Creation vs. Evolution

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Why on earth would I accept this frankly daft list of creationist derived evidence-free bald assertions Michael?
The above list is in no way an honest track record of Darwin it is simply an example of disingenuous creationist propaganda or perhaps more likely just rubbishy eye candy for fellow creationists, but certainly not anything that even attempts to contradict Darwin's science with science. :nono:


I'm not rejecting your texts Michael but I'd like to know why you want me to assume that Biblical texts require no evidential validation at all, just belief, while other such ancient texts can simply be disregarded apparently?

Of course I can read the words written in the Bible and come to my own conclusions as to what was being said, just as you do, but for me anything that is written which is meant to be given a factual status rather than fiction, proposition or entertainment, simply must have some evidential support which otherwise does not deserve any magical or supernatural privileges.

Dear alwight,

I'm telling you that the words written in the King James Version of the Bible are the truth. They require no validation as that is something you or no one else could provide, except God Only. But the authors and readers of those books should get a pat on the head for their work recalling their experiences and writing them painstakingly in a book for others to know in future generations. It tells me in my Bible that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. This includes Genesis. He could easily have written the words he heard from God with no problem. He brought down the Ten Commandments, written by God Himself and etched in Stone. If you think that Moses could not write the first five books of the Bible, that is your progression and problem. I'm trying to meet somewhere in the middle.

Warmest Regards & Cheerio, Matey,



New member
Dear Hedshaker,

These are not rare events. These are RARE EVENTS!!! A total eclipse of the moon (Blood Moon) occurs maybe once a year. This year we had FOUR OF THEM in one year. Each one on a JEWISH HOLY DAY? Do you REALIZE how RARE this is?? Heck, no!! You don't. You're in your own little world. Treading water in your wee wee pot on the Thames!!

It's you who are in your own cuckoo little world. Rare events happen all the time. Given enough time anything can happen, and when unusual things do happen all the wacko's and crackpots shout magic! Magic. No, it's not supernatural magic at play. It's shear chance, nothing more. Unless, of course, you can prove with sound testable evidence there is something more going on. Can you do that? Thought not! Get a grip Michael.

I've already admitted I was wrong, Bud!! Did you miss that too?!! Can you do any better, with your newspaper articles about Darwin? Do you have any? I do suppose you have a book by him? Was he forced to write it? Examine your dilemmas carefully. How convenient it would be to defy that there is a God and that all things created themselves? Give me a break!! I know you ACTUALLY believe this stuff. Hedshaker, open your heart and quit hearing those strong voices in your head that provoke you to believe in such things. Follow your heart instead. It is probably as warped as your mind by now. Yes, it probably is. Same with alwight. This is a grim picture. And you all seemed to be making such progress knowing that there is TONS of love with God and His children, and you are left without, peering in. Change your attitude and come and join those who are loved and those who love. It is a wonderful LIFE!! Go for IT!!

Save the sermon for someone who gives a toss, your preaching and religious platitudes don't work on me. I have plenty of love in my life with good friends and family. Real people, not imaginary friends. You believe what you want, I don't buy it for a second.

You want to make me laugh when I hear what you write. It is a good chuckle. You would rather believe you were evolved from a red ant instead of God creating you. You go for it, buddy!!

What God? When you can show me evidence for a real deity get back, and I don't mean a few inches of snow on a roof or a blood moon falling on some holiday, I mean real, testable evidence. Till then I have no reason to believe a word of it. Why should I; you're wrong about virtually everything.


New member
Why on earth would I accept this frankly daft list of creationist derived evidence-free bald assertions Michael?
The above list is in no way an honest track record of Darwin it is simply an example of disingenuous creationist propaganda or perhaps more likely just rubbishy eye candy for fellow creationists, but certainly not anything that even attempts to contradict Darwin's science with science. :nono:


I'm not rejecting your texts Michael but I'd like to know why you want me to assume that Biblical texts require no evidential validation at all, just belief, while other such ancient texts can simply be disregarded apparently?

Of course I can read the words written in the Bible and come to my own conclusions as to what was being said, just as you do, but for me anything that is written which is meant to be given a factual status rather than fiction, proposition or entertainment, simply must have some evidential support which otherwise does not deserve any magical or supernatural privileges.

