Creation vs. Evolution

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Just admit it Jose - you don't have a clue. Try Googling it. I tried. Evolution so far as I can tell does not have a clue where all the other hominids went or why they were so unsuccessful and died out. For instance Neanderthals were almost better than H. sapiens, yet they are gone. Why?
1. Neanderthals were primarily meat-eaters and the availability of food
fluctuated with climate change. They became extinct in Europe about 30 000 BP.

2. Neanderthals were competing with Homo Sapiens for the same food sources. As the number of Homo Sapiens increased, Neanderthals were at a distinct disadvantage.

3. There never were large numbers of Neanderthals, so when conditions changed their very survival was always an issue.

4. Intellectually, Neanderthals possessed less potential for developing social networks, language, material culture, etc which would account for the growing gap between them and their Homo Sapien counterparts.

5. Scientists have concluded that approximately 5% of the human genome contains Neanderthal DNA - red hair is thought to have originated with Neanderthals. Whether Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals interbred is a distinct possibility.
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Well-known member
Ok, let's say for the sake of argument that paleoanthropologists don't know for sure why previous hominid species went extinct.


I vaguely remember the last Neanderthals went extinct in a cave on the island of Gibraltar.

I read the following sites all speculating why Neanderthals went extinct about 30-40 thousand years ago. This was just when modern man appeared on the scene, and the two species may have overlapped for 5000 years.

I have a personal theory not mentioned by any of the below, and my theory is that Neanderthals may not have had language abilities like modern humans have. They seemed less able to communicate. They had no male/female division of labour, did not exchange items with others living far away, were less competent at tool making (such as projectile weapons) etc. They did not settle and cultivate crops, but were hunters, not gatherers. In all other respects Neanderthals seemed stronger and bigger brained than modern man.


New member
Jgarden said:
Neanderthals were primarily meat-eaters and the availability of food
fluctuated with climate change. They became extinct in Europe about 30 000 BP.
Neandertals were descendants of Adam and Eve created about 6000 years ago.

Evolutionists, based on their belief system, once claimed Neandertals were meat eaters. Science has shown they ate grains and understood herbal medicine.
Jgarden said:
2. Neanderthals were competing with Homo Sapiens for the same food sources. As the number of Homo Sapiens increased, Neanderthals were at a distinct disadvantage.
Evolutionists used to believe that. Science has shown Neandertals were as human as any of us.
Jgarden said:
3. There never were large numbers of Neanderthals, so when conditions changed their very survival was always an issue.
We don't know how many there were, but changing conditions may have lead to their extinction.
Jgarden said:
4. Intellectually, Neanderthals possessed less potential for developing social networks, language, material culture, etc which would account for the growing gap between them and their Homo Sapien counterparts.
Evolutionists used to believe those things. Fortunately science often proves evotionists wrong. Science has shown over and over the humanity of Neandertals.
Jgarden said:
5. Scientists have concluded that approximately 5% of the human genome contains Neanderthal DNA - red hair is thought to have originated with Neanderthals. Whether Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals interbred is a distinct possibility.

To this day there are still some evolutionists such as yourself who are reluctant to accept the evidence. Neandertals were, and are, human. Your genome, mine and Neandertals varies by about .2% to .3%. That difference is easily understood within the Biblical framework and and few thousand years of mutations.
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{Copy Of Another Post}

Dear User Name,

I said that I had made a mistake already in my thread a couple months ago {I believe it was in late September or October. I knew that once the red blood moon had passed that it was not going to happen, so I posted it on my thread}. You must have missed reading it. Yes, I said that I was mistaken and that counts me wrong twice. Once for an earlier mistake, and then once for this most recent mistake. I've done my best. A few atheists put me on the spot and said they needed to know when, so I guessed that along with other churches and organizations, that the last blood red moon of 2015 would be the real thing. I was wrong and they were all wrong. We all had egg on our faces. I'm sorry, and regret trying to put a time on it. Only God knows the day and I guess I was deceived into dating it myself and I should have gone against the atheists and evolutionists who were pressuring me for a time-frame. I am sure that I am not the first to make a mistake before, despite that mistake was a tough one. I'm doing the best I can. To All and to User Name, please accept my apology. It may or may not be my last. I'm not perfect.

