Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
We're having a discussion here. Start another thread for your rabbit trail. :up:
I realize that for you when you babble “I already showed you the evidence, I already did, Already done, Can’t you read, You hate reading etc, etc” it is a pretty advanced conversation. Heaven knows you would never be tempted to go beyond a litany of empty assertions and show the supposed evidence.

And as for you dictating what I may post, I am not much inclined to think you have squat to do with that decision. Sorry about that, jaw-flapper extraordinaire.

Another thread item you introduced was adding metaphysical things to embryos. Was it because someone added something metaphysical to you when you were first forming that explains why you like living in the gutter?


New member
Nope. Evidence, remember?
Who could ever forget your evidence? Perpetually something that which has been posted earlier, but somehow very easy to miss. :liberals:

And fear is the accusation you face in light of the fact that you will one day stand before your maker.
I doubt it but suspect that oblivion is rather more likely, since we were all there once before.

What have you got to lose? Answer the challenge that lies before you instead of pretending it doesn't exist.
The real god may not have too much sympathy for those who cling to man-made religious doctrines.

Is hope a real thing?
Hope is a state of mind, not a real thing.


re: "God did not create a spirit so it could die. He made them so that they live forever, whether in Heaven, or in the lake of fire/ Our Sun."

Does He know before He creates a spirit that He will eventually be casting the spirit into the lake of fire? If He does, why do you suppose He goes ahead and creates the spirit anyway?

Dear rstrats,

He did it so that everyone would have a 'choice.' Not to ONLY follow Him, but also offer an option. You can see that some people choose a different option. Free will is what He gives us, in case we don't want to be with Him eternally. That is all I will tell you, in part. Also, He did make spirit to not die, but what I meant to say at the time was that He makes souls to not die.

Praise God!!

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Michael, for reasons I have already explained, and you have preemptively rejected, I am resuming some numbering I unwisely discontinued almost 2 years ago (back in post 5556):

Ignore # 57

Dear DavisBJ,

I guess we can't agree to disagree?? Well, have your heart's desire. Can't take the heat too easily, can you Davis? Just 'run' from the truth, eh? Checkmate!!

Best Wishes,



Perhaps not, if that was the only consideration. Was it just to bomb Hiroshima? Would it have been just to kill Hitler as a youth if someone knew the future?

Dear 6days,

It is my strong belief that Hitler is a sure thing to look for in the lake of fire. No contest! Jesus is our evidence. 2,000 years old, but still potent enough, without a doubt.

Praise Jesus!!



Ignore #58

Jesus is Our Evidence of life after death. For 2,000 years now. If you can't cope with the truth, it doesn't surprise me any. So Darwin has given us the 'theory' of evolution and we should believe it because it's been believed for 150 years? Yippee!! You are a strange fruit! Jesus, the disciples and apostles, to just name some of the people who left books behind acknowledging his time on Earth. Jesus' disciples and Himself did this 1850 years before Darwin's theory. Jesus is not a theory, either. He is a long-time, trusting source and wealth of information. I believe that the millions of people who feel Him in their hearts far outsources Darwin's evolutionists and also agnostics. I think he has a lot more clout than Darwin's simple, full-of-holes, theory of evolution. You dig?

Ignore #58 does not bother me in the slightest.

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New member
Dear All,

It says that God created the Universe, Heaven and Earth, the host of heaven, etc. "And God called the light Day and the darkness Night. And the evening and the morning were the "1st Day". "And God separated and divided the waters which were above and the waters on Earth, and He created the firmament (Heaven). And that was the second day.

And it goes on further to say that that God created the Earth and Seas; plants and trees. And the evening and the morning were the third day. And in the fourth day, God made the hosts of Heaven, tons of angels and servants (helpers), including the Sun and the Moon, all on one day. And the planets, etc. And Orion and the Big Dipper, so they could be used for signs and for seasons, for days and for years.

Then it says that on the fifth day, God created great whales and everything in the seas, and He brought forth fowl from the waters to fly in the firmament. And this was alot of work. But for God to create all of that in 24 hours, no big deal. Then, in the sixth day, God created all of the creatures of the Earth, beasts, cattle, mastodons, elephants, beasts, dinosaurs {Ty Rex, Brontosaurus, raptors, etc. Even alligators, crocodiles, tortoises and turtle, armadillo, dinosaurs}. I know much more than these. And all of the creeping critters, and bugs {roaches, millipedes, centipedes, etc}. Then God created Man and then Woman. And all of this was done during the sixth day. Now, God said all He has to do is speak what He wants to envision and that it does not come back to Him Undone. I will find that quote for you soon. That He just gives the word and it is. He is the Master Chemist don't forget. He is Grand and Great, and Omnipotent, and Full Of Love To Give For Those Who Want It. But as loving as He is, yes He has also had to create a bottomless pit in the center of the earth. It has a center and a top (because of gravity) but no bottom, figuratively. It also has hot magma and lava and is Hell. The Lake of Fire is our Sun. And once our Sun burns out, God will provide another sun for the devil to burn in. Now, He does all of these things because He knows what the future would bring, and that man can not help but fall, because they are no match for the devil, Satan. That's why we're having a time now of learning how to choose good from evil, and keeping the good or keeping the evil, or some of both, which makes us have certain personalities.