Dear alwight,

So you really ARE suggesting that we a descended from red ants also? Who are you joking?? I'm not that dumb about what your beliefs are. We are all descended from some simple organism. God created that organism, but He also created the creatures on earth and the birds, from the ground, as it is written in Gen. chapter 2. He didn't create ancestors or descendants, or whatever. He made what He WANTED TO!! There is no Us descended from a Dragon Fly!! Get a grip!! Quit it, what you are trying to get me to believe!!! It didn't happen the way you like to organize your little sewing tray. So no more!! You should know better. You are a grown adult!! You can do better than this. Is is so hard to believe that there is an entity/Deity Who has a greater mind than all of us 'adults?' C'mon alwight. Of course there is someone greater than man, but you think that man is greater. Big mistake. Come across again. Think about it a while longer. C'mon!! Go for it!!

Well, what do you deduce?!! Man is greater than anyone? Or that this is a being smarter than a man?? Answer carefully and don't be duped. It will go on your record. Don't screw up your record. The Book of Life. Be wise, Al!!

One Of Your Best Of Friends!


:angel: :cloud9: :rapture:
I never said anything about red ants or dragon flies Michael but since they are modern creatures with their own evolutionary path distinct from ours then there is no way that they were any part of our evolution.
Why you seem to want to make a straw man about something I did not say while ignoring my actual words is a little strange. I wanted you to explain why Biblical texts should be granted special privileges while other ancient scripture can be dismissed. Why should I simply accept that whoever wrote Genesis knew the first thing about how life came to be as it is when all it actually shows is that they could look around at life as it was and then make a simplistic assumption that it had always been and was always that way?
A more detailed inspection of real Earthly facts and evidence however shows clearly that different types of creatures existed at different times and that the age of the Earth is considerably older than the genealogies from the Bible would suggest it was. So why should I dismiss these facts and evidence and instead just credulously accept whatever it says in ancient Biblical text?

Dear alwight,

My texts are validated by God. In Him, I know what to believe and what not to believe. I know Him closely. You do not know Him in the distance. That is a shame and a bummer. There is little hope for you unless you do something fast.
How specifically does God validate Biblical texts Michael?
Your writings from Darwin have no validation except they were borne of a man who didn't want to believe the way God said things came to be, but instead wanted to believe that God didn't create things and beings with similar DNA, RNA and genome codes. Yippee!! That doesn't mean He didn't create them separately. It is written that God created man after His Own Likeness, so who are you to say that man evolved from a chimp? You just don't want to acknowledge a God. You are in a state of no return, I think. I am guessing that you are a lost cause now. I don't know what else I can share with you that will help. If I can think of something, I will contact you. This is a real shame for you, but not for me. Still, we are brothers, so your pain is also my pain. Oy vay!! Why do you do this to me??
Darwin's writings alone mean very little Michael, but when supported by the evidence he gathered, which still exists today, and when all the evidence accumulated since his time continues to support his theory and can be explained by it, then preferring to rigidly believe in an unsupported ancient text instead is extremely hard for me to understand.

Dear alwight,
I'm telling you that the words written in the King James Version of the Bible are the truth. They require no validation as that is something you or no one else could provide, except God Only. But the authors and readers of those books should get a pat on the head for their work recalling their experiences and writing them painstakingly in a book for others to know in future generations. It tells me in my Bible that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. This includes Genesis. He could easily have written the words he heard from God with no problem. He brought down the Ten Commandments, written by God Himself and etched in Stone. If you think that Moses could not write the first five books of the Bible, that is your progression and problem. I'm trying to meet somewhere in the middle.
I am aware that Moses is credited by some with being the author of the Pentateuch but we might agree that he didn't use KJV Olde English to do it.
I don't have to provide any validation for or against, what I actually can understand is that no such validation apparently exists. If God chooses to keep it from me then it remains un-validated and you claiming that I have no right to have that validation doesn't change anything, I am not persuaded by words alone. Moses or someone else could have written the words, so what, where is the supporting evidence that beats the supporting evidence of Darwinian evolution?

Warmest Regards & Cheerio, Matey,

You know I'm just telling you honestly how I see it Michael, right?
If you don't want to know it then just say.


New member
Dear jonahdog,

His Plan for us is WAY OVER your plan for us. Are you God, to decide what should happen and what should not?? Give me a break!!


Gee Mike,

You will really do anything to defend your god and the comfort blanket he offers you, even give up your own capacity for independent free thought.

It's this attitude of yours that makes the enlightenment so significant. Thanks for reminding us again why it was the most important step for human progress.


