
When a person is saved do they become a part of the kingdom of God, or is that later?

Salvation is ongoing thing. If we strive to stick to Jesus, we have nothing to worry about. But if we are away from God and Jesus and don't go back to them, then we will have problem for sure because Jesus says to be faithful until the end.


Salvation is ongoing thing. If we strive to stick to Jesus, we have nothing to worry about. But if we are away from God and Jesus and don't go back to them, then we will have problem for sure because Jesus says to be faithful until the end.

Do you believe salvation can ever be spoken of as a one time event?


Do you believe salvation can ever be spoken of as a one time event?

Nope, I don't believe it is one time confession. We have to live it to show we appreciate their teachings and commands.

Jesus emphasizes to be faithful until the end.

He talks about all kinds of faithfulness.


Nope, I don't believe it is one time confession. We have to live it to show we appreciate their teachings and commands.

Jesus emphasizes to be faithful until the end.

He talks about all kinds of faithfulness.

I'm not asking if that is all there is to the Christian life and walk, I am asking if a person can be born again and saved, and if that it what it means to you to become a Christian.


I'm not asking if that is all there is to the Christian life and walk, I am asking if a person can be born again and saved, and if that it what it means to you to become a Christian.

I thing we have being through this but I will give you my perspective on this again.

I think we are born again if change our lifestyle and mentality to Jesus' ways.

But I don't believe we should be telling to others that we are born again because doing so is boasting, IMO.


Telling others that "I am born again" or "I am saved" is boasting.

I know most of you don't agree with me but this is my position.


I thing we have being through this but I will give you my perspective on this again.

I think we are born again if change our lifestyle and mentality to Jesus' ways.

But I don't believe we should be telling to others that we are born again because doing so is boasting, IMO.

Thank you for your response here. I need to ask you how you believe a person is born again. Do you believe a person is born again by the Spirit of God or do you believe a person is born again by works?



Thank you for your response here. I need to ask you how you believe a person is born again. Do you believe a person is born again by the Spirit of God or do you believe a person is born again by works?
I think God will give us Spirit if we are sincerely seeking to be true to Jesus.

It is between us and God. So no one should judge another's faith or salvation. Doing so is just utterly arrogant and it is not of Jesus, IMO.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If someone were to ask Meshak if she considered herself saved, she would tell them: "I'm not sure if I'm saved, but, if I knew I was saved, I'd be too humble to admit it."


I think God will give us Spirit if we are sincerely seeking to be true to Jesus.

It is between us and God. So no one should judge another's faith or salvation. Doing so is just utterly arrogant and it is not of Jesus, IMO.

I understand you don't want to judge. What I am saying is that Biblically a person can only be born again by the Spirit of God. If you are not born again you do not have the Spirit of God dwelling in you. If you have the Spirit of God dwelling in you you are saved. That is, you belong to God and Christ.

Romans 8:9 NASB - 9 However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.

If you don't know, you should test yourself.

2 Corinthians 13:5 NASB - 5 Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?


I understand you don't want to judge. What I am saying is that Biblically a person can only be born again by the Spirit of God. If you are not born again you do not have the Spirit of God dwelling in you. If you have the Spirit of God dwelling in you you are saved. That is, you belong to God and Christ.

Romans 8:9 NASB - 9 However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.

If you don't know, you should test yourself.

2 Corinthians 13:5 NASB - 5 Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?

Like I said, it is between us and God. None of anyone else's business.

why do you have the need to tell others whether you are saved or born again?


Like I said, it is between us and God. None of anyone else's business.

why do you have the need to tell others whether you are saved or born again?

Is it okay to want others to be saved, besides one's own self?


Is it okay to want others to be saved, besides one's own self?

Our responsibility is to tell others about God's kingdom. YOu don't have to tell them you are born again or saved Christians. It sure sound like arrogant statement if you do. Arrogance is offensive to others. We have no need to make anyone feel inferior.

If we are striving to be true to God and Jesus, we have nothing to worry about. God will take care the rest.


Our responsibility is to tell others about God's kingdom. YOu don't have to tell them you are born again or saved Christians. It sure sound like arrogant statement if you do. Arrogance is offensive to others. We have no need to make anyone feel inferior.

If we are striving to be true to God and Jesus, we have nothing to worry about. God will take care the rest.

What I am saying is that teaching about what it means to be born again is part of the gospel.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Like I said, it is between us and God. None of anyone else's business.

why do you have the need to tell others whether you are saved or born again?

If you were saved, which is extremely doubtful, you'd have to have some sort of Testimony of what God has done in your personal life. Otherwise, why bother saying anything at all?? If somebody asks you how to become a Christian now, the only thing you'd have to say is, "I don't even know if I'm one myself?" You'd also have to tell them that, "If I did know I was a Christian, I couldn't tell you because I would be to humble to admit it." You're trying your best to live as a member of the House of Israel two thousand years ago. You're hoping that God will allow you into Heaven based on your good works. That's not the way it works.


What I am saying is that teaching about what it means to be born again is part of the gospel.

We are born again if we make commitment to Jesus and practice what He teaches.

why are you so hung up on this?

It sure sound like you need approve of man.


New member
We can't be saved by our works, if we could then we could earn salvation. Since it can't be earned it's a gift but no everyone receives the gift. I guess the question is what must one do to receive the gift and keep it.

There you go! Right on the money! We have to KEEP the gift once we receive it! That is up to us.


We are born again if we make commitment to Jesus and practice what He teaches.

why are you so hung up on this?

It sure sound like you need approve of man.

No. That is the opposite of what I am saying. I am saying that you can only be born again by the Spirit of God. If you don't know this then you don't know what it means to be born again (Biblically, which is what matters).

Do you understand what the Bible says about what it means to be born again? This has nothing to do with me being hung up. It is the only way to be saved. If you don't know this you are missing salvation.