Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Hedshaker,

I've already told most people on this thread about it. I guess you just missed it or something. It is not just by my belief alone, that Armageddon shall occur during this Autumn. A month or so, now. You should have been in the know a few months ago. So, now you know what I mean by soon. I'm chomping at the bit and I am extremely ecstatically joyful for days, weeks, and months now. These are days you'll remember, indeed. Happy Sukkot!!

Clearly you cannot see the point that has been made several times Michael. But one more time for good measure: What's he waiting for?

What you or anyone else believe is imminent is meaningless. I cannot put it any simpler so I officially give up now :jawdrop: So feel free to tell me of doom and gloom to come if you absolutely must!

And I'll edit to add: I've missed nothing. I just don't believe a word of it. Geddit?


New member
Dear alwight,

God was involved in making such a special animal. He could have not allowed the combination at all. He is Who commands the genomes, DNA, atoms, electrons, genes, RNA, nuclei, etc. involved to allow such a creation. You will note that many species don't mix and God does not allow them to live. Some He does, by His Own Great Chemistry. The Father of ALL chemists! It isn't just 'natural selection.' There's a Creator behind the scenes. You'll discover Him soon. If God does not allow the fetuses/offspring to happen, then they won't. Don't you understand that at all?

Warmest Wishes & Cheerio!!


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:
Hi Michael,
hybrids occur only between genetically close species. Species that were once a single species that went their own way in the not too distant past.
It actually is very good evidence that speciation is a regular occurrence.
However, hybrid individuals are only a chance, freak event which plays no significant role, if any, in evolution and future generations. Species must evolve with beneficial or selectable traits, but a horse and zebra mix (say) simply produces dramatic random combinations that are highly unlikely to be of any benefit at all even if the hybrid was atypically not sterile.
I'm not saying that this shows that God isn't in ultimate control only that Darwinian evolution is what is going on, not magic.


New member
IMHO Darwinian evolution is infinitely more interesting than magic any day.

When you look at nature in all it's infinite splendour there must be something wrong if you're not utterly awestruck.

Why on Earth anyone with a functioning brain would yearn for something as vague and ambiguous that it could be described as supernatural when plain old nature is so spine chillimgly mysteries enough, all by itself, is quite beyond me.

Each to his own I guess. :argue:


Well-known member
IMHO Darwinian evolution is infinitely more interesting than magic any day.

When you look at nature in all it's infinite splendour there must be something wrong if you're not utterly awestruck.

Why on Earth anyone with a functioning brain would yearn for something as vague and ambiguous that it could be described as supernatural when plain old nature is so spine chillimgly mysteries enough, all by itself, is quite beyond me.

Each to his own I guess. :argue:

Some people never find understanding, so they must settle for the sense of wonder they get from misunderstanding.


Well-known member
It's moving that you take CR's side so easily but forget that CR entered this thread of his own volition specifically to pick a fight.

That is pretty much CR's MO.

I see that CR has abandoned this thread and started another where he is resurrecting the same misunderstandings of science. These people become predictable after a while. And yet they wonder why they are laughed at.


New member
That is pretty much CR's MO.

I see that CR has abandoned this thread and started another where he is resurrecting the same misunderstandings of science. These people become predictable after a while. And yet they wonder why they are laughed at.

It's the classic Dunning Krugar, isn't it? Too stupid to even consider how stupid they are. But that aside, it's been an interesting study. It works out that the more intelligent and clever the participants were the less credit they gave themselves. And the opposite was the case for the dimwits. Interesting.


Well-known member
Oh noguru,

Do you actually think the hybridization would happen without assistance from God? He is the Master Chemist in all of this. So many hybrids don't make it. But for those whom He touches in the womb, it happens... sometimes for good and sometimes not. If you think that the Lord is not working in the womb, with the cells dividing, etc., then you are a surprise. God says Himself to other people, "I knew you while you were still in your mother's womb." C'mon!! I'm going to have some cheese and crackers now.

God's Very Best For You, Noguru!!


Michael, again you misrepresent me. I do not think that a natural process rules out God as the ultimate author of that process. You seem to be the one that carries the yolk of that false dichotomy. Please stop attributing your own errors to me.

