Denial of the deity of Jesus

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Yes, Christians are called so because of "Christ".

Jesus makes it clear that we know them by their fruit. He does not say we are what we claim or our doctrines.

What if we claim we're a Christian and our doctrine comes from
reading and studying the Bible? Of course, you only trust in a
very tiny portion of Scripture and reject the rest. You also have
said that the Apostle Paul is an anti-Christ. So, that takes out a
a BIG chunk of Scripture right there.


Eclectic Theosophist


We disagree, He has a God, how many Gods do you have?


Indeed, there is One Universal Father, the Father of all creation and creations. Jesus called 'God' his Father. Jesus said I go to my 'God' and your 'God'. The 'begotten' has a 'God' and 'Father' who alone is 'unbegotten' and the source of generator of the 'begotten'. By way of relational-association, one cannot deny the generational-relationship between the Father and Son, or there is no real meaning in the 'terms' themselves which denote generational difference and heirarchal order. A Father precedes a Son by very definition of the terms, relationally speaking. The Father has primacy/priority.


For a fun little spin, you can call some Trinitarians tri-theists, but they will ever fall back to a monotheistic 'base' in claiming all these personalities are different, but they share one essence, comprising one DEITY. Well,...there really isn't another explanation that could save their 'monotheism' is there? :p Gotcha.

But I can just as well as a liberal Hindu or theosophist, claim the same thing, since all is made of the substance of 'Brahman' (the Supreme Being, Infinite Spirit, the great Quantum No-Thing), as 'Brahman' manifests him/herself in or as different personalities (gods/goddesses/devas). Its all made of 'God-stuff', as there is no other source of creation, all deities being individuations of the One Primal DEITY (Brahman). Not too different, since Deity is an indivisible essence, only divisible or made 'different' by way of multiple-personalities and forms.

Things get pretty fluid if you see the esoteric philosophy and metaphysics behind 'God' and 'Creation', since 'God' extends himself creatively thru different personalities and works thru 'personality' itself. In this sense a 'Trinity' has a working foundation and complexity about it as far as a 'compound unity' goes. A Godhead becomes a reasonable, probable or possible company of Deity, that suits our formula having a trifold versatility ;)

So what have we? - just God being creative, generating himself in different forms, - hey....we're just back to a more liberal Spiritualism crafted within a given religious cult-ure and context, the very one we've adopted or been conditioned to accept (with its terms, creeds, nomenclature, etc.)

So, there's no real significance apart from one's preferred way of relating to 'God' and 'Christ', since it all fades out into the wash when differences are dissolved back into the primordial omnipresence of Spirit. Back to the zero-point of infinity. Spirit will then again creatively extend itself in various forms and personalities, and new dispensations of creation carry on their cycles.....such is the eternal way of life, Nature and her movements.


Well-known member
You know guys, I love the story of Phillip.

8Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us." 9Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '?…

I know, I know, you anti trins will say, "see, that proves it. There is no trinity."

I say does it now?


Well-known member
I guess the question becomes do you know who it is who you worship? :idunno:

How does scripture define worship?

What is the Hebrew word for worship?

Who is worshipped in the OT?

Why is God not the only one who is worshipped in the OT?

Why is the Hebrew word for worship defined used in reference to showing humility or honoring superiors (which would include God, but includes people as well)?

When you understand the scriptural concept of worship, then you will have learned something


Well-known member
How does scripture define worship?

What is the Hebrew word for worship?

Who is worshipped in the OT?

Why is God not the only one who is worshipped in the OT?

Why is the Hebrew word for worship defined used in reference to showing humility or honoring superiors (which would include God, but includes people as well)?

When you understand the scriptural concept of worship, then you will have learned something

I wasn't using worship as the meaning behind that post.

But since you brought it up, I have no idea how you use the word worship in your life.


New member
What is interesting is how the Pharisees you mention were still unable to find the true meaning of the Torah passages that they read using “Peshat,” “Remaz,” “Derash,” and “Sod.”

