
Wow talk about judgmental attitude.

suit yourself puffed up claiming to be born again, friend.

You need to know arrogance is not of Jesus.This is Christianity 101.

humility is must in Christianity.

I don't understand what you mean by judgmental attitude. It is not arrogant to talk about being born again and saved. It is what it means to be born again and Christian. Do you know this to be true?


No. That is the opposite of what I am saying. I am saying that you can only be born again by the Spirit of God. If you don't know this then you don't know what it means to be born again (Biblically, which is what matters).

Do you understand what the Bible says about what it means to be born again? This has nothing to do with me being hung up. It is the only way to be saved. If you don't know this you are missing salvation.

You are trying to make judgment on others whether they are born again or saved.

It is none of your business questioning other of their salvation or being born again.

You are hanging up on trying to make me say whether I am born again or not.

Why do you have the need to do that?

You don't seem to have confidence in walking with Jesus, friend.

Have faith in Jesus.


You are trying to make judgment on others whether they are born again or saved.

It is none of your business questioning other of their salvation or being born again.

You are hanging up on trying to make me say whether I am born again or not.

Why do you have the need to do that?

You don't seem to have confidence in walking with Jesus, friend.

Have faith in Jesus.

I am not saying you have to say yes or no. I am saying if you can't say yes even if just to yourself with you before God and that is it, then you are likely not saved. Since to be born again is to be saved. The presentation of the gospel includes what it means to be born again and saved and how or in what way or manner a person becomes born again. Remember, Jesus taught about what it means to be born again. It is not a forbidden concept. It is for all descendants of Adam and Eve what must occur in order to be saved in the end. That is, you must be born again and thereby saved in order to be saved in the end. A person is born again and saved by the Spirit of God who dwells in believers by faith. That is, a person is saved by faith when the Holy Spirit comes into them to dwell in them forever. If you are saved and born again by the Spirit of God then that is how you are saved in the end. That is, those who are saved are either judged now or judged in the end, these where Jesus has taken your place (the judgment of God was upon His innocent Son rather than you), such that being saved now saves you from God's judgment in the end. That means that if you are saved you will be saved. Unless if you are saved now there is nothing to be saved from in the end. Do you see what is Biblical here?

How would a person say they have been saved and born again by the Spirit of God, that Jesus is Lord, and then try to say that though they are saved they don't know if they will be saved? If you don't know then you are either not saved or you are confused about if you are saved or not.

Galatians 3:3 NASB - 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?


I am not saying you have to say yes or no. I am saying if you can't say yes even if just to yourself with you before God and that is it, then you are likely not saved.

You see there you go, that's what I thought you were after. What you have is egoism.

Like I said, you don't have to worry whether I am born again or not. You are not responsible for my salvation. I don't ask you to be my guardian angel or salvation inspector. Jesus is my Teacher. I will learn from Him, not from you, friend.

You have arrogant attitude, friend. It is not of Jesus.

You are not authority on judging whether anyone is born again or not.

You judgmental attitude is so offensive, dear.

You should not use Scripture to make judgment on others' salvation.



I am not interested in your born again and salvation inspection.

Keep it to yourself.

I pray that you repent of your arrogant behavior.

end of discussion.

good day.


You see there you go, that's what I thought you were after. What you have is egoism.

Like I said, you don't have to worry whether I am born again or not. You are not responsible for my salvation. I don't ask you to be my guardian angel or salvation inspector. Jesus is my Teacher. I will learn from Him, not from you, friend.

You have arrogant attitude, friend. It is not of Jesus.

You are not authority on judging whether anyone is born again or not.

You judgmental attitude is so offensive, dear.

You should not use Scripture to make judgment on others' salvation.
The scripture I presented was for you to make the judgment yourself. I have been here on this website for about 10 years with the express or sole purpose of sharing the gospel. That you think sharing the gospel is judging tells me that you don't have a firm grasp on salvation and what it means to be born again and saved.

If you say you walk with Jesus but you don't know what it means to be born again, well... Jesus talked about it, and this is how a person is saved. Those who walk with Jesus do so having been saved, not in order to be saved. That is, being born again and saved means you are a Christian and that God wants your walk with Jesus to be to His glory. Meaning, when a person is born again they begin their walk with Jesus.

