself. - The Christian is a Heavenly CREATION / CREATURE!! --- Ephesians 2:6 KJV ---//-- The Angels are Spirit, and it’s the lost who cannot SEE THEM!! - The Lord didn’t say that the Church, or the Body of Christ cannot SEE ANGELS, but that “SOME”, and SOME ARE LOST!!
NO there is NO carnal approach to anything Heavenly, or the fools would be “Climbing up some other way”!! --- The Flesh cannot gain anything SPIRITUAL!! – How do you propose that you combine Carnal with Spirit. - They are as different as LIGHT AND DARKNESS, and SIN AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, GOD AND SATAN, “flesh and spirit”.
Again speak for yourself, --- I have no problem with whom or what I am. - I am at peace with Christ. – It’s the fools that I HATE, and FIGHT, WITH EVERYTHING Christ gives me, and will ever give me to fight the fools and the foolishness they get from their father the Devil!! – I stand condemned by FOOLS. - Look around you, and see yourself in all; I DO NOT!!
The Foot and the Hand Paul was referring to are and were the workers of the Body of Christ, not your or my hands and feet!! ---- The Holy Ghost does not feed the Foolish Lost with Truth, the Food of the Spirit / Spiritual / Christian / the Body of Christ made up of many ANGELS!! – “GOD FED THEM ANGELS’ FOOD”, --- NOT THE DEVILS’ FOOD!!
Fourth And Last:
The 4,000, and the 5,000 fed by Jesus is a total different thing. – It’s a Parable also, teaching that being “sanctified”, the Child of God will “EAT” more of the fish / the deep things of the Word, - than the false christian who is a fool, eating only that which floats on the surface. The shallow-minded fools!
Paul – 032812