Creation vs. Evolution

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Opthamologists are medically qualified and have made statements, based on current research. Dawkins hower is not an expert on the eye, and keeps repeating his discredited arguments, which science has proven wrong. Ophthalmologists have said 'anyone who argues the eye was built backwards lacks knowledge'.

I sincerely doubt any Biblical creationist would say such a thing, because our eye is NOT built backwards. The inverted lens along with Mueller cells operating like a fiber optic network has been described as best possible / optimal design. The 'fiber optic ' cables which concentrate the light delivering to the photoreceptors has been described as an "optimal light guidance" system.

Yes...long long ago, in a land far far away.....

Your 'just so' story is not based on science, but a faulty belief system.

Science has proven Dawkins wrong on that. Evolutionists now admit that complex sophisticated vision systems existed from what they consider to be over 500 million years ago. Example: "Very few modern animals, particularly arthropods, have eyes as sophisticated as this,”

It would seem you resist evidence that challenges your belief system. "Pretty good" you say? I think you rely on Dawkins faulty arguments, now proven wrong by science.

"The basic building blocks of human eyesight turn out to be practically perfect. Scientists have learned that the fundamental units of vision, the photoreceptor cells that carpet the retinal tissue of the eye and respond to light, are not just good or great or phabulous at their job. They are not merely exceptionally impressive by the standards of biology, with whatever slop and wiggle room the animate category implies. Photoreceptors operate at the outermost boundary allowed by the laws of physics, which means they are as good as they can be, period. Each one is designed to detect and respond to single photons of light -- the smallest possible packages in which light comes wrapped."
Natalie Angier, NY Times Science

Opthamologist Dr. H S Hamilton:*"instead of being a great disadvantage, or a “curse” or being incorrectly constructed, the inverted retina is a tremendous advance in function and design compared with the simple and less complicated verted arrangement. One problem amongst many, for evolutionists, is to explain how this abrupt major retinal transformation from the verted type in invertebrates to the inverted vertebrate model came about as nothing in paleontology offers any support."

There is lots of data Davis. But, it seems you have bought into Dawkins who does not understand the design of the eye. Science has demolished his argument. Newer research on the vertebrate retina shows that the inverted design in vertebrates is superior to the verted design, even compared to the most advanced cephalopods. The research has discovered that our retina has a neurological feedback system improving contrast and sharpening edges without sacrificing shadow detail."
PLoS Biology May 2011 A positive feedback synapse from retinal horizontal cells to cone photoreceptors. (S.L.Jackman). There is lots of other amazing research in last few years which shows evolution to be an illogical conclusion.

Good comments. is in the same way. We both interpret the data according to our beliefs about the past. But examine your own statements and you might realize your faith in evolution is not the best fit for the evidence.

We have observable evidence that a complex, sophisticated, "optimally" designed system can degenerate. (In us and blind fish)The degeneration can fit either model. But what caused this almost perfect optimal system?

In your belief system it's hard to imagine that mutations and selection can create an "almost" perfect system. Our eyes detect one photon... you can't get better than that. It seems illogical to believe that natural selection and mutations can fix perfection in a population when there would seem to be no compete time advantage. IE. If my eyes can detect only 100 photons where yours detect 10...its such an insignificant amount that selection won't eliminate me. Phew :)

And, that's aside from the argument that mutations can't create even sub optimal systems without using a pre-existing code.*

OK. .. yes, evidence matters. :)

But you demonstrate that evolutionism is not really about isn't falsifiable. You are arguing that both good and bad design are evidence for common ancestry. Your belief is like a fog that can cover any landscape.

That might shock me as much as you. We don't think bunnies live and die with crayfish, trilobites and cephalopods.

Howrver we certainly do find Cambrian 'rabbits'. I'm sure you have read articles where new finds in the fossil record are "puzzling" or "surprising" to evolutionists. In fact one such 'rabbit' was discussed above where evolutionists seem shocked that sophisticated eyes are found in a creature they think is 515 million years old. In the absence of evidence for eye evolution, they pull a rabbit from the hat saying sophisticated vision evolved in a geological blink of an eye.

Dear Davis,

How in the world do you think they found the remains of a rabbit that is 515 million years old?!! It was probably more like 6,000 years old!! You guys are ridiculous with the numbers you throw around. Your methods of dating are out of this world. Give me a break!!



