Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
You are uninterested in the thousands of PhD scientists who believe God's Word and say the cosmos CAN'T be millions of years old. Are you interested in the numerous PhD geologists who explain stratification supports the Biblical flood model?

I am totally unimpressed by a few YEC scientists because I can trump these with ten times more old earth scientists.

And yes, I would like to see how your YEC scientists explain sorting of fossils in the strata. I suppose we are going to hydrological sorting and man being able to run to the mountains and be fossilised last, whereas in every natural disaster, all the animals made it to the mountains, and man gets drowned by the tsunami etc.


Dear iouae,

I have to get going for a couple hours. I will go through this and see what is happening. Are you going back to your old ideas? Do whatever you feel like. That's what you've got to do. Even if it means jumping ship. I am with 6days. Will chat later.

May GOD Grant Us The Correct Truth,



Well-known member
Dear iouae,

I have to get going for a couple hours. I will go through this and see what is happening. Are you going back to your old ideas? Do whatever you feel like. That's what you've got to do. Even if it means jumping ship. I am with 6days. Will chat later.

May GOD Grant Us The Correct Truth,


Hi Michael

I have never been, and never will be a YEC. I am an OEC.
When 6days takes to pointing out the mote in my eye/theory, I like to point out the beam in his eye/theory. :)

I am glad you still find time to keep the thread on track.



New member
I think genetally when someone uses 'consensus' as an argument, they are trying to sell you something. Nobody uses 'consensus' as an argument for the distance of the moon. It is solid science that measures the distance to the moon, therefore tbe consensus argument is not used.*

There is a strong consensus that Newtonian Mechanics accounts for the distance and motion of the Moon. And that standard Maxwellian EM theory is reliable for measuring the distance using radar.



Well-known member
I was just watching BBC news telling how chimps in the DRC killed one boy and ripped the lips off another. Chimps are the primate species closest to humans and they really are not nice animals. They wage war on other smaller monkeys, and have resulted in many human deaths.

By contrast, I lived for a decade where baboons regularly visited us a few times a week. What lovely animals they are. Humans provoke them and shoot them with air-rifles, and whip them, and set their dogs on them etc. and they suck it up and are the most funny and delightful, and forgiving creatures possible. Currently the policy is to daily pelt these same baboons with paintballs to drive them away. Many have lost eyes, and many have been culled. When comparing humans with baboons, I know which is the more noble beast. Frankly, the human treatment of these baboons has been disgusting.


Are you interested in the numerous PhD geologists who explain stratification supports the Biblical flood model?

I'm interested in what number = numerous. got a # greater than about 25 PhD geologists who provide such an explanation? Names and citation please.


New member
iouae said:
iam totally unimpressed by a few YEC scientists because I can trump these with ten times more old earth scientists.*

Then you are also toatally unimpressed by the few scientists who claim Jeaus is the Savior; you could trump that with ten times as many who deny Him.

Evolutionists 'go to' argument is always popular opinion / consensus.


Then you are also toatally unimpressed by the few scientists who claim Jeaus is the Savior; you could trump that with ten times as many who deny Him.

Evolutionists 'go to' argument is always popular opinion / consensus.

Not me, I believe Jesus is what he said he was and still lives as Lord and God of this world that evolved from the early life implantations which preceded the Cambrian explosion period.

It is routine common sense for me that God created life as we know it by the process of cosmic evolution. Therefore God and evolution are not mutually exclusive concepts or beliefs. Its when we take the pseudo-biographical stories of the Hebrew priest as having been penned by God that a whole bunch of flags hit the field!

Jesus was very diplomatic and divinely tactful in not interfering with the evolution of mans wisdom about the world.


New member
Caino said:
Not me, I believe Jesus is what he said he was and still lives as Lord and God of this world that evolved from the early life implantations which preceded the Cambrian explosion period.*

Caino....i think you reject what Jesus said, or twist it to fit your belief system. Please consider what Jesus taught...

Jesus: But since you don't believe what he (Moses) wrote, how will you believe what I say?"