New member
1) You misrepresent.
It was you who used the tree of life as an example of how evolutionism is based on science, not faith. Now you are agreeing that there is no agreed upon tree of life?
Your tree is imaginary based upon beliefs. The*evidence from genetic analysis and comparative anatomy can also be used to support the Biblical creation model. As Doolittle says..and as genetic evidence suggests...and as the Bible states....the various kinds all started separately.

2) Again you misrepresent.
She was a evolutionist who agreed that natural selection does not create.

3) You seem to not understand the difference between operational science and origins science. Geneticists, no matter if atheist or creationist uses the scientific method / operational science to help improve our lives. But they have opposite beliefs about the past which can't be tested by the scientific method.

4) There is no new technology, or improvement in medicine, that has ever resulted from evolutionism.*

5) There is a plug for that gap in your knowledge. " In the beginning, God created. .."

6) You can't observe, (or prove) *life coming from non can't observe (or prove) God.
Also...Atheist scientists are not open to a deity or they wouldn't be atheists.

7) Every code we know of, we know has a intelligent creator. You have faith that the DNA code created itself.*

8) You are mistaken. ....

9) essentially Darwinism is evolutionism...the belief in a common ancestor... that faith based tree of life.
I think you are agreeing with my statement? "So the nazis thought they would speed along the evolution process by helping out natural selection. They eliminated people they deemed unfit. The Holocaust is largely a result of Darwinism.

10) You had asked what "evidence" I looked at for the Biblical Creator. *I listed several evidences. Perhaps you don't know what evidence is? *The first evidence I listed was God's Word. We can disagree about conclusions....but it still is evidence.*

11) ..then you start digging to find out who the Creator is.
As to myself... I believed in God of the Bible before I believed in Biblical creation.

12) You are unable to name anything which has begun to exist without a cause...
logic tells us that something which has existed uncaused, throughout eternity, caused everything.

13) "We can then compare that testimony comparing it to all other explanations eliminating those which are inconsistent with evidence....and eliminating statements which are self contradictory."

14) That verse is telling us that even without scripture there is no excuse for those who reject Him. You can begin to understand His omniscience and omnipotence through creation.*

1) Yes, I mentioned the tree of life in a naive assumption that you may be familiar with the concept, so that I won't have to explain it in many words.
So let's begin from the beginning:
- The tree of life is a way to illustrate how life diversified
- Most probably, we'll never have the complete picture because there are so many species and the vast majority are extinct, the whole complexity of single-celled ancient organisms may never be discovered, as they don't leave any fossils.
- The open questions about whether the tree has a single or multiple origins changes absolutely nothing in the concept and it's validity. A point I was trying but apparently failed to bring across.
- I don't think you even read what Doolittle said
- And finally, NO the evidence certainly doesn't lead to a "biblical model", otherwise that model would have been the scientific consensus.

2) Everyone agrees that selection doesn't create. It's in the title - "selection". I didn't misrepresent but gave you another example for your fallacy.

3) Oh no, and here I thought we clarified this a few exchanges ago.
Once again, tell me, where is the temporal borderline you think science cannot cross?

4) Careful what you claim. If you haven't dealt with a subject, absolute generalization aren't recommended. I don't know how much exactly evolution has contributed to medicine, but certainly quite a lot. For example the Nobel laureate Leland Hartwell can tell you a few stories about it... :)

5) And now you know why we call him "god of the gaps"!

6) Not yet, folks are working on it :)
If you can't observe or prove god, there's little reason to believe, right?
I don't want to put words in other people's mouths, possibly atheist scientists are biased, but they shouldn't be.

7) We are going in circles here. For clarity: DNA didn't create itself. And there is no faith involved.
Your assertion is flawed because you posit a generalization without any reason and because you don't take into consideration that DNA is in reality not a code - it's just a macromolecule.

8) I don't think so. In academia there's a constant battle over funds, and a lot is determined by reputation of individuals (I'm not saying this is good, I'm saying that's how it is). So personal ego blinds people to the possibility that they may be wrong. That's not a problem because eventually science progresses with or without them :)

9) So here we go again. In your own words, "darwinism" is the concept (and certainly not a belief) of common descent. Do explain how this has anything to do with war crimes.
On the other point, "helping evolution" actually has a name: it's called breeding or artificial selection. Notice the difference? One is a natural process which exists whether you like it or not, the other is an action done by humans for the benefit of humans. So WE HAVE CONTROL over breeding - therefore decisions are subject to moral and ethical considerations. Now, breeding of humans is called "eugenics" - that's what the nazis were doing. As you can see, it has nothing to do with darwin.

