Creation vs. Evolution

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Reality will not bend to your wants and beliefs Michael, it doesn't work that way. It has nothing to do with the blood moon, which is a perfectly natural even btw, or anything else. Yourself and those "Tons of other churches and organizations" got it wrong because the whole thing is daft. There isn't going to be an Armageddon or a second coming. It's just not real and that's why you were all wrong.

Deny it all you want but the truth is staring you in the face. According to the evidence you are also wrong about the Theory of Evolution as well. Nothing perfectly fits the evidence better that Evolution and that's a fact.

Dear Hedshaker,

Are you the same guy that I talk about music with?? I know we are both quite blessed with a good ear. There were FOUR Blood Moons in this one year, ALL FOUR of them were on Jewish Holy Days. That is the HUGE difference. It is EXTREMELY RARE!!! But you don't know about all that because we live in different bodies. There IS going to be an Armageddon and 2nd Coming!! Just watch it happen!! Our only mistake was trying to date it, which turned out false, which I'm sure many of your dating methods haven't panned out either, like carbon-14 dating!!

What ever!! It is not possible that your evolution theory has one hairy leg to stand on, much less two. We can't agree on that one, for sure. I will never agree that man is descended from a chimp's ancestor. God created man and chimp as two different beings, and the sooner you get that through your head, the better. Same with apes and orangutans. Oh, my Hedshaker, why must you believe in things that aren't true?? Where do you get these beliefs from?? Your parents??? Eeeeekk!! You make me want to pull my hair out!!

Best Wishes,



The eye witness testimony of the One who was there is the Creator God. We do witness Him through His Word, and through the world around us.*

"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."Rom. *1:20

Genesis is eyewitness testimony? Nah, hearsay at best and last I knew there was substantial question over who actually wrote it.

Other than that your posts have devolved to mostly hopeful quote mining headlines.


Michael I realise that probably no amount of even the strongest evidence would perhaps ever convince many creationists. All I'm saying is that despite what some creationists will say there is plenty of evidence from all the natural sciences.
You may not like to believe that we share a common ancestry with chimps but nevertheless that is what all the complimentary scientific conclusions seem to indicate.
No field of science supports the idea that somehow fully formed complex modern creatures suddenly appeared out of thin air. The scientific reasoning must be rational, supported by the available evidence and involve only a logical process not presupposing something miraculous.
Darwin's theory is not an ad hoc whimsical idea of guesswork, it is a formalised, rational and falsifiable, evidence based, scientific theory that has stood the test of time. If somehow it is nevertheless wrong then imo it would be astounding that no contrary evidence has so far ever emerged to show it. The fossil sequence only ever shows those predicted, rabbit fossils are never found in the wrong part of the geological column.
DNA evidence unavailable to Darwin clearly shows our common ancestry with other apes in ways that he could never of imagined.

Check out Darwin's track record:

1. “Warm little pond” theory: There is no solid evidence of life arising spontaneously from a chemical soup.

2. Simplicity of the cell theory: Scientists have discovered that cells are tremendously complex, not simple.

3. Theory about the cell’s simple information: It turns out cells have a digital code more complex and lengthy than any computer language made by man.

4. Theory of intermediate fossils: Where are the supposed billions of missing links in the evolutionary chain?

5. Theory of the variation of species: Genetic adaptation and mutation have proven to have fixed limits.

6. Theory of the Cambrian Explosion: This sudden appearance of most major complex animal groups at the same low level of the fossil record is still an embarrassment to evolutionists.

7. Theory of homology: Similarity of structures does not mean the evolution of structures.

8. Theory of ape evolution : Chimpanzees have not evolved into anything else. Neither has man.

9. Theory of the tree of life: Rather than all life branching from a single organism, evidence has revealed a forest of life from the very beginning.

