Creation vs. Evolution

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Hi Michael.
I don't buy most of that about Jesus if only because there is no mention of most of his life even if I accept that the Gospels are all true. If he actually was the son of God then I don't think he'd have a great problem dealing with the devil or dealing with mortal pain.
Ordinary mortal humans were routinely crucified by the Romans often taking days to die.

Dear alwight,

Most of Jesus' life is hidden from you just most of my life is hidden from you, or most any other person. Jesus spent years of his hidden life learning from a religious sect called the Essenes. That is what scholars believe anyways. He was the Son of God, but He was put into mortal form to feel like any other mortal enduring 40 days of hunger or crucifixion. He felt the same or worse than other men did, because He did it by choice instead of having had to deserve His fate. He had done NO THING WRONG to deserve such a fate. You don't understand all the details, is all, Alwight. Also 40 days and nights is more than a few. Could you go without eating and drinking hardly no water for at least a week? Or a few days? Try it, Alwight, and see how hard it is. I can't do it.

In fact many innocent human beings spend their whole lives suffering through no fault of their own, having no godly powers to heal, sustain or presumably to last a few days without food.

We are all entitled to our own beliefs, but some blowhards seem to think that their own beliefs are better than anyone else's even though they can offer no better standard evidence.

I know there are MANY blowhards with their beliefs. But it will all come out in the wash, they shall see.

God Bless You Immensely, Alwight!!!



Dear Michael,

I never asked for another flood :) just a bit of rain would be enough!
Even in your answer you are slightly contradicting yourself here and there. Just watch:

"tornadoes have to be at a certain latitude and longitude on the Earth. Tornadoes happen when cold air meets hot air"


"And the Lord directly determines which area gets the tornado{es}"

So which one is it?

Dear The Duke,

Who do you think moves or makes the hot air to move and the cold air to move together just right so that it causes a tornado. And then to let the tornado touch down on one home, skip two homes, then land on the next, etc. Or to completely annihilate a whole neighborhood, or town, even. I can't answer all of your questions here, but I am able to.

Yes, the nature of any prediction is that it is not easy to make, but we have improved to a very big degree, that's a lot more than the absolutely nonexistent predictive power of your faith (sorry about that, don't take it personally) or do theologians possess an insight into weather patterns?

Cheers, Duke

Hopefully, Duke, I have answered your questions here. If not, let me know.

Much Love, In Christ,



I hope you feel better about yourself, after having condemned someone like that.

You do realize that one of the main critiques against Christianity is the fear-mongering about going to hell, is would appear that you have fallen prey to it.

On another note: I'm a bit disappointed that you never replied to my post about your chronic misinterpretation of what evolution is. That's a pity cause that was the original topic of this thread, right?


Dear TheDuke,

I only answered him that way because he blasphemed the Holy Ghost twice on purpose, once I had told him it was unforgivable. He then, purposefully did just that. That is why I was extra hard on him. I have never spoken that harshly to anyone, in that way, except Stuart. I want him to go to Heaven, and I told him he still could, even though he is an atheist. I told him he could be forgiven of everything he has done in his life, except blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Instead of grasping a piece of God's forgiveness and love, he went a blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I'm sorry. I was livid. I have, since, apologized to him for it. I told him, if the Holy Ghost will forgive him, so will I. I left it at that. Now you know what happened.

Thank you for mentioning it!!



I hope you feel better about yourself, after having condemned someone like that.

You do realize that one of the main critiques against Christianity is the fear-mongering about going to hell, is would appear that you have fallen prey to it.

On another note: I'm a bit disappointed that you never replied to my post about your chronic misinterpretation of what evolution is. That's a pity cause that was the original topic of this thread, right?


Dear TheDuke,

Regarding your last paragraph, I must have missed it. Please tell me which Page No. and Post No. it was, and I will read it and reply to it. Otherwise, just ask me again. Make sure you make a note of it. Type the first sentence in caps or something. I do hope I don't miss it again. I will answer you. Forgive me please!!

God Bless Your Heart!!


patrick jane

Dear TheDuke,

Regarding your last paragraph, I must have missed it. Please tell me which Page No. and Post No. it was, and I will read it and reply to it. Otherwise, just ask me again. Make sure you make a note of it. Type the first sentence in caps or something. I do hope I don't miss it again. I will answer you. Forgive me please!!

God Bless Your Heart!!


in about 30 days your thread will hit 400,000 views


Hi Michael,

Many thanks for this exposition of theology and scripture. Please do enjoy your meal, you have definitely earned it.

It's not very difficult to understand, it is difficult to believe!

You see, you are coming from a position of faith and for you those things are real, but I (and pretty much any other atheist) start from the position that first, the mere existence of anything supernatural must be validated, before it makes any sense to delve into details.


Dear TheDuke,

Thank you for your kind and understanding words. I forgot you were an atheist. I can imagine how hard it is to read my posts. Hang in there!!