Jesus had to tell them what the passages really meant.

They know more with the light afforded to them, than 95% of the Christians do today, 2000+ years later. Peace


New member
They know more with the light afforded to them, than 95% of the Christians do today, 2000+ years later. Peace

There is no light when you are blind.

John 12:40
40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.​



New member
Hence the test by bringing the woman caught in adultery.

He aced it. lol

He aced ALL their tests, some of which, when you really understand the mindset, were so intricately posed, only He could have silenced them. It's really funny to read, in a way. Serpent 0, lol.....Peace


New member
I've never been an advocate of total inerrancy of the Bible (so far as its been 'canonized), and that should come as no surprise to anyone who knows my eclectic theology, since you cant limit the infinite to a book, although some books may be more inspiring and 'true' on a 'meaning' and 'value' level. I don't need 'chapter and verse' to support my commentaries, but will include such if I feel they have referential value, of course. Since I often exposit or expound on something more on its conceptual/principle/meaning/value level,....I don't need all the technical posits of 'passages' unless I'm doing a commentary on such. (we've done such on other religious traditional texts such as the Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Gita, Vedas/Upanishads, etc.)

Thanks for your generous patience, Freelight. I'm summoned out of town occasionally, and I'm unable to promptly respond at times.

We are both beyond total inerrancy of the Bible, Freelight. I do however advocate theme is greater than the sum of written words, that words are simply a primitive, physical construct whereby the author’s theme manifests in the mind of the reader. Themes, plural, cultivate an abstract portrayal the author’s spiritual face. If you’ve read numerous books of a favored novelist, undoubtedly you’d recognize an anonymous book written by this author to the point you might testify that you know who the author is. You’d be more and less successful convincing others more and less familiar with this novelist (John 8:43 KJV, John 8:47 KJV). We become intimately familiar and confident with an unvisualized author by repetitively perceiving how these themes play out in different scenarios and settings. Themes dictate even an unfamiliar author’s words… and as readers grasp these words, one’s initial confinement by one’s often subtly subjective preconceived notions and relative understanding fades with familiarity. I suggest when one can read the Bible with anxious anticipation experienced reading a familiar novelist’s books, one may indeed be endowed with a personally autographed copy, figuratively speaking (Mat 13:10 KJV, Mat 13:11 KJV, Mat 13:12 KJV, Mat 13:13 KJV, Mat 13:14 KJV, Mat 13:15 KJV, Mat 13:16 KJV, Mat 13:17 KJV; John 14:16 KJV, John 14:17 KJV, John 14:23 KJV, John 14:26 KJV; 1Peter 1:23 KJV).

With sincere respect and appreciation for Keypurr and his post, I hereby proclaim that I love the God of my Lord Jesus Christ. To you that’s a slogan, a football team’s ‘war cry’ for instance… to me it’s my public vow and testimony. Perhaps you’ll transcend to this state resolve one day, as God so chooses (Matthew 20:16 KJV, Matthew 22:14 KJV). Respectfully, you impress me as one who embraces multiple spirits therewith constructing a ‘universal father’ theme. Perhaps that’s sufficient in your walk… but, I sorta have to go out and battle evil from time to time (I’m not military, respectfully). Do we at least agree Satan is a spiritual father, at least a weekend warrior type? Proclaiming this vow to the God of my Lord Jesus Christ projects a unique exclusion of any possibility for the subliminal inclusion of the often underestimated “prince of this world” (John 14:30 KJV, John 14:31 KJV).

Please keep in mind that one doing the spiritual/physical will of Satan, typically oblivious to one’s relationship, does so willingly… even enthusiastically with zeal and passion, purpose… even with compelling justification (John 11:47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53). One cannot rape a willing participant, and one may have no regrets until one wakes up with the blistering gift that keeps on giving. Who was Jesus talking to in John 8:34 KJV, John 8:35 KJV, Freelight? Who was that “untoward generation” Peter spoke of in Acts 2:22 KJV, Acts 2:23 KJV, Acts 2:40 KJV? Who was that “generation” Jesus was speaking to in Matthew 23:33 KJV? Who was John the Baptizer speaking to in Luke 3:7, 8? Even Stephen in Acts 7:51, 52? Rest assured… Spiritual death was defeated on the cross, Freelight. And, those aforementioned folk were doomed from the get go (Genesis 6:5, 6, 7). You resist addressing these questions, but imply you embrace esoteric gnosis of a ‘universal father’.