10. Rejection of an intelligent designer: This opened the door for many to reject God, the Bible and Christianity.

Yes you have ancient texts, as do other religions, so why don't I simply accept as you do that their authors were as reliable as you seem to think? :think:
Well, if modern day scientists simply asserted guesswork for their conclusions without citing testable evidence or incorporating falsifiability then just as with assertions from the past such claims can simply be dismissed as spurious and without having any actual scientific worth at least, which I do.
Btw I don't reject such texts as having no intrinsic value or interest, but as for having any scientific evidential value, no such unsupported ancient texts, even your one, have any, other than that at some time in the past somebody wrote something.

WOW!! Those last couple paragraphs make it seem like you are flying is turbulent winds. I don't know how to explain it to you better. I have no belief in your rejection of my texts that has any grounds to stand upon. Do you understand? In other words, you don't know enough about my Bible's books and words to make a judgment either way. You don't know what is intrinsically written or said. I don't know what else to tell you, but when I do, I will tell you. You don't know at all what the Bible actually says or means? What a trip??!!! You all are clueless. You are so busy finding words and beliefs to counter the Bible that you are numb in your existence!! You have nowhere to turn except in circles in your belief tomb. No truth comes out, no truth goes in. That is your belief tomb. I've heard about all that I need to hear now. I am not going to recite tons of Bible messages that are already written for ANY to take counsel from. You all wear someone out, but not me.

God Be With You!!

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New member
Dear Hedshaker,

Are you the same guy that I talk about music with?? I know we are both quite blessed with a good ear. There were FOUR Blood Moons in this one year, ALL FOUR of them were on Jewish Holy Days. That is the HUGE difference. It is EXTREMELY RARE!!! But you don't know about all that because we live in different bodies. There IS going to be an Armageddon and 2nd Coming!! Just watch it happen!! Our only mistake was trying to date it, which turned out false, which I'm sure many of your dating methods haven't panned out either, like carbon-14 dating!!

How rare an event occurs is irrelevant. Blood moons are natural events, type it into google to learn all about it, and if they happen to fall on some holiday or other then that's just chance. And no, there is not going to be a Armageddon or a 2nd Coming. It's a myth, nothing more. That's why you, those churches and organisations, and everyone in history that has made predictions about them have been 100% wrong every time without exception. Every single time! This is what I mean by arrogant. You are changing your time line just as I predicted you would, just as everyone who has ever made such predictions has done before. Have the grace to admit it and that you could be wrong when wrong is right there in front of you. I can be wrong as can anyone but you deny the possibility even when it's staring you in the face. When you first joined this board you predicted within two years, which took us up to July. Then when nothing happened you extended it to the end of 2015. Now you want to change it again!! Your predictions aren't worth diddly squat!

What ever!! It is not possible that your evolution theory has one hairy leg to stand on, much less two. We can't agree on that one, for sure. I will never agree that man is descended from a chimp's ancestor. God created man and chimp as two different beings, and the sooner you get that through your head, the better. Same with apes and orangutans. Oh, my Hedshaker, why must you believe in things that aren't true?? Where do you get these beliefs from?? Your parents??? Eeeeekk!! You make me want to pull my hair out!!

Oh, I see, I should ignore the vast array of evidence, and the worlds leading scientists, and listen to some guy on the internet who thinks life was poofed as is a few thousand years ago by supernatural magic and believes in ancient myths and thinks the blood moon has some mystical significance.

Come on Michael. I didn't come down the Thames on a we we pot.


New member
Michael I realise that probably no amount of even the strongest evidence would perhaps ever convince many creationists. All I'm saying is that despite what some creationists will say there is plenty of evidence from all the natural sciences.
You may not like to believe that we share a common ancestry with chimps but nevertheless that is what all the complimentary scientific conclusions seem to indicate.
No field of science supports the idea that somehow fully formed complex modern creatures suddenly appeared out of thin air. The scientific reasoning must be rational, supported by the available evidence and involve only a logical process not presupposing something miraculous.
Darwin's theory is not an ad hoc whimsical idea of guesswork, it is a formalised, rational and falsifiable, evidence based, scientific theory that has stood the test of time. If somehow it is nevertheless wrong then imo it would be astounding that no contrary evidence has so far ever emerged to show it. The fossil sequence only ever shows those predicted, rabbit fossils are never found in the wrong part of the geological column.
DNA evidence unavailable to Darwin clearly shows our common ancestry with other apes in ways that he could never of imagined.
Check out Darwin's track record:

1. “Warm little pond” theory: There is no solid evidence of life arising spontaneously from a chemical soup.