Warmest Wishes,



this thread has been going strong for approximately 49.5 months

Dearest patrick jane,

I had no idea!! Sounds healthy! I didn't know it had been that long. It is the posters that make the thread. Even your post here today, this one right here and your others, are the reason this thread is where it is today. Did you know THAT??

Tons Of Love Coming At You!!



in about 30 days your thread will hit 400,000 views

Dear patrick jane,

That would be pretty awesome. But that is all up to those who post here. It really is. I've had an excellent number of quality posters on this thread. And you are definitely one of them!! I tried to give you more rep pts, but so far it's still giving me the message that I can't for you. I will keep working on it.

Praise The Lord God!!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:


yes, i simply point out the amazing numbers of your thread. probably the biggest !

Dear patrick jane,

NO, not the biggest at all!!! I know that much!! It freaks my brain and heart out, though!! I am speechless!! God has been so good to me!! I'll be back in an hour or so. I have to do some things and also eat something. God Bless Your Soul!!!

Much Love From God And Me!!



New member
Dear alwight,

Most of Jesus' life is hidden from you just most of my life is hidden from you, or most any other person. Jesus spent years of his hidden life learning from a religious sect called the Essenes. That is what scholars believe anyways.
It's probably more correct to say that some scholars seem to think that Jesus was perhaps somewhat influenced by the Essenes but there is no actual evidence of this. It probably has rather more to do with who actually wrote the source material for the Gospels and who they were influenced by.

He was the Son of God, but He was put into mortal form to feel like any other mortal enduring 40 days of hunger or crucifixion. He felt the same or worse than other men did, because He did it by choice instead of having had to deserve His fate. He had done NO THING WRONG to deserve such a fate. You don't understand all the details, is all, Alwight. Also 40 days and nights is more than a few. Could you go without eating and drinking hardly no water for at least a week? Or a few days? Try it, Alwight, and see how hard it is. I can't do it.
All I know is Michael that this is apparently what you believe, while I otoh I don't see any reason to. I also know that humans typically tend to make up many fanciful ideas and embellishments if unrestricted and grounded by testable facts and evidence.


It's probably more correct to say that some scholars seem to think that Jesus was perhaps somewhat influenced by the Essenes but there is no actual evidence of this. It probably has rather more to do with who actually wrote the source material for the Gospels and who they were influenced by.

All I know is Michael that this is apparently what you believe, while I otoh I don't see any reason to. I also know that humans typically tend to make up many fanciful ideas and embellishments if unrestricted and grounded by testable facts and evidence.

Dear alwight,

No comment this time. We agree to disagree for once. I hope that's okay. Be back in a couple hours or so.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!!



New member
I'm sorry if I was so hard on you.
I don't feel that way.

You blasphemed the Holy Ghost twice on purpose. You ought not do that. It is a great no-no!!
When you ban something it becomes the obvious thing to do. Adolescent in some ways yes, but very important for our freedoms as humans too.

But if the Holy Ghost forgives you, then I do too.
I don't forgive the holy ghost, whatever that is.

That's the only way. You will also find out that it isn't as easy as you think.
No gods, no problem. With that out of the way, we can get on to what is really important in life.

You don't know how life works
I've got some idea...

or how God has made it to work.
Obey, love conditionally, or burn.

Your soul never dies.
What is a soul?

Neither does your spirit.
Whenever I go to the cupboard there never seems to be as much spirit as there was the last time.

God made them that way.
What is a god?

You ONLY either go to Heaven and live, or you go to Hell and live. Those are the ONLY TWO CHOICES!! You don't get to decide where your atoms go, or whatever. You will not CEASE to be ALIVE.
Yes I will. Game over, thanks for playing. Any other opinion is fantasy, and quite a selfish one too.

You will still be alive in one place or the other.

I know you wish it were different, but it isn't!
I am quite happy that my death will be the end of me. If that isn't the case then the one life I know I have at the moment will cease to have meaning.

So decide what you want and go for it. You don't get to die and just that's it. Remember that!!!
I know. As Christopher Hitchens put it, if you want to escape North Korea at least you can die! That option isn't available with the nightmare dystopia of christianity.

May God Help You In Your Decisions,
What is a god again? Maybe a photograph would help. Do you have one?



New member
Dear The Duke,

God hides so well because if He didn't, then EVERYONE would choose to seek Him, just to save themselves. He wants people who really love Him for Who He is, not just to get to go to Heaven. That is it in a nutshell. The same thing with the devil. If you knew it was the devil, you would not choose the way he is offering because you know it would lead away from God and lead you instead to Hell. Now you know!!

God Be With You!!


So lemme get this straight:

your god loves all of humanity and wants the best for us,
but he won't leave even a shred of evidence behind,
so being in competition with the devil, other gods and the infidels,
this god of yours will punish the vast majority of humanity for not seeking him because he gives them no reason to....

