Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Nope.Nope.Nope. There's a big difference between evolution and eugenics and the evolutionary ideas of Haeckel and Spencer.
The Nazi's had no problems connecting the dots from common ancestry beliefs to killing off those they deemed unfit...exactly as Darwin had prophesied.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Although I am not perfect, God's Word is.
Have you even read the bible? If you had you wouldn't be saying such stupid things. The bible is chock full of contradictions. Genesis doesn't make it past chapter two before the contradictions begin. Really, 6days, you need to actually READ the bible. Cutting and pasting from creationists web sites just isn't furthering your bible literacy, it's hindering you.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The Nazi's had no problems connecting the dots from common ancestry beliefs to killing off those they deemed unfit...exactly as Darwin had prophesied.
Well, no, Darwin said no such thing, but I'm sure you have a recycled quote mine handy. The theory of eugenics, which predates Darwin by over two thousand years, postulates doing something similar to what the Nazis did.


You know ,Mike, your version of deity giving you cancer and modern medicine curing it isn't a miracle. People believe weird things all the time wheather they have good, loving hearts and souls or not.Demented? Mike, which one of us hears voices, talks to angels and has a line to "god" more direct than Billy Graham?

Believing all the myth in the bible are true history isn't necessary to being an "observant Jew".

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Dear Silent,

So you think Christians, who are going to Heaven when they die, are not innately blessed because of their good, loving hearts and their beliefs? Think again! Also, I believe the word you are looking for is 'whether,' not wheather. Furthermore, I didn't say you were demented because you don't hear voices. You're just demented/sick in the head and heart, numb from the brain down. Jesus heard God's voice too, and also Satan's voice, when He was fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and was tempted by Satan {Mark 1:13KJV}. Moses also heard God's voice. You just don't get it.

Being a Jew should necessitate belief in the words of the Torah; all of them. The Bible is a Holy Book. It does have symbolism, parabolic words, hidden meanings, etc. Some of it is written so that not everyone can understand it, like in Daniel and Revelation. This is to keep the atheists from learning about certain parts of it. If God wants to reveal anything in the Bible, He does it through His Servants, the Prophets and Saints, who learned it from the Lord God or the angels. Jesus heard Satan when he tried to tempt Him in the wilderness. So Jesus heard God's voice and Satan's voice. I claim nothing different.

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New member
:chuckle: You said EXACTLY that (in so many words). You said what you did in an attempt to beat back any counter argument. You can't read Hebrew like Chair, instead, relying on shoddy creationist apologetics and a belief in an infallible KJV showing your utter lack of knowledge.Dictionaries don't give definitions, they give word usages. Look up "clueless" in the dictionary. You'll find yours and Cadry's picture next to it.

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... which is why you aren't providing this alleged quote. Hurry up and do so that I may smack you in righteousness. With a dictionary. Metaphorically of course.
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:chuckle: You said EXACTLY that (in so many words). You said what you did in an attempt to beat back any counter argument. You can't read Hebrew like Chair, instead, relying on shoddy creationist apologetics and a belief in an infallible KJV showing your utter lack of knowledge.Dictionaries don't give definitions, they give word usages. Look up "clueless" in the dictionary. You'll find yours and Cadry's picture next to it.

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Dear Silent,

You are like a real Donald Trump, aren't you. Calling us a loser or clueless. I can't wait to see the day when you find out that you believe in the opposite of what is true. That's a lack of love for God. You can't believe in God because you don't want to have to acknowledge Him, considering how you've treated Him. I would venture to say that you wish He wasn't really there so you don't fry for eternity. And you don't want to worship anyone besides yourself. You just don't like to keep His rules. Jesus told us to believe in two commandments mostly and that everything else would fall into place. He said 'Love your God with you heart, mind and soul; and love your neighbor as yourself.



This is going to hurt your feelings but the bible disagrees with you.

