Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
To say that mind emerged from matter explains nothing. Darwin didn't invent the evolution of life nor did he explain it, he just made vague observations about life.
Whatever you might think of Darwinian evolution it is nevertheless an explanation of the evidence, not just a bald assertion, so do feel free to falsify it at any time.


New member
Well that's a change, you keep making absolute statements as if you do know when it's merely a belief or rather the atheist faith.
I'm an agnostic atheist, I don't claim to have any such knowledge while I believe that nor does anyone else.
I might occasionally make an absolute statement or bald assertion but only if it is in response to an absolute statement or bald assertion, so shoot me, it's certainly a whole lot easier than having to support it with real evidence.:idunno:


New member
Your appeal to authority is wrong when I'm the one that applies Shannon to messages, and you are the one that contradicts himself:

You are applying Shannon's Noisy Channel Theory outside its area of applicability, since you insist on treating limiting assumptions as truths by definition, thereby destroying any argument you thought you had. If you were one of my students applying the Shannon's excellent theory so carelessly, you'd fail my course.


I'm an agnostic atheist, I don't claim to have any such knowledge while I believe that nor does anyone else.
I might occasionally make an absolute statement or bald assertion but only if it is in response to an absolute statement or bald assertion, so shoot me, it's certainly a whole lot easier than having to support it with real evidence.:idunno:
the life of a drive-by critic of spirituality on a religious forum is defiantly easier, I will grant you that.


New member
I'm an evolutionist, why would I falsify it?
Good for you then, but weren't you being somewhat critical of Darwin, as if you thought it could be improved?
What exactly was he being vague about? It was the first of its kind what more would you expect?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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I read your whole post. The rest of your whole post did not address the first claim, that being that calling mutations noise was a misnomer.

I think you are just evading because you can't answer the obvious questions:
Why? Among all the messages in a cell, including from one generation to the next, are there any systems to promote mutations or only systems to suppress them? Do mutations enter the DNA (we'll ignore epigentic messages for now) when they are transmitted/transcribed/moved in a cell message?
Within individual cells your distinction is meaning less. Evolution does not occure in an individual. Once the individual is born, their genetic code is set. Any mutations in that code tend to be expressed as cancer. Evolution is seen in the progeny so the mutations that matter are the ones that occur in gametes, the sperm and the eggs. These only have half the required genetic code so mutations occur when sperm and egg combine. Mutations also occur as the gametes are formed.

You are arguing against how DNA functions with in a cell and trying to use that to argue against evolution of a species. Your argument is wrong.

And if you are about to say there are no messages in a cell, then tell us what the "m" in "mRNA" stands for any why.

This is a meaningless rabbit hole.


New member
I'd say you are allowed to belive in a Godless universe without interference or persecution from people of faith in God. That is to say Atheist are allowed the same free ride.
I at least don't want a free ride, and I want to be shown that I am wrong if that is so, but perhaps for the faithful even considering the possibility of being wrong is just not acceptable?


I at least don't want a free ride, and I want to be shown that I am wrong if that is so, but perhaps for the faithful even considering the possibility of being wrong is just not acceptable?

As finite beings we can only be relatively right about absolutes, a gallon cannot fit into a quart. As people of faith we need to always be open to the consideration of new scientific facts and spiritual revelation. Both science and religion tend to be too dogmatic. While scientific observation about the material can and does change, the material is a constant. By the same token, the associated narratives of religion also change, but spiritual gravity remains the same kind of constant.

Cross Reference

New member
No, evolution only concerns what came after.

That shows good thinking, not. So after all is said and done you admit science can only work/deal with what it holds its hand; what can only be supported by laboratory tests of what already exists with no knowledge of how it came into being. Interesting you keep denying that part. .

Jose Fly

New member
That shows good thinking, not. So after all is said and done you admit science can only work/deal with what it holds its hand; what can only be supported by laboratory tests of what already exists with no knowledge of how it came into being. Interesting you keep denying that part. .

I've seen this sort of thing from creationists quite a bit over the years, and it always fascinates me. It goes something like...

Science advocate: Evolutionary theory doesn't seek to explain how the first life on earth came to be, rather it explains how life evolves both in the present and in the past.

Creationist: So you admit scientists don't care about/aren't looking into/can't study the origins of life! Figures!!​

The problem here is obvious; the creationist is confusing "origins isn't included in evolutionary theory" with "scientists aren't studying origins", as if whatever lies outside of evolutionary theory also lies outside of science.

I find it fascinating because I see it from creationists so regularly and it always makes me they really not understand, or are they so desperate to score points in the debate that they'll grasp at anything, no matter how ridiculous it makes them look?



New member
No, evolution only concerns what came after.
Nope.... Chemical evolution is still evolution.
G.A. Kerkut, evolutionary physiologist said that evolution is founded upon the belief in life from non-life. “The first assumption is that non-living things gave rise to living material, i.e., spontaneous generation occurred”

Alwight... Its not hard to find many evolutionists who consider stellar evolution, then chemical evolution, then biological evolution, all as part of "evolution". For example you can find articles with titles such as “Cosmic Evolution: From Big Bang to Humankind”


New member
I find it fascinating because I see it from creationists so regularly and it always makes me they really not understand, or are they so desperate to score points in the debate that they'll grasp at anything, no matter how ridiculous it makes them look?
I suppose we find it equally fascinating that that evolutionists often are closet believers in life from non life. Come out of the closet Jose..... don't be shy. I don't know what you really believe but atheistic evolutionists have no choice other than believe life from non life
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