Creation vs. Evolution

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Many eras of the Bible have varying levels of trails of evidence. No era has none at all.

Dear Interplanner,

Well, thank you for admitting it. I get to see the actual pictures of these things and it is astounding. It's like, how can you NOT believe in God? So many artifacts! Now, Interplanner, does The Great Flood have any trails of evidence? You would probably know. You said no era has none at all. Was the era of the Great Flood different? Now, I live in the Grand Canyon state of AZ, and they have found a layer of silt or something, I believe, that they say is proof of the Great Flood. They've also said they found the same evidence elsewhere in other parts of the world. Don't know where though. Possibly a mountain or the Dead Sea. Just wondering how much you know. If you have no input, I will understand. I'm thinking that the Ark is somewhere on Mount Ararat frozen very deep, too hard for us to even get at.

I'm sitting here listening to the radio like I do when I'm on the computer and they are, once again, playing the anti-church song by Hozier. It's a catchy tune, and it lures you in by the 'Amens', but then you find out that it is anti-living for eternity in Heaven. I really am starting to hate the song. It is bogus and possibly turns teens and young adults to become anti-God. Offer me that "deathless death." In other words, "eternity" or "living forever with God and Jesus."

Oh well, I'll get going for now. I've spoken my mind once again. Hope it's okay.

God Bless Your Soul!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb:


Dear Alwight,

Well, I went in to the doctor today. I called him a couple days ago and he squeezed me in. My right upper lung was having pains, so I called him and he has arranged for me to get an x-ray of my lung to make sure my cancer has not spread to there. If it has, it is useless to get radiation treatments in my prostate area and also my lung area, and who knows where else it has spread. I have to go back in and get some blood work done 2morrow, plus the x-ray. So that's what's happening. I've been holding off having anything done for a number of reasons. It costs an awful lot too. Sure wish we had health insurance like you do over there in England. I hope that your health is holding up well. I trust that you are doing well. Oh well, so I've gone off-topic here. It happens. God be with you, dear lad! Will talk again soon, I hope.

Cheerio Mate!!



New member
Dear Alwight,

Well, I went in to the doctor today. I called him a couple days ago and he squeezed me in. My right upper lung was having pains, so I called him and he has arranged for me to get an x-ray of my lung to make sure my cancer has not spread to there. If it has, it is useless to get radiation treatments in my prostate area and also my lung area, and who knows where else it has spread. I have to go back in and get some blood work done 2morrow, plus the x-ray. So that's what's happening. I've been holding off having anything done for a number of reasons. It costs an awful lot too. Sure wish we had health insurance like you do over there in England. I hope that your health is holding up well. I trust that you are doing well. Oh well, so I've gone off-topic here. It happens. God be with you, dear lad! Will talk again soon, I hope.

Cheerio Mate!!

I'm sorry you're not doing so well Michael, I hope you have some kind of insurance cover for all this?
Do let me know how it goes, I hope it's nothing to worry about. :plain:


Well-known member
I'm sorry you're not doing so well Michael, I hope you have some kind of insurance cover for all this?
Do let me know how it goes, I hope it's nothing to worry about. :plain:

Let's hope that Michael's visions of the end time are not coming true for him.


New member
Michael we all hope you get better, and remember it is modern medicine, that often had to use the evolutionary process to develop that medicine, that may help you get there.


Well-known member
Dear Interplanner,

Well, thank you for admitting it. I get to see the actual pictures of these things and it is astounding. It's like, how can you NOT believe in God? So many artifacts! Now, Interplanner, does The Great Flood have any trails of evidence? You would probably know. You said no era has none at all. Was the era of the Great Flood different? Now, I live in the Grand Canyon state of AZ, and they have found a layer of silt or something, I believe, that they say is proof of the Great Flood. They've also said they found the same evidence elsewhere in other parts of the world. Don't know where though. Possibly a mountain or the Dead Sea. Just wondering how much you know. If you have no input, I will understand. I'm thinking that the Ark is somewhere on Mount Ararat frozen very deep, too hard for us to even get at.

I'm sitting here listening to the radio like I do when I'm on the computer and they are, once again, playing the anti-church song by Hozier. It's a catchy tune, and it lures you in by the 'Amens', but then you find out that it is anti-living for eternity in Heaven. I really am starting to hate the song. It is bogus and possibly turns teens and young adults to become anti-God. Offer me that "deathless death." In other words, "eternity" or "living forever with God and Jesus."

