Creation vs. Evolution

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Your questions weren't serious, they were accusations more than anything. So I didn't feel answering them would be taken seriously.
Nonsense, you clearly have no response to rational questions, it seems you'd much rather deal with the imaginary than the real.


New member
The rationale was given. Do you remember what it was or are you calling people names like "fool" and "laughing stock" because you want to cover for your ignorance?

Yet I'm the one that uses the theory as it was meant to be used with messaging, and you are the one that contradicts himself:


And why deny Shannon? Because... because... common descent just has to be true:!

The longer this goes on the more you sound like Stripe. Your rationale was simplistic and hopeful, and it seemed to rely more on an attempt at common sense than conceptual understanding. So yes, laughing stock was an accurate description for you and your ilk.


New member
Opposing Proofs?

Opposing Proofs?

... Faith is the proof of religion.
If one person in one religion has complete faith that his religion is correct, and another person in another religion also has complete faith, but the religions are fundamentally opposed to each other, then … ???



Or, the fragments of the more ancient Adamic story, pieced together for Genesis from Mesopotamian lore, are about an incarnate Adam and Eve, two full grown, educated adults, Son and Daughter of God, from another world in Gods creation, who spoke a language understood by the resident but fallen "crafty beast" on a previously populated, evolved earth.

In my understanding all evolved worlds in the Lords creation receive an Adam and an Eve in succession form the 1st spiritual leader, The Planetary Prince. Ordinarily they are to pick up where the last administration left off as the visible representative of the universe government under the Son of God. But a tragedy occurred, "there was war in heaven", an ideological war. Our "prince of this world" fell into rebellion against the rule of the Father, through the Son and on the earth.

Being fully versed and duly warned about the difficulty of the task at hand, Adam and Eve arrived on the fallen, divided earth in the Garden previously prepared for them by the inhabitants who had remained loyal to the rule of the Father. They spent the first 6 days surveying the garden and familiarizing themselves with the people and the Garden. On the 7th day they rested.

In due time a second default occurred, while not a deliberate, open rebellion such as Lucifer's manifesto, Eve succumb to impatience over the backward and deplorable state of affaires left on the earth in the wake of the Princes fall. Outflanked by the suggestions and trickery of the brilliant "fallen prince", Eve decided that injecting her own plan, her own superior genes into the gene pool, would greatly facilitate the degenerate state of affairs on earth. The deed was done, the result was her second Son Cain who's real father was a Nodite from outside the garden.

Realizing what had occurred and being unable to contemplate being without his life partner, Adam deliberately did the same in order to share Eves fate; loss of immortality status. They became like one of us wherein death is mans normal path.

The administrative affairs of the planet were then put under the receivership of the emergency Sons, The Mechizedeks. It was decided by the creator Son Michael that our fallen world among millions under his creational jurisdiction would be the world of his required incarnation. Jesus aka Christ Michael is now the titular "planetary prince" of our world.

Fairly simple stuff and much more consistent with the fragments we have in Genesis.

Dear Caino,

I scarcely know where to begin. This entry of yours is so far off base, I can hardly believe you come up with this stuff. In Rev. 12, it details Michael as one of the archangels and more, and you're not even close with your interpretation. The 'creator Son Michael' doesn't exist. The archangel Michael and his namesake have "created" nothing. Fairly simple stuff that is all in error and fraught with fallacies. It is written that the Lord God 'planted' a garden, not the Lord God had other inhabitants of the surrounding towns around the Garden of Eden. You are so far gone. Eeek!!

May God Lead You To The Truth,



If one person in one religion has complete faith that his religion is correct, and another person in another religion also has complete faith, but the religions are fundamentally opposed to each other, then … ???

The context of the term "faith" is a child like trust in the existence of a sovereign creator, not the technicalities of the multiplicity of theologies built up around revelatory events on the earth. "God alone is spirit sovereign."

So, this generic faith that people within all cultures have is the proof of the faith component of religion.


