Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Davis.... if what you thought was a design flaw...and used as evidence for evolution: then, if it could be shown that the design was actually "almost perfect" or "optimal".... Would that mean you then agree that good design is evidence against evolution?
I have no issue with acknowledging when design seems to favor either evolution or creation. Do you have equal liberty to say some evidence favors evolution?
Or, are you like Dawkins who argues that everything is evidence for evolution? IE Dawkins says good design and bad design are evidence of evolution.
I am not aware that Dawkins says what you claim he does. Can you provide a reference to where he succinctly says, in effect “everything is evidence for evolution”?

patrick jane

the bottom line after all analysis by science, ALL OF THIS didn't just "happen". it is mathematically impossible that all things came together over millions of eons plus a billion years to grow on. because it all points to God -

this experience that we all have did not come from morphing from ape to mankind, as much as evols like to think so. there is no use in debating an impossible occurrence(s). it's comical and i enjoy watching it -

1 Corinthians 1:20 KJV - 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 KJV - 1 Corinthians 1:27 KJV -

Romans 1:27 KJV - Proverbs 28:26 KJV -


New member
the bottom line after all analysis by science, ALL OF THIS didn't just "happen". it is mathematically impossible that all things came together over millions of eons plus a billion years to grow on. because it all points to God -

this experience that we all have did not come from morphing from ape to mankind, as much as evols like to think so. there is no use in debating an impossible occurrence(s). it's comical and i enjoy watching it -

1 Corinthians 1:20 KJV - 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 KJV - 1 Corinthians 1:27 KJV -

Romans 1:27 KJV - Proverbs 28:26 KJV -
So you're one of those that see you that despite all the evidence, you will only believe in faith.

That is the case, what evidence do you have that there are no fairies, no trolls living under a bridge, that Zeus doesn't exist, nor Thor?


New member
Why do you assume that you are right?
God's Word is correct.
Interplanner does not accept God's Word but adds to it.
For ex he thinks that there was death before sin.
He thinks "In the beginning...." was only 'a' beginning. Etc


1) Man walks in an upright posture, using only two legs for movement, and not four legs. A bipedal creature takes more time to reach a maximum running speed, than a quadrupedal creature does. In both pursuit of prey and evasion from predators, man is at a distinct disadvantage using this bipedal method of movement. Man cannot run at speed, cannot change direction quickly, man cannot even jump effectively. So how did mankind ever establish himself as a land based, hunter and gatherer, given that his method of movement is handicapped?


Hello, Michael. There is too much here for me to go through it point by point, but I can explain this first one to you.

Humans are actually the best long distance running creature in the history of the world. There is a 200 mile race in Spain every year where horses and men compete. Every single year man wins.

It's true that our maximum speed is significantly lower than the prey animals that early man hunted, but due to man's astounding endurance capabilities they were able to literally run down animals until the animal just ran out of energy or died of heatstroke. Some tribes in Africa still hunt today using this method. They can cover 15 miles in a single hunt. It's really quite amazing


New member
DavisBJ said:
6days said:
Davis.... if what you thought was a design flaw...and used as evidence for evolution: then, if it could be shown that the design was actually "almost perfect" or "optimal".... Would that mean you then agree that good design is evidence against evolution?
I have no issue with acknowledging when design seems to favor either evolution or creation.
OK. ... so you acknowledge that some evidence seems to favor intelligent design?*

DavisBJ said:
*Do you have equal liberty to say some evidence favors evolution?
I think I have told you before that I am 100% biased. Likewise Atheists are 100%biased.*
(Nobody is a blank slate when it comes to our origins).*

DavisBJ said:
6days said:
Or, are you like Dawkins who argues that everything is evidence for evolution? IE Dawkins says good design and bad design are evidence of evolution.

I am not aware that Dawkins says what you claim he does. Can you provide a reference to where he succinctly says, in effect “everything is evidence for evolution”?