Michael it would be easier if you could paste the link to where you got it from. Do you have a specific point to make?

Dear alwight,

I have a specific point to make. It is vast and younger than we think! Who is to say that God did not make it all 6,000 years ago?? God can do it! Of course!! I don't know why He would make the cattle and chickens in the same week as the Universe or Earth, or fish, or ravens, crows, blackbirds, bluebirds, cardinals, etc. I could go on and on. Do you think all of those birds were created after mankind?? And the oxen, the bulls, the elephants, the giraffes, He created ALL of these before He created man. Oh, Alwight, do you think all of these things just morphed into being?? It is all incredible eh? Awesome indeed!! Same as the Universe is awesome, which He created before the chickens and the fish!! Do you realize that one way or another, none of us could be here without His exact words speaking everything into place?? Isn't it cool?!!

Okay, I will be good for a bit. Will be back in about 1/2 hour. Much Love And Respect For You, Alwight!!



Dear patrick jane,

I notice you don't have a Send Message set up. When can you get PMs?? I want to PM you and I can't. I will wait until you get it up and running. You take good care!! I forgive you totally and I guess I realize it was a mistake on your part. I saw your new picture with your squinting eyes!! You look mahvelous!!

Your Twin Bro'!!



Dear Hedshaker,

It's been awhile since you've posted!! What is happening? I got a new used car. It's a '96 Lexus with only almost 116,000 miles on it. It's a dream car!! So many luxuries or amenities. I don't know the words. Features, options, amenities, luxuries? I know there's a word for it. Oh well, I will chat with you some other time, buddy!! My eyes can barely stay open. It is almost 4:30 a.m. here now. Got to hit the sack!! You make sure that you have a fantastic day today, and make it count!!

Tons of Love Coming Your Way!!



New member
Dear alwight,

I have a specific point to make. It is vast and younger than we think! Who is to say that God did not make it all 6,000 years ago?? God can do it! Of course!! I don't know why He would make the cattle and chickens in the same week as the Universe or Earth, or fish, or ravens, crows, blackbirds, bluebirds, cardinals, etc. I could go on and on. Do you think all of those birds were created after mankind?? And the oxen, the bulls, the elephants, the giraffes, He created ALL of these before He created man. Oh, Alwight, do you think all of these things just morphed into being?? It is all incredible eh? Awesome indeed!! Same as the Universe is awesome, which He created before the chickens and the fish!! Do you realize that one way or another, none of us could be here without His exact words speaking everything into place?? Isn't it cool?!!

Okay, I will be good for a bit. Will be back in about 1/2 hour. Much Love And Respect For You, Alwight!!

I'm not so sure that your conclusions bear much relationship with what you pasted before Michael.

However I believe that the universe we see today started from a very small singularity and has developed into what it is today following all the natural laws of physics, no miracles are required. Nothing needs to have morphed into anything else or suddenly appeared as is from nothing.

Light arriving now from distant galaxies has evidentially been travelling for a considerably longer time than 6000 years.

I believe that modern day flora and fauna we see today are the result of many millions of years of slow adaption and change by natural selection and that the original "life" was the simplest organism that could self replicate, from which life as we know it has slowly emerged through Darwinian evolution.

I think all of that is more in keeping with that article you posted Michael, no supernatural entities are required or evidenced.


New member
I'm not so sure that your conclusions bear much relationship with what you pasted before Michael.

However I believe that the universe we see today started from a very small singularity and has developed into what it is today following all the natural laws of physics, no miracles are required. Nothing needs to have morphed into anything else or suddenly appeared as is from nothing.

Light arriving now from distant galaxies has evidentially been travelling for a considerably longer time than 6000 years.

I believe that modern day flora and fauna we see today are the result of many millions of years of slow adaption and change by natural selection and that the original "life" was the simplest organism that could self replicate, from which life as we know it has slowly emerged through Darwinian evolution.

I think all of that is more in keeping with that article you posted Michael, no supernatural entities are required or evidenced.
If your universe is only 6000 years old, explain red light shift.


Well-known member
I'm not so sure that your conclusions bear much relationship with what you pasted before Michael.

However I believe that the universe we see today started from a very small singularity and has developed into what it is today following all the natural laws of physics, no miracles are required. Nothing needs to have morphed into anything else or suddenly appeared as is from nothing.