10) Firstly, you don't seem to know what a "strawman" is.
Secondly, all the items on your list are not evidence
I'll repeat, so that maybe you'll grasp it:
Show me actual evidence, you know, an experimental setup that demonstrates reliably divine interference.

"God's word" i.e. your bible is NOT evidence of any creation. I understand that this might be difficult for you to comprehend. But rationally speaking, until the book has been shown to be of divine origin, it is to be treated like every other book ever written by humans. The bible CAN be used as a source for cultural, historical and obviously religious studies. But just because the book says so, doesn't make it true!!!!!!

Maybe it will help if you ask yourself, whether you'd believe a different religious book that contradicts your bible and uses the same trick, you know, like the quran or the book of mormon.........

11) Yeah, but how and why? Are you avoiding the hard question by any chance? :luigi:

12) That's exactly what I meant, your statement has no logic.
First, you define your god to be "eternal without cause". A characterization out of thin air.
Then your "logical" conclusion is to assert that this being caused everything else - an equally vacuous claim
AND to top it off, you again ignore every other deity which "fits" this "logical construct" just as well.

13) so now you're even quote-mining me! The second part of your statement (quoted above) is beyond comprehension.

14) Tell that to people who have never read your bible. Are you so conceited to think they'd somehow "know"?

patrick jane

Dear patrick jane,

Yes, we all die and we all have another time that we are born. That's all I will say about the matter for now. It is 4:30am. here now, so I have to retreat to go to sleep. I'm going to scrambled me 3 eggs in a sandwich bag first in the microwave. I'm ready to hit the sack, even if I didn't eat!! God Bless You Tons and I will chat with you hopefully 2morrow!!

Somebody Loves You!! Who Could It Be Now?? God And Myself!!


:cloud9: :think: :angel: :rapture:

Does that work ? You scramble eggs and put in a sandwich bag and microwave ? Are they good ? Fluffy ? Do they cook right ?


New member
The Duke said:
So let's begin from the beginning:
- The tree of life is a way to illustrate how life diversified
As you have been shown the 'tree of life' is imaginary, and even some evolutinists are mocking that model. The diversity of life is more like a garden.... more like the Biblical model.*

The Duke said:
2) Everyone agrees that selection doesn't create.
Correct... Natural selection does not create, *but only eliminates.*

I know WHO created though.*

The Duke said:
3) Oh no, and here I thought we clarified this a few exchanges ago.
Once again, tell me, where is the temporal borderline you think science cannot cross?*
You are discussing your beliefs, and your faith about the past...a one time not repeatable, not observable event. ..not science.*

The Duke said:
4) Careful what you claim. If you haven't dealt with a subject, absolute generalization aren't recommended. I don't know how much exactly evolution has contributed to medicine, but certainly quite a lot. For example the Nobel laureate Leland Hartwell can tell you a few stories about it... :)

You are mistaken. The belief in common ancestry has never lead to any new technology, nor any advancement in medicine. *

The Duke said:
5) And now you know why we call him "god of the gaps"!
That is the God of evolutionism. Lack of knowledge is filled with hypothetical and beliefs.

The Duke said:
6) Not yet, folks are working on it :)
If you can't observe or prove god, there's little reason to believe, right?
That's a typical inconsistent argument from atheists. There is much atheists believe, that defies logic, that can't be proven.

The Duke said:
7) We are going in circles here. For clarity: DNA didn't create itself. And there is no faith involved.

Your assertion is flawed because you posit a generalization without any reason and because you don't take into consideration that DNA is in reality not a code - it's just a macromolecule.
Again, your argument is a typical atheist argument. Atheists want it not to be a code because codes require a code maker.

Bill Gates..."DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created."

Codes are simply a system of symbols that encodes and decodes a message. That is what DNA does ( and more). Evolutionists are unable to name any known code that occurs naturally...yet they rely on faith that the DNA code created itself ( along with its molecular motors and self repair functions)

The Duke said:
8) I don't think so. In academia there's a constant battle over funds, and a lot is determined by reputation of individuals (I'm not saying this is good, I'm saying that's how it is). So personal ego blinds people to the possibility that they may be wrong. That's not a problem because eventually science progresses with or without them :)
The false conclusions of evolutionists usually have little if anything to do with ego. They simply have a false belief system that has lead to many mistakes.

