Did the Eternal Almighty.


Well-known member

And your punny words of opinion have no authority over me at all.
I am in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I rest in HIS righteousness and obedience.
You cannot snatch me out of HIS hand.
The LORD and I laugh at you for thinking you could.

:mock: Truster deluded into thinking he can thwart GOD's salvation of me.

It's because you don't bow down and worship at his grimy little feet. :chuckle:


Well-known member
You are once again getting distraught and in doing so trying to attribute words to me that I have never thought, let alone spoken.

To preserve the truth of the matter: You are not saved. We are told to test the spirits and the spirit at work in you is not the Holy Spirit. We are further told we will know them by their fruit and your fruit is putred. I rejoice in your delusion, because I know from whence it comes. You are deluded because you have no love of the truth.

Bluster is not saved....his words give him away.


New member
By their fruit, ye shall know them. I know you not only by your fruit* but by your agreeing with known heretics.

fruit* words

You know not of the fruit produced through my faith in GOD and the Spirit. You don't know or perhaps don't recognize the salvation that tool place in my own life.

You do not know what I agree with as opposed to what you assume I agree with because you don't care to hear the actual words I speak.

We will know them by their works, so show what I have said that is against scripture; show a single sentence.

Now accuse me some more all while I continually attempt to find and confront our doctrinal differences.

I've been waiting on your change of spirit, but only witness more, yet slightly different deception. I will chalk it up to my own bias if you show any actual substantiation for your claims against me.

Define heretic please.

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New member
By their fruit, ye shall know them. Fruit is words, behaviour and attitude. You are of the world and that is blatantly obvious.
You are a complete and utter fraud, a charlatan.

You learn things here that you should have already known by the Spirit, and then you pointedly and abrasively use these things against others.

Is that what you call fellowship? Chastisement? Rebuke?

Or is it attempted damnation?

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I'm sure he does, but I wouldn't volunteer for that job. He'd probably smash you upside the head with his bully pulpit.
Yeah. That would probably leave a mark.
I have a gun that leaves holes.


New member
You are a complete and utter fraud, a charlatan.

You learn things here that you should have already known by the Spirit, and then you pointedly and abrasively use these things against others.

Is that what you call fellowship? Chastisement? Rebuke?

Or is it attempted damnation?

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There is no fellowship between light and darkness. Never has been and there never will be.


New member
You know not of the fruit produced through my faith in GOD and the Spirit. You don't know or perhaps don't recognize the salvation that tool place in my own life.

You do not know what I agree with as opposed to what you assume I agree with because you don't care to hear the actual words I speak.

We will know them by their works, so show what I have said that is against scripture; show a single sentence.

Now accuse me some more all while I continually attempt to find and confront our doctrinal differences.

I've been waiting on your change of spirit, but only witness more, yet slightly different deception. I will chalk it up to my own bias if you show any actual substantiation for your claims against me.

Define heretic please.

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Take a look in the mirror and you'll have a dictionary definition of a heretic.


New member
There is no fellowship between light and darkness. Never has been and there never will be.
Then ask and have faith that GOD will remove the darkness from your heart and the vail from your eyes before it is too late.

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New member
You probabaly have a translation of the Bible that you decided would be easy to understand. You also demand that you have free will.

On judgement day these statements will be used against you.

If you say that you understood the scriptures then why didn't you love the truth.

Your own free-will has meant you willfully and freely choose to sin.

So you admit there is free will.

Good job

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New member
You are a complete and utter fraud, a charlatan.

You learn things here that you should have already known by the Spirit, and then you pointedly and abrasively use these things against others.

Is that what you call fellowship? Chastisement? Rebuke?

Or is it attempted damnation?

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Learn things here? All I'm "learning here" is how widespread the apostasy is. In the five or so years I've been on here I can count on one finger those who I would call brother.


New member

And your punny words of opinion have no authority over me at all.
I am in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I rest in HIS righteousness and obedience.
You cannot snatch me out of HIS hand.
The LORD and I laugh at you for thinking you could.

:mock: Truster deluded into thinking he can thwart GOD's salvation of me.

When I see those that support you in your delusion, it just adds weight to what I've already said. The world (those that worship at the throne of free-will) just love the world.


New member
Did The Almighty consult with Abraham before destroying Sodom and Gemorrah?

Read Gen 18:17 onwards and you'll find no evidence of a "consultation". The mind of the Eternal was set on destruction and He revealed His intention for a purpose. You'll find the reason in verse 18, 19.