Creation vs. Evolution

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Cross Reference

New member
When you are asked if you would be obedient to the same command that was given in the Old Testament, that is a silly, loaded question? You have less respect for the scriptures than even I do. Even Cadry has been much more forthcoming on this than you.

You have already demonstrated that it was. Why continue pressing the issue of your insincerity when everyone is convinced of it?


She was homosexual (I see no use to the word gay, except manipulation). She is now repentant and honoring christ with her body in marriage.

The purpose of the illustration however, was that she was ruthlessly honest. She went to the material and found out what it actually said.

Dear Interplanner,

I do not use the word gay, except it is shorter than homosexual. No manipulation or whatever. I'm so glad you told me how it turned out. She sought to learn the truth and honor God. I have done the same thing. I am proud of her. And you. Thank you very much.

Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost,



New member
I won't give you the time of day ... With Michael's example of Abraham given you, why not now ask yourself why it was that people didn't run from him given he was willing to sacrifice his son on the command of God? Go for it. Lets read your "smart", "intelligent" reply.
As for the time of day, I have a watch that serves me well in that respect, so you withholding the time of day is not something I had even noticed. Sorry about that.

But before answering yet another question from you, I am still awaiting your reply to my first question that you keep avoiding – the question that only requires a single word to answer. Is it really so difficult to type that single word?

Cross Reference

New member
As for the time of day, I have a watch that serves me well in that respect, so you withholding the time of day is not something I had even noticed. Sorry about that.

But before answering yet another question from you, I am still awaiting your reply to my first question that you keep avoiding – the question that only requires a single word to answer. Is it really so difficult to type that single word?

Get down the road, son.


Exactly as I said earlier. Everything you say is always something to come..... god will prove himself sometime in the future..... then you'll have egg on your face..... within your lifetime and then you'll be sorry, blah blah blah.

As I've said, anyone could do that about anything. It's cheap, easy and meaningless, yet you really seem to think you've posted something clever every time you do it, which you do constantly. Still, when all you have is pie-in-the-sky future threats I guess that's the best you can do.

Funny thing is you don't even realise how dumb it is :sigh:

Dear Hedshaker,

Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know it was coming across that way. I was just saying it because, unlike other times, this time it is extremely soon. That's all. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again. Old habits die hard, but I will do my best indeed! You know I do not wish any meanness on you or malice. Please forgive me. From now on, I will just say it and not further expound about it. Thanks Hedshaker for being patient and loving in bringing it to my attention.

Best Wishes To You!!


:shut: :sigh: :jawdrop: :thumb: :cloud9:


Yes, you made that clear several days ago. CR seems to be much less willing to openly declare his unwavering allegiance to whatever God orders than you are.

I am appreciative of the fact that I do not live close to you. I would be a bit concerned living in close proximity to someone who claims to have received multiple visits by heavenly messengers, and also declares that whatever they think God had commanded, they will do. As you have shown, what you are convinced God wants is pretty much dependent on what day it is. Since child massacre is on your “OK to do if I think God wants me to” list, then I can’t see why lesser evils might not be on that same list – violent rape, torture, etc.

As far as you are concerned, I and my family live on a deserted uncharted desert isle near the South Pole, so that we need not fear you involving us if you decide you have been ordered to act out a violent religious fantasy.

Maybe your God thinks some lady in my family will someday be instrumental in leading many away from belief in Him, and therefore needs to be abducted, tortured, raped, and murdered. You seem willing to take on that task. Nope, not gonna tell you where we live.

I had anticipated it would be the same answer as yours, but last I saw CR was seen running over yonder hill crying for mama.

Are you CR’s mama?

Dear BJ,

So you're worried about me living near your family?? C'mon. God does not command to rape or torture, or murder, that I know of. I think there is a difference between killing and murdering. Maybe not? No, I would not be going around raping or torturing anyone. It is highly doubtful that God would ask me to do either of those things. It is highly unlikely that He would ask me to even kill a grown person, much less an infant. But you placed the query before me, so I answered you to the best of my ability. And now you wince. It is a good thing that CR doesn't answer your rhetorical questions.



When you are asked if you would be obedient to the same command that was given in the Old Testament, that is a silly, loaded question? You have less respect for the scriptures than even I do. Even Cadry has been much more forthcoming on this than you.