However, ego has played into the frauds perpetuated by evolutionists. (embryonic gill slots, *Piltdown, *Nebraska man, Java man, Once man and many others.*

The Duke said:
9) So here we go again. In your own words, "darwinism" is the concept (and certainly not a belief) of common descent. Do explain how this has anything to do with war crimes.
Common ancestry beliefs have lead to increased racism (orders of magnitude greater). Common ancestry beliefs have also lead to genocides, killing aborigines for museum displays, and the Holocaust. *The Nazis were evolutionists who believed they could 'create' a master race by eliminating the unfit. They believed science had shown that Jews and other groups were genetically inferior...or unfit.

The Duke said:
10) Firstly, you don't seem to know what a "strawman" is.
Secondly, all the items on your list are not evidence
I'll repeat, so that maybe you'll grasp it:
Show me actual evidence, you know, an experimental setup that demonstrates reliably divine interference.

You are wasn't really a strawman but more of a moving the goalposts fallacy. You asked for evidence...I listed several, then you change to wanting experimental setup.*

Perhaps you don't know what evidence is. A paleontologist calls bones "evidence". A geologist calls sedimentary layers "evidence". A geneticist calls mutation rates "evidence"....etc.

The Duke said:
"God's word" i.e. your bible is NOT evidence of any creation.

Sure it is. *Just like a history book, or eye witness testimony can be used as evidence. Or.... similar to citing peer reviewed articles in a journal.*

The Duke said:
11) Yeah, but how and why? Are you avoiding the hard question by any chance?
Hard question... your beliefs are not "hard questions". *I think you are referring to me saying that once you acknowledge there may be a Creator...then the next step is to investigate just who that Creator is.

The Duke said:
12) That's exactly what I meant, your statement has no logic.
First, you define your god to be "eternal without cause". A characterization out of thin air.
Then your "logical" conclusion is to assert that this being caused everything else - an equally vacuous claim.
Strawman fallacy.*
What I really said is "*logic tells us that something which has existed uncaused, throughout eternity, caused everything. We can then take the statements from scripture and find a possible answer to the uncaused eternal God."

I also said "You are unable to name anything which has begun to exist without a cause...
logic tells us that something which has existed uncaused, throughout eternity, caused everything."

The Duke said:
13) so now you're even quote-mining me! The second part of your statement (quoted above) is beyond comprehension.

The Duke said:
14) Tell that to people who have never read your bible. Are you so conceited to think they'd somehow "know"?
What I said was "that verse is telling us that even without scripture there is no excuse for those who reject Him. You can begin to understand His omniscience and omnipotence through creation."
Romans 1:20 "For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."


where was the truth prior to 1611?

Dear chrysostom,

The truth prior to that was written in scriptures from scrolls and probably another version of the Bible. Jesus read from a scroll about what Isaiah had said. That was almost 2,000 years ago and you know, the book of Isaiah and the rest of the books of the Bible are truth, no matter how often or much that the evolutionists or atheists dare to not believe because they are afraid that if they choose God, they have to give up a sin or a way of their life that they don't want to.

May God Be With You!!


:think: :rapture: :angel:


Does that work ? You scramble eggs and put in a sandwich bag and microwave ? Are they good ? Fluffy ? Do they cook right ?

Dear patrick jane,

Yes, break two or three eggs in a plastic sandwich bag and add a tsp. of water and seal. Cook them for 1 and 1/2 minutes maximum. They may get done after just one and 1/4 minutes. Just check them out. Add your spices after you empty the eggs onto your plate.

God's Best For You, Amigo!!


:luigi: :rapture: :cloud9:


:idunno: Stuck in the Matthew's Bible? :chuckle:

Dear IMJerusha,

How's it going?!!! It's wonderful to see you here!! I tried to give you some more good rep pts. here, but it wouldn't let me yet, since I gave you some yesterday. You see, you can post at this thread about anything. It doesn't HAVE to be about Creation or Evolution. This is an open friendly site where people can share whatever is in their heart and mind, and soul. Hope to hear from you again soon!!

Tons Of Love Coming Your Way!!


:angel: :cloud9: :rapture:


It's you who are in your own cuckoo little world. Rare events happen all the time. Given enough time anything can happen, and when unusual things do happen all the wacko's and crackpots shout magic! Magic. No, it's not supernatural magic at play. It's shear chance, nothing more. Unless, of course, you can prove with sound testable evidence there is something more going on. Can you do that? Thought not! Get a grip Michael.