2. Simplicity of the cell theory: Scientists have discovered that cells are tremendously complex, not simple.

3. Theory about the cell’s simple information: It turns out cells have a digital code more complex and lengthy than any computer language made by man.

4. Theory of intermediate fossils: Where are the supposed billions of missing links in the evolutionary chain?

5. Theory of the variation of species: Genetic adaptation and mutation have proven to have fixed limits.

6. Theory of the Cambrian Explosion: This sudden appearance of most major complex animal groups at the same low level of the fossil record is still an embarrassment to evolutionists.

7. Theory of homology: Similarity of structures does not mean the evolution of structures.

8. Theory of ape evolution : Chimpanzees have not evolved into anything else. Neither has man.

9. Theory of the tree of life: Rather than all life branching from a single organism, evidence has revealed a forest of life from the very beginning.

10. Rejection of an intelligent designer: This opened the door for many to reject God, the Bible and Christianity.
Why on earth would I accept this frankly daft list of creationist derived evidence-free bald assertions Michael?
The above list is in no way an honest track record of Darwin it is simply an example of disingenuous creationist propaganda or perhaps more likely just rubbishy eye candy for fellow creationists, but certainly not anything that even attempts to contradict Darwin's science with science. :nono:

Yes you have ancient texts, as do other religions, so why don't I simply accept as you do that their authors were as reliable as you seem to think? :think:
Well, if modern day scientists simply asserted guesswork for their conclusions without citing testable evidence or incorporating falsifiability then just as with assertions from the past such claims can simply be dismissed as spurious and without having any actual scientific worth at least, which I do.
Btw I don't reject such texts as having no intrinsic value or interest, but as for having any scientific evidential value, no such unsupported ancient texts, even your one, have any, other than that at some time in the past somebody wrote something.
WOW!! Those last couple paragraphs make it seem like you are flying is turbulent winds. I don't know how to explain it to you better.

I have no belief in your rejection of my texts that has any grounds to stand upon. Do you understand? In other words, you don't know enough about my Bible's books and words to make a judgment either way. You don't know what is intrinsically written or said. I don't know what else to tell you, but when I do, I will tell you. You don't know at all what the Bible actually says or means? What a trip??!!! You all are clueless. You are so busy finding words and beliefs to counter the Bible that you are numb in your existence!! You have nowhere to turn except in circles in your belief tomb. No truth comes out, no truth goes in. That is your belief tomb. I've heard about all that I need to hear now. I am not going to recite tons of Bible messages that are already written for ANY to take counsel from. You all wear someone out, but not me.

God Be With You!!

I'm not rejecting your texts Michael but I'd like to know why you want me to assume that Biblical texts require no evidential validation at all, just belief, while other such ancient texts can simply be disregarded apparently?

Of course I can read the words written in the Bible and come to my own conclusions as to what was being said, just as you do, but for me anything that is written which is meant to be given a factual status rather than fiction, proposition or entertainment, simply must have some evidential support which otherwise does not deserve any magical or supernatural privileges.


New member
1)However, the tree of life you refer to is based on faith.
The latest research shows Darwins tree is collapsing.

2) Yes... an evolutionist who acknowledged that mutations and natural selection can not create. She attempted *( like Gould did) to find a creative mechanism.

3) Most evolutionists do not wish to even admit or allow discussion that complex sophisticated design may be evidence of an Intelligent creator.

4) If you can show a code that self created, let us know; otherwise it is illogical and faith based only, to deny a intelligent code maker may have created the DNA code.

5) So, you agree that the bias ( faith based) of evolutionism has lead to the false conclusions I mentioned, as well as others?

6) Exactly!! So the nazis thought they would speed along the evolution process by helping out natural selection. They eliminated people they deemed unfit. The Holocaust is largely a result of Darwinism.

