Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?


Well-known member
What is the true mystery friend?

Colossians 1:27 Modern English Version (MEV)

27 To them God would make known what is the glorious riches of this mystery among the nations. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory,

Look close at the verse friend. It proves my point, CHRIST IS A SPIRIT, like his Father. He is the express image of the Father.

How else can he be in you?


Well-known member
Do you have to know the nature of what you believe? Yes, we must know who God is. So you must believe in the Trinity to be a Christian.

Show us where Jesus preached that.

Or where the Apostles preached that.

Christ is the son God sent to us, he is a form of God, not God.


TOL Subscriber
In agreement with some of the earliest expressions of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit before Tertullian utilized personae in Latin; they were referred to as forms, modes, or aspects of God.

Modes was decreasingly used because of Sabellians and what we moderns would refer to as Modalism. Forms has much the same connotation as modes, indicating sequentiality and non-simultaneity.

Aspects is more comparable to facets. And with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit having often been referred to as God, His Word, and His Wisdom by the earliest apologists from the second century; I'd contend this is the initial minimum salvific threshold.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the three eternal uncreated simultaneous ontologically divine aspects as God, His Word, and His Wisdom.

Any detraction from the eternal, uncreated, ontological deity of the Son and Holy Spirit is cause for scrutiny and questioning one's salvific faith.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Show us where Jesus preached that.

Or where the Apostles preached that.

Christ is the son God sent to us, he is a form of God, not God.

If you do not know who God is, how can you be a Christian? I showed you through John 1:1,14 and 1 John 5:7.


Well-known member
If you do not know who God is, how can you be a Christian? I showed you through John 1:1,14 and 1 John 5:7.


Chapter 1
1. In the beginning was the Miltha. And that Miltha was with Elohim. And Elohim was that Miltha.
2. This was with Elohim in the beginning.
3. Everything existed through his hands……….

Miltha refers to the “Manifestation” of the Ruach haKodesh within Mashiyach. The physical body of Mashiyach is not the Word of YHWH, but his words and actions demonstrate the Will and Word of YHWH, which upholds observance of Torah.

Miltha is the spiritual son of Elohim (God).
Mashiyach refers to Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ)
YHWH is the name of the most high God.
Ruach haKodesh is the Holy Spirit.
Elohim is God or a god, it can refer to more than the creator.

You can get THIS book at:
I think this is the ONLY place you can get it.
Check it out friend.


Well-known member
BR more for you. John 1:14 AENT

14. And the Miltha became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, as the glory as the Only-Begotten who is from the Father who is full of grace and truth.

It is just as I have been trying to show you. The spirit son became flesh.


Well-known member

Chapter 1
1. In the beginning was the Miltha. And that Miltha was with Elohim. And Elohim was that Miltha.
2. This was with Elohim in the beginning.
3. Everything existed through his hands……….

Miltha refers to the “Manifestation” of the Ruach haKodesh within Mashiyach. The physical body of Mashiyach is not the Word of YHWH, but his words and actions demonstrate the Will and Word of YHWH, which upholds observance of Torah.

Miltha is the spiritual son of Elohim (God).
Mashiyach refers to Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ)
YHWH is the name of the most high God.
Ruach haKodesh is the Holy Spirit.
Elohim is God or a god, it can refer to more than the creator.

You can get THIS book at:
I think this is the ONLY place you can get it.
Check it out friend.

BR more for you. John 1:14 AENT

14. And the Miltha became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, as the glory as the Only-Begotten who is from the Father who is full of grace and truth.

It is just as I have been trying to show you. The spirit son became flesh.

I see that your new translation is already benefiting you immensely. Good for you, keypurr, and I do hope you continue to post more of it. I was just checking and I see that Miltha is a feminine noun, which is quite interesting; it seems to be have been a better way in Aramaic to say much more than just "the Word" and so they say it was used in the place of Memra or Dabar, (which is masculine). WISDOM is indeed feminine, (and wisdom is justified of her children). Thank you for these posts. :)


Well-known member
I see that your new translation is already benefiting you immensely. Good for you, keypurr, and I do hope you continue to post more of it. I was just checking and I see that Miltha is a feminine noun, which is quite interesting; it seems to be have been a better way in Aramaic to say much more than just "the Word" and so they say it was used in the place of Memra or Dabar, (which is masculine). WISDOM is indeed feminine, (and wisdom is justified of her children). Thank you for these posts. :)

The notes tell me that Miltha is both masculine and feminine. The note are awsume. But I read twice to see what they say. I am almost 80 years old and I feel that God has opened my eyes to things that most do not see. I pray for the understanding to find truth and put it on the table for all to taste.

Let me thank you my new friend, your posts have given me a reason to learn more about God through the words of my Lord in his language. You have given me the light to seek what is in the pages.

I wish I could copy the notes for you but I am slow at this. I do suggest to all to get this translation, it is fast becoming one of my favorites.

Ben Masada

New member
IF they wish to keep to themselves and not benefit others by what they know, they will not share what they believe and why.

However, being someone who enjoys living and sharing truth like Moses, Joshua, Aaron, Abraham, Jeremiah, David, Hezekiah, et al, did, I would rather not share until I know that I can share the source for my beliefs.

Just like you did in sharing II Corinthians 5:7.