Dear BJ,

I see how you jump on CR because he's new, just like you did to me when I was new. What, do you like the thrill of the chase? Like the cheetah and the gazelle? Now I see how it works.


:sigh: :argue: :shut:


New member
Dear BJ,

So you're worried about me living near your family?? C'mon. God does not command to rape or torture, or murder, that I know of. I think there is a difference between killing and murdering. Maybe not? No, I would not be going around raping or torturing anyone. It is highly doubtful that God would ask me to do either of those things. It is highly unlikely that He would ask me to even kill a grown person, much less an infant.
Remember that right now there are nomadic bands in the Mideast, who, somewhat similar to the Hebrews of the Old Testaments, are indiscriminately killing and raping and massacring people, sometimes with their targets specifically being school grounds and youngsters. And they declare that in so doing they, just like the Hebrews of old, are carrying out God’s will.

With your fanatical devotion, had you been brought up in that society, your participation in killing may well have been very real.


New member
Dear BJ,

I see how you jump on CR because he's new, just like you did to me when I was new...

Michael, please check your facts. My first acquaintance with you was in this thread, yet that was only after this thread was already 6 months old, and had over 2000 posts. Is that "when you were new"????

Cross Reference

New member
Dear BJ,

I see how you jump on CR because he's new, just like you did to me when I was new. What, do you like the thrill of the chase? Like the cheetah and the gazelle? Now I see how it works.


:sigh: :argue: :shut:

New?? I have posted on this forum near 20,000 posts. Why they lowered that figure is a question the Mods won't answer.


New member
20 Hybrid species that should convince any rational person toward creationism.
Grolar Bear:
"This monstrosity is a naturally occurring hybrid of two bear species. Most ursine species can cross-breed, but this one is a recent occurrence for a sad reason. Climate change has been destroying polar bear habitats, forcing them to move further South. There, they meet and mate with grizzly bears. So, I guess this is kind of an indirect man-made species"

Looks like Darwinian natural selection within an arguably man-altered environment to me. Not sure where you think a creator is indicated here, can you explain?

Cross Reference

New member
Grolar Bear:
"This monstrosity is a naturally occurring hybrid of two bear species. Most ursine species can cross-breed, but this one is a recent occurrence for a sad reason. Climate change has been destroying polar bear habitats, forcing them to move further South. There, they meet and mate with grizzly bears. So, I guess this is kind of an indirect man-made species"

Looks like Darwinian natural selection within an arguably man-altered environment to me. Not sure where you think a creator is indicated here, can you explain?

Well before you screw around with that one example in an attempt to fortify you opinion, why not comment of all the others, in particular having to do with reproduction?


Well-known member
Well before you screw around with that one example in an attempt to fortify you opinion, why not comment of all the others, in particular having to do with reproduction?

Do you actually learn from any comments on the subject?

I am curious how you think hybridization is evidence for "supernatural creation" though?


Well-known member
If you know anything about camels or llamas, you probably just cringed at the thought of a male camel, which is about 6 times the size of a llama, breeding with a small female llama. If it makes you feel any better, the size difference is actually impossible to overcome naturally, so these creatures have been created using artificial insemination. The converse combination does not produce offspring.

Poor Reference does not seem to understand how ring species and closely related species play into biodiversity through natural processes.

This little fellow is what you get when you mix a goat with a sheep. This combination is very rare because, unlike most creatures on this list that are just different species, goats and sheep belong to different genera as well. Sheep are of the genus Ovis while goats belong to Capra, and because of the chromosomal differences, most geeps are stillborn.


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know it was coming across that way. I was just saying it because, unlike other times, this time it is extremely soon. That's all. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again. Old habits die hard, but I will do my best indeed! You know I do not wish any meanness on you or malice. Please forgive me. From now on, I will just say it and not further expound about it. Thanks Hedshaker for being patient and loving in bringing it to my attention.

Best Wishes To You!!


:shut: :sigh: :jawdrop: :thumb: :cloud9:

What is extremely soon Michael? Do you not see that you have just done the exact same thing. Extremely soon might as well be any time that isn't now. Sometime soon you are going to slip on a banana skin and fall into a bath of boiling custard and it's going to rally burn. Can't say when exactly but extremely soon..... Are you getting it yet?

No need to apologise to me but, for your own sake, try to realise how futile such statements are. Such and such will happen soon is an empty threat that just reflects badly on the one making it. Of course your apology is accepted and I hope you have learned something. :up:
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