Are your posts on TOL about salvation? I believe I can say mine are. But you want to say it is judgmental. It is the scripture, not how you perceive my sharing the scripture with you, that will help you in my absence (that is, when you are not reading a post from me you have Jesus and scripture. May God teach you what you need to know by the power of the Holy Spirit).


The scripture I presented was for you to make the judgment yourself. I have been here on this website for about 10 years with the express or sole purpose of sharing the gospel. That you think sharing the gospel is judging tells me that you don't have a firm grasp on salvation and what it means to be born again and saved.

If you say you walk with Jesus but you don't know what it means to be born again, well... Jesus talked about it, and this is how a person is saved. Those who walk with Jesus do so having been saved, not in order to be saved. That is, being born again and saved means you are a Christian and that God wants your walk with Jesus to be to His glory. Meaning, when a person is born again they begin their walk with Jesus.

Are your posts on TOL about salvation? I believe I can say mine are. But you want to say it is judgmental. It is the scripture, not how you perceive my sharing the scripture with you, that will help you in my absence (that is, when you are not reading a post from me you have Jesus and scripture. May God teach you what you need to know by the power of the Holy Spirit).

whatever, I am done.

good day.


New member
I am not saying you have to say yes or no. I am saying if you can't say yes even if just to yourself with you before God and that is it, then you are likely not saved.

How does that affect you?


Here is what Jesus said,

John 12:48 NASB - 48 "He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.

there you go, insinuating I am rejecting Him.

You are something else.


How does that affect you?

As the one who bears God's news (the good news of the gospel) and a responsibility to communicate the word of God accurately, it means that I can do what I can do (to help). If I have the opportunity to share the gospel, I am supposed to. When I don't would you say that "the blood is on my hands" so to speak? That is, in not doing something to help another person? I would become the responsible person for having not done a good deed in sharing the gospel.

Many in history have asked about the gospel, knowing it is good news, whether or not it makes sense to not share it. What if we left it to everyone else to share or for God to work with each person individually without anyone ever communicating the gospel to them? Then there is learning on your own by reading scripture, and I pray the Spirit of God helps you to understand His word.

That is, if you know the good news, and it pertains to eternal salvation, how could a person ever keep it to themselves? Is that what people do?!

I pray you see my motivation in this.


there you go, insinuating I am rejecting Him.

You are something else.

I have done no such thing. I have pointed out that I am not Jesus. Do you mean rejecting Jesus or rejecting God? Neither are my judgment. I have no judgment of you except that you don't understand what I am saying in bringing you the good news. That may not be your fault at all. If I don't communicate the word of God to you then you may not come to know it. Maybe you have someone in your life who can. I felt or thought I knew before that your motivation to be on this website is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can that be if you don't know what it is or don't know what it means to be born again? If you know what it means, wouldn't you want others to know as well?


I pray you see my motivation in this.

Your motivation is obvious in your statements.

You want to prove I am not saved.

This is such despicable behavior, dear.

You can use scripture to say what you want it to say.

even satan used the scripture to try to convince Jesus to worship him.

You need attitude adjustment since you claim to be saved and born again.

Born again Christians are not arrogant, dear.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your motivation is obvious in your statements.

You want to prove I am not saved.

This is such despicable behavior, dear.

You can use scripture to say what you want it to say.

even satan used the scripture to try to convince Jesus to worship him.

You need attitude adjustment since you claim to be saved and born again.

Born again Christians are not arrogant, dear.

But, you're arrogant? So, does that mean you're not a Christian? I'm just using your logic, dear.


Your motivation is obvious in your statements.

You want to prove I am not saved.

This is such despicable behavior, dear.

You can use scripture to say what you want it to say.

even satan used the scripture to try to convince Jesus to worship him.

You need attitude adjustment since you claim to be saved and born again.

Born again Christians are not arrogant, dear.

It is okay for you to not say you are saved. But if you are saved I don't know why you wouldn't, as only those who are saved can communicate the gospel correctly that others would be saved. But God even uses those who are not saved.



there are many Christians making judgment on others, claiming they are not saved because they don't agree with how you read the Bible.

You need to know Jesus says not to judge and you are doing exactly that, judging others' salvation.

shame on you.
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