Correct, and the answer to this riddle is #2. They're is no difference in authority between what the Apostle's (or other's, i.e., Luke, Jame's) wrote as Scripture, and what the Apostle's passed on orally, by word-of-mouth, to just there successor's the bishop's of the Church. Its called Sacred Tradition, the historical Tradition of the Church, as a real historical entity; the Church Jesus Christ Himself built upon Peter.
The teaching authority of the Church was vested in the Apostle's by Jesus (John 20:21 KJV), and He gave Peter the key's to the kingdom (Matthew 16:19 KJV), and He nowhere limited this authority to only what they wrote down.
That is the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
Correct again. So what this thread is all about, is not what the O.P. ask's; its about what we believe about Apostolic teaching authority. Because no matter what a Protestant Trinitarian say's about the doctrine within Scripture, the historical fact is that the teaching come's from outside Scripture.
Does Apostolic teaching authority extend beyond the bound's of Scripture? If it does not, then we all need to see where, in Scripture, the Apostle's taught that. And I can't find it.
If we accept that Apostolic teaching authority is only contained within Scripture, then the Trinity doctrine must remain a mystery, and the doctrine as it is now taught by the papacy must be regarded as merely an opinion. The doctrine is supported by Scripture, but He is not taught in Scripture, any more than the Scripture teach's who Caesar Augustus is (Luke 2:1 KJV).
somewhat more than that.

But we don't get a detailed, organized account of either of them in Scripture, but they are both mentioned by name (Matthew 28:19 KJV).
For my part, I read in Scripture where Jesus gave His Apostle's teaching authority, and I don't see Him limiting it to what they wrote down, and I don't see any Apostle's writing that there teaching authority is bound by what they wrote down, so assuming Sola Scriptura is true, Sola Scriptura necessarily through force of logic lead's to non-Sola Scriptura, which means', that Sola Scriptura is false, because it lead's to contradiction.
And that mean's that I believe in the Trinity because I believe in Scripture, where it says' that Jesus gave His Apostle's teaching authority over His Church, and that mean's further that I believe in Jesus and what He said, and I believe in the Apostle's as teaching authority's over the Church.
I learned to read what is written.