*God's Word.

*The fossil record


*The universe


*History / Archaeology

*Our moon


8) At that point then you start to dig and find out just who the Creator is.

9) There are many ways... For example logic tells us that something which has existed uncaused, throughout eternity, caused everything. We can then take the statements from scripture and find a possible answer to the uncaused eternal God.

10) Next, we can take that scripture and look to see if there is evidence of divinely authorship. We can then compare that testimony comparing it to all other explanations eliminating those which are inconsistent with evidence....and eliminating statements which are self contradictory.*

11) The eye witness testimony of the One who was there is the Creator God. We do witness Him through His Word, and through the world around us.*

12) "For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."Rom. *1:20

1) Not at all. I see that you have quite some misconceptions, so bear with me as I try to explain them one by one:

- Don't limit all of evolutionary biology to just the work of Darwin. He may have been the "godfather" but you don't see mechanics being limited to Newton, or algebra limited to Gauss, right?

- Don't project the fragility of religious dogma unto scientific consensus. A theory is not dismissed because someone doubts one aspect of it. You always need evidence! Then a theory can be corrected.

- In this particular case: Doolittle stated that possibly there's not a SINGLE tree of life with ONE origin! That statement is very different from your generalization that the entire concept should be flawed.
Likewise when Lynn contested the sole responsibility of mutation in biodiversity, this was very different from your conclusion that she somehow "disproved" natural selection

- You seem to be convinced that evolution is treated differently in the scientific community than everything else, that it is an exception to the scientific method. I wonder how come?

2) Exactly, attempted but so far without success. As I've already said, this is the lifeblood of scientific progress. Can't wait until someone plugs that gap of knowledge :)

3) pay attention to 2 things:
First, science is open to any explanation, even involving a deity, but you need actual proof. As long as people just assert some ID without any testable, repeatable evidence, then it's little wonder they are being ignored by science.
Second, be honest: ID = god of the bible, otherwise your argument is just as valid for any other deity or, perhaps, aliens.

4) Well, you just answered your own question - it's DNA!

5) No the bias of ego, not faith.

6) I always wonder what it is that you call "darwinism", maybe you should explain!
Precisely, the nazis deemed people who didn't satisfy their ideal as unworthy - where is natural selection here at work?

7) Maybe you're unaware that evidence and personal incredulity aren't quite the same thing. Listing some random stuff isn't helping your case at all. Show me actual evidence, you know, an experimental setup that demonstrates reliably divine interference.

8) so how did you do it?

9) I'm sorry, but where is the logic? You just played some amateur philosophical word games.

10) Please explain, I didn't understand a word.

11) So......... now finally I'm beginning to see the logical contortion.
The "eye witness" you all are talking about is the deity himself.

Too bad this doesn't work in the real world, I would love to prove to my bank that there's a million bucks missing from my account because I am myself the eye witness of the lottery transferring that money... Ha-ha-ha

12) Hey, now this explains why you theists are so convinced that nature itself is proof of your god. Too bad this is utterly useless. The same argument can be made for every fairy ever conceived.

I can really recommend that you practice a bit of thinking without assuming that you already have all the answers, especially if your answers are all just one answer to everything that explains nothing.



New member
The Duke said:
6days said:
1)However, the tree of life you refer to is based on faith.
- In this particular case: Doolittle stated that possibly there's not a SINGLE tree of life with ONE origin! That statement is very different from your generalization that the entire concept should be flawed.

You misrepresent.

It was you who used the tree of life as an example of how evolutionism is based on science, not faith. Now you are agreeing that there is no agreed upon tree of life?

Your tree is imaginary based upon beliefs. The*evidence from genetic analysis and comparative anatomy can also be used to support the Biblical creation model. As Doolittle says..and as genetic evidence suggests...and as the Bible states....the various kinds all started separately. It is no surprise that even evolutionists acknowledge that Darwins tree is a mess.