Oh well, I'll get going for now. I've spoken my mind once again. Hope it's okay.

God Bless Your Soul!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb:

Michael, sorry to hear about your health, too.

re the flood, I haven't researched anything recent but I do recall an interview of a couple Canadian researchers sometime in the last 5 years with rather startling findings about the ark, but hard to access because of Islamic concerns or maybe just the Turkish government didn't like 'fly-overs' as air-space violations. I believe the site was too close to Russian territory and that was part of the access problem.

In several native histories, there are floods and they are from so many places, that it would seem there had to be a world wide event. Or the coincidence of total flooding but 'rolling' through various areas.

In the NW (the Cascadia area) it is pretty commonly known that about 10000 years back there was ice a mile thick, then a sudden climate change that melted it all. For example, the end of large lakes produced by ice melt that suddenly pour out as ice barriers melt away can be dated (Lake Morse in the Olympics is 9-10000 BC; perhaps Lake Columbia, but I believe that to be dated much later like 1000 AD when the Columbia broke through even the Cascade range to its current configuration).

Then there are things in the NE US like Niagara which has consistently pounded away at its sedimentary(?) base for 10000 years, backing up a little each year, and this is mapable and identifiable. Why did this start so precisely 10000 years ago? Because conditions suddenly warmed from an ice age. (It might be sedimentary layers collapsing onto a granite base as the bottom gets worn out by forceful water erosion.)

So we have have something fairly uniform from that period, and in the Biblical record there is the firmament (canopy) of water from creation that collapses in Noah's flood. From what I have read, the temperatures went to extremes upon that happening, like would be expected if a greenhouse was suddenly removed from a spot. It first resulted in ice in the sense of ice storms--Siberian mammoths frozen so quickly their food was still partly chewed. But relatively extreme heat then came, so that under the Sahara sands are trapped tropical plants.

I'm sure the very YEC guys will object to these dates or see them as unrelated, but I'm not aware of any similar time-stamp of global deluge that the YEC's claim. There are some similarities between the wateriness of the initial creation and of the flood (which 2 Peter 3 mentions and calls both of them "that world" indicating it was different from what the earth was before Gen 1) and I wonder if there might be global flooding during both (creation and flood), making it very hard to separate in the geologic evidence like Grand Canyon, etc. Or to separate from other local flooding which certainly happened but goes unmentioned in Biblical accounts.

re other evidence
There is new material out now on the Exodus and the location of the Hebrews through the 1500 BC to 1200 BC period called PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE. It seems to be very solid work.

re Christ and the DofJ
The evidence of Christ predicting the destruction of Jerusalem is so compelling and clear that the skeptic Thomas Payne's publications against Christianity in England in 1800 were dealt a serious setback. In refutation of Payne, Pastor Peter Holford traveled a circuit through England showing that only Christ acting with divine knowledge could say that the DofJ would happen with such force and finality. Unfortunately most of that knowledge has got dusty and Christians have been far more interested in things they think will come in the future. A serious mental change has taken place where people began to rely on 'fulfilled prophecy' (no matter how sloppily identified) rather than on bone-crushing historical evidence. Huge mistake.


New member
Interplanner said:
....but to the existing light before the local sun.
Existing light? You reject what God tells us.
Gen. 1
"3 And God said,"Let there be light," and there was light.
4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
5God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning --the first day.

Interplanner said:
Some things Ross "distorts" are simply knowledge that you don't have.
Like you, he adds things into scripture and distorts the gospel.

Interplanner said:
What exactly do you do with time or LY measurements that are not only huge but expanding?
Suggestion... Start with God's Word as absolute truth.
LY is not a measurement of time but of distance.

Scripture tells us God spreads the heavens out, or stretches them.... You seem to think He was slow doing that?

Interplanner said:
Please try to get Dr. Schaeffer again
Please read Moses.....Dr. Luke... the Words of Christ.

Interplanner said:
It can be very odd to have Christianity so dialed in to early modern science only to refuse to integrate it later on.
Modern science ALWAYS is in perfect harmony with God's Word... which you reject.