Light arriving now from distant galaxies has evidentially been travelling for a considerably longer time than 6000 years.

I believe that modern day flora and fauna we see today are the result of many millions of years of slow adaption and change by natural selection and that the original "life" was the simplest organism that could self replicate, from which life as we know it has slowly emerged through Darwinian evolution.

I think all of that is more in keeping with that article you posted Michael, no supernatural entities are required or evidenced.

Alwight, you'll be interested to contrast Lewis' "natural" miracles with "supernatural" ones. You said above that no miracles were needed. Perhaps you were thinking of supernatural ones; see his definition. But then there is the question of natural ones.

Jesus changes water into wine in a moment in Cana, Galilee. But it does that every season, slower. The latter is a natural miracle in the usage of Lewis. Not only is it amazing (you sound like it is all a bore), but a person can eat and drink the endproduct without his internal organs exploding in hemorhhages!

Perhaps this natural miracle of God is not enough. OK. Stroebel, former homicide investigator in Chicago who became a Christian, writes: the force of gravity is placed at an extremely precise level suitable for man. Imagine a tape measure across the solar system. One particular inch is marked, not a foot, not a yard, but an inch. That stands for the precise level of gravitational force. Move it an inch either way, and there is disaster for man.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit excited but this is a natural miracle. Ie, there is no ongoing supernatural feature to it (although I would have no problem saying this is what the Gospel tune meant by "He's got the whole world / in his hands"). But it initially had to be set up and that is extraordinary.

However, I've only mentioned about 5% of what matters here. As Gonzalez and Richards show in their doc, we live in a 'Goldilocks' situation where about 20 metrics of various kinds just like the one I explained are 'just right' for mankind! All at the same time, all coordinated, compatible and consistent? Does it now matter whether this is natural or super-? the point is that it is quite miraculous, like the birth doctor in the English novel WIVES AND DAUGHTERS by Gaskell who responded to the botanist who thought that nature had given his plants lots of time and chance to just happen into existence: "You'd better not try that method when it comes to birth!"

Will you still spite such a creation like Dawkins and say that if there is a god he is "infinitely" greater than the one who put this together as the theologians say? Do we really need infinite infinity?

But I have still not done justice to what the astrophysicists G&R are saying. They became Christians when they went to the 1996 solar eclipse in India. The reason is something else they noticed about it that no one ever mentioned, or it never sunk in until seeing it. It was the perfection of the visual ratios of how the moon covered the sun. The tolerances were so exact that the only intelligent conclusion about the event was not just that it was designed, but it was designed communicationally. The Person who designed it wanted it to be observed. It is not just 'nifty' that the moon's size covered the sun like that. it was intended for observation, awe, wonder, and then for various practical benefits. I'm not science-based enough to grasp half of what they said; it is there to read or view. Enjoy!

I just hate to see people spending an hour enjoying a Rembrandt, and then saying 'paint is amazing.'


New member
…I have a specific point to make. It is vast and younger than we think! Who is to say that God did not make it all 6,000 years ago?? God can do it! Of course!! I don't know why He would make the cattle and chickens in the same week as the Universe or Earth, or fish, or ravens, crows, blackbirds, bluebirds, cardinals, etc. I could go on and on. Do you think all of those birds were created after mankind?? …
I have a specific point to make. It is vast and younger than we think! Who is to say that God did not make it all last Thursday at noon?? God can do it! Of course!! I don't know why He would make the cattle and chickens on the same day as the Universe or Earth, or fish, or ravens, crows, blackbirds, bluebirds, cardinals, etc. I could go on and on. Do you think Abraham Lincoln actually existed? Why, it was trivially easy for God to create all the old history books as though history really happened, and to create a place called Gettysburg, with pretend evidence of a great Civil War battle, and even implant false memories in old people about things that happened two weeks ago. Are you so silly you really think you once lived in New York City? Do you doubt the power of God to make you think that, when he actually created you a week ago? Do you realize that one way or another, none of us could be here without His exact words speaking everything into place?? Isn't it cool?!!


Well-known member
We need to try our best to integrate all data into one coherent view.

I don't think the YECs have understood what 2 Peter 3 is trying to say and that in turn affects what Genesis 1 is saying.


Well-known member
Does that mean you don't know what the red light shift is?