We come from different walks in life… I walk in a theatre commanding finite, yet fallible precision, knowledge, and evidence with the relentless pursuit, thereof. And, your theatre appears to be on the other end of the spectrum in the infinite spiritual abyss. The boogie man exists in my physical and mental theatre Freelight, perhaps I’ll bring to this table his most evil physical manifestation as a component of heritable genetic afflictions. Jesus healed the dude! Do you prefer the palate of the abyss, Freelight? Ham’s wife poured the wine in Noah’s tent… I hooked up with her at a Napa Valley wine tasting event last week.

I appreciate your positions, Freelight. There’s just little or nothing to hang one’s hat on, except one’s own head (Ezra 9:8 KJV). Perhaps that’s due to our different walks in life; but, I’m having difficulty perceiving direct resolve from your diction:

I've never contested Jesus having a 'God' and 'Father' which is evident in him being the Son of God by definition, origination and relationship.

That sounds like resolve… “never contested” is not the same as having ‘ever attested’, Freelight. Elsewhere, perhaps. “Heavenly Father” might be a slogan to you… although such resonates with the Lord’s Prayer. “Loving Father” sorta leaves the dance floor open for sublime, serpentine opportunists. You ever ‘dance with the devil in the pale moonlight’, lol? There’s also a significant difference between making a commitment, and making a contribution: The chicken, cow, and the pig agreed to reward their wonderful farmer with a gift. The chicken suggested a fabulous breakfast: ham, scrambled eggs and cheese. The cow thought that was a pretty good idea too!

My more intimate Bible studies have been in the past during my 'born again Christian' years, but since then I've expanded my studies multi-culturally, with many different texts, traditions and schools,...I see no reason to limit myself to one 'version', 'concept', 'denomination' of 'God', or 'Christ' for that matter.

I’ve suggested before Freelight, perhaps something to sink your teeth into will offer a little more stability. I kick the tires on a car lot, test drive a few; and, I drive rental cars… but at some point, I own a Toyota. Perhaps you prefer rentals sporting around in a Dodge Viper one week impressing the passers by, and if the weather looks rough next week, maybe a Hummer impressing the two-wheelers. Do reflections from your “more intimate Bible studies” include any answers to those questions, above? Quite unlikely, unfortunately. I’ve got quite a list! I learn about the God of my Lord Jesus Christ reading His Son’s autobiography beginning in early Genesis. The Son of God ‘gestated’ 4,300 years, “seventy and sevenfold” inclusive generations (Genesis 4:24; Luke 3:38-23), with the last nine months in Mary’s womb. And, a womb is a portal, a gateway between the spiritual world, and this flesh world. But, be forewarned, there’s a few that say I sprouted under a white oak tree where my parents used to go parking, LOL! I KNEW there was a reason I had a hankering for acorns! Getting back to my roots…

Truth is universal,...just viewpoints differ…..

Please forgive me suggesting your posture undulates between extreme naivety, and sheer fantasy. Do you ever deal in explicit, finite truth? Or, just the abysmal abstract? So, the way I heard it… “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32 KJV). For those who don’t know this truth (John 8:38 KJV, John 8:40 KJV), that’s a real cliff-hanger! Some grow claws, and the rest grow wings. A journey has a destination. An effect has a cause. And specific truth has an exclusive viewpoint. If it doesn’t, it ain’t. If one wants to venture farther, burning a bowl in an opium den may be equally mesmerizing.

