Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Crucible,

Thanks for your post here!! Wonderful to have another Christian comrade!! Your post is very thoughtful and I am sure that God controls EVERY aspect as to how He intricately designs and alters each genome, molecule, proton, and DNA/RNA, and even their parts, as He would have it. He is a MASTER CHEMIST and BIOLOGIST, to say the very least!! Life on this Earth has only been around 7-8,000 years, I believe. Be sure to post again. God Bless Your Heart!!



New member
Once upon a time, long....long ago...

You believe in just so stories.*

The most scientific explanation... and the most logical evidence is that a "super intellect" created.
You may not like it 6days but the truth happens to be that there really was a time long ago, evidentially so, no fairy story.

The Most famous atheist of his day, Anthony Flew fought against an 'Intelligent Designer' for more than 50 years saying "My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads." Flew finally concluded, "A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature."
I really don't know why you keep referring back to Flew who in his latter years did not suddenly become a fundamentalist YEC, nor a Christian.


Miraculous claims would require extraordinary evidence imo Michael, not just someone's say so.

Sorry Michael but I don't believe a word of this as any more likely than the Lord of the Rings. It isn't going to be that way because it's all imaginary fantasy.

There was no Global Flood Michael, it never happened. Men are not all powerful and they don't always care what they do to others. I see no reason for a supernatural omnipotent entity who cares to be so cruel and callous to helpless beings.

I don't believe in Satan any more than I believe in your God Michael, it makes no difference to me whatever was written in an ancient scripture because it's mainly all just about assertions, religiosity and ignorance, nothing more, certainly not based in testable facts and evidence.

Dear alwight,

I already wrote you a reply, but it wasn't attached to your quotes, so I am adding this. I know you are going to steadfastly believe in what you want, so whatever. Nothing I could say would change your mind. Jesus Returning could change your mind, but that may be a bit too late.

Warmest Regards, Al,



New member
Dear alwight,

I already wrote you a reply, but it wasn't attached to your quotes, so I am adding this. I know you are going to steadfastly believe in what you want, so whatever. Nothing I could say would change your mind. Jesus Returning could change your mind, but that may be a bit too late.

Warmest Regards, Al,

Then why shouldn't I be allowed to be convinced by Jesus actually returning rather than the words of a self proclaimed prophet with a somewhat unreliable track record?
Why is it so important that I should believe your bald assertions first, evidence-free? :think:


As a prophet Michael I believe that you really are pretty hopeless and probably couldn't predict your way out of a paper bag. ;)

You don't have any idea of how good of a prophet I am because you hardly know about any of the prophets in the Bible. They made mistakes too, sometimes. I could say, as an agnostic, you are pretty hopeless and probably couldn't save your soul worth a hill of beans. But I will try to remain kind and not say anything like that. Who will save your soul if you won't save your own, as if you could?



Well-known member
You don't have any idea of how good of a prophet I am because you hardly know about any of the prophets in the Bible. They made mistakes too, sometimes. I could say, as an agnostic, you are pretty hopeless and probably couldn't save your soul worth a hill of beans. But I will try to remain kind and not say anything like that. Who will save your soul if you won't save your own, as if you could?


Deuteronomy 18 said:
17 The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”

21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.

How do you square that?


Then why shouldn't I be allowed to be convinced by Jesus actually returning rather than the words of a self proclaimed prophet with a somewhat unreliable track record?
Why is it so important that I should believe your bald assertions first, evidence-free? :think:

Dear alwight,

You don't have to believe in my bald assertions first, evidence-free, and I am not a self-proclaimed prophet. I am a witness to the things I have seen and heard from the Lord and His angels, and I share my testimony with everyone whom He desires me to. You can try calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus when He Returns and perhaps that will help you. I have told you that before. Blessed is he who believes without seeing.



How do you square that?

Dear exminister,

I square that by saying that even Moses screwed up with the water coming from the rock that he struck with his rod, acting as if it were power coming from him to cause the flow of water, rather than God. God said, because of that, Moses would not enter the Promised Land. But Moses did die, just like it says that if a prophet says something wrong, he will die, 'sooner or later.' Same thing happened with Adam and Eve, that they should die, despite them living hundreds of years after they were told that they shall surely die. You don't understand all of the details and the like. If you need further info, let me know. We know that Moses did make it to Heaven, because he spoke with Jesus in the garden, when He was transfigured. Much that I have shared HAS come to pass, so just because I make two mistakes out of all that I have exceedingly done, every one wants to crucify me? It is written that you shall know a prophecy is from God is it comes to pass, and if it doesn't come to pass, it is not of Him. I have had ten times over prophecies that God gave me come to pass. I made a couple, two mistakes, in my life, and am supposed to be all washed up? God didn't invest 60 years and more in me just to condemn me for screwing up twice. If you don't believe me, then just wait and see what happens!! Let's see you do a better job than me. Plus, I am a witness standing before the God of the whole earth, like an olive tree and candlestick. I share my testimony, which is what I have seen and heard from the Lord and His angels with others around me. So I suppose that I am a prophet. I am doing my best considering all that I face each day. May God be kind to you!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,

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New member
Dear alwight,

You don't have to believe in my bald assertions first, evidence-free, and I am not a self-proclaimed prophet. I am a witness to the things I have seen and heard from the Lord and His angels, and I share my testimony with everyone whom He desires me to. You can try calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus when He Returns and perhaps that will help you. I have told you that before. Blessed is he who believes without seeing.