Ross distorts and rejects scripture.

The big bang model has earth as a hot molten blob.
God's Word tells us earth started as water.*

God tells us He formed man from the dust...woman from man's rib...and that about 4000 years lapsed between first Adam and Last Adam.*


Dear 6days,

Good for you!! You make good sense!! The Bible tells a different story than the Big Bang theory!!




I'm sorry you're not doing so well Michael, I hope you have some kind of insurance cover for all this?
Do let me know how it goes, I hope it's nothing to worry about. :plain:

Dear alwight,

I'm doing okay, Alwight. Just pain in my upper right lung every few days. My insurance pays for part of it, but it still will cost me thousands of dollars for my copay, for the radiation therapy. It's nothing to worry about, so don't worry, I think. Wonderful to hear from you!!




Michael we all hope you get better, and remember it is modern medicine, that often had to use the evolutionary process to develop that medicine, that may help you get there.

Dear seehigh,

God gives us the ability to make medicines, I know. I don't know if I'm going to get the radiation therapy or not. I've held off for months now. Still hanging in there.




Michael, my prayers are with you. May God see fit to leave you with us for a while longer.

Dear The Barbarian,

Thank you for caring and for your prayers! May God take me in a timely manner. That's what I'm hoping for. Whenever He's ready for me to go. I couldn't ask for more.




Dear Interplanner,

Thank you so much for your concern of my health. I really do appreciate it. Thank you also for your feedback on what may have happened during the Great Flood, which seems like the timing is wrong. I must tell you that I defer to 6days version because I've found him to be absolutely correct about most, if not all, of what comes out of his heart, brain, and mouth. But thank you anyways. I know it took you a lot of work to write to me!! God Bless You Tons!!



Dear Interplanner,

I forgot to add that the Light God said He first created was not the Sun light. He made the Sun a few days afterwards. Perhaps He created Hydrogen with the first Light. It's hard to say. Whatever Light He is made of, that is probably what was first. I'm sorry, I was busy for about four hours with another pressing matter. Thanks for understanding.

God Be With You,



Dear alwight,

How are you 2nite?? Hope that you're having a great day. I've had quite a night being the butt of someone's humor. If no one here will do anything about it, I'm sure that God will. Thank you for your considerate feelings for how my health was doing. I guess you learn who your true friends are. A number of people wished me well with my health. I've got some good friends here, thank God. You're the best, alwight!! Well, it's almost 2:30a.m. here, so I guess that means that I should get some sleep. I do treasure your friendship!!

Warmest Regards And Cheerio, Mate,



Dear All,

I'm quoting the following observations:

The theory of evolution proposes that mankind once lived in the trees of Africa, mankind in the distant past was a tree dwelling primate. Mankind then proceeded to leave life in the branches behind, and evolved into a land based, hunter and gatherer. This it appears is the tale that the evolutionary theory offers as an explanation as to where mankind came from.

There is a deep contradiction between the evolutionary model and the observed physical traits that mankind exhibits. Mankind is inherently unfit for survival in the natural world.

Here are the observed traits that directly contradict this evolutionary model.

1) Man walks in an upright posture, using only two legs for movement, and not four legs. A bipedal creature takes more time to reach a maximum running speed, than a quadrupedal creature does. In both pursuit of prey and evasion from predators, man is at a distinct disadvantage using this bipedal method of movement. Man cannot run at speed, cannot change direction quickly, man cannot even jump effectively. So how did mankind ever establish himself as a land based, hunter and gatherer, given that his method of movement is handicapped?

2) The offspring of every other species in Africa after being born, are up and running in some instances in a matter of days, from other observations it might be only a few weeks. The offspring of man will take about three to four years to learn to run. The observed duration of time the human offspring requires to be able to evade predators is far too long. Without any doubt, this one observation alone, will contradict the notion of a survival of the fittest in man's case.

3) Human offspring after birth must be carried by the parents for a minimum of two to three years. Other creatures such as monkeys for example, have offspring that are able to cling to their mother's fur. It is observed that the human infant cannot cling to its' mother's fur, the human infant must be carried by the mother. This places the human mother at a distinct evolutionary disadvantage. Every creature on earth after being born will fight to survive, almost from birth they compete for a share of the food that the mother provides. Human offspring are powerfully handicapped, human offspring must be deliberately fed by the mother and for some considerable time. It takes years before the human infant may locate food without any assistance. Why has evolution handicapped the human female of the species with a very long gestation period. Then the longest duration of all the species on earth for the development of the young into adulthood. Talk about an immense evolutionary handicap, man is unfit for survival by any measure.

