Creation vs. Evolution

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The point is that even if the evidence doesn't lead to Christianity in the end, you should stop your irrational adherence to common descent dogma and say, "if the evidence leads to Christianity, then so be it." Then you will be free to see the solid science that shows mutations+NS is wrong and you'll also see the shoddy science that common descent relies on. And you don't even have to be a Christian at the end of it all.
Surely any "shoddy science" could quickly be falsified by someone with your intellectual skills and deep understanding of science Yorzhik? :think:

Jose Fly

New member
Surely any "shoddy science" could quickly be falsified by someone with your intellectual skills and deep understanding of science Yorzhik? :think:

And not just in some obscure religious internet forum, but in a place where it will get noticed and have an actual impact, e.g., a science journal or conference.


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alwight said:
Nonsense, even with some kind of deist designer, which I rather doubt personally, where exactly is any miraculous creation indicated


Yes, it is your personal belief... your opinion.*

And other highly qualified people disagree with you.. A belief in a designer is warranted by the evidence.*

1979 Nobel Prize winner in Physics *Abdus Salam, says "This sense of wonder leads most scientists to a Superior Being – der Alte, the Old One, as Einstein affectionately called the Deity – a Superior Intelligence, the Lord of all Creation and Natural Law.”


Albert Einstein: "The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who – in their grudge against traditional religion as the ‘opium of the masses’ – cannot hear the music of the spheres.”


New member
Then you will be free to see the solid science that shows mutations+NS is wrong and you'll also see the shoddy science that common descent relies on.
Did you ever come up with a reason why your Shannon Info argument precluded evolution? Or how you could measure the semantic info that you blurred onto when it suited?


OK. Then to measure a prophet has only a bit to do with accuracy. Puts it on shaking ground who to trust, doesn't it? Just because someone says they are a prophet doesn't make it so and if he is right sometime and wrong other times it can always be shrugged off because the Bible prophets are not always right. Don't you see that cast a shadow on the Bible?

Dear exminister,

To measure a prophet has a lot to do with accuracy. If he is right 95% of the time, and wrong about 5% of the time, you do not condemn him. Prophets make mistakes too. Look at Jonah, to whom the Lord spoke to and he ran away from the Lord, and was swallowed by a great fish. Jonah finally had to prophecy regardless. A 'prophet' is not perfect or without mistakes for the rest of his life. You should judge the prophecy instead. If what the prophet says doesn't happen, then the prophecy was wrong. If it does come to pass, then the prophecy was of God. We are not like Jesus!! Let alone John the Baptist, who was exceptionally close to being perfect. But nobody is perfect. What a yoke to put upon anyone's back. It does not put the Bible upon shaky ground, nor cast a shadow upon it!

Much Love, In Christ,



New member
Surely any "shoddy science" could quickly be falsified by someone with your intellectual skills and deep understanding of science Yorzhik? :think:
Your belief system is not falsifiable.
Evolutionism says a poor design is evidence to support their beliefs.
Evolutionism says a great design is evidence to support their beliefs.
IOW... evidence doesn't matter... Its all about just so stories.


That's funny because I just looked up the historical data for snow falls in New York greater than 6 inches thanks to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The thing is that there were 2 snow storms with depths greater than 6 inches during the year of 1978 and neither happened in March and neither were 7 inches (or even close)

On Mar. 3rd, 1978, there was a snowstorm on Manhattan, NYC for 7" of snow. You are either at fault or else your detective work needs a bit more tweaking. Or else your information supply is in error.

Wait I thought you said they published an article. Did I misread that? So instead your telling me that after a 3 hour interview the interviewer was so convinced they published NOTHING?!? This is sounding more and more dubious. I'm guessing this means there is no record anywhere of you actually making a prediction about the weather before the claimed event.

I never said that they published an article. You're an atheist. To some people, there is just no talking to them, right? I told you that I could provide a copy of my letter to the reporter, Don Singleton, and also send you a copy of the snowstorm total from the New York Post. I am not able to do it right now because I just updated to Windows 10 and have some bugs to work out with it. I do not know if I can send it to you electronically over the web. If I still had Windows 8.1, it might be easier. Also, I don't know fully how to navigate this new TOL website. Give me some time before you be jumping the gun. Whatever! And yes, the reporter said I would have to talk with the owner of the newspaper because he/the reporter, did not have the authority to write a story. So I left it at that. God showed me what good it does to send a sign for mankind. An evil generation seeks a sign.

Surely you've predicted something better (anything!) since 1978. Did God stop talking to you?

I've explained the snow to you and you disbelieve. What good will it do to tell you anything else? Why should I bother, seeing that you don't even believe in the 7" of snow. There should surely be a record of it.

I've predicted some things better since 1978. God has not stopped talking to me. But I won't share them with you until I feel like it. I've got enough on my plate besides convincing you of something more. You need to check out your NYC snow facts a little more closely, because I know what happened. Check out the New York Post, Mar. 4, 1978. See what you can find. You don't want to give me your address to mail copies to you. You are a pain. Others here have PMed me their address and I've sent them copies.

How can how soon be surprising to you if you don't know when it will be?
I know about that.

But the thing is you said extremely soon, if you aren't comfortable saying even ROUGHLY what that means then you shouldn't say it at all. It just implies that you don't really know if it will be soon or not. That or you do have an idea when it will be but are so doubtful of your own predictive power that you dare not share it.

If you have no confidence in your predictions how can you expect us to have confidence in you?
I've been in this forum longer than you Michael and I've been on and off this thread from the start. You just keep forgetting me and our conversations for some reasons.