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No, the Bible does not disagree with him. You just don't know how to reconcile certain scripture in the Bible. For you, it contradicts, not necessarily for others. If you were correctly interpreting it, it is fine. But you can't interpret it. I have a Douay Bible and a New English Bible, and a Mormon Bible {no I am not a Mormon}, but I go by my King James Version, because it suits me just fine.



:chuckle: You said EXACTLY that (in so many words). You said what you did in an attempt to beat back any counter argument. You can't read Hebrew like Chair, instead, relying on shoddy creationist apologetics and a belief in an infallible KJV showing your utter lack of knowledge.Dictionaries don't give definitions, they give word usages. Look up "clueless" in the dictionary. You'll find yours and Cadry's picture next to it.

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Dear Silent,

Look up Hell Dweller and you'll find your picture too!!



New member
Yes, It likely does. But as Patrick said, there are no contradictions in God's Word.

I started on a project some years back to see if I could find biblical contradictions. Although initially skeptical I started with some claims of some bible scholars and decided to put them through testing. Sought out hostile opinions to see what tests they might have, usually received vast levels of idiocy, such as "Whales are not fish", "Bats are not birds" type of stuff. Occasionally did find some interesting questions once you sorted it out, most of which did resolve successfully, a couple few that got tabled for later research.

Skipping ahead sixteen years or so, the King James translation is excellent. I liked Tyndale's translation, the Bishop's and Geneva were improvements as well, but I can find at least small mistakes in those (but granted, it was part of a long process.) Many of the modern attempts at translation manage to create errors where none existed before. Still have the investigation open, because as they say, it's impossible to prove a negative.

Seems to be something Hunter doesn't understand, with his absurd prophesies like:
Every, and I mean EVERY, bible scholar living and dead disagree with you.

The funny part is that statement is absurdly false on its face. We have no need of witnesses. The dead don't disagree with anything, Hunter. Don't tell me you've gone "mystic" on us here and are suggesting that the ghosts of bible scholars are agreeing with you over the straw man?

Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 KJV
(5) For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
(6) Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

I will translate that into small words that Hunter can understand. The dead don't disagree with anything, period.

- Proverbs 26:5 KJV.


Dear All (especially Chrysostom},

You really need to read this and study it. Those whom God is with will most likely understand. But others will not understand.

Part One

The second angel that visited me said, "Babylon is fallen!" and told me that it was, in part, about a woman named Betty Hutton, who was a blonde beauty in Hollywood movies. And that she would lose her husbands and her riches, and then turn to God and call Him Ishi {Husband} See Hosea 2:16KJV {the book after the book of Daniel}. She had FIVE husbands in her lifetime and she was well off financially. The angel made it known to me that this was to fulfill the Scriptures in the book of Hosea, chapter two. Please see Hosea 2 and read it. You should be able to figure it out. The woman turned to God and went to work in a church rectory before she passed away. Her name, "Betty" means 'consecrated to God.'" My Mom's name was also Betty. It is a short version of Elizabeth.

Anyway, later on I had a vision and the Lord explained to me some things in it. It was made known to me that Hollywood was depicted as this woman/whore who is mentioned in Rev. 17KJV {NOT Betty Hutton}. Also that this woman/beast {symbolism} had seven heads {seven deadly sins lifted up} and ten horns which are ten grave sins, which now includes all seven deadly sins, plus three others. Drug addiction, smoking addiction, and fornication {sex with more than just one woman in your lifetime, bondage, straight or gay sadomasochism, etc. It causes babies to be born out of wedlock and harms children greatly to lose their fathers, or never know them}. It was explained to me that a man was to marry the first woman he had sex with. I only tell you what I've been told.

And the Lord explained to me that this woman/whore was Hollywood/L.A. and that this city was 'spiritually' like Babylon, which was famous for her prostitutes and good things to buy. And it was told to me that Hollywood also had many whores, both female AND Male. Also that it was called the Sunset Strip. It was also made known to me that this woman/whore/beast was actually a city, whose name is Hollywood/L.A. Thus it is written in Rev. 17:18KJV saying, "And the 'woman' which thou saw, is that great 'city,' which reigns over the kings (ten grave sins from Satan} of the Earth." I was also told that this woman/city would teach the world to increase their participation in the ten 'kings' {sins/devils}, like thefts, fornication, lies, adultery, gluttony {commercials}, etc. through her media, TV shows and movies, and books, and music, and commercials. All of these mediums/media the city would let other cities see and they would copy them, including killing, torture, etc. I'm explaining this to you as I can. Sometimes I tell my experience better and thorough, and sometimes not as good. I hope you all get the gist of this.