It's good to hear your own definition regardless, since in a quick of the, there are a few senses, and I see there is a cosmological one. I am not a YU person, but I am a YE person in the context of an older universe. Genesis 1 is written from the POV of human life here on earth, which I believe was a recent creation, while what was here previous to that was much less developed. The expression 'formless and void' also leads to a conclusion that God did not want what was developing anyway. I don't believe either/or (totally old or totally young) works. I don't believe either/or will ever integrate all data known.

There are naturalistic scientists who agree that the data shows an abrupt appearance of development but they do so naturalistically; I don't know why. It would make much more sense to say that this is where the intelligent-infinite-personal Creator comes in; there is plenty to trace Him in our universe.


New member
It's good to hear your own definition regardless, since in a quick of the, there are a few senses, and I see there is a cosmological one. I am not a YU person, but I am a YE person in the context of an older universe. Genesis 1 is written from the POV of human life here on earth, which I believe was a recent creation, while what was here previous to that was much less developed. The expression 'formless and void' also leads to a conclusion that God did not want what was developing anyway. I don't believe either/or (totally old or totally young) works. I don't believe either/or will ever integrate all data known.

There are naturalistic scientists who agree that the data shows an abrupt appearance of development but they do so naturalistically; I don't know why. It would make much more sense to say that this is where the intelligent-infinite-personal Creator comes in; there is plenty to trace Him in our universe.

Glad to hear that you understand the universe is billions of years old. As such I'm not sure why you are a Young earth creationist, or whether you are just stating that humankind has only been around for 6000 years.

At any rate, you seem to think the default position is god done it if one does not fully understand the science or the science has gaps in it. One either understands science or one doesn't, there is no in between.


Well-known member
Glad to hear that you understand the universe is billions of years old. As such I'm not sure why you are a Young earth creationist, or whether you are just stating that humankind has only been around for 6000 years.

At any rate, you seem to think the default position is god done it if one does not fully understand the science or the science has gaps in it. One either understands science or one doesn't, there is no in between.

But the problem of a naturalistic person (I'm talking presuppositions here, not naturism (!) and not 'into nature') is that they start with the view that the only thing that exists is nature. That is why CS Lewis asked his scientist friend in the dialogue in "Religion and Science" in GOD IN THE DOCK, "Don't you see, science could never show anything of the sort (that there is no activity beyond nature)... Because science studies Nature. The question is whether anything besides Nature exists--anything 'outside.' How could you find that by studying simply Nature?"

So I'm not expecting you to understand what I'm saying until you've understood my presupposition.

Another way of putting it is that one view says that nature is a closed system of causes and effects, while the other is that yes, that's true much of the time, but Someone is outside of nature and acts into it. I'm the latter. Water turns into grape juice daily, but there was a guy who said he was the creator of both who changed one into the other in a moment. A mutation of this shows up as far away on the earth as possible in the NW corner of the US: a creator whose name is Changer. For a while he gave humans, plants and animals the same power to make such changes, but withdrew it because they deceived each other.

The universe is very old, but more recently there was a creative action by the Creator as described in Genesis (and quite a few other cosmologies) in which the 'formless and void' world up to that point was made into a human habitation. Now--this is where it gets interesting--there is an abrupt show of human records, tools and activity. How could that happen? We even find them involved in the most survival-"useless" activity of all: explaining philosophical questions!

I think mankind has been around as long as the evidence shows, and that that is what Gen 1 was about. Whether he speaks about the human phenomenon of shame or about a few rivers in the Mesopotamian area, he writes reality-based. There is gravity. There is not extended suspension of reality.


New member
Alwight, you'll be interested to contrast Lewis' "natural" miracles with "supernatural" ones. You said above that no miracles were needed. Perhaps you were thinking of supernatural ones; see his definition. But then there is the question of natural ones.
If it's natural then it will have an explanation even if to some it seems miraculous. A natural "miracle" other than if perhaps used as a superlative is an oxymoron.

Jesus changes water into wine in a moment in Cana, Galilee. But it does that every season, slower. The latter is a natural miracle in the usage of Lewis. Not only is it amazing (you sound like it is all a bore), but a person can eat and drink the endproduct without his internal organs exploding in hemorhhages!
I don't really understand where you're going here, present tense, past tense? I'm not aware that anyone has ever really turned water into wine, despite what is written in the NT. It would indeed require a miracle to do that because it would defy the laws of physics, which would be my definition of "miracle". But without any special evidence of any miraculous event I can rationally dismiss any such claims.