John 18:33 KJV, John 18:34 KJV, John 18:35 KJV, John 18:36 KJV, John 18:37 KJV, “Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?…”, John 18:38 KJV. Do you think Pilate, governor of Rome, who didn’t have a rooster in the fight, do you think Pilate knew the truth (John 19:21 KJV, John 19:22 KJV)? What was the truth? Do you think those instigating Jesus’ crucifixion simply had a differing viewpoint (Matthew 27:25 KJV, Acts 2:22 KJV, Acts 2:23 KJV, Acts 2:40 KJV)? A viewpoint is not necessarily a sliver of truth. A viewpoint can also be a lie. Assuming a consensus may endow that admonished farmer with a three-legged pig.

Viewpoints do differ as you suggest. Some viewpoints embrace premeditated malice murder self-justified as righteous and purposeful, Freelight: John 11:47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 “Then from that day forth they took council together for to put him to death.” Jesus was not a pacifist, Freelight (John 10:17, 18). And, I’m not a conscientious objector. Have you ever met a premeditating murderer? Truth is greater than the sum of all knowledge; and, truth is vastly greater than, and occasionally contrary to the sum of all viewpoints. Some viewpoints are delusions, and some viewpoints are inherently narcissistic. That’s called beguiled, Freelight (Genesis 3:4, 5, 6, 13) … now where’s that hookah? Ham’s widow’s coming over tonight with a fifth of Noah’s finest, and I’m planning on an impressive breakfast with ham and cheese-scrambled eggs!



New member
Freelight I am not offended, you have been my friend for years now and we have always respected each others views.

kayaker is also one I respect, he always gives reasons for his faith.

I believe what matters most is where the heart is.

You are very kind and diplomatic, Keypurr!

I am curious though. Do you consider your statement "I love the God of my Lord Jesus Christ" to be a testimony? Or, a slogan?



New member
Don't forget how many 'divorces' there are these days ;) - many people switching their loyalties or interests, or leaving religion behind altogether, and its associated 'gods'.

Indeed! Fortunately in some cases, unfortunately in others...

Also, calling something a 'slogan' doesn't necessarily demean or devalue what is being represented, but you're free to elevate it to a 'testimony' if that better accomodates you

I do appreciate your perspective, Freelight. How about the slogan, “New York Yankees suck!” That’s a little incendiary, don’t you think? That “something” is my testimony, indeed. Calling “something” a “slogan” suggests a groom tells his bride “I do”, agreeing to his vows at the marital alter. And, the bride responds, “I bet you said that to all the women you’ve known” ROFLOL! Do you happen to have an explicit, distinct, and resolute testimony? Perhaps you’ll eventually transcend to such, a good thing! But, elevating a slogan like “Heavenly Father” to the status of a testimony just doesn’t impute the same level of distinction, commitment and resolve. In fact, some slogans impugn one’s resolve.

KAY: I sincerely regret that you've become jaded with the notion due to the centuries old dispute, if that is in fact your only reason.

FREELIGHT: I think 'jaded' might be a bit too extravagant a term, could be a minor backfire of Christological burnout

I’m also familiar with the burnout, from my perspective, you speak of, Freelight. “Jaded” might be a better expression then identifying those who’ve “…left their religions behind altogether, and it’s associated ‘gods’” as you mentioned above. Thanks for being more clear referring to a “minor backfire”.

KAY: However, I admire the notion you left the door somewhat cracked open that revelation is ever progressive... indeed!

FREELIGHT: Always,…as I'm ever open to 'progressive revelation',...its kind of one of those universal principles ya know. I see life as 'creation', ever unfolding, ever evolving, as long as there is relativity or movement of any kind. Space, time, energy, movement, form, consciousness....relating. Such is life in motion.

