Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
All your claims are bold more so than Michaels and without evidence. How do you figger to be right in your thinking?? You know there is a God of the universe. Why reject him except you have said in your heart: "I will have no God over me". And yet you live by a god of your mind's choosing.

Hard for you to accept but no, I don't believe in your invisible friend, not for a second. Nor do I believe in pixies, fairies, angels, hob goblins or ghosts. All daft.

There's nothing there, you just don't like it. If there was there would surly be some evidence, yet there is none.


Hard for you to accept but no, I don't believe in your invisible friend, not for a second. Nor do I believe in pixies, fairies, angels, hob goblins or ghosts. All daft.

There's nothing there, you just don't like it. If there was there would surly be some evidence, yet there is none.

There are many instances of evidence of Gods dealing with humanity for those who recognize spiritual truth, but it contradicts your doctrines of doubt, the Atheist belief. So you dismiss it out of hand.

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New member
Hard for you to accept but no, I don't believe in your invisible friend, not for a second. Nor do I believe in pixies, fairies, angels, hob goblins or ghosts. All daft.

There's nothing there, you just don't like it. If there was there would surly be some evidence, yet there is none.

Ah, yes. But, you ignore the evidence to protect your own idea of a god that requires nothing of you. For now, the way seems easy for now, however, the time is surely coming when you will mutter the words, OMG, what have I done?!


New member
You have no evidence. Simple as that. If you had a shred of evidence you would present it instead of just claiming it. You have nothing!

Your creator exists in your imagination only.

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New member
You have no evidence. Simple as that. If you had a shred of evidence you would present it instead of just claiming it. You have nothing!

Your creator exists in your imagination only.

My last post is all I need to say about your condition.

Anything else wouldn't change anything. Hope you have happy life because it is the only one you will ever experience breathing fresh air, that is..


New member
My last post is all I need to say about your condition.

Anything else wouldn't change anything. Hope you have happy life because it is the only one you will ever experience breathing fresh air, that is..

Nothing you say means anything to me. Your beliefs do not reflect reality so your threats are meaningless. I'm sorry you seam incapable of recognising that fact.


New member
There are many instances of evidence of Gods dealing with humanity for those who recognize spiritual truth, but it contradicts your doctrines of doubt, the Atheist belief. So you dismiss it out of hand.
No, sorry that's just wrong in all respects. :IA:

I'll go back and talk to the cat now...


New member
Ah, yes. But, you ignore the evidence to protect your own idea of a god that requires nothing of you. For now, the way seems easy for now, however, the time is surely coming when you will mutter the words, OMG, what have I done?!
While we are all making vacuous bald empty assertions, I will point out that you are completely wrong about everything here and about gods too. :IA:


New member
My last post is all I need to say about your condition.

Anything else wouldn't change anything. Hope you have happy life because it is the only one you will ever experience breathing fresh air, that is..
Have you ever considered supporting your bald assertions with some facts and evidence?
There is a whole reality out there waiting for you to discover it. :think:


Have you ever considered supporting your bald assertions with some facts and evidence?
There is a whole reality out there waiting for you to discover it. :think:
Likewise, have you ever considered supporting your bald assertions concerning the origins of life in your imaginary godless universe?

Realizing that the subjective spiritual experiences of the faithful cannot be definitively proven, Atheist hide behind this as proof of their contentions.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That is why science is done by highly educated people, since they have to learn to restrict the common sense that in reality is just a reference to those without the understanding taking intellectual short-cuts. Intellectual short-cuts are what you rely on post after post, forever providing your pop-science sound-bites that you read on the internet somewhere.

It is uncommon-sense that is necessary for concept heavy reasoning, and you don't seem to have that or even appreciate that it might be necessary.
Your appeal to authority is wrong when I'm the one that applies Shannon to messages, and you are the one that contradicts himself:

I have never claimed noise works better
It is those rare ones that make the organism function better

And why deny Shannon? Because... because... common descent just has to be true:
mutations work because without them there is no substantive evolution.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If had read and replied to my entire post instead of just the first sentence you would have had the answer to your question. Go back and read it again. I'll wait.
I read your whole post. The rest of your whole post did not address the first claim, that being that calling mutations noise was a misnomer.

I think you are just evading because you can't answer the obvious questions:
Why? Among all the messages in a cell, including from one generation to the next, are there any systems to promote mutations or only systems to suppress them? Do mutations enter the DNA (we'll ignore epigentic messages for now) when they are transmitted/transcribed/moved in a cell message?

And if you are about to say there are no messages in a cell, then tell us what the "m" in "mRNA" stands for any why.


New member
Likewise, have you ever considered supporting your bald assertions concerning the origins of life in your imaginary godless universe?

Realizing that the subjective spiritual experiences of the faithful cannot be definitively proven, Atheist hide behind this as proof of their contentions.
Only I have never claimed to know how life began, I certainly don't pretend to know something when I don't.
I simply will say that evidence shows that life did begin and that it evolved over long periods of time and was not magically created as is.
Humans probably evolved a spirituality because individuals working alone were not as successful as those that gathered around a totem of some kind.


Only I have never claimed to know how life began, I certainly don't pretend to know something when I don't.
I simply will say that evidence shows that life did begin and that it evolved over long periods of time and was not magically created as is.
Humans probably evolved a spirituality because individuals working alone were not as successful as those that gathered around a totem of some kind.

Well that's a change, you keep making absolute statements as if you do know when it's merely a belief or rather the atheist faith.
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