Perhaps this natural miracle of God is not enough. OK. Stroebel, former homicide investigator in Chicago who became a Christian, writes: the force of gravity is placed at an extremely precise level suitable for man. Imagine a tape measure across the solar system. One particular inch is marked, not a foot, not a yard, but an inch. That stands for the precise level of gravitational force. Move it an inch either way, and there is disaster for man.
I don't buy the "fine-tuned universe" argument. We have no idea how many other universes there may be or once were, or if they even can have fundamentally different physical laws and still exist. All we can know is that this universe is overwhelmingly hostile to life and that we are only here now because life is possible on this tiny speck of it.
To assume that this vast, mostly inhospitable universe was somehow designed with life like ours in mind seems highly unlikely to me to say the least.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit excited but this is a natural miracle. Ie, there is no ongoing supernatural feature to it (although I would have no problem saying this is what the Gospel tune meant by "He's got the whole world / in his hands"). But it initially had to be set up and that is extraordinary.
I don't claim to know if anything supernatural does exist but until it is evidenced in some way then I will provisionally presume it doesn't until it can be detected somehow rather than something simply asserted by those who would perhaps rather like it to exist. I'm rather sure that if in truth the material physical reality was all there was then plenty of people would still be believing in a supernatural regardless.

However, I've only mentioned about 5% of what matters here. As Gonzalez and Richards show in their doc, we live in a 'Goldilocks' situation where about 20 metrics of various kinds just like the one I explained are 'just right' for mankind! All at the same time, all coordinated, compatible and consistent? Does it now matter whether this is natural or super-? the point is that it is quite miraculous, like the birth doctor in the English novel WIVES AND DAUGHTERS by Gaskell who responded to the botanist who thought that nature had given his plants lots of time and chance to just happen into existence: "You'd better not try that method when it comes to birth!"
Until the prospect of a scientific natural answer becomes vanishingly remote then rushing to make conclusions of a supernatural kind seems highly premature and perhaps only because a presupposed existing supernatural answer is already firmly fixed in place for some people? Why should a supernatural answer even be considered at all since it isn't really an explanation or answer to anything, more a surrender to ignorance perhaps?

Will you still spite such a creation like Dawkins and say that if there is a god he is "infinitely" greater than the one who put this together as the theologians say? Do we really need infinite infinity?
Show me where Dawkins says "infinitely" greater.
"If we want to postulate a deity capable of engineering all the organized complexity in the world, either instantaneously or by guiding evolution, that deity must have been vastly complex in the first place"
Richard Dawkins (The Blind Watchmaker)

Why should such a complex deity/creator be given freedom from scrutiny and be considered an answer to everything when clearly it only throws up more unanswered questions?

But I have still not done justice to what the astrophysicists G&R are saying. They became Christians when they went to the 1996 solar eclipse in India. The reason is something else they noticed about it that no one ever mentioned, or it never sunk in until seeing it. It was the perfection of the visual ratios of how the moon covered the sun. The tolerances were so exact that the only intelligent conclusion about the event was not just that it was designed, but it was designed communicationally. The Person who designed it wanted it to be observed. It is not just 'nifty' that the moon's size covered the sun like that. it was intended for observation, awe, wonder, and then for various practical benefits. I'm not science-based enough to grasp half of what they said; it is there to read or view. Enjoy!

I just hate to see people spending an hour enjoying a Rembrandt, and then saying 'paint is amazing.'
In the past the moon more than covered the sun from an earthbound perspective while in the future it won't quite cover it since it is gradually moving away.
If you observe from just the right place almost any round object can accurately be made to cover the sun.
It is argued that without the stabilising effect and ratio of the moon to the earth intelligent life here may not have had time to come about. That we are here only because it just so happens that we can be here, and who knows maybe nowhere else, not because a creator meant us to be in this mainly inhospitable universe.

"Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, "This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, may have been made to have me in it!" This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for. We all know that at some point in the future the Universe will come to an end and at some other point, considerably in advance from that but still not immediately pressing, the sun will explode. We feel there's plenty of time to worry about that, but on the other hand that's a very dangerous thing to say."
Douglas Adams


alwight & Michael 9-5-2015

alwight & Michael 9-5-2015

If it's natural then it will have an explanation even if to some it seems miraculous. A natural "miracle" other than if perhaps used as a superlative is an oxymoron.

I don't really understand where you're going here, present tense, past tense? I'm not aware that anyone has ever really turned water into wine, despite what is written in the NT. It would indeed require a miracle to do that because it would defy the laws of physics, which would be my definition of "miracle". But without any special evidence of any miraculous event I can rationally dismiss any such claims.

I don't buy the "fine-tuned universe" argument. We have no idea how many other universes there may be or once were, or if they even can have fundamentally different physical laws and still exist. All we can know is that this universe is overwhelmingly hostile to life and that we are only here now because life is possible on this tiny speck of it.
To assume that this vast, mostly inhospitable universe was somehow designed with life like ours in mind seems highly unlikely to me to say the least.

I don't claim to know if anything supernatural does exist but until it is evidenced in some way then I will provisionally presume it doesn't until it can be detected somehow rather than something simply asserted by those who would perhaps rather like it to exist. I'm rather sure that if in truth the material physical reality was all there was then plenty of people would still be believing in a supernatural regardless.

Until the prospect of a scientific natural answer becomes vanishingly remote then rushing to make conclusions of a supernatural kind seems highly premature and perhaps only because a presupposed existing supernatural answer is already firmly fixed in place for some people? Why should a supernatural answer even be considered at all since it isn't really an explanation or answer to anything, more a surrender to ignorance perhaps?

Show me where Dawkins says "infinitely" greater.
"If we want to postulate a deity capable of engineering all the organized complexity in the world, either instantaneously or by guiding evolution, that deity must have been vastly complex in the first place"
Richard Dawkins (The Blind Watchmaker)

Why should such a complex deity/creator be given freedom from scrutiny and be considered an answer to everything when clearly it only throws up more unanswered questions?

In the past the moon more than covered the sun from an earthbound perspective while in the future it won't quite cover it since it is gradually moving away.
If you observe from just the right place almost any round object can accurately be made to cover the sun.
It is argued that without the stabilising effect and ratio of the moon to the earth intelligent life here may not have had time to come about. That we are here only because it just so happens that we can be here, and who knows maybe nowhere else, not because a creator meant us to be in this mainly inhospitable universe.

"Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, "This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, may have been made to have me in it!" This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for. We all know that at some point in the future the Universe will come to an end and at some other point, considerably in advance from that but still not immediately pressing, the sun will explode. We feel there's plenty of time to worry about that, but on the other hand that's a very dangerous thing to say."
Douglas Adams

Dear alwight,

I find that you have some very interesting points to make in your deductions about why God could not exist or be the miracle worker in all of the Universe and Earth's existence. Oh, I wish you could believe what you don't. You don't know what you are missing out on. You are defying God and that is dangerous. I wouldn't want to trade places with you at all. You have so much negative dogma in your brain and heart. It's too bad that is the case. You're missing out on the glory of God's existence and His creating the Universe and all that is in it. You actually think it just popped out of thin air or created itself. How you could think this is considerably highly improbable. Where do you come up with these things, when I know that you do it because you just simply don't want to believe in the truth, but instead all lies from the devil, Satan. He's got you wrapped around his finger and has your thinking all warped out and sad. You know that I love you, so I'm not trying to lose your close friendship. It's just that we disagree on some points. You should spend as much time believing in God as you do denying His Existence instead of the other way around. What do you think He is going to say to you when you face Him? He will turn you away just like you've turned Him away for most of your life. Right? Safer it is if a man goes ahead and believes in God than a man not believing in God. One way doesn't make God angry and upset at you, and the other way does. Pick the easiest answer to be careful. Don't be so unwise.

Tons Of Love And Respect Coming Your Way, Mate!!


:guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


that doesn't seem very respectful to michael :nono:

Dear ok doser,

Well, thank you tons for caring about my feelings. You are a little treasure, eh? I truly appreciate the heck out of it and can't believe that you did it, but I'm surely glad that you did. God Always Be With You In Your Eternal Life!!

Much Love Coming Your Way!!


:guitar: :singer: :cheers: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:

P.S. It's so comfortable on Cloud9!!
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