
Right Divider

Body part
Because he told them to obey the priesthood leaders, then years later Jesus came and condemned them, made examples out of them and made a point to say this isn’t how you should be!
The LORD Jesus Christ was NOT condemning the God given priesthood. He was condemning the corrupt priests.

You can’t just say believe in the priesthood indefinitely, and this is obvious. People are sinned, people get corrupt, people accidentally follow the way of the devil then continue to pretend to be “religious” leaders in the public. Just like the catholic priests who lived extremely corrupt ways of the devil, on Sunday’s they put their robe on and gave Sunday mass, and I’m suppose to listen and respect him??
You clearly have an anti-biblical agenda and are not here to dialog with anyone.
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New member
Very fair observation. So how do we determine what God wants?

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I think the Bible gives great instructions on this. Also, for those things that are in gray areas that’s when studying, and praying come in. I also think that if your heart is really trying to please God, and not trying to look like your trying to please him, but if your heart is really genuinely trying to do what pleases God, that’s all he can really ask for.


New member
The LORD Jesus Christ was NOT condemning the God given priesthood. He as condemning the corrupt priests.

You clearly have an anti-biblical agenda and are not here to dialog with anyone.
Why are you so combative?

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New member
The LORD Jesus Christ was NOT condemning the God given priesthood. He as condemning the corrupt priests.

You clearly have an anti-biblical agenda and are not here to dialog with anyone.

I’m sorry I offended you, that’s not my purpose. I am always trying to learn and understand.

Jesus condemned the false priests in the Bible, that’s correct. I guess he never really gave props to anyone, he just gave us instructions and knowledge in what pleases God.


New member
Because he told them to obey the priesthood leaders, then years later Jesus came and condemned them, made examples out of them and made a point to say this isn’t how you should be!

You can’t just say believe in the priesthood indefinitely, and this is obvious. People are sinned, people get corrupt, people accidentally follow the way of the devil then continue to pretend to be “religious” leaders in the public. Just like the catholic priests who lived extremely corrupt ways of the devil, on Sunday’s they put their robe on and gave Sunday mass, and I’m suppose to listen and respect him??
That's not what I see. I see the condemnation of the wicked priests, not the priesthood.

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Right Divider

Body part
I’m sorry I offended you, that’s not my purpose. I am always trying to learn and understand.
I'm not offended. But I can clearly see that you're not really reading what I wrote.

Jesus condemned the false priests in the Bible, that’s correct. I guess he never really gave props to anyone, he just gave us instructions and knowledge in what pleases God.
Once again, you are clearly not listening to the Bible with regards to the priesthood that God gave to Israel.


New member
That's not what I see. I see the condemnation of the wicked priests, not the priesthood.

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I agree.
Maybe where I am struggling is understanding the point of the priesthood. Is it to be an example of what God expects out of us, and to guide us and to be a source of knowledge?

My problem is when the priesthood doesn’t match up with the Bible.

Right Divider

Body part
I agree.
Maybe where I am struggling is understanding the point of the priesthood. Is it to be an example of what God expects out of us, and to guide us and to be a source of knowledge?

My problem is when the priesthood doesn’t match up with the Bible.
Go to the Bible and study the priesthood that God gave to Israel.

Don't expect to understand the Biblical priesthood that God gave to Israel based on looking at corrupt nonsense like the RCC, etc.


New member
I'm not offended. But I can clearly see that you're not really reading what I wrote.

Once again, you are clearly not listening to the Bible with regards to the priesthood that God gave to Israel.

What your saying is not straight forward. It’s not as simple as... believe in the priesthood, and therefore I’m catholic and I trust and believe everything the pope says.
There are a lot of people claiming to be part of the priesthood that clearly aren’t, and they are corrupt. There was a whole church and organization hiding and recycling these corrupt priests. So just because someone claims to be a priest and part of the priesthood doesn’t mean they are. God would never act and do the things that these people have done, and he would not want to be associated with that behavior at all.


New member
Go to the Bible and study the priesthood that God gave to Israel.

Don't expect to understand the Biblical priesthood that God gave to Israel based on looking at corrupt nonsense like the RCC, etc.

Then talk to me about it. Stop telling me to go read about it, because I have and I still have questions. That’s the point of fellowship and the point of forums like this. We may not always agree, but I’m asking you to explain what you believe, and I may or may not agree with it but at least I understand.


New member
Go to the Bible and study the priesthood that God gave to Israel.

Don't expect to understand the Biblical priesthood that God gave to Israel based on looking at corrupt nonsense like the RCC, etc.
I have a twist on that. Study the Bible. Pray before during and after. Then ask God with a humble heart to understand His will and what it all means.