May God Be With You All As We Cherish Him!!

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Just admit it Jose - you don't have a clue. Try Googling it. I tried. Evolution so far as I can tell does not have a clue where all the other hominids went or why they were so unsuccessful and died out. For instance Neanderthals were almost better than H. sapiens, yet they are gone. Why?

Dear iouae,

Is it possible that the other hominids Never Existed?? Do they have fossils or bones of these other hominids. I mean, I am as much in the dark about it as you. Probably more. I never paid much attention to the other images of apes and homo sapiens sapiens, and Neanderthals. I just saw them in my science book and figured it must be the way it is. But I never delved into it much further until recently. I don't believe my science book anymore because in my Bible, it is written, "And God said, Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness;" {See Gen. 1:26KJV}. "So God Created man in His Own Image, in the Image of God created He him; male and female created He them." {See Gen. 1:27KJV}. Now, it would seem that when God said, Let "US," He is quite likely at least talking about Jesus, as far as Us goes. Jesus did say that He was with God before this world was. That is written in the Four Gospels. Well, I don't want to play let's guess what He meant anymore. We'll find out when We are brought together. But remember, Jesus also said, "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." So we can know that God looks like Jesus, not an ape or chimp!!" So that's out of the way!!

Iouae, I know you are searching hard for the truth. It is good. Just be careful that you aren't deceived for a bit. I've made that mistake a couple times now, which isn't bad considering all of the times I've been correct. So, it all comes out in the wash. What is true, God will shine it like a beacon soon enough. Will close for now.

Praise God!!


:guitar: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar:


I was just watching BBC news telling how chimps in the DRC killed one boy and ripped the lips off another. Chimps are the primate species closest to humans and they really are not nice animals. They wage war on other smaller monkeys, and have resulted in many human deaths.

By contrast, I lived for a decade where baboons regularly visited us a few times a week. What lovely animals they are. Humans provoke them and shoot them with air-rifles, and whip them, and set their dogs on them etc. and they suck it up and are the most funny and delightful, and forgiving creatures possible. Currently the policy is to daily pelt these same baboons with paintballs to drive them away. Many have lost eyes, and many have been culled. When comparing humans with baboons, I know which is the more noble beast. Frankly, the human treatment of these baboons has been disgusting.

Dear iouae,

I was going back to find a thread and ran across this again. Do you live in Great Britain {the BBC}?? Where do you live at? It shall be interesting to me. I live in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Phoenix is a Valley and it has high temps. all of the time. Warm or hot usually. Except for now, we are having high temps in the mid-50s. For us, that's not wonderful. I will be happy when they are in the 70s and 80s. Well, anyway, I just wanted to mention that God made man in His Image, so man looks like God, not a chimp. In other words, God does not look like a chimp or whatever. So forget about man being extracted from chimp and ape, or even baboon, ancestors. God created man separately. It does not say that He created a chimp and ape, who would further down the line, look like man. It says that He created the creatures first, before man, and then it says He created humans: man and woman. I could go on to explain things further, but I guess this will do for now. Have a joyful time until we speak again.

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


:angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :singer: :guitar: :guitar:


New member
{Copy Of Another Post}

Dear User Name,

I said that I had made a mistake already in my thread a couple months ago {I believe it was in late September or October. I knew that once the red blood moon had passed that it was not going to happen, so I posted it on my thread}. You must have missed reading it. Yes, I said that I was mistaken and that counts me wrong twice. Once for an earlier mistake, and then once for this most recent mistake. I've done my best. A few atheists put me on the spot and said they needed to know when, so I guessed that along with other churches and organizations, that the last blood red moon of 2015 would be the real thing. I was wrong and they were all wrong. We all had egg on our faces. I'm sorry, and regret trying to put a time on it. Only God knows the day and I guess I was deceived into dating it myself and I should have gone against the atheists and evolutionists who were pressuring me for a time-frame. I am sure that I am not the first to make a mistake before, despite that mistake was a tough one. I'm doing the best I can. To All and to User Name, please accept my apology. It may or may not be my last. I'm not perfect.

Excuse me Michael but in your original reply to Alwight you didn't mention the blood moon, you said that God himself had told you that Armageddon shall happen before the end of the year. See below.