Please read Part Two which follows. Thanks Tons!!



Dear All,

Part Two

Finally, I had a great vision and saw this 'city' endure a super-great earthquake, like a millstone being thrown into the ocean, and thus shall this city be thrown down and be found no more. {Please see Rev. 18:21KJV}. In other words, land sliding into the ocean in a quake so great, that California has never had such. And when I learned this, I contacted the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey} and told them of my vision and experience of what I learned about it, and they said they would study it. It hit the papers a year later. This happened years ago. I have been going through experiences for the past 42 years of my life and have been taught much, including how to fight the devil/Satan. But when I tell the media/reporters, etc., they get scared and don't want to help me publicize it all, saying it will cause panic and hysteria, etc. and people quitting their jobs and sitting around waiting for Jesus to return. That's NOT what you should do. We have no idea which year or decade, or month, or day, or hour, when Jesus will return again.

Okay, I learned more than just this, but this will have to do for now. Just ponder it all and study it, if you wish, and learn that there are things going on that you know nothing about yet. I've learned tons of other stuff similar to this. I got tired of telling 2-10 people at a time and in exasperation, I asked God what I should do? He told me to write it in a book and to use simple language so that many more might be able to understand it. Everything that has happened to me is hardly included in this book, but some of my basic experiences are in the book.

My book has been in the downtown Phoenix Library since 2003, and is now in it's Seventh Edition. That will be it. I'll not be writing another, that I know of. It's Free to read there. You can also get a Free copy by going to my website and accessing it there. Just go to my website:

Once there, you will find my book's cover {which is a copy of my Avatar, minus the stars}. To the left of that pic, are the words "Book Copy." Left-click on that, and then left-click on the words that come up: SKU-text2.pdf; You will be brought to my Title Pages. The first two are blank, for autographs and readers' notes. On the third page is the Title: "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." You can flip through the pages by using your up and down arrow cursor keys on your keyboard {for some, you have to use the left and right arrow cursor keys}. Anyway, you can read my book off of your computer screen or download the book to your computer or printer, or both. The book is only 88 pages long, double-spaced, petite pages. I received the info free from the Lord, so I give it away Free!! If you do want your own copy, you can get it from or Barnes & Noble. Okay, that wraps things up. I hope you keep your heads together and be wise. Don't start twisting my words in the book. Be careful what you quote to others. When you make a mistake, it costs a lot. I know from experience.

I guess this is all too much for most of you. If you read it slowly and concisely, you CAN understand it. Oh well, carry on.

God Be With You All Closely And Help You Comprehend!!



I started on a project some years back to see if I could find biblical contradictions. Although initially skeptical I started with some claims of some bible scholars and decided to put them through testing. Sought out hostile opinions to see what tests they might have, usually received vast levels of idiocy, such as "Whales are not fish", "Bats are not birds" type of stuff. Occasionally did find some interesting questions once you sorted it out, most of which did resolve successfully, a couple few that got tabled for later research.

Skipping ahead sixteen years or so, the King James translation is excellent. I liked Tyndale's translation, the Bishop's and Geneva were improvements as well, but I can find at least small mistakes in those (but granted, it was part of a long process.) Many of the modern attempts at translation manage to create errors where none existed before. Still have the investigation open, because as they say, it's impossible to prove a negative.

Seems to be something Hunter doesn't understand, with his absurd prophesies like:

The funny part is that statement is absurdly false on its face. We have no need of witnesses. The dead don't disagree with anything, Hunter. Don't tell me you've gone "mystic" on us here and are suggesting that the ghosts of bible scholars are agreeing with you over the straw man?

Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 KJV
(5) For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
(6) Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

I will translate that into small words that Hunter can understand. The dead don't disagree with anything, period.

- Proverbs 26:5 KJV.

Dear Rosenritter,

I must disagree with you here. Just Kidding!! How are you?? You're doing an excellent job. Yes, the dead won't be judged until the very end of the Second Death. That is why it is written, and the dead shall stand before God {See Rev. 20:12,13KJV}. Also see Rev. 20:6KJV. Keep up the good work!

Praise The Lord!!



New member
There is no way to calibrate results for unknown conditions such as volcanic activity, solar flares, or the global flood.

You really do not have any idea how science, particularly physics, workd, do you?

Long radiocarbon dates do not translate to unique recent actual dates because the very low levels of remaining C14 are impossible to differentiate from contamination of sources other than contemporary atmospheric carbon, giving increasingly huge error bars. The dino DNA material was tested and dated by a team without giving them the details of the source, collection protocols and handling of the samples, so the level of contamination is likely to be high. Which is why I expect they don't want to do any more orchestrated publicity stunts for the creationists.

More recent dates ARE easy to calibrate, of course, since there are independent archaeological and biological and physics-based dating methods with which to compare the radiocarbon dates. Your comment above, is as a result, nonsense. As usual.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I started on a project some years back to see if I could find biblical contradictions. Although initially skeptical I started with some claims of some bible scholars and decided to put them through testing.........

There are so many things wrong in the little slice. Starting out to find something in the Bible indicates a conclusion in search of evidence. That's always a bad thing. Second of all, most people who claim to be "bible scholars" are pinheads. Many get degrees from dens of iniquity like Harvard or Berkeley. Third, reading the Bible is not like reading a history book where you can fins factual errors, because the Bible is not written that way.

The Bible is an inspired work meant to convey what God wants people to know, yet often written in various styles and genres of the time of a particular authors life. So its literary styles differ wildly. Thins that appear to be contradictions to the average person are in fact not.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
There are so many things wrong ibn the little slice. Starting out to find something in the Bible indicates a conclusion in search of evidence. That's always a bad thing. Second of all, most people who claim to be "bible scholars" are pinheads. Many get degrees from dens of iniquity like Harvard or Berkeley. Third, reading the Bible is not like reading a history book where you can fins factual errors, because the Bible is not written that way.

The Bible is an inspired work, meant to convey what God wants people to know, yet often written in various styles and genres of the time of a particular authors life. So its literary styles differ wildly. Thins that appear to be contradictions to the average person are in fact not.

Here is an excellent guideline for proper interpretation of Scripture:

III. The Holy Spirit, Interpreter of Scripture

109 In Sacred Scripture, God speaks to man in a human way. To interpret Scripture correctly, the reader must be attentive to what the human authors truly wanted to affirm, and to what God wanted to reveal to us by their words.

110 In order to discover the sacred authors' intention, the reader must take into account the conditions of their time and culture, the literary genres in use at that time, and the modes of feeling, speaking and narrating then current. "For the fact is that truth is differently presented and expressed in the various types of historical writing, in prophetical and poetical texts, and in other forms of literary expression."

111 But since Sacred Scripture is inspired, there is another and no less important principle of correct interpretation, without which Scripture would remain a dead letter. "Sacred Scripture must be read and interpreted in the light of the same Spirit by whom it was written."

The Second Vatican Council indicates three criteria for interpreting Scripture in accordance with the Spirit who inspired it.

112 1. Be especially attentive "to the content and unity of the whole Scripture". Different as the books which compose it may be, Scripture is a unity by reason of the unity of God's plan, of which Christ Jesus is the center and heart, open since his Passover.
The phrase "heart of Christ" can refer to Sacred Scripture, which makes known his heart, closed before the Passion, as the Scripture was obscure. But the Scripture has been opened since the Passion; since those who from then on have understood it, consider and discern in what way the prophecies must be interpreted.80

113 2. Read the Scripture within "the living Tradition of the whole Church". According to a saying of the Fathers, Sacred Scripture is written principally in the Church's heart rather than in documents and records, for the Church carries in her Tradition the living memorial of God's Word, and it is the Holy Spirit who gives her the spiritual interpretation of the Scripture (". . . according to the spiritual meaning which the Spirit grants to the Church").