4) During the day and especially at night, Africa is a very dangerous place for the slow moving, bipedal human. A human has no natural defensive or aggressive features to its' anatomy. Man does not have a thick hide, no fangs to speak of, claws are absent, shall we also mention that man is also a very weak species. Even a chimpanzee at half our size, is approximately three times stronger than we are. So how did early man ever become established on the plains of Africa as a hunter and gatherer? Well not in strength or speed, or any natural attribute. The evidence dictates that man must have had access to tools, and tools at the very moment he set foot on level ground. Survival in the wild is impossible for mankind without spears, clubs, shields, etc. An evolutionary contradiction is observed.

5) Having mentioned that man is a remarkable creature in that the male is not a very strong creature. The human female is a far weaker physical creature than the male, so then, the human female cannot take part in the hunting of other creatures. Around the world in primitive tribes, the female is consigned to raising the offspring in a safe environment. Every other species of predator on earth, the female will do the hunting. Mankind is the standout contradiction to this rule of survival. Mankind has only half or less of the available population, to partake in the hunt. Another observable handicap for survival.

6) Since man was defined as an omnivore by evolutionary design, a hunter and a gatherer. There arises another serious problem with this ideology. Man cannot eat raw meat and definitely cannot eat meat that is not fresh. Every other predator is able to eat raw meat and meat that is not fresh. Why has evolution favored a creature with such special dietary restrictions? When man first hunted, man must have also had access to fire. The ability to create fire precedes the ability to hunt. It is safe to therefore to assume, that man must have been a herbivore. Then after discovering how to make fire, man was only then enabled to hunt. Our evolutionary digestive system does not favor man as a hunter. I reject the notion that man was ever an omnivore by evolutionary design.

7) Man has no inbuilt navigation system like every other creature on earth. Evolutionists propose the following idea to explain this evolutionary handicap in mankind, 'man must have lost the ability to navigate in the distant past'. A very technical explanation and an explanation that also lacks any intelligence. How does an essential attribute such as the ability to navigate ever become a lost attribute. The ability to navigate is critical to survival. How does the mechanism of evolution just forget an essential ability? How can a creature survive if it cannot find it's way home. How can a creature navigate and find an essential water source. Where was that fruit tree I ate from last week? Evolutionary theory needs to address this observed contradiction in natural selection.

8) Where in the world have primitive tribes been observed that do not live in shelters? How did man protect himself and his young offspring from the rain and the cold? There are not enough caves in Africa to house early man? How did mankind protect himself day and night without walls to hide behind. How the devil did mankind ever survive without these shelters, weaponry, and fire? Observation and theoretical ideology are in conflict.

9) Man's intellect is vastly beyond what is necessary for man to survive in the wild. Science as usual has no answer to this anomaly.

10) If man ever lived in the trees, how did the female hold onto her infant for two to three years, and still move through the canopy?

Observation proves that mankind needs an external force to oversee mankind in order for mankind to survive. Evolutionary theory leads to extinction in 99% of species, in man's case that figure should be 100%. Man was never designed to survive in the natural world by any standard of natural fitness, mankind is rather, a greatly handicapped and special species. Man had been gifted with everything in order to survive as a species, before the race to survive actually began.

Christian Forums

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Existing light? You reject what God tells us.
Gen. 1
"3 And God said,"Let there be light," and there was light.
4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
5God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning --the first day.

Like you, he adds things into scripture and distorts the gospel.

Suggestion... Start with God's Word as absolute truth.
LY is not a measurement of time but of distance.

Scripture tells us God spreads the heavens out, or stretches them.... You seem to think He was slow doing that?

Please read Moses.....Dr. Luke... the Words of Christ.

Modern science ALWAYS is in perfect harmony with God's Word... which you reject.

Why do you assume that you are right? Interplanner presents good points backed with logic. You just keep repeating the same thing over and over again not acknowledging anything that you disagree with. Learn to see what another can
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