Creation vs. Evolution

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Greg Jennings

New member
Sure... you resist God's Word and the best explanation to the evidence. BtW...Average size of mature dinosaur was likely about that of sheep. There was plenty of room for all the animals on the ark... including all those now extinct...and room for a few basketball courts with extra space.

Maybe the average Dino was sheep-sized, but those smaller species are just extra on the ark. The species I listed in my last post (in some cases types, with several species within each type) aren't just random names off of a list. They're all massive. Each weighing a minimum of 1000 pounds at full size and some weighing way way way more than that.

I picked those species from memory because they're all huge. How did they all fit on the ark, plus your sheep-sized dinosaurs, plus modern animals, plus prehistoric reptiles that weren't dinosaurs, plus prehistoric mammals and large flightless birds?


New member
Greg Jennings;4566315.... creationism is simply a belief said:
Creationism and evolutionism are beliefs about the past. Evolutionism is a belief that has never contributed and medical advancement nor new technology in our world. Evolutionism has actually hindered the progress of science at times with false beliefs in things such as useless organs and junk DNA.

Greg Jennings

New member
Creationism and evolutionism are beliefs about the past. Evolutionism is a belief that has never contributed and medical advancement nor new technology in our world. Evolutionism has actually hindered the progress of science at times with false beliefs in things such as useless organs and junk DNA.

Wow. I'm gonna let this educational gem speak for itself


If you would, answer my ark question. Thanks


New member
I picked those species from memory .....
Often different species beling to the same created kind. Keep in mind the Bible does not say "species". you recently learned the Biblical model is rapid adaptation and speciation based on pre-existing genetic info.

Greg Jennings

New member
Often different species beling to the same created kind. Keep in mind the Bible does not say "species". you recently learned the Biblical model is rapid adaptation and speciation based on pre-existing genetic info.

No 6days. The species I mention are very distinct "kinds" of dinosaur. Allosaurus is nothing like ceratosaurus, which is even less like diplodocus, and so on (fun fact: diplodocus was the favored food of allosaurus, despite it being nearly six times as large). In fact, most of the "species" I mentioned are actually types of dinosaur, with many different species in each type.

With that knowledge in hand, how do you suppose all of the animals lived together on an ark any smaller than several miles long?

Greg Jennings

New member
i have answered briefly already.
this might help you with a better guesstimate of how many animals and how big etc
Thank you. I'll take a look

Well, I got to the part where it says that only 600 dinosaur species have ever been named, and I sadly saw that it was horribly misinformed. There are over 900 named species, and many more not named as of yet.

Not to mention that the article gives the ark's dimensions as 450x75x75 feet. The dimensions of just the dinosaur species I listed for you far exceeds that capacity. Throw in other dinosaurs, modern fauna, prehistoric mammals and birds and reptiles, and the creepy crawlies of course, and there's still quite a lot of explaining left to do


Well-known member
Charles Darwin might not have turned away from christianity had he not seen the effects of parasites in action:

I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.

So isn't your god rather shooting itself in the foot by making parasites that cause people to doubt that god's existence?


The surest way to get "offended" by God is to create an image of Him in your mind, which He then does not live up to.

People have been doing this since forever.

Why does a good God allow the righteous to suffer? (Job)
Why did God create parasites? (Darwin)
Why did Christ allow pigs to run off a cliff? (PETA)
Why did Christ curse an innocent fig tree?

Many got offended when Christ told the crowd they would have to eat Him. To a Jew, eating human flesh was anathema. Why did Christ not explain that He meant it symbolically, as in communion?

Jon 6
54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
...60 Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?
...61 When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?
...65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.
66 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?
68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

Because, as I said, God wants people of faith.
And He did create a world with sharp edges.
And stupid people, like sheep, get themselves into trouble.
And He is there to deliver and save His sheep.

But set up a false expectation like, "No good God could allow me to suffer 0.1% of the time" and your false belief in a false "god" will lead you astray, as it apparently did Darwin, who lost his faith watching a wasp lay its eggs in A CATERPILLAR????. That's NUTS!!!


New member
The surest way to get "offended" by God is to create an image of Him in your mind, which He then does not live up to.
OK. Darwin's mistake to think your god was kind.

Many got offended when Christ told the crowd they would have to eat Him. To a Jew, eating human flesh was anathema. Why did Christ not explain that He meant it symbolically, as in communion?
It's bizarre no matter how you express it. Judicial execution followed by symbolic (or literal) cannibalism. Are you so used to reading this stuff that somehow it appears normal to you?

Because, as I said, God wants people of faith.
So your god is better at hoping than at recruiting.

And He did create a world with sharp edges.
And stupid people, like sheep, get themselves into trouble.
And He is there to deliver and save His sheep.

But set up a false expectation like, "No good God could allow me to suffer 0.1% of the time" and your false belief in a false "god" will lead you astray, as it apparently did Darwin, who lost his faith watching a wasp lay its eggs in A CATERPILLAR????. That's NUTS!!!
Your god made it nuts, though, didn't it? It could have done anything it wanted. But it made humans with expectations which, as you claim, don't match the reality of this pain-loving god. So what kind of game is it playing??



Well-known member
OK. Darwin's mistake to think your god was kind.

It's bizarre no matter how you express it. Judicial execution followed by symbolic (or literal) cannibalism. Are you so used to reading this stuff that somehow it appears normal to you?