I think I can this evening...not at moment. *I think you will acknowledge he makes statements about what he thought was poor design of eye being evidence against a Creator? He also makes statements about how evolution creates the appearance of design. So in effect, he says both good and bad design support his beliefs. (I have a video of him I will post tonight)


New member
OK. ... so you acknowledge that some evidence seems to favor intelligent design?
No, not what I said. If I knew of evidence that seemed to favor intelligent design, I would acknowledge that. I have, in the past, been made aware of evidence that I simply could not explain under an evolutionary framework. In one particular case like that I remember, I subsequently found it was own lack of knowledge in the field that was lacking. Right now, I know of nothing that leads me to think intelligent design is likely to be correct.
I think I have told you before that I am 100% biased. Likewise Atheists are 100% biased.
Big difference between bias and refusal to accept contrary evidence.

Re whether Dawkins claimed everything is evidence for evolution:
I think you will acknowledge he makes statements about what he thought was poor design of eye being evidence against a Creator?
No question he has pointed out specific examples, and he says why those indicate to him that there was poor design. I agree with him.
He also makes statements about how evolution creates the appearance of design. So in effect, he says both good and bad design support his beliefs.
If you actually understand evolution, I can’t see how this should give you any concern. It sounds like you are requiring that evolution only be able to do a primo job every time, or else that it screw the job up in significant ways every time. That’s nonsense.


New member
the bottom line after all analysis by science, ALL OF THIS didn't just "happen". it is mathematically impossible that all things came together over millions of eons plus a billion years to grow on. because it all points to God -

this experience that we all have did not come from morphing from ape to mankind, as much as evols like to think so. there is no use in debating an impossible occurrence(s). it's comical and i enjoy watching it -
It's kinda hard to respond to generalized assertions that are void of specific details.


New member
DavisBJ said:
6days said:
OK. ... so you acknowledge that some evidence seems to favor intelligent design?
No, not what I said. If I knew of evidence that seemed to favor intelligent design, I would acknowledge that. I have, in the past, been made aware of evidence that I simply could not explain under an evolutionary framework. In one particular case like that I remember, I subsequently found it was own lack of knowledge in the field that was lacking. Right now, I know of nothing that leads me to think intelligent design is likely to be correct.
In other words you interpret evidence within your worldview, or your belief system. (As do I)

DavisBJ said:
6days said:
I think I have told you before that I am 100% biased. Likewise Atheists are 100% biased.
Big difference between bias and refusal to accept contrary evidence.
Not really.... the reason you refuse to accept contrary evidence is because *of your bias.*
As an atheist do you maintain that there is no Creator God of the universe?
If so then you are biased in interpreting evidence. You can't follow evidence wherever it leads, because you start with the conclusion that it can't lead to an Intelligent Designer.

DavisBJ said:
6days said:
I think you will acknowledge he makes statements about what he thought was poor design of eye being evidence against a Creator?
No question he has pointed out specific examples, and he says why those indicate to him that there was poor design. I agree with him
As we discussed recently, science has proved him wrong.*

BUT, even if you accept Dawkins as correct, there still are several other possible conclusions. For could be like "junk" DNA, where we lacked knowledge. *Or, it could be that an original perfect design has been corrupted by mutations.
DavisBJ said:
6days said:
He also makes statements about how evolution creates the appearance of design. So in effect, he says both good and bad design support his beliefs.
If you actually understand evolution, I can’t see how this should give you any concern. It sounds like you are requiring that evolution only be able to do a primo job every time, or else that it screw the job up in significant ways every time. That’s nonsense.
You made my point. Evolutionists say both good design and bad design is evidence for evolution. In effect you are saying the evidence doesn't matter... its interpreting evidence to fit you bias.
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Well-known member
The naturalistic uniformitarian has to have more faith that the complexity of the earth and life on it worked out just right through odds that have more 0s than I can show on one screen here than to believe the Christian presupposition creating it. Every improvement on a Volvo is through intense testing and design, knowing that it needs to work correctly upon demand. What if Volvo played roulette? "God did not play dice with the universe."--Einstein
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New member
Dear alwight,

How are you 2nite?? Hope that you're having a great day. I've had quite a night being the butt of someone's humor. If no one here will do anything about it, I'm sure that God will. Thank you for your considerate feelings for how my health was doing. I guess you learn who your true friends are. A number of people wished me well with my health. I've got some good friends here, thank God. You're the best, alwight!! Well, it's almost 2:30a.m. here, so I guess that means that I should get some sleep. I do treasure your friendship!!

