Creation vs. Evolution

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Originally Posted by Interplanner View Post
The flaw in evolution, that Darwin was aware of, was that many creatures had features that were "far too wondrous" to have happened by mutation processes.

Reference please, for evidence of Darwin being 'aware of' this 'flaw'.


You wont get it. Best to dismiss every word he says, let alone his claims about someone else.

I've already been down a rabbit hole with him. Trust me, it's pointless and frustrating.

Jose Fly

New member
Let's choose a pathogen like ebola.

God said don't eat bush meat like bats, apes and blood.

Disobey God and ebola happens.

So the God you believe in is like a terribly abusive parent, where it's do what he says, or he will kill you in very nasty ways?

And you seem to miss the irony of blaming God, when your god preaches survival of the fittest and natural selection as its prime doctrines.

That's funny. :chuckle:


New member
You wont get it. Best to dismiss every word he says, let alone his claims about someone else.

I've already been down a rabbit hole with him. Trust me, it's pointless and frustrating.
Thanks for that. Yes, I was subjected to a mini Gish Gallop in another thread. Ctrl-C Ctrl-V seems to be his chief method of scholarship.



New member
So the God you believe in is like a terribly abusive parent, where it's do what he says, or he will kill you in very nasty ways?
Indeed! And, if scripture was divinely inspired, there was plenty of opportunity for this omniscient creator to use that scripture to explain the germ theory of disease, to enable humans to avoid all these "sharp" things it had created.

Wouldn't that have given us skeptics pause for thought!

But, of course, it was written by ignorant humans who had some rudimentary science behind some of the food laws.



Well-known member
Aren't you somewhat missing the point?
In an entirely natural environment pathogens would be exactly what you would expect to exist, along with parasites, poisons and everything else.

The only environment you know of is the one God created. So any talk of "natural environment" is a joke.

And that environment is there to teach you as well as bless you.

Live in harmony with the laws of God, and all goes well...
Break those laws and suffer.
That's why God gave you a nervous system.

I guarantee you that if humans were more robust, say made of rubber, they would be pushing the limit to as far as that would take them before they self destructed.

Jose Fly

New member
Indeed! And, if scripture was divinely inspired, there was plenty of opportunity for this omniscient creator to use that scripture to explain the germ theory of disease, to enable humans to avoid all these "sharp" things it had created.

Wouldn't that have given us skeptics pause for thought!

But, of course, it was written by ignorant humans who had some rudimentary science behind some of the food laws.

And I thought Christians were no longer under the OT covenant, which means they don't have to abide by the dietary laws. If so, it makes even less sense. God says "Don't eat bush meat" and creates the ebola virus as a punishment for anyone who disobeys.

But then God changes the rules and says Christians don't have to follow those laws any more. Yet for some reason, God leaves the ebola virus in place, so when people eat bush meat (which is perfectly legal now), they die a horrible death for breaking a law that hasn't been in effect for thousands of years.

Um.....yeah. :confused:


New member
Every creature plays a role in the biome, food chains etc. Why pick on pathogens when being torn apart by a lion or shark is equally gruesome?
I was interested to know whether you think pathogens have a specific part to play in your god's plan. Do you think they do?



New member
And I thought Christians were no longer under the OT covenant, which means they don't have to abide by the dietary laws. If so, it makes even less sense. God says "Don't eat bush meat" and creates the ebola virus as a punishment for anyone who disobeys.

But then God changes the rules and says Christians don't have to follow those laws any more. Yet for some reason, God leaves the ebola virus in place, so when people eat bush meat (which is perfectly legal now), they die a horrible death for breaking a law that hasn't been in effect for thousands of years.

Um.....yeah. :confused:
Maybe all ebola victims are Jewish.



Well-known member
And I thought Christians were no longer under the OT covenant, which means they don't have to abide by the dietary laws. If so, it makes even less sense. God says "Don't eat bush meat" and creates the ebola virus as a punishment for anyone who disobeys.

But then God changes the rules and says Christians don't have to follow those laws any more. Yet for some reason, God leaves the ebola virus in place, so when people eat bush meat (which is perfectly legal now), they die a horrible death for breaking a law that hasn't been in effect for thousands of years.

Um.....yeah. :confused:

Any atheist or Christian negating any law, will suffer the consequences of ignoring it. Many Christians think they can ignore the 7th command and get away with it, shacking up with all and sundry. God is not mocked.

Those OT food laws are still in effect.


New member
The only environment you know of is the one God created. So any talk of "natural environment" is a joke.
So you think we live in a supernatural environment presumably?
I doubt that you have any more idea if a god created everything than I do, what you might think you might know is only an assertion.

And that environment is there to teach you as well as bless you.
I'd say however that we have evolved as a part of this environment, if it is an assault course then it is a naturally formed one that we are generally equipped to deal with most of the time.

Live in harmony with the laws of God, and all goes well...
Break those laws and suffer.
That's why God gave you a nervous system.

I guarantee you that if humans were more robust, say made of rubber, they would be pushing the limit to as far as that would take them before they self destructed.
Humanity has evolved to be as robust as it needs to be, nothing more nothing less. There is no book of divine rules and regulations, we only have our innate abilities to guide us through.

Jose Fly

New member
Food laws, sex laws, and hundreds of other laws which sound like they have universal application, yes.

Rest of the Old Covenant has been updated to the New.

That will come as quite the news flash to a lot of Christians.

When you guys figure this out, let us know.


Well-known member
Humanity has evolved to be as robust as it needs to be, nothing more nothing less. There is no book of divine rules and regulations, we only have our innate abilities to guide us through.

No Book.... Hmmm....

Good luck navigating your way through life on first principles, trial and error, natural selection...


New member
Live in harmony with the laws of God, and all goes well...
Break those laws and suffer.
That's why God gave you a nervous system.
So our electrochemical nervous system makes a fast way for your god to connect us up to mains current?



Well-known member
I think the question was pretty clear. It didn't say anything about 'every creature'.

Do pathogens have a specific part to play in your god's plan?



Let me guess the next question...

Would it be "What role?"
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