Dear Caino,

I scarcely know where to begin. This entry of yours is so far off base, I can hardly believe you come up with this stuff. In Rev. 12, it details Michael as one of the archangels and more, and you're not even close with your interpretation. The 'creator Son Michael' doesn't exist. The archangel Michael and his namesake have "created" nothing. Fairly simple stuff that is all in error and fraught with fallacies. It is written that the Lord God 'planted' a garden, not the Lord God had other inhabitants of the surrounding towns around the Garden of Eden. You are so far gone. Eeek!!

May God Lead You To The Truth,


Michael, I can begin with one very basic fact about the Book of Revelation that you referred to. You ---->assume<---- that the Michael of the BOR is the archangel, if you go right now and look you will clearly see that John does not call the Michael of his vision "Michael the archangel" of other writings in the Bible. Just because your name is Michael of Arizona I don't assume that you are Michael the archangel.

Also, the fragments of lore used to make Genesis contain matter of fact statements about other people and cities beyond the garden:

13 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

15 But the Lord said to him, “Not so[e]; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,[f] east of Eden.

17 Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech

* Who were the people Cain was afraid of, people that God was aware of?

* Who was Cains wife?

* Who was Enochs wife?

* Who was Irads wife?

* Who was Mehunjaels wife? and on and on......

Even as a child I would sit in Sunday school class and wonder about these inconsistencies while the other kids were content to make paper cutouts of animals for the silly ark!!!!


blancmange is a type of jello. I don't care that you think you are correct. You always think that. All I'm saying is your debate tactics against Caino have been poor.

Dear Hedshaker,

I am not really the type to be debating. I am just sharing my testimony {what I've seen and heard from the Lord and angels} and all that has happened to me. I say what I witness, like in Court. I don't want to debate it. I just want to say it and be done with it. It is a long testimony that occurred over many years, almost 42 years. Did I think or expect that all of this would happen to me? Not on your life. Fighting the devil, Satan, and his minions; and going through extremely difficult testing. That is just a drop in the bucket compared to the whole scheme of things. I get to do all of this with an unbelieving public. Thank God for the friends who do believe me. My computer is screwing up, so I have to get going and call a Tech Support Pro to help me. Bless Your Heart, Hedshaker!!



Michael, I can begin with one very basic fact about the Book of Revelation that you referred to. You ---->assume<---- that the Michael of the BOR is the archangel, if you go right now and look you will clearly see that John does not call the Michael of his vision "Michael the archangel" of other writings in the Bible. Just because your name is Michael of Arizona I don't assume that you are Michael the archangel.

Also, the fragments of lore used to make Genesis contain matter of fact statements about other people and cities beyond the garden:

13 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

15 But the Lord said to him, “Not so[e]; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,[f] east of Eden.

17 Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech

* Who were the people Cain was afraid of, people that God was aware of?

* Who was Cains wife?

* Who was Enochs wife?

* Who was Irads wife?

* Who was Mehunjaels wife? and on and on......

Even as a child I would sit in Sunday school class and wonder about these inconsistencies while the other kids were content to make paper cutouts of animals for the silly ark!!!!

Dear Caino,

I also did my wondering about Melchizedek and who Cain married in the land of Nod. BTW, It says that Michael fought and his {the Archangel and HIS angels} angels, and the dragon {Satan} fought with his angels, and there was no place found for the devil and his angels. And he prevailed not. And he drew a third part of the stars from heaven {the stars are the warehouses of angels. Many angels live on each star. That is how they glow, from the energy life source within them, which is God's Spirit within them. Now it speaks of a child being born. Could that child's name be 'Michael??' And the woman had other children with whom the devil also made war. Could that be the child's siblings? Could it be the archangel Michael fighting a spiritual war with his namesake? Maybe this archangel Michael wants to enter into his rest, just as God does too? God wants to enter into His rest, and He thus gives the reigns over to His Son Jesus, whose name means the same thing as Jehovah. And the devil cast out of his mouth 'water', as a flood, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. Do you think the 'water-based' flood could be alcohol/beer? And could it be that after a long while, the woman was healed and didn't desire the alcohol any longer? And the dragon/devil was full of wrath with the woman. It's all symbolism. There's so much going on that you don't know the half of it. I'm going to get going here. I say more than I really should.