Save the sermon for someone who gives a toss, your preaching and religious platitudes don't work on me. I have plenty of love in my life with good friends and family. Real people, not imaginary friends. You believe what you want, I don't buy it for a second.

What God? When you can show me evidence for a real deity get back, and I don't mean a few inches of snow on a roof or a blood moon falling on some holiday, I mean real, testable evidence. Till then I have no reason to believe a word of it. Why should I; you're wrong about virtually everything.

Dear Hedshaker,

If you want to know that there is a Creator that controls the storms, note that there is a Category 5 hurricane hitting Mexico at this time. The meteorologists say it is the BIGGEST hurricane to EVER hit the Western Hemisphere. Winds up to 200 mph!! Is this enough for you to believe there is a God controlling things? No, probably not for you. Records being broken by God's Hands to get people to realize that He is There!! What do you expect an invisible God to do?? You are without reproach!!


:rapture: :think:


It's you who are in your own cuckoo little world. Rare events happen all the time. Given enough time anything can happen, and when unusual things do happen all the wacko's and crackpots shout magic! Magic. No, it's not supernatural magic at play. It's shear chance, nothing more. Unless, of course, you can prove with sound testable evidence there is something more going on. Can you do that? Thought not! Get a grip Michael.

Save the sermon for someone who gives a toss, your preaching and religious platitudes don't work on me. I have plenty of love in my life with good friends and family. Real people, not imaginary friends. You believe what you want, I don't buy it for a second.

What God? When you can show me evidence for a real deity get back, and I don't mean a few inches of snow on a roof or a blood moon falling on some holiday, I mean real, testable evidence. Till then I have no reason to believe a word of it. Why should I; you're wrong about virtually everything.

Dear Hedshaker,

If it's not God, how do you explain the biggest hurricane to ever hit the Western Hemisphere is happening in Mexico now with wind speeds at 200 mph?? You think it's just a few inches of snow on the roof?? Nothing gets through to you. But I'll bet a lot of people in the hurricane's path are turning to God and praying to Him. Even some atheists!! It's do or die in a situation like that. Cars blowing around because the wind is so strong. Winds so strong, that planes can take off by just sitting there with their wings. Nothing will get through to you. Face it. I'm not trying to be condescending in any way. I'm just stating facts.


:think: :rapture:


I never said anything about red ants or dragon flies Michael but since they are modern creatures with their own evolutionary path distinct from ours then there is no way that they were any part of our evolution.
Why you seem to want to make a straw man about something I did not say while ignoring my actual words is a little strange. I wanted you to explain why Biblical texts should be granted special privileges while other ancient scripture can be dismissed. Why should I simply accept that whoever wrote Genesis knew the first thing about how life came to be as it is when all it actually shows is that they could look around at life as it was and then make a simplistic assumption that it had always been and was always that way?
A more detailed inspection of real Earthly facts and evidence however shows clearly that different types of creatures existed at different times and that the age of the Earth is considerably older than the genealogies from the Bible would suggest it was. So why should I dismiss these facts and evidence and instead just credulously accept whatever it says in ancient Biblical text?

How specifically does God validate Biblical texts Michael?
Darwin's writings alone mean very little Michael, but when supported by the evidence he gathered, which still exists today, and when all the evidence accumulated since his time continues to support his theory and can be explained by it, then preferring to rigidly believe in an unsupported ancient text instead is extremely hard for me to understand.

I am aware that Moses is credited by some with being the author of the Pentateuch but we might agree that he didn't use KJV Olde English to do it.
I don't have to provide any validation for or against, what I actually can understand is that no such validation apparently exists. If God chooses to keep it from me then it remains un-validated and you claiming that I have no right to have that validation doesn't change anything, I am not persuaded by words alone. Moses or someone else could have written the words, so what, where is the supporting evidence that beats the supporting evidence of Darwinian evolution?

You know I'm just telling you honestly how I see it Michael, right?
If you don't want to know it then just say.

Dear alwight,

I wrote you a nice post answering roughly each paragraph that you wrote, but I ended up losing the whole thing when I tried to post it. What it does boil down to though is: Why, alwight, are there millions of Christians, including Catholics, reading the Holy Bible, which is the Best Selling Book of all time, and then there are Darwin's papers which have just a few thousand followers? Even Islam believes in a God. Millions of them also. But few for Darwin. What does that tell you that I could ever tell you otherwise?? You've just been answered. If you don't want to know, then just say. {That's a copy of your post ending up there}.

That wraps it up in a nutshell. God Be With You, Al!!!