We can agree then Michael that you are no prophet, your powers of foretelling the future are in no way better than my own. You claim to have a special insight yet have been unable to demonstrate it, which rather suggests to me that your testimony is without value and that unfounded belief is simply irrational.


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Hall of Fame
We can agree then Michael that you are no prophet, your powers of foretelling the future are in no way better than my own. You claim to have a special insight yet have been unable to demonstrate it, which rather suggests to me that your testimony is without value and that unfounded belief is simply irrational.

what gives value to your posts?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I really don't know why you keep referring back to Flew who in his latter years did not suddenly become a fundamentalist YEC, nor a Christian.
He was a lot smarter than you. He recognized that he didn't need to fear becoming a Christian just because science said that mutations+NS was wrong.


Well-known member
Dear exminister,

I square that by saying that even Moses screwed up with the water coming from the rock that he struck with his rod, acting as if it were power coming from him to cause the flow of water, rather than God. God said, because of that, Moses would not enter the Promised Land. But Moses did die, just like it says that if a prophet says something wrong, he will die, 'sooner or later.' Same thing happened with Adam and Eve, that they should die, despite them living hundreds of years after they were told that they shall surely die. You don't understand all of the details and the like. If you need further info, let me know. We know that Moses did make it to Heaven, because he spoke with Jesus in the garden, when He was transfigured. Much that I have shared HAS come to pass, so just because I make two mistakes out of all that I have exceedingly done, every one wants to crucify me? It is written that you shall know a prophecy is from God is it comes to pass, and if it doesn't come to pass, it is not of Him. I have had ten times over prophecies that God gave me come to pass. I made a couple, two mistakes, in my life, and am supposed to be all washed up? God didn't invest 60 years and more in me just to condemn me for screwing up twice. If you don't believe me, then just wait and see what happens!! Let's see you do a better job than me. Plus, I am a witness standing before the God of the whole earth, like an olive tree and candlestick. I share my testimony, which is what I have seen and heard from the Lord and His angels with others around me. So I suppose that I am a prophet. I am doing my best considering all that I face each day. May God be kind to you!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


OK. Then to measure a prophet has only a bit to do with accuracy. Puts it on shaking ground who to trust, doesn't it? Just because someone says they are a prophet doesn't make it so and if he is right sometime and wrong other times it can always be shrugged off because the Bible prophets are not always right. Don't you see that cast a shadow on the Bible?


New member
He was a lot smarter than you. He recognized that he didn't need to fear becoming a Christian just because science said that mutations+NS was wrong.

He didn't become a Christian - he was a lot smarter than you, apparently. In his famous interview he referred to "the monstrous oriental despots of the religions of Christianity and Islam", said he didn't believe in a personal God, heaven or hell, or indeed any sort of after life. He still believed in an old Earth and evolution.


New member
Dear Ty, This happened back in March, 1978 and the 7" of snow was confirmed by the New York Post, a rival of the New York Daily News.
That's funny because I just looked up the historical data for snow falls in New York greater than 6 inches thanks to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The thing is that there were 2 snow storms with depths greater than 6 inches during the year of 1978 and neither happened in March and neither were 7 inches (or even close)

I had my 3-hour interview with the Daily News reporter and the reporter said that he couldn't help me after the interview was over and that I would have to talk to the owner of the newspaper if I wanted a story done. I declined. The reporter still knows what happened and that is good enough for me.
Wait I thought you said they published an article. Did I misread that? So instead your telling me that after a 3 hour interview the interviewer was so convinced they published NOTHING?!? This is sounding more and more dubious. I'm guessing this means there is no record anywhere of you actually making a prediction about the weather before the claimed event.

Surely you've predicted something better (anything!) since 1978. Did God stop talking to you?

I mean surprisingly soon.
How can how soon be surprising to you if you don't know when it will be?
Now you are asking me to give you a time again, which is what DavisBJ did and me trying to pin a certain season that it would happen. I'm not in the business of guessing WHEN for you all any longer. That's how I made one of my two mistakes here. You don't even know about that yet, do you?
I know about that.
But the thing is you said extremely soon, if you aren't comfortable saying even ROUGHLY what that means then you shouldn't say it at all. It just implies that you don't really know if it will be soon or not. That or you do have an idea when it will be but are so doubtful of your own predictive power that you dare not share it.

If you have no confidence in your predictions how can you expect us to have confidence in you?
You sure want a lot for being here for such a short time. You live in Australia, right? Just wondering.
I've been in this forum longer than you Michael and I've been on and off this thread from the start. You just keep forgetting me and our conversations for some reasons.

Yes I live in Australia. Born and bred here. Any particular reason for the curiosity?


New member
alwight said:
6days said:
alwight said:
your presumption of a designer isn't warranted or required as an explanation, since inserting a miracle at some point just isn't science.

The most scientific explanation... and the most logical evidence is that a "super intellect" created.
The Most famous atheist of his day, Anthony Flew fought against an 'Intelligent Designer' for more than 50 years saying "My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads." Flew finally concluded, "A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature."

I*really don't know why you keep referring back to Flew who in his latter years did not suddenly become a fundamentalist YEC, nor a Christian.
Fallacy of moving the goal posts. We weren't talking about a Christian. We were talking about if the presumption of a designer was warranted. is warranted. As Flew said, he followed the evidence to *a designer.*
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