114 3. Be attentive to the analogy of faith. By "analogy of faith" we mean the coherence of the truths of faith among themselves and within the whole plan of Revelation.

The senses of Scripture

115 According to an ancient tradition, one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: the literal and the spiritual, the latter being subdivided into the allegorical, moral and anagogical senses. the profound concordance of the four senses guarantees all its richness to the living reading of Scripture in the Church.

116 The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discovered by exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation: "All other senses of Sacred Scripture are based on the literal."

117 The spiritual sense. Thanks to the unity of God's plan, not only the text of Scripture but also the realities and events about which it speaks can be signs.
1. the allegorical sense. We can acquire a more profound understanding of events by recognizing their significance in Christ; thus the crossing of the Red Sea is a sign or type of Christ's victory and also of Christian Baptism.
2. the moral sense. the events reported in Scripture ought to lead us to act justly. As St. Paul says, they were written "for our instruction".
3. the anagogical sense (Greek: anagoge, "leading"). We can view realities and events in terms of their eternal significance, leading us toward our true homeland: thus the Church on earth is a sign of the heavenly Jerusalem.

118 A medieval couplet summarizes the significance of the four senses:
The Letter speaks of deeds; Allegory to faith; The Moral how to act; Anagogy our destiny.

Source: LINK


75 Cf. Dei Verbum 12 # 1.
76 Dei Verbum 12 # 2.
77 Dei Verbum 12 # 3.
78 Cf. Dei Verbum 12 # 4.
79 Cf. ⇒ Lk 24:25-27, ⇒ 44-46
80 St. Thomas Aquinas, Expos. in ⇒ Ps. 21, ⇒ 11; cf. ⇒ Ps 22:14.
81 Origen, Hom. in ⇒ Lev. 5, 5: PG 12, 454D.
82 Cf. ⇒ Rom 12:6.
83 St. Thomas Aquinas, S Th I, 1, 10, ad I.
84 Cf. I Cor 10:2.
85 I Cor 10:11; cf. ⇒ Heb 3:1 - ⇒ 4:11.
86 Cf. ⇒ Rev 21:1 - ⇒ 22:5.
87 Lettera gesta docet, quid credas allegoria, moralis quid agas, quo tendas anagogia.
88 Dei Verbum 12 # 3.
89 St. Augustine, Contra epistolam Manichaei 5, 6: PL 42, 176.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
So you think Christians, who are going to Heaven when they die, are not innately blessed because of their good, loving hearts and their beliefs? Think again! Also, I believe the word you are looking for is 'whether,' not wheather. Furthermore, I didn't say you were demented because you don't hear voices. You're just demented/sick in the head and heart, numb from the brain down. Jesus heard God's voice too, and also Satan's voice, when He was fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and was tempted by Satan {Mark 1:13KJV}. Moses also heard God's voice. You just don't get it.

Being a Jew should necessitate belief in the words of the Torah; all of them. The Bible is a Holy Book. It does have symbolism, parabolic words, hidden meanings, etc. Some of it is written so that not everyone can understand it, like in Daniel and Revelation. This is to keep the atheists from learning about certain parts of it. If God wants to reveal anything in the Bible, He does it through His Servants, the Prophets and Saints, who learned it from the Lord God or the angels. Jesus heard Satan when he tried to tempt Him in the wilderness. So Jesus heard God's voice and Satan's voice. I claim nothing different.
Really, Mike, the best you have is picking on the spelling of someone working from a cell phone? People who hear voices and think that they are talking to their deity, angels, or the "devil" are nuts beyond Planters cashews. Jews recognize that their bible is mostly folklore and that it does contain mostly "symbolism, parabolic words, hidden meanings". You're crazy Mike. Take your meds.
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