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Right Divider

Body part
Then talk to me about it. Stop telling me to go read about it, because I have and I still have questions. That’s the point of fellowship and the point of forums like this. We may not always agree, but I’m asking you to explain what you believe, and I may or may not agree with it but at least I understand.
A priest is a mediator between God and man.

God created a priesthood within the people of Israel. One tribe of Israel was to be priests to the rest of Israel (Levi). Israel was to be a nation of priests for the gentiles.

God is not operating under that system today, but will be again in the future.
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New member
A priest is a mediator between God and man.

God created a priesthood within the people of Israel. Once tribe of Israel was to be priests to the rest of Israel (Levi). Israel was to be a nation of priest for the gentiles.

God is not operating under that system today, but will be again in the future.
Where does the Bible say that God no longer operates through the priesthood?

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Gary K

New member

If that is so, what do you do with I Peter 2:9,10?

IPeter 2: 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Peter is clearly addressing Gentiles for the Jews cannot fit the description of the people in verse 10, so he is calling the Gentiles who accept Christ "a royal priesthood".

Now, I will give you the fact that there is no longer a sacrificial system so the priesthood offers no sacrifices, but the real function of the priests in the OT was to teach the people the plan of salvation through the ceremonial laws given by God through Moses. So, that means that the current priesthood is to teach the plan of salvation to the world. That is it's function.

You already posted the verse Exodus 19:5,6 saying the entire nation of Israel was to be a royal priesthood, so there must have always been a priesthood that was always outside of the ceremonial laws given to Israel to which all the people of Israel belonged.

Isaiah tells us that God designed His temple to be a "house of prayer for all people", so it seems God's design for Israel was to spread the good news of salvation to the entire world. This lesson is taught by Moses quite frequently in the first five books of the Bible. He told the Israelites time and again that anyone who wanted to worship with them could. All they had to do was to be circumcised, and once that was done they were to be to the Israelites as one born into Israel.

Right Divider

Body part
If that is so, what do you do with I Peter 2:9,10?
I understand it in the context in which it is written.

1Pet 1:1 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:1) Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,

Jas 1:1 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:1) James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

Peter and James were writing to the same group of people, the twelve tribes of Israel.

Peter is clearly addressing Gentiles for the Jews cannot fit the description of the people in verse 10, so he is calling the Gentiles who accept Christ "a royal priesthood".
Peter is clearly NOT addressing gentiles:

1Pet 2:11-12 (AKJV/PCE)
(2:11) Dearly beloved, I beseech [you] as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; (2:12) Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by [your] good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

The Gentile are called THEY and Peter's audience is called YOU. Israel was scattered into Gentiles lands, many of which are listed in 1 Peter 1:1

Now, I will give you the fact that there is no longer a sacrificial system so the priesthood offers no sacrifices, but the real function of the priests in the OT was to teach the people the plan of salvation through the ceremonial laws given by God through Moses. So, that means that the current priesthood is to teach the plan of salvation to the world. That is it's function.
God is not currently using a priesthood and a nation, He's using ambassadors that are neither Jew nor Greek.

2Cor 5:20 (AKJV/PCE)
(5:20) Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech [you] by us: we pray [you] in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Once again, if we were priests Paul would have said so.

You already posted the verse Exodus 19:5,6 saying the entire nation of Israel was to be a royal priesthood, so there must have always been a priesthood that was always outside of the ceremonial laws given to Israel to which all the people of Israel belonged.
They were to be priests to the Gentiles.

Isaiah tells us that God designed His temple to be a "house of prayer for all people", so it seems God's design for Israel was to spread the good news of salvation to the entire world. This lesson is taught by Moses quite frequently in the first five books of the Bible. He told the Israelites time and again that anyone who wanted to worship with them could. All they had to do was to be circumcised, and once that was done they were to be to the Israelites as one born into Israel.
Yes, that was what God was doing before the dispensation of the grace of God and will be again later.


New member
If you read the Pauline epistles, you can learn what God is doing today. Nowhere in Paul's epistles will you even find the words "priest" or "priesthood".
So God was clear that He operates through the priesthood in the past, Christ never advised that the priesthood should no longer operate, and because Paul does not talk about it we know it is no longer.

That's your logic?

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Right Divider

Body part
So God was clear that He operates through the priesthood in the past, Christ never advised that the priesthood should no longer operate, and because Paul does not talk about it we know it is no longer.

That's your logic?

The RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ appeared to Paul and gave him instructions. Those instructions did NOT include a priesthood, or Paul would have written about it.