Creation vs. Evolution

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Hi again Michael

I do concede that God put Adam and Eve into a beautiful garden in Eden and commanded them to eat vegetarian only. And they did that for ???? years.

The garden of Eden does NOT occupy all of Eden. It is on the East of Eden.

Genesis 2:

8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

And Eden does not occupy all of earth either, since Adam and Eve were banished from Eden.

So on earth is a land called Eden.
And on the East side of this land is a garden of unspecified size.
And Adam and Eve were to "dress and keep" this garden.
How big a garden could two people "dress and keep"?
This is not a big place. They had no power tools or transport.

Inside this garden all is perfect. There are no ravenous beasts. Inside my back yard there are none either. My garden has nothing to threaten me, and I dress and keep it - sort of. It has a fig tree and a grape vine and mulberry trees to eat from, with some swisschard and a few other plants.

Suppose God banishes me from my garden, into a world full of thorns - well into the wilderness like we have today. Immediately one is on Survivor or Naked and Afraid or like on any one of the survival programs, like Dual Survival, Survivor-man, Bear Grilse, Man-Woman-Wild etc.

And like them it's eat whatever you come across, or die. If you cannot find fruit, you eat grubs. Or snakes, or birds eggs, or literally anything.

My guess is that they hunter-gathered as well as tried to cultivate some crops, as well as had domestic animals like sheep and chicken which they ate. This was a hostile world outside of Eden. It is exactly like today. Even the most beautiful tropical island can have mosquitoes and bugs which can drive one insane. And the rest of human history proves that eke-ing out a living from the land means eating whatever you find.

Dear iouae,

Sorry to get back to you so late. I was on this Page before I got way behind because everyone started posting here fast. Anyway, I believe that they still ate fruit, and berries, and leaves {grape leaves, parsley, dandelion, etc.). I eat grape leaves even at my age. I usually stuff them like stuffed cabbage. You don't have to cook them, though, to eat them. But I could believe that maybe the rest of the world was eating grubs, meat, etc. That might be why God gave to Noah to eat meat. It does say, "I {the Lord God} repent that I've made man, for he is but flesh,... and the Earth was corrupt also before God, and the Earth was filled with violence." That's a couple verses or so of what Genesis says, {see Gen. 6:3,6,11KJV}. Check out those Scriptures, please.

God Loves You!!



This extract is from...

How do scientists know what dinosaurs ate without looking at their teeth?

Answer 1:
Coprolites, or fossil "poop", are one way that paleontologists (scientists who study ancient life other than humans) try to understand what dinosaurs and other fossil animals ate when they were living, but as you can imagine, it's not always so easy to tell who made the coprolites. One famous example of a coprolite that actually was attributed to a specific dinosaur (in this case, Tyrannosaurus rex) was reported on by paleontologists, Dr. Karen Chin and colleagues, in the June 1998 issue of the scientific journal, Nature.

This is truly a huge coprolite, weighing in at 17 inches (44 cm) long, 6 inches (15 cm) high, and 5 inches (13 cm) wide. The coprolite is dated at 65 million years of age and since T. rex was the largest meat-eater around during that time (Late Cretaceous), the process of elimination suggests that this coprolite is T. rex dung. Other evidence that this belonged to a meat-eater like T. rex are the crushed up bone fragments that Dr. Chin found embedded in the coprolite. These shattered bone fragments tell us that T. rex was capable of chewing its food (previously scientists thought food may have been dissolved in the stomach), and that T. rex was feeding on Triceratops - some of the bone fragments are from the bony frill found at the back of the Triceratops skull. Amazing how many things you can learn about a dinosaur from its poop!"

Dear iouae,

I can believe that T-Rex began eating just veggies, and then ate meat. If lions, having teeth the way they do, can eat meat or straw, then so can T-Rex. Yes, an animal that big would have huge poop. Hey, this is back from Page 932. This is where I was at before the deluge here of posts that I could not keep up with. I am now answering all of them that were addressed to me. I don't want to leave anyone without an answer to their post to me.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!

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Probably best if I decline your request for clarification. Since a person is responsible for recognizing and respecting the knowledge they are given, in your case, less is better.

Hi DavisBJ,

This is from page 932. I didn't get a chance to answer these posts everyone made to me, without jumping ahead to page 936, etc., because I got too far behind. But I always make it a point to answer those who've posted to me. In this case, I can see that you are trying to demean me. I just take it as it comes.

Best Wishes,



Why the coelacanth adds to this creationist's belief in God.

I have repeatedly said that Gen 1 describes God renovating the earth after a mass extinction which occurred 6000 years ago.

Gen 1:2 tells us that earth, after this mass extinction, was in darkness and covered with water.

But certain ancient animals could survive these conditions. In fact the Coelacanth, which lives at great depths in the ocean, in caves, would hardly have noticed that a mass extinction was in progress.