The Duke said:
Likewise when Lynn contested the sole responsibility of mutation in biodiversity, this was very different from your conclusion that she somehow "disproved" natural selection

Again you misrepresent.*

She was a evolutionist who agreed that natural selection does not create.
The Duke said:
- You seem to be convinced that evolution is treated differently in the scientific community than everything else, that it is an exception to the scientific method. I wonder how come?

You seem to not understand the difference between operational science and origins science. Geneticists, no matter if atheist or creationist uses the scientific method / operational science to help improve our lives. But they have opposite beliefs about the past which can't be tested by the scientific method. There is no new technology, or improvement in medicine, that has ever resulted from evolutionism.*
The Duke said:
2) Exactly, attempted but so far without success. (Finding a creative mechanism other than mutations and selection) As I've already said, this is the lifeblood of scientific progress. Can't wait until someone plugs that gap of knowledge :)

There is a plug for that gap in your knowledge. " In the beginning, God created. .."

The Duke said:
3) pay attention to 2 things:
First, science is open to any explanation, even involving a deity, but you need actual proof. As long as people just assert some ID without any testable, repeatable evidence, then it's little wonder they are being ignored by science.

I don't imagine you are trying to be funny?

We are talking about beliefs from the past.*

You can't observe, (or prove) *life coming from non can't observe (or prove) God.

*creating life. *Etc.

Also...Atheist scientists are not open to a deity or they wouldn't be atheists.*

The Duke said:
6days said:
4) If you can show a code that self created, let us know; otherwise it is illogical and faith based only, to deny a intelligent code maker may have created the DNA code
4) Well, you just answered your own question - it's DNA!
You expose your faith.

Every code we know of, we know has a intelligent creator. You have faith that the DNA code created itself.*

The Duke said:
6days said:
5) So, you agree that the bias ( faith based) of evolutionism has lead to the false conclusions I mentioned, as well as others?

5) No the bias of ego, not faith.
You are mistaken.

The false beliefs and statements about "Junk DNA" being flotsam / garbage / biological remnants had nothing to do with ego....and everything to do with a false belief system.

(Same with "useless" organs, psuedogenes, etc etc etc)

The Duke said:
6) I always wonder what it is that you call "darwinism", maybe you should explain!

You could Google it, but essentially Darwinism is evolutionism...the belief in a common ancestor... that faith based tree of life.*

The Duke said:
Precisely, the nazis deemed people who didn't satisfy their ideal as unworthy - where is natural selection here at work?
I think you are agreeing with my statement? "So the nazis thought they would speed along the evolution process by helping out natural selection. They eliminated people they deemed unfit. The Holocaust is largely a result of Darwinism."

The Duke said:
7) Maybe you're unaware that evidence and personal incredulity aren't quite the same thing. Listing some random stuff isn't helping your case at all. Show me actual evidence, you know, an experimental setup that demonstrates reliably divine interference.
Again you misrepresent / straw man argument.

You had asked what "evidence" I looked at for the Biblical Creator. *I listed several evidences. Perhaps you don't know what evidence is? *The first evidence I listed was God's Word. We can disagree about conclusions....but it still is evidence.*

The Duke said:
8) so how did you do it? (believe Bible)
What I said is that when you come to the point acknowledging the evidence leads to a Creator. ..then you start digging to find out who the Creator is.*

As to myself... I believed in God of the Bible before I believed in Biblical creation.
The Duke said:
6days said:
9) There are many ways... For example logic tells us that something which has existed uncaused, throughout eternity, caused everything. We can then take the statements from scripture and find a possible answer to. the uncaused eternal God.
9) I'm sorry, but where is the logic? You just played some amateur philosophical word games.
It seems you have no answer to the logic. You are unable to name anything which has begun to exist without a cause.*

I mentioned one way we can know about our Creator.*

The Duke said:
6days said:
10) Next, we can take that scripture and look to see if there is evidence of divinely authorship.

10) Please explain, I didn't understand a word.

The Duke said:
11) So......... now finally I'm beginning to see the logical contortion.
The "eye witness" you all are talking about is the deity himself.
Yes! All scripture is God breathed.

