Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

there are many Christians making judgment on others, claiming they are not saved because they don't agree with how you read the Bible.

You need to know Jesus says not to judge and you are doing exactly that, judging.

shame on you.

I don't think you know what you're talking about dear?



I thought you were humble Christian that you wont doubt anyone's salvation or claiming they are not saved.

I am deeply disappointed.

I have misjudged you. You are no different from conventional churchgoers.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

I can't save you. God can, in His Son Jesus Christ.

Meshak believes that the Apostle Paul is an anti-Christ. So, she'll have a difficult time hearing the Gospel of her salvation. She also hates church goers and Trinitarians. It's useless having a discussion with someone who doubts MOST of the Bible and rejects God's Grace through His Gospel.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

I thought you were humble Christian that you wont doubt anyone's salvation or claiming they are not saved.

I am deeply disappointed.

I have misjudged you. You are no different from conventional churchgoers.

You have said yourself, that you don't know if you're saved, so don't blame him.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If Meshak continues to reject the "True Gospel" for this Dispensation of Grace, she will have to stand before God someday and be judged by her works and be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity. There's still time for her to listen to the "True Gospel" and place ALL her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Posters need to pray for her Spiritual blindness.



there are many Christians making judgment on others, claiming they are not saved because they don't agree with how you read the Bible.

You need to know Jesus says not to judge and you are doing exactly that, judging others' salvation.

shame on you.

My motivation is to share the gospel. Salvation is not about blaming or shaming anyone.


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets think twice about putting Paul on a pedestal....

Lets think twice about putting Paul on a pedestal....

You best worry about yourself since the only gospel that will save you is Paul's. Romans 1:16 KJV, Romans 2:16 KJV, Romans 16:25-26 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:7-8 KJV

You realize you're totally trusting Paul on his own word, his own claims. - what is found in the corpus of writings ascribed to Paul.

And still
,, if it is fully allowed to manifest, will be perfected, completed, expressed by a demonstration of that 'faith' .....thru 'action'.

As far as whether anyone needs to follow Jewish laws and customs, this is only for those who identify as Jews and committ to the covenants prescribed, but as for Gentiles there is no obligation besides what universal moral/ethical laws and principles that are good and commendable to be observed by all peoples. The so called 'Jerusalem Council' was an attempt to resolve questions about observance of Jewish customs, but its still somewhat 'complicated'.

On that note, we are only required to respect and live in harmony with universal laws and principles that are eternal....since if we transgress these laws of nature, we will suffer, reaping what we the law of karma (actions and their corresponding results) ever holds.

Finally, while Paul appears to be anti-Mosaic law with his gospel of being saved by grace, thru 'faith',....he still taught the principle of 'laws' existing, universal in nature, such as the law of sin and death, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, the law of 'sowing and reaping', etc. He was further conflicted with the classic struggle of the flesh vs. the spirit, common in gnostic philosophy, we seeing various gnostic elements in his writings (also some schools of Gnostic Christianity held Paul in high esteem as a revealer of the 'gnosis', such as the Valentinians). But that's another subject.


New member
In the but now, the righteousness of God without the law is manifested; even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ which is unto all and upon all them that believe.

Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

That is certainly not what we see in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John or even looking at those to whom Peter preached (Matthew 19:17 KJV, Matthew 23:1-3 KJV,Acts 21:20 KJV).

The reason we don't see it in Matt-John is because this was before Jesus' DBR. Jesus lived and died under that law of Moses.

In Romans Paul is telling them they cannot cling to the law of Moses and be saved. He tells them they can only be saved through faith in Christ. That's why he says "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law."

Apart form works "of the law", he is talking about a specific set of works not works in general. We can't take something specific and broadly apply it.
Is the righteousness of God upon you? If so, how? If not, why not?

Yes, the righteousness of God is upon be because I'm a member of Christ's church.


New member
This is because you confuse the earthly kingdom and the heavenly one. These two will be joined in the future.
Eph 1:7-12 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:7) In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; (1:8) Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; (1:9) Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: (1:10) That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; [even] in him: (1:11) In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: (1:12) That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

Why can't they be joined now? If you look at the context, he is listing the benefits of being "in Him".

You believe your a member of Chrit's body ("in Him") while here on earth, correct? When you die will you cease to be a member of his body?

Are you not a citizen of Heaven?
Phil. 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;
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My motivation is to share the gospel. Salvation is not about blaming or shaming anyone.