Warmest Regards And Cheerio, Mate,

Hi Michael, how's it going?
Sticks and stones?
Was it someone from "real life" who was annoying you or from here?
I've been busy elsewhere this evening but now I'm going to bed.


Why do you assume that you are right? Interplanner presents good points backed with logic. You just keep repeating the same thing over and over again not acknowledging anything that you disagree with. Learn to see what another can

Dear SamuelJ,

You are a rookie. You have no idea how brilliant 6days is, so don't sell him short so quickly. He has been here a LOT longer than Interplanner. I listen to what they both say and Interplanner does have some good things to say also. But, like I said, give 6days a chance.




the bottom line after all analysis by science, ALL OF THIS didn't just "happen". it is mathematically impossible that all things came together over millions of eons plus a billion years to grow on. because it all points to God -

this experience that we all have did not come from morphing from ape to mankind, as much as evols like to think so. there is no use in debating an impossible occurrence(s). it's comical and i enjoy watching it -

1 Corinthians 1:20 KJV - 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 KJV - 1 Corinthians 1:27 KJV -

Dear patrick jane,

I totally agree with what you're saying here very much. I did not like what you did to me, so don't let it happen again. How could you do that to me? Your twin? C'mon!!

Much Love From God And Me For You,



Romans 1:27 KJV - Proverbs 28:26 KJV -


So you're one of those that see you that despite all the evidence, you will only believe in faith.

That is the case, what evidence do you have that there are no fairies, no trolls living under a bridge, that Zeus doesn't exist, nor Thor?

Dear seehigh,

Some things are childish and ridiculous, but believing in God is not one of them. So don't lump Him in with fairies. You will be held accountable, so be careful what you undergo. Don't throw your life away. Why would you want to do that??




I have no issue with acknowledging when design seems to favor either evolution or creation. Do you have equal liberty to say some evidence favors evolution?

I am not aware that Dawkins says what you claim he does. Can you provide a reference to where he succinctly says, in effect “everything is evidence for evolution”?

Dear DavisBJ,

Did you read my observations on evolution post above? The only idea that evolution is true is something else that is false also. God reigns Supreme and you just won't accept that. We are not here by accident, but instead by God, a higher Authority! The sooner you learn it and accept it, the better off you will be. Don't accept it and the worse off you will be. Try trusting me for a change. What will it hurt. Your eternal life? Do you want to spend it having fun or burning? Be careful and weigh your decisions in the balance. God Be With You, Davis!!




God's Word is correct.
Interplanner does not accept God's Word but adds to it.
For ex he thinks that there was death before sin.
He thinks "In the beginning...." was only 'a' beginning. Etc

You're pretty wise, 6days, and that's one of the things I like about you. Yes, God's Word is correct. There was no death before sin. God said to both Adam and Eve that they should not eat of the fruit of a certain tree, not necessarily an apple, but a piece of fruit. Now, He said that the day they do that, they will surely die. So there was sin before death. Can you reason with that, Interplanner??


:thumb: :wave2:


Hello, Michael. There is too much here for me to go through it point by point, but I can explain this first one to you.

Humans are actually the best long distance running creature in the history of the world. There is a 200 mile race in Spain every year where horses and men compete. Every single year man wins.

It's true that our maximum speed is significantly lower than the prey animals that early man hunted, but due to man's astounding endurance capabilities they were able to literally run down animals until the animal just ran out of energy or died of heatstroke. Some tribes in Africa still hunt today using this method. They can cover 15 miles in a single hunt. It's really quite amazing

Dear SamuelJ,

I rather doubt everything you say here. I was also a cross country runner and man would get tired before a horse would, and the horse would cover more miles than man.



Hi Michael, how's it going?
Sticks and stones?
Was it someone from "real life" who was annoying you or from here?
I've been busy elsewhere this evening but now I'm going to bed.

Dear alwight,

It's going better, Al. It was from somebody here. Can you believe it?! Who would have thought. Hope you have a good rest!! I'll talk to you later tonight, hopefully. Thank you for the consideration!!


:thumb: :wave2:
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