How can one be benefitted by an illusion?

Ben Masada

New member
I have to wonder what some replies would be if the thread was about, "Do you have to believe in the trinity to be a follower of Judaism?

Who would prove that to be true?

No one. How can what does not exist be proved? It would be like to prove that the universe caused itself to exist.

Ben Masada

New member
Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?

No, it is easier even than in Islam where, to be a Moslem you need to believe that Allah is the Only God and that Mohammad is His prophet. To be a Christian, all you need is to believe that Jesus was Christ; that's all.


You must believe in the Holy Trinity to be the kind of Christian that makes the the thread master happy. But we are not here to make the thread master happy now are we?


Is it possible that Jesus divested Himself of all God like qualities? And is it possible that this type of divestment is the true definition of Hell?

Hell is no Godly quality whatsoever.


Well-known member
Is it possible that Jesus divested Himself of all God like qualities? And is it possible that this type of divestment is the true definition of Hell?

Hell is no Godly quality whatsoever.

Truth, it was the spirit Christ that lowered himself to become flesh in Jesus. Christ, the spiritual son was in a high place of glory before he came to us in the body of Jesus.


New member
1. There is an Undeniable "Threeness" in Scripture
Mt 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14; 1 Pet 1:2; Eph 2:18; 3:14-17; 1 Th 1:3-5; Rev 4:8; Rom 15:16; Heb 9:14; Jude 20,21; Isa 48:16; 2 Th 2:13-14; John 15:26.
Is the work of our salvation at the cross a work of man or a work of God?

2. The Three Are Inseparable in Some Ways
Mt 28:19; John 10:27-30; 12:44-46,49-50; 14:9-11; 15:26; 16:13-15; 17:10; Rom 8:9-11; 1 Cor 2:11-12. The Father & Jesus share at least 25 names and titles (Lord of Lords Rev 17:14; Dt 10:17, Alpha & Omega Rev 1:8;17-18). How often have you said the end of 1 Cor 12:3?

3. The Three Are Distinct in Some Ways
Mt 3:16-17; Lk 3:21-22; Jn 1:1;6:38;14:31;15:26;16:28;17:5; Acts 5:31-32; Heb 5:7-8. Heaven was not empty when Jesus came to earth. The Three communicated when Jesus was baptized.

4. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Spirit is God
1 Pt 1:2,3; Jn5:18;8:54Heb 1:8-9; Rev 1:8; 22:12-16 Rom 8:9-16; 1 Cor 12:6,11
Ep 1:2-3,17;3:14;5:2 John 1:1,18; 20:28; Luke 1:35; 1 Cor 2:10-11
1Th1:1,3;3:11;Phm 3 Hosea 1:7, Is 7:14 1 John 4:12,13,15-16; Jn 14:16,26
2Th1:1; 2:16; Ga1:1,31 John 5:11,12, vs. 21 1 Cor 3:16 vs. 1 Cor 6:19
Titus 1:4; 1Cor1:3;8:6Col 2:9 & Mt 1:23 Acts 5:3-4; Job 33:4; Ps 139:7-1
Ep3:11;Jn17:5 (eternal)Heb 7:3; 13:8 (eternal) Heb 9:14 (eternal)

In some verses idols are referred to as gods, (Gen 31:30,3; 1 Cor 8:5) and in two places men are referred to as "gods" (Ps 82:6-7; Jn 10:34-36). "God" here though is defined as:

1) One whom we and all the world are created through.
2) Rightfully worshipped by angels and men.
3) Rightfully given praise and devotion by men.
4) Rightfully called our Lord and our God.
By the above definitions, Christ is God according to the following scripture.

1) Jn 1:3; Col 1:16-17 (other in Jehovah's Witness New World Trans. is their own addition)
2) Heb 1:6,9 (proskuneo in Greek), Rev 5:8-9, John 9:38
3) 2 Cor 11:3
4) John 20:28-29; Heb 1:8-9; Rev 22:20; Php 2:11 (Lord).
If you refuse to recognize Jesus in these four ways, there is no need to continue until you decide to repent and obey the Bible.

God’s people in the Bible boast of and give glory to Jesus Christ. Do You?
Gal 6:14, 1 Cor 1:23,30,31, 1 Cor 2:2, John 1:14, Php 2:10-11, 2 Peter 3:18.
How many times have you boasted of what Paul boasted of in Gal 6:14?

5. There is only One God, Not Three Separate Ones
Dt 4:35-9;6:4; Mk 12:29-33; Isa 43:10-2;44:6,8;45:5-6,14,21;46:9; Joe2:27;1Tm1:17;2:5;6:15-6

6. They are Co-equal in a Similar Way as a Father and Son Are Co-equal
John 5:18; 5:23; Col 2:9-10; (Is 44:6; Rev 1:8 vs. Rev 1:17-18; 22:13)
As John 5:18 shows, a father is equal in nature to the son he begets. Otherwise, your father must be greater than you, your grandfather greater than him, and your 100th ancestor must have been one super guy. People make things but "beget" only people. God made created things but "begets" only God, his only begotten Son. Shouldn't church worship be modeled after heavenly worship? If you have never sung or given glory to God and the Lamb, prayerfully read Rev 5:9,12-14.