Creation vs. Evolution

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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
When you are ready to discuss the topic at hand - Shannon and the information in DNA - let us know.

The argument is exactly right. Get up to speed about Shannon and information.

It's the heart of the matter. That you see it as meaningless is a testament to your ignorance. Notice, I'm not calling you stupid, but perhaps you've missed the reason why Shannon matters.

Please, show us where Shannon precludes the possibility of mutation in his Theorem.


Cross Reference

New member
Well that wouldn't make sense, given that no one is saying birds are descended from snakes.

Have you not ever looked into this subject?

I have read the headlines of such nonsense.
So not so, dude. The "theory thing" is still going on with dinosaurs being added to the list. "TRex, the mother of all birds".

Evolution is a fact...we see it happen all the time, right in front of us. We see evolutionary mechanisms produce new traits, genetic sequences, and even species. We even manipulate evolution to our own ends (e.g., domestication of animals).

Not of themselves is it happening. Man is running interference in his effort to produce hybrids.

The theory of evolution serves as an explanation of how evolution occurs, such as its mechanisms and pathways.

Again, it doesn't happen of it's own accord.

Jose Fly

New member
I have read the headlines of such nonsense.
So not so, dude. The "theory thing" is still going on with dinosaurs being added to the list. "TRex, the mother of all birds".

I don't ever recall anyone saying that birds evolved from snakes. If you have a citation or link, let me know, otherwise we'll just move on.

The generally accepted scenario is that birds descended from a group of dinosaurs called theropods. So if that were true, do you agree that we would expect to find fossil specimens that show a mixture of theropod and bird-like traits?

Not of themselves is it happening. Man is running interference in his effort to produce hybrids.

In some cases yes, we are manipulating evolution to suit our needs. But there are plenty of other examples where our role is nothing more than observing and documenting the evolution that occurs.

But in either case, whether we're manipulating it or just watching it, evolution happens, which means it is an observed fact.


New member
Caino said:
What of the Bible books were written by holy men who didn't claim they were writing Gods Word? Where is Abrahams scripture book? Adams scripture book? Noah's scripture?
Adam and others may have recorded things... they quite likely did. But it wasn't divinely inspired scripture.*

Caino you seem uninterested in inconvenient facts but there are many reasons we are confident that God's Word is totally contained within the 66 books of our Bible.*


Adam and others may have recorded things... they quite likely did. But it wasn't divinely inspired scripture.*

Caino you seem uninterested in inconvenient facts but there are many reasons we are confident that God's Word is totally contained within the 66 books of our Bible.*

That's your belief but people can fervently believe things that aren't really true. The facts of scientific inquiry disprove the creation story of the Hebrew priest aside from the inconsistencies and contradiction of mans word.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And why would calling them noise make them problematic for evolution?
It's not problematic for common descent with the right evidence. Since we know what message works, to say that same message works better with random changes would require you to provide the evidence that it works better.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
It's not problematic for common descent with the right evidence. Since we know what message works, to say that same message works better with random changes would require you to provide the evidence that it works better.
A minor mutation may change the function of a protein slightly such that is better at a particular function than an un modified gene. Better eye sight, stronger immunity to something. Your problem is that you are assuming that variation in a gene is always bad. You have no way prove this nor is there any logical reason to assume this. A mutation occurs. Whether it is beneficial or not cannot be determined until the new trait is expressed. Under some conditions the trait might be beneficial while the same trait under other conditions may be detrimental. Natural selection will select for or against only expressed traits.


I have read the headlines of such nonsense.
So not so, dude. The "theory thing" is still going on with dinosaurs being added to the list. "TRex, the mother of all birds".

Not of themselves is it happening. Man is running interference in his effort to produce hybrids.

Again, it doesn't happen of it's own accord.

Dear Cross Ref,

You're right. God works with man to help man and animals to understand each other, so communication is quite possible, a lot of times by providing treats or food for good behavior. Even a chicken can be trained. They have brains too, of course. Dogs and chimps, cats, and birds are the easiest to train, right? Chimps probably easier than dogs?

Praise God With Me,



What of the Bible books were written by holy men who didn't claim they were writing Gods Word? Where is Abrahams scripture book? Adams scripture book? Noah's scripture?

Dear Caino,

Adam, Noah and Abraham probably could not write or write well enough to write a book. They just told the same stories to their offspring and on and on. And chances are that they made pictures, etc. to write with. Now Moses came and could write, since he was schooled in Egypt. Moses put everything, as God recalled it to him, into different books. We can be certain that Moses could write and also read by the fact that he was given the Ten Commandments. God wrote. Man was told and read. Moses told the factual stories and put them in writing, with God's overwhelming assistance. If Jesus can help John of Patmos write exactly what is written in Revelation, then certainly God is able to help Moses write the first 5 books of the Bible.

Much Love, In Christ,

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Dear Caino,

Adam, Noah and Abraham probably could not write or write well enough to write a book. They just told the same stories to their offspring and on and on. And chances are that they made pictures, etc. to write with. Now Moses came and could write, since he was schooled in Egypt. Moses put everything, as God recalled it to him, into different books. We can be certain that Moses could write and also read by the fact that he was given the Ten Commandments. God wrote. Man was told and read. Moses told the factual stories and put them in writing, with God's overwhelming assistance. If Jesus can help John of Patmos write exactly what is written in Revelation, then certainly God is able to help Moses write the first 5 books of the Bible.

