Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear alwight,

Yes, it took me maybe 1/2 hour to put together and then I lost it somehow by pressing the wrong button or something. I felt nearly devastated. It's happened to me a couple time before, but usually I am pretty careful. How does Darwinian theories help you? Do you really think that man is the descendant result of a chimp's ancestors?
As I already explained Michael chimps and humans evidentially shared a common ancestor a long time ago. Humans did not evolve from chimps nor did chimps evolve from humans, they simply evolved separately from some point in the past, they are both modern creatures.

Darwinian evolution offers me a natural explanation based on fact and evidence, without having to suppose something supernatural and miraculous must be required instead. If however I became aware that such miraculous events do sometimes happen then that might be different but apparently they do not. Therefore Michael I do not incorporate supposed miraculous happenings into my reasoning processes, even if some writers of ancient texts did.

God made the RNA, DNA, genomes, genes and atoms within the man's body, woman's body, chimps body, butterflies body, caterpillar's body, etc. Now look at how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. Is that incredible, or what? God created both of them and for them to be that way. A small miracle!! And the hummingbirds spastic flapping of wings to stay in the air. Do you think they are descended from bees or flies? I don't think so. Every living thing on Earth have similar makeups or DNA, genes, etc.
Despite your personal incredulity Michael, Darwinian evolution explains all the above without having to incorporate unexplainable miraculous events that wouldn't actually explain anything. Some Christians like The Barbarian would say that evolution was simply the method God used to create life as we know it. I've never tried to claim it must be otherwise.

Al, soon enough, you will stand before God, the One you think isn't there, the One that you did not respect enough. What are you going to say to Him?? I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, and I've been trying to change your pair of shoes, but you make it impossible. Your belief in Darwin is like some other people swearing that the Earth is flat!! That really is IT in a nutshell.
I wouldn't want to be in my shoes either Michael if the fundamentalist version of things were true. However evidentially if God exists then He is much more subtle and naturalistic than most fundamentalists can imagine.

I would certainly respect any entity that I knew to exist and deserved respect rather than simple fearful blind obedience.
My acceptance of Darwinian evolution is based on facts and evidence, and in not dogmatically believing that for which no apparent evidential support exists. If the Earth evidentially was flat then I would have to accept that, but clearly it isn't. I call that being adaptable, rational and reasonable.

So you are calling these people free-thinking intelligent persons who believe the Earth is square a Stamp of Approval??
Nobody I was referring to believes the Earth is square Michael, I might accuse you of trying to poison the well here? :AMR:

Who do you think made any intelligent men/women?? You think they all came to be with an incredible system of thinking, without God?? Hell, no!! They didn't just descend from some chimps ancestors. A chimp is not THAT Smart. I know that they are okay, but nothing like a man. God makes sure there is a way to disbelieve Him and let some people believe in those things, to separate them from who actually goes to Heaven, this time around. Millions of people can't be wrong, Al. Do you know that the human brain has a trillion synapse junctions in action at one moment? It is like a supercomputer. But the fact is, it is not a computer.
I don't claim to know if God was behind it all or not, all I'm saying is that Darwinian evolution is the apparent best explanation we have given the evidence.

Al, I explained this earlier. Maybe it was in the post I lost, I don't know. Some texts are scrutinized before they are allowed in the Holy Bible. If they don't pan out, they are left without and not included. This is the case with Bel and Daniel, or Epic of Gilgamesh, the book of Aggeous, Baruch, etc. They were left out because they could not pass rigorous testing. Have you ever checked out the Pseudopigrapha? It includes many books/texts that were found to be inferior to be included in the Holy Bible. There are scholars that decide these things, but you don't know about them, nor trust them enough to know they are excellent fact-finders. Well, I lost the last part of this again. Sometimes I forget to press the Post Quick Reply Button. In a hurry, I guess.
To my knowledge the Bible was compiled in the fourth century to help Emperor Constantine hold the failing Roman Empire together. Every fallible person involved with it along the way, however well meaning, had their own personal agenda and idea of what was true, that's only human nature not a divine truth.

May God Be With You Always And Turn You To His Love. My prayers are with you!!

Ok, Blimey Bloke!! {Did I use the wrong words here??}

Remember Michael I'm not disrespecting the Christian God, I disrespect fundamentalism and its utter disrespect of evidence based scientific reason and rationality, favouring instead an evidence free, literal adherence to a very specific ancient scripture which was probably never meant to be regarded that way.


is that based on scientific fact?
is it just a belief of yours?
is it reasonable?

My, good questions. Maybe you can get the fundamentalists here to answer some basic questions in that fashion:
1. how old is the universe
2. how old is the earth
3. Did Noah's Flood really happen


I'm not sure that Alwight's understanding about the Bible being a 4th century construct is accurate. Although, I'm pretty sure it was cut and pasted from numerous sources over the years. Perhaps that is why many fundamentalists think quote mining is a good way to source arguments.
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New member
I'm not sure that Alwight's understanding about the Bible being a 4th century construct is accurate. Although, I'm pretty sure it was cut and pasted from numerous sources over the years. Perhaps that is why many fundamentalists think quote mining is a good way to source arguments.
I said it was perhaps compiled in the fourth century but clearly the texts were typically not.