Thus, its presence on earth today, having the ability to survive EXACTLY THE CONDITIONS DESCRIBED IN GEN1:2 is a testament to the accuracy of the Genesis recreation account.

And Gen 1:1 occurred billions of years before the mass extinction described in Gen 1:2. It is only young earth creationists who (rightly) have problems with ancient fossils.

God created the coelacanth over 65 million years ago. The coelacanth survived whatever event destroyed the dinosaurs. It survived the mass extinction 6000 years ago. It survived the deluge 4400 years ago. It is a testimony to the accuracy of the Bible.

Dear iouae,

God created the Coelacanth 6,000 some years ago. Not 65 million years ago. And the fish and aquatic life in the sea were not fazed by the Great Flood. Just thought I'd add this even though it was not addressed to me.

Praise God!!

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Hi Michael

I believe that on the first day God created light.
I do not believe God created the heavens and the earth AND light.
That leaves me free to believe there was a gap between the creation of the heavens and the earth and the first day.
This gap can be as long as science says.
If it says 13.75 billion years, or 5 billion, I have no reason to fight science on this. If science said 10000 years, I would believe that.

I am as much into science as you are into cooking. If I were to ask you to believe that meat and wine are evil - that would be the same as asking me to believe that science is evil.

Looking through a telescope is not hard. And the bigger the telescope, the further one sees. The further one sees, the longer it has taken light to get here. And 13.75 billion years is not close to 6000 years. A kiddies telescope from Toys-R-Us can see stars, the light of which has taken more than 6000 years to get here. Expansion of the universe is so slight over this distance as to be irrelevant. So expansion is not fudging the numbers by much.

And looking at the strata of rocks, it is as clear as anything that there are rocks near the surface with human fossils, and below these rocks devoid of human fossils. And this occurs worldwide. Thus there was a time on earth before humans. Human fossils are only found in the relatively shallow strata, showing the majority of earth's history had no humans. So C14 dating and Piltdown man are not a factor in my belief. I believe before the flood there was less radiation, so less C14 formed, which gives longer ages to pre-flood fossils.

The scriptures say God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). That means He cannot stage the heavens or the rocks to look different to their real ages either. Why would He? He has nothing to hide.

God loves to see His children arguing about His word on forums such as this. These are not salvation issues. God loves to see His children so passionate about Him that they would take time out of their day to talk about Him. I think He loves to see atheists and agnostics contributing here too.

I have been in cult churches where all believe the same thing and nobody fights over doctrine. Now THAT is scary.

Michael, It is lovely hearing from you as always.

Dear iouae,

I think I answered this before, but I don't remember positively, so... so you are saying, because of Science, that some of the stars are 13.75 billion years old?? The stars are 6,000-some years old. Doesn't the Bible say that God created man 3 or 4 days after the stars {host of Heaven}? I know you believe differently about things, iouae, so that is fine. But that would mean that man is 13.75 billion years old also. Something is fishy. Just like the Coelacanth. Another 'mistake' that Science wants us to believe without question. It was definitely a fact by Science until they found some recent ones. C'est la vie.

I've got to get going for a couple hours. Chat with you then.

Praise The Lord,



Good post !!

Dear patrick jane,

Thank you!! I tried to give you some more rep pts., but it said it was too soon. Well, at least I'm trying. You probably don't need anymore anyways, but still! Well, it's good to have you back!! Don't go away anymore, okay? Be careful what you do/say.

Praise Jesus!!



Dear DavisBJ,

Did you and Hedshaker go on a hiatus or something? Haven't heard from you for a while now. Hope you are both doing well. Yes, Hedshaker, I'm very surprised that Bibleism isn't a word yet!! Seems like everything else is. Well Davis, what about that Coelacanth thing going on? Sort of zipped up the lips, eh? Ah yes, what's the big deal. Science has flubbed once again. Major league!! Let's face it. It's HUGE!! Like Donald Trump would say. HUUUGE!!!

Don't worry. I know mistakes happen. I was wrong about Armageddon happening in the Autumn, so this slides right down my back. I just had to enjoy the moment there for a bit. You've got to admit, my mistake was nothing compared to their mistake!! Enough said!

Tons Of Love Coming To Both Of You,


P.S. Do you really think that I don't love you after all that you've thrown at me??!!


Dear 6days,

What do you think of ALL I have posted on this page?? Do you agree?? Sure would like your feedback. I don't ALWAYS know if I'm communicating well enough, although I sure do try to be clear, stuff happens. Let me know. Hey, don't you miss The Barbarian, Stuu, and noguru??!! I do. I did talk with noguru for about 3 days, and he said he didn't get banned. He just called us a few choice words and I got tired of it and told him off. So we're not talking much although I could still talk with him in an emergency or whenever I want. We both tell each other off, then get back together. It's just what we do, but the love is still there. You can tell.

Tons Of Love From God, And Me!!