Okay, you must realize that when God created Adam, that was roughly back 7 or 8 thousand years? Now when God created Adam, he did not create him as an infant, but instead as a man. Also God did not create a young Universe and planet Earth, or Our Sun and Moon. Instead He created them older. Same with the creatures, cattle, fowl, beasts, creeping things, etc. He did not make eggs, He made already mature bugs, and same with cattle, fowl, etc. You cannot expect that God took more than 6 days to create everything. Okay, am going to get going. This will become my OP on my Creation vs. Evolution thread. It's long overdue. It's a lot easier to explain, too. These things found in amber, etc., must only truly be 7 or 8,000 years. They just look aged for our sakes. OK, will close for now. God Bestow A Big Kiss On Your Foreheads!!


The Lord God has wiped the earth clean before and He will do it nearly again, leaving a third of the Earth's people this time. Remember Noah and his wife, of whom we are all descended from, therefore we are ALL Brothers and Sisters, who don't get along well. Ishmael is the ancestor of all of the Arab people. I hope I've explained this well enough for now. If God decides to wipe us all off of the earth for sin, who would wonder why? Look at this earth and tell me what shape it is in? What are you going to do about it?? Forget your Evolution idea!! There is a Higher Power that oversees every little change in every creature He forms. Every nucleus, atom, genome, DNA, electron, etc. That's all, just for now. Re-read and study, and look in your Bibles. Things are happening that you don't know about yet. But the time is upon us.

May the Lord God Continue to Bless the Lord Jesus,

{For the 'Lord' God said to MY 'Lord' Jesus; Sit thou at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool.}

He is doing just that. Can you understand any of this?? Please, if you have any comments, keep them civil and maybe kind? I'm trying here. My main message is that Jesus is Returning Soon. I am now a YEC (Young Earth Creationist) and have changed some parts of my message here.

Praise His Greatness and His Intense Imagination, Which Is An Incredible Amazing Thing!!!

((( You MISSED The Whole THING )))!!!!!!!!!

(((((((( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ))))))))!!! -- READ "I-T"!!!! -- (( ""GOD SAID I-T""!!! )), And IT IS The LAW That God Made To YOUR WORLD; And NONE of YOU Can Possibly Believe G-O-D!!!!! - SOOOOO!! Just Pretend to be Christian while you are Alive IN the Flesh. - T-H-E-N Your eyes "WILL" Open AND You "WILL" S-E-E Gods "WILL"!!!!!! -- ENJOY YOUR God of Your World!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 052616


New member

Jesus is Our Evidence of life after death. For 2,000 years now. If you can't cope with the truth, it doesn't surprise me any. So Darwin has given us the 'theory' of evolution and we should believe it because it's been believed for 150 years? Yippee!! You are a strange fruit! Jesus, the disciples and apostles, to just name some of the people who left books behind acknowledging his time on Earth. Jesus' disciples and Himself did this 1850 years before Darwin's theory. Jesus is not a theory, either. He is a long-time, trusting source and wealth of information. I believe that the millions of people who feel Him in their hearts far outsources Darwin's evolutionists and also agnostics. I think he has a lot more clout than Darwin's simple, full-of-holes, theory of evolution. You dig?

Ignore #58 does not bother me in the slightest.


((( FOR 2,000 YEARS???!!! )))

There HAS NOT Been A "SINGLE THING" of GOD In The Last 2,000 YEARS!!!! --- N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!!! Except Stupid ""FALSE TEACHING / DOCTRINES"" From E-v-e-r-y Kind of Doctrine THERE I-S!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 052616


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My “truth test” is to see how well disputed part of the Bible story comport with reality. Staffs turning to snakes, a guy living inside of a fish, rivers turning to blood, a flood that was at best a local one being called global, etc. What yardstick do you use in determining what is true when there is a disagreement?
No. The truth test you used was "how popular is the idea." That's demonstrably a bad metric.

The first question to be asked is "can truth be determined" (by any metric)? Just so you know, I answer "yes" to that without hesitation. It's a simple question that I'm betting you cannot answer.


New member
Then there is no hope for you.
Hope, as I said, is a state of mind, not something for you in your ignorance to deem by whom and where it can be applied.

Good luck with your oblivion. :wave2:
Thanks, good luck with yours too Stripe.
I rather like to think (hope?) that since I probably came from oblivion into this life, then perhaps that has happened many times before, perhaps in an infinite number of universes.
That would beat sitting on a cloud eternally plucking a harp in my book.:thumb:


((( FOR 2,000 YEARS???!!! )))

There HAS NOT Been A "SINGLE THING" of GOD In The Last 2,000 YEARS!!!! --- N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!!! Except Stupid ""FALSE TEACHING / DOCTRINES"" From E-v-e-r-y Kind of Doctrine THERE I-S!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 052616

Ahhh! David Paul, Let's Argue, you do not know that there has not been a single thing of God in the last 2,000 years only because He hasn't told you about it. I know differently, but I will leave it up to Him to reveal it to you when He is ready. There have been things going on for at least 48 years, including Israel working together to build a nation again, just as He said they would do in the latter years.
There is tons more that God is doing tons more than you realize. You just don't know what ALL it is, and although I know more too, there is also more than I know of too, of course. Sometimes, secrets are important. No use playing cards when you don't have a Trump Card or Two.

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