Now either you was telling porkies or your Lord was mistaken, which is understandable, we all get our dates mixed up sometimes ;)

So which is it?

Also, it's rather disingenuous of you to claim you were in error because you were put under pressure from atheists and "evolutionists". See below how brazen you were in your prediction. You was absolutely certain because your Lord himself had told you, remember? It's been your pet theme since you've been here.

So no Michael, it had nothing to do with anyone else. You were wrong, and will continue to be wrong, because there isn't going to be an Armageddon. It's no more than a silly ancient religious myth. Of course, it's a possibility that the human race will eventually go extinct some day, but failing an all out nuclear war or deadly disease, it wont be for a very long time yet and it certainly won't have anything to do with the Christian God.

You were wrong Michael because it isn't real. I don't question your sincerity as I'm quite sure there is a natural explanation for the experiences you clam to have had.

Originally Posted by MichaelCadry View Post
Alwight, you do know that before the end of this year is up, you will get all the proof you need, for the Lord has told me that Armageddon shall happen before then.



New member
Is it possible that the other hominids Never Existed??
No, not unless there had been some extreme conspiracy concocting evidence for their existence.
Do they have fossils or bones of these other hominids.
Yes they do. You can see some of them in museums (i think the New York natural history museum has some if I recall correctly)
I never paid much attention to the other images of apes and homo sapiens sapiens, and Neanderthals.
There is a LOT more evidence to it than just some images in a high school textbook.


New member
For 95-98% similar DNA, explain why chimps are not close to being human.

Huh, you yourself opened the question with:
"Why is it that the closest creature to humans is chimps/bonobos?"

Well explain that then, telling us "where did all the hominids go, long time passing".
Sorry, not sure I understand what you want. Do you want an explanation of what natural selection is, or what?

Walk out of your cabin, and look at the nearest sedimentary rock, which is probably what you are standing on, and see evidence for rock made in a flood. If you want to pretend to be a scientist, at least open your eyes and do a bit of observing.
Ok, now I'm entirely convinced you need some therapy, mate. What is going on in that poor head of yours? Did I push the wrong buttons, perhaps, or what?


New member
Neandertals were descendants of Adam and Eve created about 6000 years ago.

You never cease to amaze, 6d.
So according to your mesmerizing hallucination, a hominid species that can be easily identified by skeletal features and has not been found earlier than 30-40 thousand years ago was descendant from a pair of voodoo dolls 6000 years ago??????

In which reality does that even begin to make sense to you?


New member
Right, you do know what this sounds like to us? well in case you don't, I've tried paraphrasing it:

"The little green critters with huge brains and tentacles - come on, I could never believe in something ridiculous like that. But the flying saucers - now that's real, I swear I've seen them myself!"
No that's what evolutionists believe, that life could equally have evolved elsewhere in the universe, and therefore there should be lots of little green critters out there. So you truly tell YOUR story well.

I almost wet myself with laughter. Thanks mate, you made my day.

Just out of curiosity, did you deliberately take the opportunity for a cheap shot, or were you truly struggling to understand the metaphor?


New member
Excuse me Michael but in your original reply to Alwight you didn't mention the blood moon, you said that God himself had told you that Armageddon shall happen before the end of the year. See below.

Now either you was telling porkies or your Lord was mistaken, which is understandable, we all get our dates mixed up sometimes ;)

So which is it?

Also, it's rather disingenuous of you to claim you were in error because you were put under pressure from atheists and "evolutionists". See below how brazen you were in your prediction. You was absolutely certain because your Lord himself had told you, remember? It's been your pet theme since you've been here.

So no Michael, it had nothing to do with anyone else. You were wrong, and will continue to be wrong, because there isn't going to be an Armageddon. It's no more than a silly ancient religious myth. Of course, it's a possibility that the human race will eventually go extinct some day, but failing an all out nuclear war or deadly disease, it wont be for a very long time yet and it certainly won't have anything to do with the Christian God.

You were wrong Michael because it isn't real. I don't question your sincerity as I'm quite sure there is a natural explanation for the experiences you clam to have had.