I do indeed appreciate ‘progressive revelation’ being a ‘universal principle’, Freelight. Perhaps you’ll be exposed to a little ‘progressive revelation’ in this post; but, that’s a matter for John 14:26 KJV. Many think all is known that could be known regarding the Bible. I personally think I’ve only scratched the surface with rather thought provoking questions that’ve not been answered in mainstream Christianity. The notion Jesus’ specific healing miracles were genetic is scantly, but sufficiently documented with Scriptural circumstantial diagnostic evidence. Consider the man with the withered right arm exquisitely illustrated in Luke 6:6 KJV… that was a real tough one exhausting the medical literature. That fellow suffered from Poland syndrome quoting Wikipedia to cut to the chase:

According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, Poland syndrome affects males three times as often as females and affects the right side of the body twice as often as the left.[7] The incidence is estimated to range from one in 7,000 to one in 100,000 live births.[8]


Well, that’s my personal observation.

KAY: The bottom line here is either we believe Jesus' divinity, we utterly know Jesus' divine origin, we consider Jesus might be of divine origin, or we sorta doubt it, have no interest, and there are those who mock the notion as those non-Israelites who instigated His crucifixion. You've provided no Scriptural rebuttal to the notion of Jesus' divine origin, so that seems to me like one of those situations probably better left on the table.

FREELIGHT: I’ve offered sundry proofs, resources, videos before supporting a 'Unitarian' perspective, and don't forget...there's just as many Unitarian proof-texts as there are Trinitarian,...yet the latter have more 'interpolations' created for their cause than the latter.

With sincere respect Freelight, neither Unitarians, nor Trinitarians have explicitly and succinctly unveiled the ‘truth- text’ testimonies of John 8:38 KJV, and John 8:40 KJV being THE two divine testimonies (John 8:17, 18) corroborating Jesus’ divine origin (John 8:13 KJV, John 8:19 KJV, John 8:25 KJV). In John 8:38, Jesus was “with (his) father”. And, in John 8:40 KJV Jesus “heard from God”. Jesus’ words warrant He was not God; that’s my Utilitarian perspective. But, I’m not hearing any renowned theologians from either camp who can explicitly unveil these two testimonies corroborating the distinction that Jesus was not God. These two testimonies compromised “the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32 KJV). One benefit of said “truth” includes utter resolve to Jesus’ origin. Consequently, said explicit and succinct “truth” “converted” (Matthew 13:15 KJV) Jesus’ ‘believers’ (NOT non-believers, John 8:30 KJV) into Jesus’ “disciples indeed” (John 8:31 KJV). At the end of the day, do you think Jesus’ disciples utterly knew Jesus was the Son of God (John 14:26 KJV, John 20:21 KJV, John 20:22 KJV)? Considering the explosion in genetic knowledge today, it stands to reason in my feeble mind that one could be even more resolved to Jesus’ divine origin than those disciples who walked alongside Jesus!

Therefore, neither Unitarians, nor Trinitarians are playing with a full deck (Matthew 28:19). An “individual religious experience”, as you suggest, seems in my mind to create believers out of non-believers, Freelight. Said “truth” (John 8:32 KJV) “converted” (Matthew 13:15 KJV) believers (John 8:30 KJV) into Jesus’ “disciples indeed” (John 8:31 KJV, Matthew 28:19). What is the difference between a believer and a disciple, Freelight? Believers believe Jesus is the Son of God (or God, in the case of Trins?). Disciples utterly knew Jesus was THE Son of God being those two explicitly unveiled testimonies are founded in the Books of Moses that were evidently revealed to them (John 14:26 KJV, John 20:21 KJV, John 20:22 KJV). Paul was quite astute in the Books of Moses… he got the 20-gig download.

Trins Scripturally fabricating Jesus out to be God does not ‘convert’ believers into disciples, btw. Those two testimonies did (John 8:32 KJV). And, that sounds like a job for John 14:26 KJV unveiling Scripture, with particular interest in 1Peter 1:23 KJV. And, mainstream Christianity doesn’t know what went down in Noah’s tent? The seldom appreciated documentation that Noah’s son Japheth was the ‘father’ of the Gentiles (Genesis 9:27, 10:2, 3, 4, Genesis 10:5 KJV)… Japheth, ‘father’ of the Gentiles, walked into Noah’s tent covered and backwards (Genesis 9:23 KJV). That’s a modest way of saying there’s one thing a man cannot literally perform from that angle ;). Appreciating Japheth was the ‘father’ of the Gentiles, Paul left a subtle clue that he utterly understood Noah’s tent scenario (1Corinthians 5:1 KJV). Sure, Paul was more astute in the Books of Moshe than Unitarians or Trinitarians, LOL!