Your Good Friend!!! Cheerio, Mate!!!



New member
Dear alwight,

I wrote you a nice post answering roughly each paragraph that you wrote, but I ended up losing the whole thing when I tried to post it. What it does boil down to though is: Why, alwight, are there millions of Christians, including Catholics, reading the Holy Bible, which is the Best Selling Book of all time, and then there are Darwin's papers which have just a few thousand followers? Even Islam believes in a God. Millions of them also. But few for Darwin. What does that tell you that I could ever tell you otherwise?? You've just been answered. If you don't want to know, then just say. {That's a copy of your post ending up there}.

That wraps it up in a nutshell. God Be With You, Al!!!

Your Good Friend!!! Cheerio, Mate!!!

So the dog ate your homework Michael? :AMR:

I know what convinces me that Darwinian evolution is true, it's the evidence that supports it, which also apparently convinces a great many Christians too, including Catholics.

Where you get the idea from that only a few thousand people "follow" Darwin is rather hard to understand. In all the natural sciences around the world Darwinian evolution is pretty much entirely regarded by scientists as a fact of life, there is no need for any ongoing argument against it, and there isn't one.
But these aren't people who simply "follow" Darwin and credulously believe whatever he said. They are mainly free thinking intelligent individuals who can and do work out for themselves whether reality and evidence matches the theory.

I'll have to conclude here that you simply can't tell me why the Bible texts should to be regarded as infallible literal truths while other religious scriptures can be dismissed.
Also I've never suggested that a God is not somehow behind it all nor that "evolutionists" are making a case against deities, because that is just not true.
What is evidentially true however is that the creationist account of things is plain wrong.


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

If you want to know that there is a Creator that controls the storms, note that there is a Category 5 hurricane hitting Mexico at this time. The meteorologists say it is the BIGGEST hurricane to EVER hit the Western Hemisphere. Winds up to 200 mph!! Is this enough for you to believe there is a God controlling things? No, probably not for you. Records being broken by God's Hands to get people to realize that He is There!! What do you expect an invisible God to do?? You are without reproach!!

There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that your invisible friend affects the weather in any way. None at all. I ask for evidence and you point to nature and chance events. Why would you insult my intelligence like that?

And what do you mean "the BIGGEST hurricane to EVER hit the Western Hemisphere"? How long do you think they have been keeping records. A lot less than EVER for sure (I know you get all excited when you think you've made a point but you don't need to shout). Hurricanes have been happening long before humans evolved so EVER is bit moot!

Inclement weather and blood moons are natural occurrences and are not in any way evidence for anything supernatural. Come on now. If you can't produce any real evidence just admit it.


So the dog ate your homework Michael? :AMR:

I know what convinces me that Darwinian evolution is true, it's the evidence that supports it, which also apparently convinces a great many Christians too, including Catholics.

Dear alwight,

Yes, it took me maybe 1/2 hour to put together and then I lost it somehow by pressing the wrong button or something. I felt nearly devastated. It's happened to me a couple time before, but usually I am pretty careful. How does Darwinian theories help you? Do you really think that man is the descendant result of a chimp's ancestors? God made the RNA, DNA, genomes, genes and atoms within the man's body, woman's body, chimps body, butterflies body, caterpillar's body, etc. Now look at how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. Is that incredible, or what? God created both of them and for them to be that way. A small miracle!! And the hummingbirds spastic flapping of wings to stay in the air. Do you think they are descended from bees or flies? I don't think so. Every living thing on Earth have similar makeups or DNA, genes, etc. Al, soon enough, you will stand before God, the One you think isn't there, the One that you did not respect enough. What are you going to say to Him?? I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, and I've been trying to change your pair of shoes, but you make it impossible. Your belief in Darwin is like some other people swearing that the Earth is flat!! That really is IT in a nutshell.

Where you get the idea from that only a few thousand people "follow" Darwin is rather hard to understand. In all the natural sciences around the world Darwinian evolution is pretty much entirely regarded by scientists as a fact of life, there is no need for any ongoing argument against it, and there isn't one.
But these aren't people who simply "follow" Darwin and credulously believe whatever he said. They are mainly free thinking intelligent individuals who can and do work out for themselves whether reality and evidence matches the theory.