Jesus: "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them (humans) male and female'"


Caino....i think you reject what Jesus said, or twist it to fit your belief system. Please consider what Jesus taught...

Jesus: But since you don't believe what he (Moses) wrote, how will you believe what I say?"

Jesus: "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them (humans) male and female'"

Jesus was confined to using what was available, what they were familiar with in his presentation. Jesus didn't come to earth to reform the technical, factual mistakes of Judaism or it's heavily biased, redacted scripture books. Besides, as flawed as the Hebrew scriptures are, they served the purpose of maintaining faith.

I think the authors of NT books innocently "twisted" Jesus' words to justify leaving Judaism to follow Jesus. It failed to bring the Jews and has only served to confuse subsequent generations of Christians.


Well-known member
Then you are also toatally unimpressed by the few scientists who claim Jeaus is the Savior; you could trump that with ten times as many who deny Him.

Evolutionists 'go to' argument is always popular opinion / consensus.

The only thing that could impress me was if they can explain sorting of fossils into strata.


So... you don't believe what He said.*

No, I don't think he said it in the way you meant it or how it may have been remembered by the authors in the same way Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah and John said "I am not Elijah"

Matthew 11:13

…12"From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force. 13"For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John. 14"And if you are willing to accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come.…

John 1:21

…20And he confessed and did not deny, but confessed, "I am not the Christ." 21They asked him, "What then? Are you Elijah?" And he said, "I am not." "Are you the Prophet?" And he answered, "No."

The above stems from (Malachi 4:5, 6)" "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
John had been warning of "the wrath to come" but no wrath came. However now, to try to fix the erroneous belief people conclude the wrath will come on the return.

So, not everything in the Bible was accurately understood or remembered as is to be expected.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, I believe that common descent is true mainly because it makes rational sense based on evidence...
No you don't. When presented with evidence your eyes have always glazed over and you claim consensus.

... , but also because the only alternative would seem to be a miraculous creation, which is imo clearly ridiculous. Rather similar to believing in voodoo or magic imo which wouldn't require facts or evidence just blind belief.
Ah. Now your irrational behavior makes sense. You live in fear that perhaps something you currently consider ridiculous would be a prison to you instead of simply following the evidence where it leads. At least you admit that the evidence is against your common descent blind faith.

A wiser man would say that even with the evidence clearly showing common descent to be wrong, that is does not necessarily prove the God of the bible and His creation. A wiser man would not live a life of fear as you do.

Jose Fly

New member
Let us see what creationism has contributed to science.

Why is it that the closest creature to humans is chimps/bonobos?
Would this fit the evolutionary tale or creationist tale?

Um.....because humans, chimps and bonobos all share a recent common ancestry. :duh:

Why are Neanderthals, H. erectus, H. naledi, H. heidelbergensis, H. habilis and all the other Homo's not around today? As far as I know, evolution does not have an answer as to why these died out.

Seriously? You really, truly, honestly don't think evolutionary theory accounts for extinctions? Really?

But the Bible starts with a mass extinction before Adam and Eve, and a mass extinction called the flood, both of which would have killed all the other hominids.

Where in the Bible does it mention "other hominids"?

And the creation story says God created all the animals and man. Man was made in God's image (including language, religion) and the others not.

Thus, what we see today far more perfectly fits the creation story than the evolutionary one. Man having dominion over animals. And never the twain shall meet on some Tree of Life. And even the apes are not at all like man in their thinking. Certainly speech makes a difference. This is but one way in which humans and apes show a huge divide, as explained by the Genesis account, not the evolutionary one.

Wow....that's hilarious. If you honestly think "we have a story" is a contribution to science, I'll just let that speak for itself.

Jose Fly

New member
Good post other than adding stuff into God's Word.
The Bible actually starts with... "In the beginning, God created...."
Your mass extinction before a creation is anti-biblical and gospel destroying. much for that "contribution to science" then. Guess your guys' story isn't quite what you made it out to be.
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