Creation vs. Evolution

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Davis blowing smoke

Davis blowing smoke

So your approach to the question of how can we tell if there is life after death - is to wait until we are dead and then we will have the answer. For you that is crystal-clear logic.

Comprehension is a vital skill. :up:

Interesting how many posts Stipe has been successful at stringing everyone along with nothing more than these ephemeral allusions to something he supposedly said.


Darwinists hate reading.


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

We have evidence/proof of what we say. He walked on this Earth 2,000 years ago. You don't want us to base any of our claims on Him, but instead you want us to base our claims on Darwin, who didn't live that long ago? What did Darwin ever do compared to Jesus. What, because our evidence is older than yours, it should be ignored?? You're not fair, are you? So much has been written about our evidence and hardly anything about yours. Shouldn't that count for something? You're the one who is errant, but you must pull your head out of the sand first, and wipe the grains from your eyelids. The sandman is playing you for a fool, and his name is Satan, Jesus' and God's adversary/ enemy. Jesus taught us that there was life after death, and He knows what He's talking about. Do you? I venture not.

Get Your Bags Together; Go, bring your Good Friends too! 'Cause it's getting nearer; soon it will all be true.


Michael, every time you post to me it's the same idiotic nonsense. The stories and fables in the Bible are not evidence, never have been and never will be...... but look, I'm not even going to engage you on this, it's like talking to a brick wall. That post wasn't aimed at you and I would be happy if you just didn't post your half witted nonsense in reply to me. I don't like putting people on ignore but when it's nothing but inane garbage there's nothing else for it. The next time will be for good.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Evidence-free atheism

Evidence-free atheism

And Stipe's use of vague allusions continues.

Nope. The evidence for life after death has been clearly outlined.

Your assertion that all that awaits is oblivion can never be backed by evidence.

We know why you're desperate to avoid a rational discussion.


New member
Time to weep for Stipe

Time to weep for Stipe

Nope. The evidence for life after death has been clearly outlined.
And once again the best Stipe can come up with is the claim that the evidence has been clearly outlined. But never that ephemeral, elusive, ghostly evidence itself.

Stipe's use of vague allusions continues.

Any progress on how to add metaphysical things to embryos?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Desperate Davis

Desperate Davis

And once again the best Stipe can come up with is the claim that the evidence has been clearly outlined. But never that ephemeral, elusive, ghostly evidence itself.

Nope. You're just desperate to put as much distance between yourself and the description of your failings as possible.

Your failings are to have asserted an idea that can never gain evidence, while rejecting an opposing idea and insisting — contrary to reality — that it has no support.

In fact, there is hope and justice and mercy, while the Bible describes our fates.


New member
Stipe's idea of a Maserati

Stipe's idea of a Maserati

Nope. You're just desperate to put as much distance between yourself and the description of your failings as possible.

Your failings are to have asserted an idea that can never gain evidence, while rejecting an opposing idea and insisting — contrary to reality — that it has no support.

In fact, there is hope and justice and mercy, while the Bible describes our fates.
I visited a car lot, and Stipe (the salesman) directed me to what looked to be an older model economy car. Stipe claimed that it was actually a brand-new Maserati. Repeatedly I said, “Show me this is actually a Maserati.” Stipe’s responses:

“I already did.

What, you weren’t watching when I did?

I said I already did.

If you are too incompetent to pay attention, then…

You can’t prove this isn’t a Maserati.

Etc. etc. etc. etc.”​

Should I be a mindless sucker and buy what this con-artist is trying to dump on me?

(In his off hours, he says he tries adding metaphysical things to embryos? Go figure.)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Davis loves nonsense stories

Davis loves nonsense stories

Should I be a mindless sucker and buy what this con-artist is trying to dump on me?


A wise man might do one of two things:
He could walk away. Feel free to never respond to me again. :up:
Or he could discuss the evidence and show how his opinion was more accurate. This would be wonderful.

However, Darwinists hate things that lead to the truth.

The evidence is right there for you to examine. Choose a wise path instead of inventing nonsense to pretend there is nothing to talk about.


New member
Yet another pretence that Stipe has presented evidence

Yet another pretence that Stipe has presented evidence

… he could discuss the evidence and show how his opinion was more accurate. This would be wonderful.

The evidence is right there for you to examine.
You mean that evidence that you refer to again and again and again, yet never show what it is? Kinda hard to discuss your evidence that exists only in your imagination.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Darwinists hate reading

Darwinists hate reading

You mean that evidence that you refer to again and again and again, yet never show what it is? Kinda hard to discuss your evidence that exists only in your imagination.

Darwinists hate reading.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Lyin' Davis

Lyin' Davis

Nope. Evidence, remember? It's been presented. You're just desperate to put as much distance as you can between it and the latest post.

You're a troll and a liar.


New member
Stipe uses more of his favorite words

Stipe uses more of his favorite words

Evidence, remember? It's been presented.
I have long since run out of fingers to keep track of how many times you have said that, yet never come across with a whiff of actual evidence. Is it the same as the time you presented how to add metaphysical things to an embryo?

You're a troll and a liar.
For most posters, resorting to such name-calling is a sign of desperation. For you, it is just part of your innate deficit of morals.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The hopelessness of atheism

The hopelessness of atheism


We know you can never provide any for your assertion that all that awaits is oblivion.

An honest man would admit that evidence for something after death has been presented.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The emptiness of atheism

The emptiness of atheism

Evidence for oblivion: None, with no hope that any could ever emerge.


New member
Dear Stripe, clearly the likelihood of your own oblivion is something that you'd rather not face, hence your determination to cling to the comfort of one of humanity's many supernatural beliefs.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Dear Stripe, clearly the likelihood of your own oblivion is something that you'd rather not face, hence your determination to cling to the comfort of one of humanity's many supernatural beliefs.

Nope. Evidence, remember?

And fear is the accusation you face in light of the fact that you will one day stand before your maker.

What have you got to lose? Answer the challenge that lies before you instead of pretending it doesn't exist.

Is hope a real thing?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
One could have hope for winning the lottery and have faith that one day it will happen.Only difference is... there is an actual lottery. Life after death is a bit like Stripes evidence :kookoo:

Was that a "yes"?

Does justice exist?
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