So you are calling these people free-thinking intelligent persons who believe the Earth is square a Stamp of Approval?? Who do you think made any intelligent men/women?? You think they all came to be with an incredible system of thinking, without God?? Hell, no!! They didn't just descend from some chimps ancestors. A chimp is not THAT Smart. I know that they are okay, but nothing like a man. God makes sure there is a way to disbelieve Him and let some people believe in those things, to separate them from who actually goes to Heaven, this time around. Millions of people can't be wrong, Al. Do you know that the human brain has a trillion synapse junctions in action at one moment? It is like a supercomputer. But the fact is, it is not a computer.

I'll have to conclude here that you simply can't tell me why the Bible texts should to be regarded as infallible literal truths while other religious scriptures can be dismissed.
Also I've never suggested that a God is not somehow behind it all nor that "evolutionists" are making a case against deities, because that is just not true.
What is evidentially true however is that the creationist account of things is plain wrong.

Al, I explained this earlier. Maybe it was in the post I lost, I don't know. Some texts are scrutinized before they are allowed in the Holy Bible. If they don't pan out, they are left without and not included. This is the case with Bel and Daniel, or Epic of Gilgamesh, the book of Aggeous, Baruch, etc. They were left out because they could not pass rigorous testing. Have you ever checked out the Pseudopigrapha? It includes many books/texts that were found to be inferior to be included in the Holy Bible. There are scholars that decide these things, but you don't know about them, nor trust them enough to know they are excellent fact-finders. Well, I lost the last part of this again. Sometimes I forget to press the Post Quick Reply Button. In a hurry, I guess.

May God Be With You Always And Turn You To His Love. My prayers are with you!!

Ok, Blimey Bloke!! {Did I use the wrong words here??}



There is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that your invisible friend affects the weather in any way. None at all. I ask for evidence and you point to nature and chance events. Why would you insult my intelligence like that?

Dear Hedshaker,

It ended up to be the strongest hurricane totally since we've been keeping records. Not second to none. The worst ever. Winds at speeds of 200 mph. Do you think that it is 'nature' or God!! One hell of a nature. Nature that also created the caterpillar and butterfly, brought an extreme hurricane ever. I'm not insulting your intelligence. Try believing the millions of people who don't believe it your way, but instead mine! We have Bibles that tell us that God brings those things, not Mother Nature. You've just never read the Bible.

And what do you mean "the BIGGEST hurricane to EVER hit the Western Hemisphere"? How long do you think they have been keeping records. A lot less than EVER for sure (I know you get all excited when you think you've made a point but you don't need to shout). Hurricanes have been happening long before humans evolved so EVER is bit moot!

Ok, the greatest since man has been on Earth keeping records. I think it is quite impressive, to be honest!! It's quite interesting!!

Inclement weather and blood moons are natural occurrences and are not in any way evidence for anything supernatural. Come on now. If you can't produce any real evidence just admit it.

They are not frequent natural occurrences, especially four blood moons in one year, when the Earth usually gets one once a year, if they are likely. Next year, there won't be any blood moons. I don't think the following year has any either {2017}. Only a miracle could produce one now. The fact that each being or creature came to be as it is written in the Bible is reason enough to believe in God and 'supernatural.' Could you create a man from the ground? A Master Chemist could. Our God is a Master. He pulls out all of the nutrients and atomic particles it would take, and some hydrogen and oxygen to make some water for the blood, etc. And you are saying that blood came to be by chance? That it just came from nothing?

I can tell you that some white and black tornadoes in 1974 {April 3rd} ran a path that was 200 miles long. It says in the Bible that this would happen and that the distance would be 1,600 furlongs. Well, there are 8 furlongs to each mile, so that fulfills it. See Rev. 14:14KJV. Does that count as proof. The October Reader's Digest back in 1974 has an account of these tornadoes that ran from Brandenburg, Kentucky, USA through Xenia, Ohio and further in the North for 1,600 furlongs or 200 miles. The article caught my attention because I had had a vision about the occurrence, so that is how I know about it. I had an 'out-of-body' experience and saw a vision of two angels, one standing on a white cloud and one standing on a black cloud. And they put their sickles in the earth and reaped of the Earth a number of persons who were killed/taken away to go to Heaven on purpose. Well, this is lengthy, so I will close for now. I've got a lot more going on than just some tornadoes. My life has been awesome, hearing from the Lord God and angels, and the Holy Spirit. Just wonderful and fantastic. You see, I didn't ask for evidence that God existed. I simply believed and so the Lord visited me because I already believed in Him. So it was okay! Well, have to close for now. May God Grant You Wisdom And A Willing Spirit In Your Heart!!


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :rapture: :rapture:
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