So your god is better at hoping than at recruiting.

Your god made it nuts, though, didn't it? It could have done anything it wanted. But it made humans with expectations which, as you claim, don't match the reality of this pain-loving god. So what kind of game is it playing??


The game God is playing is rooting out the likes of Darwin from His eternal kingdom. Eternity is a long time. In that time one does not want folks taking offence at wasps laying eggs in caterpillars, and turning away from God, and causing more trouble.


New member
The game God is playing is rooting out the likes of Darwin from His eternal kingdom. Eternity is a long time. In that time one does not want folks taking offence at wasps laying eggs in caterpillars, and turning away from God, and causing more trouble.
And, I'm guessing, you will be a willing footsoldier of this dictator.

Possibly it's propaganda minister. Down with the troublemakers!



Well-known member
And, I'm guessing, you will be a willing footsoldier of this dictator.

Possibly it's propaganda minister. Down with the troublemakers!


I love the hypocrisy of this discussion.

The cruel gods of Dumb Luck, who's key doctrine is "survival of the fittest" want to judge the God who died for the world to save and to heal it.

Keep digging Stuart


New member
I love the hypocrisy of this discussion.

The cruel gods of Dumb Luck, who's key doctrine is "survival of the fittest" want to judge the God who died for the world to save and to heal it.

Keep digging Stuart
Why do you judge your god as good? Apparently it made the Guinea worm that hurts us like hell as it burrows through human skin.

By the way, I thought we had been through the whole dumb luck thing. I realise you are afflicted by religious belief, but I thought you might be a faster learner even so.



Well-known member
Why do you judge your god as good? Apparently it made the Guinea worm that hurts us like hell as it burrows through human skin.

By the way, I thought we had been through the whole dumb luck thing. I realise you are afflicted by religious belief, but I thought you might be a faster learner even so.


Guinea worm, deep water, broken glass, guns, fire, poison... I said God created a world with sharp edges. Funny thing how we mostly manage to negotiate our way around it. And in the process we learn the meaning of the word "No". "No don't touch, go there, drink that,..."

Which is why "law" is such a big word in the Bible.
Beings with free will have to learn to say "No" to themselves.

If parents don't teach it.... then prison will.
If prison doesn't teach it, then nature will when one takes an overdose. Either way, you will learn to deny yourself. And God created the world to teach even the most addled mind that.
Maybe the lesson the Guinea worm is trying to teach is that if you don't like it, live somewhere else.
Or use your God-given brains and invent a cure.

And no, "we" have not been through the whole Dumb Luck thing at all, because that truly is the god of the evolutionist.


New member
Guinea worm, deep water, broken glass, guns, fire, poison... I said God created a world with sharp edges.
Did your god create guns? That would be consistent with the whole paranoid Republican guns 'n' religion thing I guess. (I don't live in North America).

Funny thing how we mostly manage to negotiate our way around it. And in the process we learn the meaning of the word "No". "No don't touch, go there, drink that,..."

Which is why "law" is such a big word in the Bible.
Beings with free will have to learn to say "No" to themselves.

If parents don't teach it.... then prison will.
If prison doesn't teach it, then nature will when one takes an overdose. Either way, you will learn to deny yourself. And God created the world to teach even the most addled mind that.
You still don't seem capable of analysing any deeper than 'folks just gotta learn'! Should we be following laws that stop us from being killed in your god's earthquakes and tornadoes as well?

Maybe the lesson the Guinea worm is trying to teach is that if you don't like it, live somewhere else. Or use your God-given brains and invent a cure.
So you are going to say to the sufferers of dracunculuasis, who mainly live in South Sudan - one of the poorest countries on the planet - that they should move to a different country?

And no, "we" have not been through the whole Dumb Luck thing at all, because that truly is the god of the evolutionist.
Well, since I HAVE been through it with you and you seem unmoved, and dedicated to misrepresenting evolution, the very least you could consider is not mentioning it. Would you particularly like it if I kept criticising you for your Catholic views, even after you had told me you weren't Catholic?



Well-known member
You still don't seem capable of analysing any deeper than 'folks just gotta learn'! Should we be following laws that stop us from being killed in your god's earthquakes and tornadoes as well?


So you are going to say to the sufferers of dracunculuasis, who mainly live in South Sudan - one of the poorest countries on the planet - that they should move to a different country?


Well, since I HAVE been through it with you and you seem unmoved, and dedicated to misrepresenting evolution, the very least you could consider is not mentioning it.



Well-known member
I see.


In ancient Greece you would be called a follower of Tyche, goddess of luck. In Rome you would be considered a follower of Fortuna. In Japan you would be followers of the 7 Lucky Gods. Goddess Lakshmi means "Good Luck" to Hindus.

Every one of thousands of pagan cultures had gods of luck which they could no more see than evolution. Just because you give it a scientific name "evolution" does not change the fact that you believe your creator was Dumb Luck.

Thus Homo sapiens sapiens is no more "sapiens" than our superstitious ancestors.


New member
I can tell from your writing that you are hot and bothered, whereas I am at perfect peace. (Is 57:19-21)

What really bothers you about religion? You gave a "reasoned argument" but I detect an underlying personal reason.

Sorry to disappoint you, no personal reason. I'm just as much at peace with myself as you are. What bothers me is wasted human potential.
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