New member
Citations to the scientific literature, please. Your God's Word is not part of the scientific literature.

Where as man's opinions change like the wind, the Word of God stand as absolute truth.
(Scientific Nature, PLOS, Journal of Creation etc)


New member
Shared endogenous retroviruses say otherwise.

Someone asked me about that 2 years ago when I first came on TOL. My reply. ..
"I suspect you mean...'how do creationists interpret endogenous retronirus within the creationist framework?'
No so different from evolutionists who begin with a premise then interpret data to fit that premise. Evolutionists assumed certain things about ERV's based on their belief system. Creationists said "Wait, it is possible we don't understand ERV's completely yet." As we discover more and more that 'junk' DNA is a misnomer (and evolutionist assumptions incorrect).. And as we find more about the functions of "ERV's", we see the creationist position of design was correct.*"


Where as man's opinions change like the wind, the Word of God stand as absolute truth.
(Scientific Nature, PLOS, Journal of Creation etc)

I note no specific citations that back up your basic claim that genetics says Homo and Pan do not have a common ancestor.

Your use of the word "opinions" is interesting. Scientific theories change with new evidence. If that is what you mean, then OK. The earth used to be the center of the solar system, remember? The existence of galaxies was not known. The cause of disease was unknown, etc.
But as we learned more facts we began to understand more. That better understanding, which remains imperfect, raises all sorts of issues with your particular Word of God. You and many others here seem unable to get over your fear of the real nature of things and instead allow the fear engendered by your god to keep you from attempting to understand the real world. Too bad.


New member
You and many others here seem unable to get over your fear of the real nature of things and instead allow the fear engendered by your god to keep you from attempting to understand the real world. Too bad.
Once the contrary... the more we understand the world around us, the more that the majesty of our Creator is revealed.
No matter if we look at the vastness of space or the sophistication within a cell....the more cause we have to worship.


Once the contrary... the more we understand the world around us, the more that the majesty of our Creator is revealed.
No matter if we look at the vastness of space or the sophistication within a cell....the more cause we have to worship.

Again, no citations to the scientific literature that states Homo and Pan did not come from a common ancestor.

My reading of the world around us is 180 degrees from yours. The more I understand the world around me the more it is obvious there is not a Creator, most especially the one described in the Bible.

And again, please provide citations to the scientific literature that suggest Homo and Pan do not have a common ancestor.

patrick jane

Once the contrary... the more we understand the world around us, the more that the majesty of our Creator is revealed.
No matter if we look at the vastness of space or the sophistication within a cell....the more cause we have to worship.

absolutely, the complexity of DNA to massive black holes, God created everything, it's pretty obvious the more we know about science.

Jose Fly

New member
Someone asked me about that 2 years ago when I first came on TOL. My reply. ..
"I suspect you mean...'how do creationists interpret endogenous retronirus within the creationist framework?'
No so different from evolutionists who begin with a premise then interpret data to fit that premise. Evolutionists assumed certain things about ERV's based on their belief system. Creationists said "Wait, it is possible we don't understand ERV's completely yet." As we discover more and more that 'junk' DNA is a misnomer (and evolutionist assumptions incorrect).. And as we find more about the functions of "ERV's", we see the creationist position of design was correct.*"

That's not even an answer. The fact is, humans and chimps share a number of identical ERV sequences in the same locations, even though ERV insertion is random. So exactly what is the "creationist interpretation"? It's just a coincidence?


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I'd say it was based on reasonable historical evidence and consensus but if you know otherwise I'll consider your evidence.

I have more respect for these creationists than I do for your attempts to discredit them
are you that insecure in your beliefs that attacking theirs somehow validates yours?


I suppose that includes the malaria parasite, smallpox virus, Vibrio cholerae (cholera), ebola virus, etc.?

Best I can tell, the Creator God created all those when man sinned. I think that is what literal Genesis fundamental theology requires.

Or perhaps it was just a natural result of man's sin, but I'm not sure you can suggest that based on the Bible.

Perhaps someone can explain.


I have more respect for these creationists than I do for your attempts to discredit them
are you that insecure in your beliefs that attacking theirs somehow validates yours?

Wait, doesn't that question work in reverse and call into question the security of creationist's belief?
Maybe Stripe is really, really, really insecure in his belief?

Jose Fly

New member
Best I can tell, the Creator God created all those when man sinned. I think that is what literal Genesis fundamental theology requires.

Or perhaps it was just a natural result of man's sin, but I'm not sure you can suggest that based on the Bible.

Perhaps someone can explain.

Creationists like to argue that evolution can't generate complexity or "genetic information". If you look at the biochemical pathways and structures various pathogens use to inflict disease, they are quite complex. So if the creationists are right and evolution can't create them, what did?

Most creationists dodge the question, but a few here have said they believe God deliberately and intentionally created pathogens to cause disease and suffering. Take that as you like, I guess....:think:
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