May God Be In Your Heart, Mind & Soul,



Dear Caino,

I also did my wondering about Melchizedek and who Cain married in the land of Nod. BTW, It says that Michael fought and his {the Archangel and HIS angels} angels, and the dragon {Satan} fought with his angels, and there was no place found for the devil and his angels. And he prevailed not. And he drew a third part of the stars from heaven {the stars are the warehouses of angels. Many angels live on each star. That is how they glow, from the energy life source within them, which is God's Spirit within them. Now it speaks of a child being born. Could that child's name be 'Michael??' And the woman had other children with whom the devil also made war. Could that be the child's siblings? Could it be the archangel Michael fighting a spiritual war with his namesake? Maybe this archangel Michael wants to enter into his rest, just as God does too? God wants to enter into His rest, and He thus gives the reigns over to His Son Jesus, whose name means the same thing as Jehovah. And the devil cast out of his mouth 'water', as a flood, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. Do you think the 'water-based' flood could be alcohol/beer? And could it be that after a long while, the woman was healed and didn't desire the alcohol any longer? And the dragon/devil was full of wrath with the woman. It's all symbolism. There's so much going on that you don't know the half of it. I'm going to get going here. I say more than I really should.

May God Be In Your Heart, Mind & Soul,


Matthew 26:53

53"Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?

Revelation 12:7

7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

It doesn't say 'Michael the arch angel."


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

I am not really the type to be debating. I am just sharing my testimony {what I've seen and heard from the Lord and angels} and all that has happened to me. I say what I witness, like in Court. I don't want to debate it. I just want to say it and be done with it. It is a long testimony that occurred over many years, almost 42 years. Did I think or expect that all of this would happen to me? Not on your life. Fighting the devil, Satan, and his minions; and going through extremely difficult testing. That is just a drop in the bucket compared to the whole scheme of things. I get to do all of this with an unbelieving public. Thank God for the friends who do believe me. My computer is screwing up, so I have to get going and call a Tech Support Pro to help me. Bless Your Heart, Hedshaker!!


I've ask you before Michael, please don't preach at me. I don't believe a word of it. It's all in your head and none of it is real to me. Preaching it at me wastes your time and mine, thanks.

And by the way, sharing your "alleged" testimony does not mean attacking your opponent, calling names and posting logical fallacies. If you want to present what you think is your testimony then you have to address what they post and that isn't just calling them names.


New member
and it doesn't mean you have to NOT believe in God for it to be an accurate statement of fact. Rejecting Him is sufficient. . . which is what you are doing.
Then I am rejecting by default only one more god than you do based on the lack of evidence for any specific deity. I suspect that any real god/deity would be rather more ticked off with those who insist on believing in the wrong god than those who in honesty don't pretend to know.

patrick jane

Then I am rejecting by default only one more god than you do based on the lack of evidence for any specific deity. I suspect that any real god/deity would be rather more ticked off with those who insist on believing in the wrong god than those who in honesty don't pretend to know.
If you deny the Lord Jesus Christ then you deny the one Christian God, the only god. You're going to hell if you do.


New member
The context of the term "faith" is a child like trust in the existence of a sovereign creator, not the technicalities of the multiplicity of theologies built up around revelatory events on the earth. "God alone is spirit sovereign."

So, this generic faith that people within all cultures have is the proof of the faith component of religion.
I had child-like faith in the reality of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. When I became an adult I found that faith didn’t have much to do with reality outside of my own mind.

“generic faith … is the proof of faith” sounds like a lexicological redundancy – a circle proves a circle. Anyway, thanks for the reply. I clearly was mistaken in thinking there was more substance to what you said about faith than just abstract philosophical musings.
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