We disbelievers didn't actually know then that Michael would be wrong but of course we now know he is.
No one would have looked more surprised than me had he been right so can I honestly believe with hindsight that I knew he was wrong all along?
Religious believer's "knowledge" clearly isn't that at all, even if somehow they just happen to be right with a lucky guess, but for a while at least they seem to think that belief is the same as knowledge, so why bother with hard facts and evidence?
Since January one, or was it the red moon, Michael's chickens came home to roost.
Michael was at least being honest by nailing his flag to the pole, to mix my metaphors, but others will briefly raise their flags on ropes but take them down again later when no one is looking, who me? :plain:


Well-known member

Dear iouae,

Is it possible that the other hominids Never Existed?? Do they have fossils or bones of these other hominids. I mean, I am as much in the dark about it as you. Probably more. I never paid much attention to the other images of apes and homo sapiens sapiens, and Neanderthals. I just saw them in my science book and figured it must be the way it is. But I never delved into it much further until recently. I don't believe my science book anymore because in my Bible, it is written, "And God said, Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness;" {See Gen. 1:26KJV}. "So God Created man in His Own Image, in the Image of God created He him; male and female created He them." {See Gen. 1:27KJV}. Now, it would seem that when God said, Let "US," He is quite likely at least talking about Jesus, as far as Us goes. Jesus did say that He was with God before this world was. That is written in the Four Gospels. Well, I don't want to play let's guess what He meant anymore. We'll find out when We are brought together. But remember, Jesus also said, "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." So we can know that God looks like Jesus, not an ape or chimp!!" So that's out of the way!!

Iouae, I know you are searching hard for the truth. It is good. Just be careful that you aren't deceived for a bit. I've made that mistake a couple times now, which isn't bad considering all of the times I've been correct. So, it all comes out in the wash. What is true, God will shine it like a beacon soon enough. Will close for now.

Praise God!!


:guitar: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar:
Hi Michael

God made all things through Jesus, and His crowning achievement was us.
Isaiah 66:1 Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool:

The earth is special to God. I don't know if you have a footstool, but I like to put my feet up on my coffee table. For entertainment, when things are quiet in heaven, God looks past his feet at His "footstool".

At one time in earth's history, when He was getting ready to make man, God experimented with prototype humans. The last prototype human was Homo neanderthalensis. Some anthropologists think Neanderthals were so close to humans that they classify them as a subspecies of humans, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. They had 99% human DNA.

The reason I am interested in this is because I want to know what God was thinking. Neanderthals survived a long time in the Pleistocene with its harsh ice ages and large animals. Neanderthals were particularly good at hunting the biggest of these, including wooly mammoths. And they did not use projectiles, but got close up and personal stabbing and clubbing these beasts. And Mrs Neanderthal did too. I don't think we would have liked her. Neanderthals were untrusting of strangers or new ideas, and probably would not have wanted to have made our acquaintance in any case.

God found something wrong with Neanderthals and let them die out, possibly by an ice age, or by a shortage of animals. Neanderthals were apex predators, stronger than us and with a bigger brain than us, but few survived older than age 35 because fighting big animals once a week does that to one. They operated in small family groups of only about 5 people, and seemed incapable of living a settled life and growing food. They were hunters, not really gatherers.

Yes they existed and over 400 skeletons of these have been found in Asia and Europe.

Modern man arose just as Neanderthals were becoming extinct. This was 40 000 years ago, and long before Adam and Eve were created. God was experimenting, and finally managed to make a hominid "in His image, and after His likeness", in the form of Homo sapiens. This was a less strong, smaller brained, more sociable version of Neanderthal called Homo sapiens. They lived in bigger societies, hunted rabbits not mastodons, left their women behind to gather nuts and berries and tend the fire, while the men were out hunting small animals. These were real "girlie men" by comparison with Neanderthals, and we just have to look in the mirror to see one today. They were good at language and abstract thought, and even painted a bit of rock art in their spare time.

Then God destroyed both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens in an ice Age at the end of the Pleistocene, called the Younger Dryas, when earth entered a full glacial period for many hundreds of years and was covered with ice.

Then 6000 years ago, the ice now being melted and earth being covered with water the Bible picks up the story in Gen 1:2, and in 6 days God replenishes the earth with all the animals we see today, creating Adam and Eve. All other prototype hominids were extinct when God started over "replenishing" or restocking the earth. And this is a "sissy" earth filled with sissy animals, the most benevolent and easy to tame period in earth's history.