Much Love, In Christ,


The theory that the main characters of the Bible were illiterate up until Moses would explain a lot of the choppy inconsistencies of the Genesis story. But while all these wild accounts of the Hebrews were developing, the Sumerian Cuneiform writing, which dates back about 5000 years as well as the older writings discovered in Egypt and Pakistan, were in development. Oddly enough no other culture on earth records being related to the Jews, but there must be an explanation for this inconsistency because the Jews are NEVER wrong about anything are they? Happy Good Friday.


Dear All,

Since I'm blurting out secrets, I might as well let you know about the beast or whore written of in Rev. chapter 17. The third angel that visited me said, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen." And the angel told me that the city of Hollywood/L.A. was spiritually like ancient Babylon, where all of the prostitutes we found and also the various merchants were there also. It was explained to me that a lot of the women AND men there were prostitutes on the streets of Hollywood making an employment of it to sell their bodies for sex. It was also made clear to me that this beast or whore/harlot was a CITY, not a creature or woman. See Rev. 17:18KJV. "And the woman which thou sawest is that 'great CITY,' which reigneth over the kings of the Earth.

And the seven and ten 'heads, horns, or kings, all refer to sins with which the devil has infiltrated peoples' souls and caused them to sin or err. If needed, I will explain this more fully later, if you need it. And it was explained to me that this city, Hollywood, caused all manner of sin throughout the different cities and countries where it had it's effect, through their movies, commercials, TV shows, magazines, and recorded music, etc. And through these means, this city taught the other kingdoms/nations how to 'murder, lie, cheat, steal, fornicate, cause gluttony and adultery, etc. Not that all TV shows, or movies, are bad. But too many are.

Now, Rev. 8:12KJV and Rev. 9:2KJV refer to our Mt. St. Helens' eruptions and the brush fires we had at the time. Isn't it the only volcano we have in the 50 states, not counting Hawaii and Alaska. Having the sun smitten by the darkness of the smoke and ash, and the stars, etc. See Rev. 9:2KJV, "And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."

So you see, much of the things that will happen before Armageddon have happened already, yet none of you knew what was what. The men with hair as a woman and scorpion tails stinging is when the Arab men raised the prices of oil and thus, gas, causing it to sting men's hearts for five months because it hurt to pay that much for gas. I know you don't understand and that is what I am trying to explain to you. I'm doing the best that I can without going over every sentence written to explain it. The bottomless pit is the 'center' of our Earth, for we have a top and a center, but no bottom, because everyone is on top of the Earth because of gravity. It is parabolic or symbolic. I hope you understand. That is Hell, the bottomless pit, where there is extremely hot magma and lava. Now, the 'lake of fire' is our Sun, which is hotter than Hell, by far. But even lightning is hotter than the Sun by at least 5x hotter, or so.

Will get going for now. Hope you can understand some of this, now that I've told you a few facts. May you do exploits for God in the Earth.

God Be With Each Of You As You Learn!!

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The theory that the main characters of the Bible were illiterate up until Moses would explain a lot of the choppy inconsistencies of the Genesis story. But while all these wild accounts of the Hebrews were developing, the Sumerian Cuneiform writing, which dates back about 5000 years as well as the older writings discovered in Egypt and Pakistan, were in development. Oddly enough no other culture on earth records being related to the Jews, but there must be an explanation for this inconsistency because the Jews are NEVER wrong about anything are they? Happy Good Friday.

Dear Caino,

Don't be too anti-Jew, for you must remember that, even though 'some of them' caused Jesus to be crucified, they also had 6 million Jews die in the wake of it all by Hitler. So it all comes out in the wash. Things that are determined shall be done.

The Happiest of Good Fridays to you also. I hope that I can get up early enough on Sunday morning to go to church. See what happens. I'm going to try. I will enjoy it very much!!

God's Best 4 You!!



Dear Caino,

Don't be too anti-Jew, for you must remember that, even though 'some of them' caused Jesus to be crucified, they also had 6 million Jews die in the wake of it all by Hitler. So it all comes out in the wash. Things that are determined shall be done.

The Happiest of Good Fridays to you also. I hope that I can get up early enough on Sunday morning to go to church. See what happens. I'm going to try. I will enjoy it very much!!

God's Best 4 You!!


I'm not anti-Jew, I'm anti ignorance, anti Idolatry, anti making human writings into divine writings which does a disservice to Jesus Christ by association.


New member
cabinetmaker said:
A mutation occurs. Whether it is beneficial or not cannot be determined until the new trait is expressed. Under some conditions the trait might be beneficial while the same trait under other conditions may be detrimental. Natural selection will select for or against only expressed traits.

The hopeful monster theory?

Natural selection is incapable of detecting the vast amount of mutations whether they are deleterious or slightly deleterious. Geneticists know these mutations accumulate in our genome leading to increased cases of birth defects and genetic diseases. There is not a geneticist on the planet that says beneficial mutations take care of the problem.*


New member
The hopeful monster theory?

Natural selection is incapable of detecting the vast amount of mutations whether they are deleterious or slightly deleterious. Geneticists know these mutations accumulate in our genome leading to increased cases of birth defects and genetic diseases. There is not a geneticist on the planet that says beneficial mutations take care of the problem.*
We are all indeed fortunate to have you to inform us as to what all geneticists will say. :plain:
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