FREELIGHT: But my view of 'God' and 'Christ' may include subtle points of either or any school, as well as transcend them. Texts may be helpful in conceptualizing certain concepts (figures/formulations/relations), but ultimately on an immaterial level, one must have their own individual religious experience to validate an inner 'gnosis', whose authenticity is a matter of subjectivity. "spiritual things must be spiritually discerned”.

1Corinthians 2:10-16, KJV But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.​

I’m of the persuasion the “deep things of God” are embraced in OT themes…

11) For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12) Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

13) Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Perhaps comparing the unseen spiritual aspects of the OT, via the spiritual knowledge of the NT? The NT Holy Ghost unveils the spiritual things of the OT. The OT is God’s ‘testimony’, and the NT is Jesus’ ‘testimony’… globally speaking of ‘two witnesses’.

14) But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

15) But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 16) For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.​

Can you imagine ‘searching all things, the deep things of God,’ are veiled in the God’s Word, Freelight? Peter was told to feed Jesus’ sheep; lambs are milk-fed, btw. You do realize sheep feed was unveiled OT knowledge? And, Paul wasn’t talking about pulling stuff out of the depths of one’s own carnal mind like mine. So, Paul, keenly astute in the OT (corroborated prior) made it perfectly clear in my simple mind that he subscribed to John 14:16, 17, 26, KJV as the ‘Medium’ through which the Word of God (primarily OT) is illuminated as one achieves Peter’s notion in 1Peter 1:23 KJV. I hear Paul’s resolve to a specific direction (God’s Word) “revealed”… by an exclusive “Holy Ghost” that’s beyond your transcendental quotation not taken in full context, Freelight: "spiritual things must be spiritually discerned”. Perhaps I’m mistaken, but this expression out of context sounds like a watered down Bible thumper’s cliche, “whosoever committeth sin, is a servant of sin” extrapolated from John 8:34 KJV. I suspect your quotation is a common, mesmerizing plea by Unitarians. Well, it is more appealing than being brow-beaten from pulpit, I suppose.

KAY: Jesus’ divine origin was alluded to in John 8:38 KJV, John 8:40 KJV. But, you appear not to have relative respect for the Divine inspiration of the book of John.

FREELIGHT: As a liberal gnostic I actually have enjoyed John in more ways than the other gospels, but you can throw in the Gospel of Thomas and other non-canonical gospels into the mix as well, with some of the intertestamental/apocryphal stuff too

Furthermore, we have more modern religious records which give us more information than the NT gospels on the life/teachings/travels of Jesus such as the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ and the Urantia Papers, to name a few. There is also channeled works as well, and info. gathered from the collective consciousness, subconscious, akashic records and spirit-communications which shed light on the ministry of Jesus some things confirming the synoptic gospels, some things differing from such.

A student of truth considers, researches and investigates all related. If you're going to exalt or exclusivize the gospel of John (used mostly btw for deifying Jesus, since it has more supporting texts), you'll also have to note that it says Jesus did and spoke so much that such accounts could fill a whole library, so the little snippet by John is by no means replete or perfect. But who knows

To presumptuously sum this up, despite your vast journeys, appreciating your prior interest in John, you haven’t unveiled the explicit and succinct divine testimonies (John 8:32 KJV) of John 8:38 KJV, and John 8:40 KJV that irrefutably corroborated Jesus’ divine origin (John 8:12 KJV, John 8:13 KJV, John 8:17, 18, 19). Evidently, those two revelations from the OT weren’t embraced in your journey? Then, it’s much easier to dilute the divine authenticity of the book of John, and affirm other sources, than to exhaust God’s Word in the OT. On a more contemporary note, more than His disciples, Jesus was indeed a telepathic healer. There are spiritual ‘channelers’ who allegedly heal in the healthcare community, even televangelists. With all due respect to their services rendered, their endeavors seem more like wallet biopsies, although I could be mistaken. And, you suggest there are “channeled works… which shed light on the ministry of Jesus…”? I suppose that has possibilities absent John 14:26 KJV; so, please forgive my skepticism.