Michael, being wrong some of the time, is part of the human condition. This whole post may contain errors, but it is what I believe today. God does not love us only when we are right, but loves His children right or wrong. As long as they love Him. Which child is even mostly right? I just rest easy knowing He keeps a benevolent eye on His footstool, and His children.
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New member
We disbelievers didn't actually know then that Michael would be wrong but of course we now know he is.
No one would have looked more surprised than me had he been right so can I honestly believe with hindsight that I knew he was wrong all along?
Religious believer's "knowledge" clearly isn't that at all, even if somehow they just happen to be right with a lucky guess, but for a while at least they seem to think that belief is the same as knowledge, so why bother with hard facts and evidence?
Since January one, or was it the red moon, Michael's chickens came home to roost.
Michael was at least being honest by nailing his flag to the pole, to mix my metaphors, but others will briefly raise their flags on ropes but take them down again later when no one is looking, who me? :plain:

You have way more patience with him than I do for sure. And I reckon you could easily say you knew he was wrong all along, though I suppose we really shouldn't if we're to appear open minded and consistent. But they probably think that having an open mind means rejecting the Theory of Evolution in favour of a literal Genesis. Which is barking :mad:

Michael is always right, except when he's wrong :)


New member
At one time in earth's history, when He was getting ready to make man, God experimented with prototype humans.
You have a god who experiments?
Your god obviously is not the Creator God of the Bible who is omnipotent and omniscient.
The last prototype human was Homo neanderthalensis. Some anthropologists think Neanderthals were so close to humans that they classify them as a subspecies of humans, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. They had 99% human DNA.
Actually..... Neandertals are as human as you and I. They were descendants of Adam and Eve. We are descendants of them.
And...BTW... Neandertal DNA is about 99.7% similar to us. Your DNA and mine is about 99.9% similar. Science shows us the humanity of Neandertals which atheists, agnostics and Bible compromisers deny. (Even evolutionary magazines such as Scientific American have printed articles such as "Our Neandertal Brethren: Why They Were Not a Separate Species")

IOUAE..... your rambling "beliefs" about Neandertals is a denial of both God's Word and science. Lets look at a few examples I posted previous.
Virtually everything most people once believed about Neandertals has been proved wrong. A recent study sheds light on dietary habits of Neandertals. Evolutionists once thought that Neandertals were carnivores... possibly even cannibals. And some thought that because of their inflexible diet, they had gone extinct. But..... “these Neanderthals ate starchy foods like tubers, roots, nuts, cereals and grasses" says Les Copeland in an article titled, “Neanderthals in Northern Spain Had Knowledge of Plants' Healing Qualities, Study Reveals” (Science Daily)
A co author, Antonio Rosas says "“El Sidrón has allowed us to banish many of the preconceptions we had of Neanderthals. Thanks to previous studies, we know that they looked after the sick, buried their dead and decorated their bodies. Now another dimension has been added relating to their diet and self-medication.”

God created humans as humans. Evolutionism needs and wants transitional fossils to show that humans evolved. In order to try fill this void, evolutionists often try to emphasize human characteristics of ape fossils, and the opposite with human fossils.
Neandertals are a good example of how evolutionists use their assumptions arriving at faulty conclusions. Neandertals are fully human but with a few distinct variations. In today's world we have many isolated people groups who have developed distinct variations, and this is no different than the Neandertals.
Neandertals were once in kids text books, showing them to be beastly looking. Articles discussed them as being inferior to us and claimed they likely didnt have language. They were depicted as stooped over and hairy... dimwitted. Over the past several years, science has come closer and closer to acknowledging that the creationist position is correct. Neandertals were not 1/2 human. There have been many good science articles in recent years upgrading the status of Neandertals. Here is the most recent article discussing Neandertal ingenuity and tool making. ( too bad the article stilll uses a 'picture' showing that dimwitted look... there are much better pictures... and there are articles discussing how there looks would blend in with todays humans)

Modern science continues to dispell the evolutionary myths about Neandertals. Science continues to confirm that neandertals are not some lower form of human... or a higher ape form. Neandertals are human and descendants of Adam and Eve.
In the past evolutionists thought Neandertals were incapable of speech. Even when there was evidence of speech, some evolutionists resisted the notion. Here is another article "hinting" Neandertals used speech. They were not dim witted as textbooks once told us.