Well-known member
Dear iouae,

I think I answered this before, but I don't remember positively, so... so you are saying, because of Science, that some of the stars are 13.75 billion years old?? The stars are 6,000-some years old. Doesn't the Bible say that God created man 3 or 4 days after the stars {host of Heaven}? I know you believe differently about things, iouae, so that is fine. But that would mean that man is 13.75 billion years old also. Something is fishy. Just like the Coelacanth. Another 'mistake' that Science wants us to believe without question. It was definitely a fact by Science until they found some recent ones. C'est la vie.

I've got to get going for a couple hours. Chat with you then.

Praise The Lord,

Hi Michael

Here is what happened in 6 literal days.

Day 1 - God clears the thick atmosphere THAT WAS ALREADY THERE, so that the sun THAT WAS ALREADY THERE can shine through.

Day 2 - God lifts the cloud THAT WAS ALREADY THERE, raising it high above the sea THAT WAS ALREADY THERE creating clear sky (firmament) between.

Day 3 - God raises land THAT WAS ALREADY THERE causing it to poke out of the sea THAT WAS ALREADY THERE. God then populates the land with plants.

Day 4 - God appoints the sun, moon and stars THAT WERE ALREADY THERE to mark out days, months, years and Feast Days.

Day 5 - God populates the sky THAT WAS ALREADY THERE with birds, and God populates the seas THAT WERE ALREADY THERE, with fish.

Day 6 - God populates the land THAT WAS ALREADY THERE with land animals and man.

Day 7 - God rests, creating the Sabbath.


New member
so you are saying, because of Science, that some of the stars are 13.75 billion years old?? The stars are 6,000-some years old. Doesn't the Bible say that God created man 3 or 4 days after the stars {host of Heaven}? I know you believe differently about things, iouae, so that is fine. But that would mean that man is 13.75 billion years old also. Something is fishy. Just like the Coelacanth. Another 'mistake' that Science wants us to believe without question. It was definitely a fact by Science until they found some recent ones. C'est la vie.
God created the Coelacanth 6,000 some years ago. Not 65 million years ago. And the fish and aquatic life in the sea were not fazed by the Great Flood.

Hi Michael,
would you simply accept it from me (Honest Al :D) that your scientific conclusions including astrophysics are, to say the least, driven rather more by a literal interpretation of Genesis than even remotely derived from science?
The Coelacanth is reckoned to have been around some 360 million years albeit not entirely unchanged, but to suggest that most of marine life would have somehow remained unfazed by a global flood lasting for about a year is nonsense. A global flood would have completely covered virtually all the marine environments that sea life so depends on, never mind that freshwater aquatic life would have all been wiped out within hours.


New member
Day 1 - God clears the thick atmosphere THAT WAS ALREADY THERE, so that the sun THAT WAS ALREADY THERE can shine through.
Let's just believe God... not you.
He created the sun, moon and stars on the 4th day.
He spoke...they appeared.
Heb.11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
Also...please read Genesis chapter 1

Greg Jennings

New member
Dear iouae,

If lions, having teeth the way they do, can eat meat or straw, then so can T-Rex.
Michael, what lion have you ever heard of that survived on straw? Lions are carnivores as their teeth show. They are able to eat bread and other products of grain, but they can't live off of it alone. Without meat, a lion will die no matter what else you feed it.

Greg Jennings

New member
Hi Michael,
would you simply accept it from me (Honest Al :D) that your scientific conclusions including astrophysics are, to say the least, driven rather more by a literal interpretation of Genesis than even remotely derived from science?
The Coelacanth is reckoned to have been around some 360 million years albeit not entirely unchanged, but to suggest that most of marine life would have somehow remained unfazed by a global flood lasting for about a year is nonsense. A global flood would have completely covered virtually all the marine environments that sea life so depends on, never mind that freshwater aquatic life would have all been wiped out within hours.

To expand further, a global flood would be wiped out all coral in the world. If the coral dies, then the fish and crustaceans that feed on the coral die, then the bigger fish and cephalopods that eat them die, then the whales and sharks that eat them die.

A global flood ~5000 years ago simply isn't feasible for so many reasons. All you really need is one, but there are so many more than that


New member
Michael, what lion have you ever heard of that survived on straw? Lions are carnivores as their teeth show. They are able to eat bread and other products of grain, but they can't live off of it alone. Without meat, a lion will die no matter what else you feed it.

Funny how evolutionists deny mutations might change an animal if it helps them to deny scripture.

Greg Jennings

New member
Funny how evolutionists deny mutations might change an animal if it helps them to deny scripture.

Show me one creature more advanced than bacteria that has ever mutated to process a different food source without altering its physical structure? Just one. Come on, you can do it!


New member
Show me one creature more advanced than bacteria that has ever mutated to process a different food source without altering its physical structure? Just one. Come on, you can do it!

Well... Little Tyke was one of at least two modern lions who rejected meat. It doesn't take a great imagination to think how a few mutations can alter an animal's diet. Yet evolutionists think mutations can change a bacteria into a biologist.
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