The Duke said:
6days said:
12) "For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."Rom.1:20
12) Hey, now this explains why you theists are so convinced that nature itself is proof of your god. ...

Nature is only part of the answer. That verse is telling us that even without scripture there is no excuse for those who reject Him. You can begin to understand His omniscience and omnipotence through creation.*


You can begin to understand His omniscience and omnipotence through creation.*

Yet your god used his omnipotence to destroy almost all living things on earth in The Flood despite the fact that his omniscience at creation would have informed him that he would need to do that in the time of Noah. As well as his omniscience should have informed him that Adam and Eve would disobey and bring down his perfect creation.

patrick jane

Yet your god used his omnipotence to destroy almost all living things on earth in The Flood despite the fact that his omniscience at creation would have informed him that he would need to do that in the time of Noah. As well as his omniscience should have informed him that Adam and Eve would disobey and bring down his perfect creation.

Life and death on this earth are insignificant in the grand plan of God. You make a big deal out of death from a flood ? We all die bro.


Life and death on this earth are insignificant in the grand plan of God. You make a big deal out of death from a flood ? We all die bro.

Ah, but that perhaps is my point. Your omniscient god set the whole thing up, perfect to begin with fundamentalists claim, to provide nonetheless for the death of his creatures made in his image. He knew what would happen, he knew that death and pain and suffering would enter his creation. That seems to be the only logical deduction.


New member
Ah, but that perhaps is my point. Your omniscient god set the whole thing up, perfect to begin with fundamentalists claim, to provide nonetheless for the death of his creatures made in his image. He knew what would happen, he knew that death and pain and suffering would enter his creation. That seems to be the only logical deduction.

Your right he did know what would happen that's why he said this:

Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.



How rare an event occurs is irrelevant. Blood moons are natural events, type it into google to learn all about it, and if they happen to fall on some holiday or other then that's just chance. And no, there is not going to be a Armageddon or a 2nd Coming. It's a myth, nothing more.

Dear Hedshaker,

These are not rare events. These are RARE EVENTS!!! A total eclipse of the moon (Blood Moon) occurs maybe once a year. This year we had FOUR OF THEM in one year. Each one on a JEWISH HOLY DAY? Do you REALIZE how RARE this is?? Heck, no!! You don't. You're in your own little world. Treading water in your wee wee pot on the Thames!!

That's why you, those churches and organizations, and everyone in history that has made predictions about them have been 100% wrong every time without exception. Every single time! This is what I mean by arrogant. You are changing your time line just as I predicted you would, just as everyone who has ever made such predictions has done before. Have the grace to admit it and that you could be wrong when wrong is right there in front of you. I can be wrong as can anyone but you deny the possibility even when it's staring you in the face. When you first joined this board you predicted within two years, which took us up to July. Then when nothing happened you extended it to the end of 2015. Now you want to change it again!! Your predictions aren't worth diddly squat!

I've already admitted I was wrong, Bud!! Did you miss that too?!! Can you do any better, with your newspaper articles about Darwin? Do you have any? I do suppose you have a book by him? Was he forced to write it? Examine your dilemmas carefully. How convenient it would be to defy that there is a God and that all things created themselves? Give me a break!! I know you ACTUALLY believe this stuff. Hedshaker, open your heart and quit hearing those strong voices in your head that provoke you to believe in such things. Follow your heart instead. It is probably as warped as your mind by now. Yes, it probably is. Same with alwight. This is a grim picture. And you all seemed to be making such progress knowing that there is TONS of love with God and His children, and you are left without, peering in. Change your attitude and come and join those who are loved and those who love. It is a wonderful LIFE!! Go for IT!!

Oh, I see, I should ignore the vast array of evidence, and the world's leading scientists, and listen to some guy on the internet who thinks life was poofed as is a few thousand years ago by supernatural magic and believes in ancient myths and thinks the blood moon has some mystical significance.

Come on Michael. I didn't come down the Thames on a we we pot.

Dear Hedshaker,

You want to make me laugh when I hear what you write. It is a good chuckle. You would rather believe you were evolved from a red ant instead of God creating you. You go for it, buddy!!