It was not so many years ago that Neandertals were portrayed as half ape / half human... a dim witted creature. Museums portrayed them as stooped over hairy beasts in attempts to show these people were similar to apes. But, this view of a human who descended from apes is contrary to God's Word.

It took many years but now even most hard core evolutionists acknowledge the humanity of Neandertals. They used tools, cosmetics, musical instruments, buried their dead etc. Their brains are slightly bigger than that of modern humans. Textbooks and museums have slowly made corrections (portrayals exagerated apelike features in the past because of evolutionary bias).

We now know that Neandertals are distinctly human with a few distiguinshing features... not unlike distinct groupsof humans that exist today, all descendants from Adam and Eve.

One interesting aspect of this for Christians is that Neandertals were named after being found in the Neander valley.

The valley was named after a young German, Joachim Neander who wrote 6o Christian hyms including one that" is generally regarded as one of the greatest hymns of praise of the Christian church".... Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation (German: 'Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren')

I suspect that Neander would be pleased that Neandertals humanity help confirm the Biblical account of God creating humans distinct from animals.

And posted here last March
Neandertal Update*
Science continues to demolish the evolutionary stereotypical image of Neandertals. Listening to a 'shocked' scientist on the radio, he discussed Neandertal jewelery and made the comment that they weren't the "stumbling bumbling mumbling fools we once thought they were." *

Why did evolutionists think Neandertals were dim witted? Their belief had nothing to do with science, but simply based on the false belief system that humans and intelligence evolved.*

As Christians we can be excited as *science helps reveal the truth of scripture.... We have been created as intelligent beings in the image of God. The One who created the trillions of stars and knows each individually, is the same God who created us...who knew us before we were born....He is the same One who shed His blood in my place at Calvary.*

Other mistakes evolutionists made about Neandertals, based on nothing other than their belief system.*

*Science has proven Neandertals were as capable of speech as we are...contrary to what evolutionists once taught.

*Science has proven Neandertals were not just carnivores. ..contrary to what evolutionists once taught, Neandertals ate grains.*

*Science has shown Neandertals had culture and formed society. (Painting, music, buried dead, jewelry, tools *and more)...*contrary to what evolutionists once taught.

*Evolutionists portrayed Neandertals in museum displays as stooped over hairy beasts....Science has shown Neandertals walked erect as we do. (And they were likely no hairier than you and I)

*Science has shown that many of us are descendants of Neandertals....contrary to what evolutionists once taught. Neandertals are descendants of Adam and Eve...a distinct people group (as are pygmies a distinct group but fully human).

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A scientific consensus does have at least some rather good indicative value even before looking at the evidence and the reasoning.
No it doesn't. You indict yourself.

It isn't real evidence that makes me lose interest it's typically irrational conclusions and bald assertions like yours that do that.
I always follow my assertions with evidence, and my conclusions are always rational. But please, if you can find an irrational conclusion I came to just list it.

No, I simply see no rationality or reason for belief in voodoo, magic or the miraculous nor in blind adherence to an ancient scripture.
Another irrational conclusion from alwight. As was pointed out to you, just because common descent is wrong doesn't mean you have to believe in the creator of the bible.

I already knew your opinion of common descent Yorzhik which you have obviously dismissed a priori, without any heed to scientific conclusions nor indeed peer reviewed consensus.
Quite wrong. I believed in common descent until I looked at the evidence.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You have a god who experiments?
Your god obviously is not the Creator God of the Bible who is omnipotent and omniscient.
Don't be so quick. The God of the bible said He put an angel with a flaming sword at the door to Eden because maybe, possibly, could be, lest, Adam tried to get back in. Sounds at least a little bit experimental.


Neanderthals were on the earth 850 thousand years ago up until about 40,000 years ago before Adam and Eve arrived.


New member
Neanderthals were on the earth 850 thousand years ago up until about 40,000 years ago before Adam and Eve arrived.

Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal culture.
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal speech capabilities.
Evolutionists were wrong about the Neandertal diet.
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal posture.
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal intelligence.
Evolutionists were wrong about Neandertal species EVEN.
So, lets just say its a given evolutionists are also wrong about the dates
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