AND most importantly, it would be so easy for everyone to be saved if only this god would be honest for a change.



It's probably more correct to say that some scholars seem to think that Jesus was perhaps somewhat influenced by the Essenes but there is no actual evidence of this. It probably has rather more to do with who actually wrote the source material for the Gospels and who they were influenced by.

All I know is Michael that this is apparently what you believe, while I otoh I don't see any reason to. I also know that humans typically tend to make up many fanciful ideas and embellishments if unrestricted and grounded by testable facts and evidence.

Dear Alwight,

I have read your post 3 times now and can offer that we can agree on some things and not on others. And that's all I want to have to do with this particular issue. Jesus is very close to my heart and is No. 1 in my life, after God and the Holy Ghost. You must realize that you have hit a tender area with me. Much Love Coming At Ya'!!

Cheerio, matey!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer:


New member
Dear The Duke,

Who do you think moves or makes the hot air to move and the cold air to move together just right so that it causes a tornado. And then to let the tornado touch down on one home, skip two homes, then land on the next, etc. Or to completely annihilate a whole neighborhood, or town, even. I can't answer all of your questions here, but I am able to.

Hopefully, Duke, I have answered your questions here. If not, let me know.

Much Love, In Christ,


Dear Michael,

Air currents are the result of the combination of the earth's rotation and the pressure gradients in the atmosphere.
BTW very much like the drain in your tub, watch the water twirl reliably in the same direction and how it does so in the opposite direction on the other hemisphere...

I know you are able to answer all my questions because your answer is even much more predictable than the weather - it's always because "god made it so"!

As I've stated before: as long as you cannot use your faith to make any kind of viable predictions - it means that yours is not a sufficient understanding of the subject. I'd rather stick with science on this one :)

Cheers, Duke


New member
Dear TheDuke,

I only answered him that way because he blasphemed the Holy Ghost twice on purpose, once I had told him it was unforgivable. He then, purposefully did just that. That is why I was extra hard on him. I have never spoken that harshly to anyone, in that way, except Stuart. I want him to go to Heaven, and I told him he still could, even though he is an atheist. I told him he could be forgiven of everything he has done in his life, except blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Instead of grasping a piece of God's forgiveness and love, he went a blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I'm sorry. I was livid. I have, since, apologized to him for it. I told him, if the Holy Ghost will forgive him, so will I. I left it at that. Now you know what happened.

Thank you for mentioning it!!


Hey Michael,

Everyone can get emotional at some point and you don't have to justify your outburst (especially since this is a christian forum - your home turf)
I was hoping that you would address the underlying reasons for your feelings and how that differs from the perception of non-christians, who lack the concepts of blasphemy or sin.
Also I'm fully aware that the first line in my post was very condescending, couldn't help it, sorry about that.

I was really, really hoping that you would answer my inquiry relating to evolution. Pity that so far you have not



New member
Dear TheDuke,

Regarding your last paragraph, I must have missed it. Please tell me which Page No. and Post No. it was, and I will read it and reply to it. Otherwise, just ask me again. Make sure you make a note of it. Type the first sentence in caps or something. I do hope I don't miss it again. I will answer you. Forgive me please!!

God Bless Your Heart!!


Oh, my bad, just ignore my previous post.
Here it is:


So lemme get this straight:

your god loves all of humanity and wants the best for us,
but he won't leave even a shred of evidence behind,

Dear TheDuke,

Stop there! Yes, God loves all of humanity, but He does not necessarily like their WAYS!! And He has left plenty of evidence behind, but it gets scoffed at, disbelieved, lied about, held in derision!! How about the Dead Sea Scrolls?? How about people who have died and come back alive then? How about tons of miracles, from Jesus and His Followers, even recent Followers!! How about the Shroud of Turin that man finds so difficult to correctly date. Oh, the furor it would cause if it were authentic. I can just imagine what's behind it all!!

So being in competition with the devil, other gods and the infidels,
this god of yours will punish the vast majority of humanity for not seeking him because he gives them no reason to....

What do you mean, "He gives them no reason to? Everyone who has felt love when they were young, seek more and more Love. Well, the Creator and Inventor of LOVE is GOD!! Don't you know?? It remains that most EVERYONE is seeking for HIM. They are seeking for LOVE!! And, He is punishing humanity for seeking and doing the devil's work, and killing, raping, stealing, adultery, lying, extorting, being manipulative, fornication {having from the bar, one or two different girls for sex every weekend, or in your lifetime, period}, being effeminate, etc. Those who finally settle down with a girl and quit continuing in fornication are on the RIGHT Track!!

AND most importantly, it would be so easy for everyone to be saved if only this god would be honest for a change.


Our God is HONEST!!! Name a man who has been Honest all his life??!! Why have you changed colors like this??

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