Yes I live in Australia. Born and bred here. Any particular reason for the curiosity?

I don't have to give you any timeline when you won't even let me mail you two sheets of paper. You are quite overbearing.

Yes, the Lord tells me extremely soon, but He does not give me a date, because it is written, 'No one knows the hour and day it will happen, but only the Father in Heaven.' In other words, we're doing things in His time, not upon your little whims. Get the hell off of my back. Why should I write lengthy posts to you just because you won't let me mail something to you. If you don't want to give your address, then give me the address of a close neighbor for you, and I can send it there, without having to ever know your address. I'm tired of all of this.

I am happy for you to live in Australia all of your life. I've been shown some pictures from there and I think it is very beautiful!! Plus thousands of miles of beaches. Sounds wonderful!! I just wasn't sure if you were from Great Britain, or Australia. That is all.

Warm Regards,



We can agree then Michael that you are no prophet, your powers of foretelling the future are in no way better than my own. You claim to have a special insight yet have been unable to demonstrate it, which rather suggests to me that your testimony is without value and that unfounded belief is simply irrational.

Dear alwight,

No, we can't agree then that your ability to predict the future is any better than my own. I get help from God. You don't, certainly, since you are an atheist. There lies the difference. If you don't believe what I have to say, then go for it. I will go and help those who believe in God and Jesus. Why should I talk to deaf ears any longer. I thought you had promise, but I guess I was wrong. You are in no way any closer than believing in God than you were when I first started here. But you will find all that I've told you will be helpful once Armageddon begins. Perhaps then, you will be able to tell those around you some of the things you learned from me posting to you. Only time will tell.

Much Love & Cheerio, Matey!!



OK. Then to measure a prophet has only a bit to do with accuracy. Puts it on shaking ground who to trust, doesn't it? Just because someone says they are a prophet doesn't make it so and if he is right sometime and wrong other times it can always be shrugged off because the Bible prophets are not always right. Don't you see that cast a shadow on the Bible?

No, exminister. I have been right for 95% and wrong for 5%. Those are good odds that can qualify me as being a witness/prophet.



New member
Your belief system is not falsifiable.
Evolutionism says a poor design is evidence to support their beliefs.
Evolutionism says a great design is evidence to support their beliefs.
IOW... evidence doesn't matter... Its all about just so stories.
I don't know about my "belief system" but science is usually falsifiable, in exactly the same way that Genesis isn't. :sheep:


New member
Dear alwight,

No, we can't agree then that your ability to predict the future is any better than my own. I get help from God. You don't, certainly, since you are an atheist. There lies the difference. If you don't believe what I have to say, then go for it. I will go and help those who believe in God and Jesus. Why should I talk to deaf ears any longer. I thought you had promise, but I guess I was wrong. You are in no way any closer than believing in God than you were when I first started here. But you will find all that I've told you will be helpful once Armageddon begins. Perhaps then, you will be able to tell those around you some of the things you learned from me posting to you. Only time will tell.

Much Love & Cheerio, Matey!!

Michael I can tell you that in my time I have accurately predicted the outcome of several races and football matches. Impressed?
If otoh you get help from God are you telling me that He lied to you? :noway:


New member
No, exminister. I have been right for 95% and wrong for 5%. Those are good odds that can qualify me as being a witness/prophet.

You being wrong about Armageddon Michael was something that we could all know about but apart from some snow falling in March what exactly have you got right that I might be more impressed by? :juggle:


New member
On Mar. 3rd, 1978, there was a snowstorm on Manhattan, NYC for 7" of snow. You are either at fault or else your detective work needs a bit more tweaking. Or else your information supply is in error.
I really don't think so. Are you saying we can not trust the US governments records? Why not? They should be the gold standard in this type of question I would think.

Do you have a better source? Why is it better?
I never said that they published an article.
My mistake then.
And yes, the reporter said I would have to talk with the owner of the newspaper because he/the reporter, did not have the authority to write a story. So I left it at that. God showed me what good it does to send a sign for mankind. An evil generation seeks a sign.
So what you are saying is that after a letter prediction, God sending a snow storm just for you and a 3 hour interview the reporter did not believe you? Why then do you expect anyone else to believe you decades later on just your say so? Is there a special reason why they didn't believe you?

I've explained the snow to you and you disbelieve. What good will it do to tell you anything else? Why should I bother, seeing that you don't even believe in the 7" of snow. There should surely be a record of it.
And yet there isn't a record of it despite checking with the people/organisation most likely to know. Shouldn't that tell you something?

I've predicted some things better since 1978. God has not stopped talking to me. But I won't share them with you until I feel like it.
You haven't posted them anywhere for posterity?
Others here have PMed me their address and I've sent them copies.
Can you say who? Maybe they know how to use a scanner and put it online.

Yes, the Lord tells me extremely soon, but He does not give me a date, because it is written, 'No one knows the hour and day it will happen, but only the Father in Heaven.' In other words, we're doing things in His time, not upon your little whims.
So really you have no idea when since you to have no idea what soon means either. For all you know soon could mean 10 days, 10 years or a millennia.

So why bother implying to others that you have any idea when it will occur when you're not actually predicting anything?


New member
if you want to have a scientific conversation Micheal is not the person to have it with,,, However, I can oblige you . Leave Him alone Hes a faith believer...
Feel free to jump in anytime then. But so long as Michael says things which can be checked in the real world, rather than pure faith, I will keep responding.
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