Creation vs. Evolution

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Does justice exist?

Dear Stripe,

My beliefs are with you!! You make perfect sense. If oblivion might exist, then why not non-oblivion existing. Same difference. At least you have millions of people believing that their eternal lives won't be spent in oblivion, and many few others, thinking their life with end up in oblivion. So they think that, against most all odds, their hope for oblivion is true. Fat chance. Besides, I know what is going to happen instead, but I'm just not saying anything. I will give them a clue. It is written, "and the rest/remainder of the dead did not LIVE "AGAIN" until the 1,000 years were fulfilled. That means that the dead come back into another body at their appointed time and get one last chance to choose good over evil. Except life will be much, much harder then. See Rev. 20:5, 20:7KJV. If you need help with any explanation, let me know. Well, got to run for now. Will hopefully post more 2morrow. Look up the scriptural reference Online if needed. You'll start to learn a bit more about what your future holds. There is no oblivion or death. Only eternal life. God did not create a spirit so it could die. He made them so that they live forever, whether in Heaven, or in the lake of fire/ Our Sun. There's so much going on that you do not have the slightest bit of knowledge about.

Okay, will chat again later.

God Bless All Of You!!



Mike, you are much too volatile. You often take greater offense at my posts to you than is warranted, so I will simply not engage you. Sorry.

Dear DavisBJ,

I'm not too volatile and I don't take great offense at your posts. So you don't have to worry about engaging me. That is only your way of not having to come up with an answer to my last post to you. So don't worry.

Good Tidings,



Michael, I think you're a little OCD about trying to reply to every post. Don't worry about it unless the post is directly to you. I know how it can be to feel like you're falling behind and can't catch up. Only reply to posts to you or about you, that's my humble advice.

God Bless

Dear patrick jane,

Oh, I mean I can't 'READ' every post on this thread. I try to only answer the posts that are for me, or otherwise, when I'd rather. Yep, I gave up having to answer every post when I put this thread back online. It's not like before. But thank you for caring. I'm not OCD after all, don't worry.

God's Love Shine Through You, PJ!!



Michael, every time you post to me it's the same idiotic nonsense. The stories and fables in the Bible are not evidence, never have been and never will be...... but look, I'm not even going to engage you on this, it's like talking to a brick wall. That post wasn't aimed at you and I would be happy if you just didn't post your half witted nonsense in reply to me. I don't like putting people on ignore but when it's nothing but inane garbage there's nothing else for it. The next time will be for good.


Dear Hedshaker,

I think you just don't know how to answer me truthfully because you're speechless, considering the 'fables' you don't believe. I think Darwin also spoke fables/lies. I'm not the one who is like talking to a brick wall. You are the same way, just like DavisBJ. My proof is something you can't deal with, so you're going to just quit answering me? How noble. I do appreciate your input and I address it as I see it. You and Davis just can't come to grips with the evidence/ proof I laid out for you. Darwin's 150 years have nothing on Jesus' 2,000 years, not to mention John the Baptist, the apostles and disciples, etc. Many, many saying the same thing. Checkmate! You don't have to freak out.

Best Wishes & Cheerio, Mate,

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New member
Dear DavisBJ,

I'm not too volatile and I don't take great offense at your posts. So you don't have to worry about engaging me. That is only your way of not having to come up with an answer to my last post to you. So don't worry.

Good Tidings,

Michael, for reasons I have already explained, and you have preemptively rejected, I am resuming some numbering I unwisely discontinued almost 2 years ago (back in post 5556):

Ignore # 57


Active member
re: "God did not create a spirit so it could die. He made them so that they live forever, whether in Heaven, or in the lake of fire/ Our Sun."

Does He know before He creates a spirit that He will eventually be casting the spirit into the lake of fire? If He does, why do you suppose He goes ahead and creates the spirit anyway?


New member
Define "justice".

Define stupid: Darwinists.

Can't answer the question eh? Too difficult? Maybe Michael can help you out :dunce:

So lets simplify things it a little:- Is the justice you refer to a human created definition? If not what evidence can you offer? And no, we all know you haven't offered any yet. Do you mean social justice or poetic justice, or something else? We know you're not very bright but please be precise.

social justice
noun: social justice

justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
"individuality gives way to the struggle for social justice"


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So lets simplify things it a little:- Is the justice you refer to a human created definition? If not what evidence can you offer? And no, we all know you haven't offered any yet. Do you mean social justice or poetic justice, or something else? We know you're not very bright but please be precise.

Can't answer the question, eh? Too difficult? Maybe Michael can help you out :dunce:
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