KAY: Like I've previously stated... Just because one doesn't know the explicit and succinct details of those two divine testimonies corroborating Jesus' divine origin, such doesn't negate this Scriptural "truth" exists (John 8:32 KJV). One is simply not so illuminated utterly knowing Jesus' was of divine origin, but neither does this mean He isn't, nor does not knowing preempt one's faith, believing Jesus is the begotten Son of God.

FREELIGHT: If we take John's record by its own right, of course the two-fold testimony of Jesus and his Father are pretty 'tight',...but you must take the testimony by FAITH.....and BELIEVE that those words are divinely inspired and preserved. You don't know that they are. In fact, you don't even know if John (which John?) wrote the book, not to mention the redactions in it, pointing to various authors. You choose to believe. On that note, I survey all the records or claims of Jesus speaking and doing (ancient and modern accounts), and evaluate all in the context of the totality of knowledge, then all other means intellectual/spiritual/scientific....and carry on. This includes the full in-flow of subjectivity and objectivity. I admit some things I dont know (am an 'agnostic' on) and other things I may intuit or believe to know on an inner/experiential/reasonable level, so am a 'gnostic' on that level. Where there is 'light', there is 'shadow', in a relative world.

Inherently, John 8:38 KJV, and John 8:40 KJV can’t be taken in ‘their own light,’ Freelight. That which Jesus “saw with” His Father and “heard from God” were neither exclusively, nor explicitly illuminated in John. Those testimonies embraced historical events. Therefore, the “two-fold testimony of Jesus and his Father” is corroborated elsewhere, like in the OT. I took those two testimonies by faith, believing their illumination is corroborated elsewhere in Scripture, and concluded Jesus was not God, but the Son of God. The fact remains, “You don’t that they are.”, and the mere mention those two verses were even the divine testimonies of John 8:18 has evidently found you with your knickers ‘round your knees. Sure, I ‘choose to believe’, but I’m led to affirm (John 14:26 KJV).

When one comes to the full OT illumination of those two testimonies, then the divine inspiration of John becomes prima facie along with resolve that Jesus was not God. Neither was exalted Joseph the Pharaoh being a striking parallel, speaking of divine themes. It matters not to me if Fred Flintstone wrote the inspired book of John, none of the literal authors were God. They were inspired, and the themes in John reflect from the other gospels as previously mentioned, even Paul in 1Cor 2:13 KJV correlating with John 14:26 KJV. In an abstract sense, I can ‘see’ God the Creator’s fingerprints on a strand of DNA. And, I can ‘see’ Jesus’ healing miracles being His ‘hand’ upon the DNA of those suffering genetic afflictions originating from Genesis 9:22 KJV, and so, “Cursed be Canaan.” Canaan’s descendants were introduced into the congregation of the Lord in Deuteronomy 23:7 KJV, Deuteronomy 23:8 KJV, and Deuteronomy 23:9 KJV. Two of Esau’s wives were the Hittite descendants of Heth (Genesis 26:34 KJV), second son of Canaan (Gen 10:15). Perhaps this sheds a little more ‘light’ that Jesus’ genetic healing miracles more than exemplified His divine origin; His miracles were divinely purposeful: John 9:1 KJV, John 9:2 KJV, John 9:3 KJV, John 9:4 KJV, John 9:5 KJV. It has been respectfully theorized DNA was not the first ‘life form’ on this planet, btw… and, I concluded WE are the aliens here!

Please allow me to break here…
