Creation vs. Evolution

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You are like a real Donald Trump, aren't you. Calling us a loser or clueless. I can't wait to see the day when you find out that you believe in the opposite of what is true. That's a lack of love for God. You can't believe in God because you don't want to have to acknowledge Him, considering how you've treated Him. I would venture to say that you wish He wasn't really there so you don't fry for eternity. And you don't want to worship anyone besides yourself. You just don't like to keep His rules. Jesus told us to believe in two commandments mostly and that everything else would fall into place. He said 'Love your God with you heart, mind and soul; and love your neighbor as yourself.
No, the Bible does not disagree with him. You just don't know how to reconcile certain scripture in the Bible. For you, it contradicts, not necessarily for others. If you were correctly interpreting it, it is fine. But you can't interpret it. I have a Douay Bible and a New English Bible, and a Mormon Bible {no I am not a Mormon}, but I go by my King James Version, because it suits me just fine.
Look up Hell Dweller and you'll find your picture too!!

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Seems to be something Hunter doesn't understand, with his absurd prophesies like:
Prophecy? It was a statement of fact. Quote one bible scholar, living or dead, who says the bible contains no contradictions.
The funny part is that statement is absurdly false on its face. We have no need of witnesses. The dead don't disagree with anything, Hunter. Don't tell me you've gone "mystic" on us here and are suggesting that the ghosts of bible scholars are agreeing with you over the straw man?
Is this your version of going all Michael Cadry on me?


New member
SilentHunter said:
The bible is chock full of contradictions.
Hunter.... don't be so gullible falling for the lists on the atheist sites.
God's Word has no contradictions.
Although translations and copies are not perfect, even they contain no error / contradiction that changes any doctrine.

Hunter... Since you are insistent the Bible contains contradictions, why not pick one . ( not a list) Lets discuss it

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
It is mathematically impossible for there to be no God. Go back to school son.

I think that the idea that there is no God is mathematically impossible. Basic probability tells you that the odds of a blob of primordial ooze morphing into a man, regardless of how much time has passed, are so remote that mathematicians regard it as impossible. Emile Borel and Fred Hoyle are just two mathematicians who reject evolution on statistical grounds. The idea is a "Statistical Impossibility". For example, it is theoretically possible that you could b1ow up a junk yard and all the flying pieces would land and form themselves into a Cadillac - that is possible. But the odds against it are so high that it constitutes a "Statistical Impossibility". Same goes for evolution. That only leaves one possibility: God.


New member
gcthomas said:
You really do not have any idea how science, particularly physics, workd, do you?

Long radiocarbon dates do not translate to unique recent actual dates because the very low levels of remaining C14 are impossible to differentiate from contamination of sources ...
You and I both understand how science works. But the problem for you is not understanding the difference between your belief system, and science. Evolutionists accept results of 22000 years...and they reject results of 22,000 years. It all depends if the results fit their beliefs.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I think that the idea that there is no God is mathematically impossible. Basic probability tells you that the odds of a blob of primordial ooze morphing into a man, regardless of how much time has passed, are so remote that mathematicians regard it as impossible. Emile Borel and Fred Hoyle are just two mathematicians who reject evolution on statistical grounds. The idea is a "Statistical Impossibility". For example, it is theoretically possible that you could b1ow up a junk yard and all the flying pieces would land and form themselves into a Cadillac - that is possible. But the odds against it are so high that it constitutes a "Statistical Impossibility". Same goes for evolution. That only leaves one possibility: God.
Yet another christian who doesn't understand the theory of evolution, thinking the same empty straw man used fo years is a refutation. You do know that the catholic church accepts evolution, right?
The probability of cellular life evolving is about one-in-10 to the 40,000th power.
In other words, statistically impossible
What part of your rectum did you dig that number from?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
God's Word has no contradictions.
Although translations and copies are not perfect, even they contain no error / contradiction that changes any doctrine.
Yeah, that must be why there are 30,000+ (and growing) sects of christianity all with differing doctrines and beliefs. :rolleyes:
Hunter... Since you are insistent the Bible contains contradictions, why not pick one . ( not a list) Lets discuss it
I can't post a Gish gallop like you so often do?