Michael 2 Alwight 10-23-15

Michael 2 Alwight 10-23-15

Why on earth would I accept this frankly daft list of creationist derived evidence-free bald assertions Michael?
The above list is in no way an honest track record of Darwin it is simply an example of disingenuous creationist propaganda or perhaps more likely just rubbishy eye candy for fellow creationists, but certainly not anything that even attempts to contradict Darwin's science with science. :nono:


I'm not rejecting your texts Michael but I'd like to know why you want me to assume that Biblical texts require no evidential validation at all, just belief, while other such ancient texts can simply be disregarded apparently?

Of course I can read the words written in the Bible and come to my own conclusions as to what was being said, just as you do, but for me anything that is written which is meant to be given a factual status rather than fiction, proposition or entertainment, simply must have some evidential support which otherwise does not deserve any magical or supernatural privileges.


Michael 2 Alwight 10-23-15

Michael 2 Alwight 10-23-15

Why on earth would I accept this frankly daft list of creationist derived evidence-free bald assertions Michael?
The above list is in no way an honest track record of Darwin it is simply an example of disingenuous creationist propaganda or perhaps more likely just rubbishy eye candy for fellow creationists, but certainly not anything that even attempts to contradict Darwin's science with science. :nono:


I'm not rejecting your texts Michael but I'd like to know why you want me to assume that Biblical texts require no evidential validation at all, just belief, while other such ancient texts can simply be disregarded apparently?

Of course I can read the words written in the Bible and come to my own conclusions as to what was being said, just as you do, but for me anything that is written which is meant to be given a factual status rather than fiction, proposition or entertainment, simply must have some evidential support which otherwise does not deserve any magical or supernatural privileges.

Dear alwight,

So you really ARE suggesting that we a descended from red ants also? Who are you joking?? I'm not that dumb about what your beliefs are. We are all descended from some simple organism. God created that organism, but He also created the creatures on earth and the birds, from the ground, as it is written in Gen. chapter 2. He didn't create ancestors or descendants, or whatever. He made what He WANTED TO!! There is no Us descended from a Dragon Fly!! Get a grip!! Quit it, what you are trying to get me to believe!!! It didn't happen the way you like to organize your little sewing tray. So no more!! You should know better. You are a grown adult!! You can do better than this. Is is so hard to believe that there is an entity/Deity Who has a greater mind than all of us 'adults?' C'mon alwight. Of course there is someone greater than man, but you think that man is greater. Big mistake. Come across again. Think about it a while longer. C'mon!! Go for it!!

Well, what do you deduce?!! Man is greater than anyone? Or that this is a being smarter than a man?? Answer carefully and don't be duped. It will go on your record. Don't screw up your record. The Book of Life. Be wise, Al!!

One Of Your Best Of Friends!


:angel: :cloud9: :rapture:


Why on earth would I accept this frankly daft list of creationist derived evidence-free bald assertions Michael?
The above list is in no way an honest track record of Darwin it is simply an example of disingenuous creationist propaganda or perhaps more likely just rubbishy eye candy for fellow creationists, but certainly not anything that even attempts to contradict Darwin's science with science. :nono:


I'm not rejecting your texts Michael but I'd like to know why you want me to assume that Biblical texts require no evidential validation at all, just belief, while other such ancient texts can simply be disregarded apparently?

Of course I can read the words written in the Bible and come to my own conclusions as to what was being said, just as you do, but for me anything that is written which is meant to be given a factual status rather than fiction, proposition or entertainment, simply must have some evidential support which otherwise does not deserve any magical or supernatural privileges.