You just put me down by saying I am not saved.

You are not sharing salvation. You are scrutinizing who are born again or saved.

It is not what Jesus told us to do.

You will be saved if you are trying to be faithful to Jesus until the end. It is that simple.

You are trying to make simple salvation complicated than actually is, friend.

You nor anyone else have authority to judge whether one is saved or not. Jesus is the Lord, not anyone else.

This is why I am saying you have arrogant spirit, usurping Jesus' authority to judge people of their salvation.

I know you are following the crowd of this kind of faith.

But it is not biblical.


So Jacob,

what is your point of this thread?

Do you have your own idea or just you are tying to get idea from everyone else?


You just put me down by saying I am not saved.

You are not sharing salvation. You are scrutinizing who are born again or saved.

It is not what Jesus told us to do.

You will be saved if you are trying to be faithful to Jesus until the end. It is that simple.

You are trying to make simple salvation complicated than actually is, friend.

You nor anyone else have authority to judge whether one is saved or not. Jesus is the Lord, not anyone else.

This is why I am saying you have arrogant spirit, usurping Jesus' authority to judge people of their salvation.

I know you are following the crowd of this kind of faith.

But it is not biblical.
I don't know if you are saved or not. Sometimes in life we think people are saved when they are not. But, if a person is saved they may know about the fruit in a person's life that is the result of salvation. As for you, my comment here that I don't know if you are saved or not has to do with what is your understanding of salvation and that from my own observation you think I am judging you by talking about salvation. What if for those who are saved that is the most important thing? You do have a different approach. And you do believe that I believe I am saved. But I don't know why you would believe this is arrogant of me or that you would think that I am judging you when I say that I myself am saved. The Bible says we can know if we have eternal life, and for those who struggle with salvation this may lead someone to understand the grace of God.

I recognize you do not say you are saved, which is fine (though it gives no one else assurance of your salvation, you may already have assurance of salvation). But a false conversion is when someone believes they are saved, whether they have said so or not, when they are not. The existence of false conversions and the fact that some people don't like "fruit inspectors" has led me to the conclusion that I may not always know but that there may be some in the church who are not saved (meaning, they are not really a part of the church (the body of Christ, Christ's church), even if they have church membership and even if they are not members of a church but believe they belong to the church or the universal church, the church universal). You don't need to say you are saved, to anyone or to anyone on this forum. But you should know that if you do not yourself know if you are saved, your eternal destiny is on the line. I don't know that there is anyone who dies not knowing if they are saved while actually being saved. Though it is possible, why live your life not knowing when the Bible says you can know? If you can know, then how can anyone say anyone is saved who doesn't know? If you don't know if someone is saved, of course God is the judge. But you may be the one to share the gospel with that person. You may be the one to pray for them. You may be the one to show them God's love, the love of Christ.


I recognize you do not say you are saved,

I don't say it because it is not up to me to claim to be saved. Remember Jesus says not everyone says Lord and Lord will not inherit God's kingdom? Besides,judgment day is not here yet. Even Jesus won't give us judgment yet. Peter says judgment begins with God's household.

You never know whether Jesus tells you "I don't know you".

If we are puffed up, the odds are we will be told "I don't know you" by Jesus.

It sounds so arrogant claiming "I am saved".

Jesus' servants should never appear to be arrogant. It is not good witness. We have responsibility to be humble servants.
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patrick jane

I don't say it because it is not up to me to claim to be saved. Remember Jesus says not everyone says Lord and Lord will not inherit God's kingdom? Besides,judgment day is not here yet. Even Jesus won't give us judgment yet. Peter says judgment comes to God's household first.

You never know whether Jesus tells you "I don't know you".

If we are puffed up, the odds are we will be told "I don't know you" by Jesus.

It sounds so arrogant claiming "I am saved".

Jesus' servants should never appear to be arrogant. It is not good witness. We have responsibility to be humble servants.

Just the opposite shak. The Lord Jesus Christ wants all to be saved and sealed and without a doubt. I'm sorry for you that you aren't sure. I celebrate my salvation everyday. :rapture:


Well-known member
Just make the distinction in your mind that murder, theft, adultery or any other command has nothing to do with salvation anymore.

I don't see that anything is different now than before--murder, theft, adultery never had anything to do with salvation. But salvation has much to do with murderers, thieves, and adulterers.