New member
Seance? No. Scholarship? Yes?

Quote one bible scholar, living or dead, who says/said the bible contains no contradictions.
It is amazing that you feel no shame in making such an dishonest claim. And combined with the Red Herring and Straw Man at the same time. Your spurious logic skills are indeed finely honed.

But, to answer the fool according to his folly,
The "Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy" was produced at an international Summit Conference of evangelical leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Chicago in the fall of 1978. This congress was sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. The Chicago Statement was signed by nearly 300 noted evangelical scholars, including James Boice, Norman L. Geisler, John Gerstner, Carl F. H. Henry, Kenneth Kantzer, Harold Lindsell, John Warwick Montgomery, Roger Nicole, J. I. Packer, Robert Preus, Earl Radmacher, Francis Schaeffer, R. C. Sproul, and John Wenham.

Hunter, I really wanted to try to be nice to you. I really really did. Stupid I could deal with and forgive, but you're just plain dishonest and hateful and want nothing more than a fight brought down to your level. Grow up please.
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New member
Yet another christian who doesn't understand the theory of evolution, thinking the same empty straw man used fo years is a refutation. You do know that the catholic church accepts evolution, right?What part of your rectum did you dig that number from?
I agree that number is vastly overstated. If you round to the nearest integer it works, however.


New member
The probability of cellular life evolving is about one-in-10 to the 40,000th power.
In other words, statistically impossible

So that is a one in 10^40000 chance per trial. And how many trials were there — that is, what is the actual chance that this 32 amino acid protein could have been created by chance, when there would be many of opportunities per second over a long period of time? A 32 amino acid protein could be formed with odds of 1 in 10^40, not 40000.

My approx calculations give 2 x 10^43 collisions per second per cubic meter of water. For concentrations of amino acids of 1‰, that means 10^60 amino acid collisions per million years for a single, decently large, shallow lake.

Sounds like good odds to me.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The probability of cellular life evolving is about one-in-10 to the 40,000th power.
In other words, statistically impossible
What part of your rectum did you dig that number from?
Ahh, thanks for proving what I suspected: You're a vile little imbecile.

But for the others here, mathematician Fred Hoyle said that the probability of cellular life evolving is about one-in-10 to the 40,000th power.

Fred Hoyle was an English mathematician, astronomer, and was noted the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis. This is in stark contrast to Silent Hunter who is noted for general stupidity.


New member
So that is a one in 10^40000 chance per trial. And how many trials were there — that is, what is the actual chance that this 32 amino acid protein could have been created by chance, when there would be many of opportunities per second over a long period of time? A 32 amino acid protein could be formed with odds of 1 in 10^40, not 40000.

My approx calculations give 2 x 10^43 collisions per second per cubic meter of water. For concentrations of amino acids of 1‰, that means 10^60 amino acid collisions per million years for a single, decently large, shallow lake.

Sounds like good odds to me.

Get your own amino acids.


New member
Ahh, thanks for proving what I suspected: You're a vile little imbecile.

But for the others here, mathematician Fred Hoyle said that the probability of cellular life evolving is about one-in-10 to the 40,000th power.

Fred Hoyle was an English mathematician, astronomer, and was noted the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis. This is in stark contrast to Silent Hunter who is noted for general stupidity.

A hundred year old 'calculation' that calculated the odds of something happening that has never been required by modern abiogenesis theory is not exactly fatal to that theory. Hoyle's 'assembling a B747 in a junk-yard by a tornado', 'create a whole protein/organism in one step' description is a stupid caricature of the actual science., which is why it has been rejected by all evolutionary biologists.

Fred Hoyle was wrong a century ago, and is even more wrong now.
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