Dear alwight,

You have this fixation with 'Bald Assertions.' C'mon!! It seems like the only two words you know. I'm starting to think that I've done all I can here and that I should just go post on Twitter every night, instead. I will reach a greater amount of people and they will not all be naysayers whatsoever. Some of you here are, I guess, a lost cause. Do not ever be surprised if I decide suddenly to leave TOL. There are more deserving people than just here. I have been doing both, here and at Twitter, but I get a better response of caring individuals from Twitter. And from you all here, I get negativity. What would you do, Al?? From now on, I'm going to go with Twitter first, and this site last. If I don't have any more energy after Twitter, then that's how it goes. I won't get to chat here on each day that it happens. Right now, I'm hungry, so I'll get something to eat. Michael is going where he's most needed rather than being hopelessly pulverized by a bunch of nonbelievers & God-haters. You will not bring me down. I will just give to those who deserve the help more!! Oy Vay!!



Your right he did know what would happen that's why he said this:

Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.


Do you not see the point? Fundamentalists make a big point of the fact that your god's creation was perfect, but then man had to ruin it causing your loving god to send his son to be killed thereby wiping the slate clean. But your god knew it would all work out that way, so why is man to blame at all? Your particular god appears irrational and unnecessarily cruel. Set everything up for "failure" from the start.
On the other hand if your god did not know ahead of time seems like your god is not all-knowing after all.


Yet your god used his omnipotence to destroy almost all living things on earth in The Flood despite the fact that his omniscience at creation would have informed him that he would need to do that in the time of Noah. As well as his omniscience should have informed him that Adam and Eve would disobey and bring down his perfect creation.

Dear jonahdog,

God does it all as He will see fit. Don't question Him Whose ways are way above your own. I can't give away too much information.


P.S. Don't you know that if Adam and Eve did not disobey, we would not have Jesus Christ in this day?? God's Plan Goes On!!



Why on earth would I accept this frankly daft list of creationist derived evidence-free bald assertions Michael?
The above list is in no way an honest track record of Darwin it is simply an example of disingenuous creationist propaganda or perhaps more likely just rubbishy eye candy for fellow creationists, but certainly not anything that even attempts to contradict Darwin's science with science. :nono:


I'm not rejecting your texts Michael but I'd like to know why you want me to assume that Biblical texts require no evidential validation at all, just belief, while other such ancient texts can simply be disregarded apparently?

Of course I can read the words written in the Bible and come to my own conclusions as to what was being said, just as you do, but for me anything that is written which is meant to be given a factual status rather than fiction, proposition or entertainment, simply must have some evidential support which otherwise does not deserve any magical or supernatural privileges.

Dear alwight,

My texts are validated by God. In Him, I know what to believe and what not to believe. I know Him closely. You do not know Him in the distance. That is a shame and a bummer. There is little hope for you unless you do something fast.

Your writings from Darwin have no validation except they were borne of a man who didn't want to believe the way God said things came to be, but instead wanted to believe that God didn't create things and beings with similar DNA, RNA and genome codes. Yippee!! That doesn't mean He didn't create them separately. It is written that God created man after His Own Likeness, so who are you to say that man evolved from a chimp? You just don't want to acknowledge a God. You are in a state of no return, I think. I am guessing that you are a lost cause now. I don't know what else I can share with you that will help. If I can think of something, I will contact you. This is a real shame for you, but not for me. Still, we are brothers, so your pain is also my pain. Oy vay!! Why do you do this to me??

Your Close Friend and Good Buddy!!



Yet your god used his omnipotence to destroy almost all living things on earth in The Flood despite the fact that his omniscience at creation would have informed him that he would need to do that in the time of Noah. As well as his omniscience should have informed him that Adam and Eve would disobey and bring down his perfect creation.

Dear jonahdog,

His Plan for us is WAY OVER your plan for us. Are you God, to decide what should happen and what should not?? Give me a break!!



Life and death on this earth are insignificant in the grand plan of God. You make a big deal out of death from a flood ? We all die bro.

Dear patrick jane,

Yes, we all die and we all have another time that we are born. That's all I will say about the matter for now. It is 4:30am. here now, so I have to retreat to go to sleep. I'm going to scrambled me 3 eggs in a sandwich bag first in the microwave. I'm ready to hit the sack, even if I didn't eat!! God Bless You Tons and I will chat with you hopefully 2morrow!!

Somebody Loves You!! Who Could It Be Now?? God And Myself!!


:cloud9: :think: :angel: :rapture:
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