Thank You
I wish you peace


Well-known member
It's the classic Dunning Krugar, isn't it? Too stupid to even consider how stupid they are. But that aside, it's been an interesting study. It works out that the more intelligent and clever the participants were the less credit they gave themselves. And the opposite was the case for the dimwits. Interesting.

Yes, and the dimwits also seem to assume that all others are as dim witted as them. They cannot imagine doing better, and they cannot imagine that others could do better.


Well-known member
Some people never find understanding, so they must settle for the sense of wonder they get from misunderstanding.

It's because those very things point beyond to a Creator, a Designer. The astrophysicists in THE PRIVILEGED PLANET (Gonzales and _____) called it the privilege humans have of seeing things God made observable, because he wanted his glory to be seen. You've just taken the feature of observability and said it is just to glorify 'nature' itself.

Ever looked at a Rembrandt a long time and then said, 'paint is so amazing!'?


New member
Yes, and the dimwits also seem to assume that all others are as dim witted as them. They cannot imagine doing better, and they cannot imagine that others could do better.
The thing is they don't seem to want to do better and believe that all the answers can all be derived from ancient scripture, there being nothing to gain from examining real facts and evidence. Anyone even applying scientific methods and questioning the nature of the natural world can only do harm to their unfalsifiable beliefs, so Morton's demon simply will not allow it to get through.


Well-known member
The thing is they don't seem to want to do better and believe that all the answers can all be derived from ancient scripture, there being nothing to gain from examining real facts and evidence. Anyone even applying scientific methods and questioning the nature of the natural world can only do harm to their unfalsifiable beliefs, so Morton's demon simply will not allow it to get through.

They have been taught, as part of their theology, that questioning some things will put them on a "slippery slope". And sliding down that slope could lead to agnosticism or worse "atheism" (shudder at the thought). :shocked: And their fear of losing their path to eternal glory, in the shadow of God, stops them from checking to make sure the slope is really slippery.


Well-known member
Are you saying that in the OT God did not command the killing of infants?

The way you have written it, it sounds like it was as ordinary as do not steal. There was one particular case where he did call for the destruction of the entire tribe, yes. Infants were not singled out. The temple prostitution child-sacrifice for fertility renewal was to be obliterated.


New member
They have been taught, as part of their theology, that questioning some things will put them on a "slippery slope". And sliding down that slope could lead to agnosticism or worse "atheism" (shudder at the thought). :shocked: And their fear of losing their path to eternal glory, in the shadow of God, stops them from checking to make sure the slope is really slippery.
If God eavesdrops and hears that they even question or maybe worse doubt, then in their minds a fiery eternity apparently awaits. The upshot being that sadly they will probably spend this, the only life they actually know they have, not daring to apply rational thought and using the brain that they think God gave them.


New member
Re warring tribes in the Mideast today:
Dear BJ,

They are not somewhat similar to the Hebrews.
Yes they are. Both the nomadic terrorists of today in the Mideast and the ancient Hebrews invaded neighboring lands, claiming divine right to those lands, and committing atrocities under the banner of their “God”.
I am not one of their nomadic bands, etc.
Nor did I say you are. But your lack of membership in that group is primarily because you were not born in that society (which is a choice you did not make).
I am not one of their nomadic bands, etc. I serve a God and Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
And you have, at least twice, forthrightly said you would unquestioningly obey God if He again ordered the slaughter of innocent children.


We all conclude that you are an idiot. Except of course for other idiots. They seem to look up to you as the supreme idiot.

Dear noguru,

I don't conclude that he is an idiot! He seems cool to me with the beliefs he has. The thing is, there are gay Christians, so they will learn and repent if they desire. I love God and Jesus so much that I have been able to quit smoking, quit sex, quit eating pork and 'shellfish' and quit swearing, and quit drinking. I'm working on losing some weight. I need to lose about 30 lbs. I weigh 170 lbs. right now. I want to get back down to what I used to weigh... 135 lbs. 140 lbs. would be viable and welcome also. So, how's your weekend going, noguru? I have to go and see my nephew. He is in the hospital for esophageal varices. He's only about 10 mins. away. Last time, he was in a hospital near his home in Surprise. That is an hour drive. His girlfriend took him all the way to this one. That way, I can visit him every day.

Will chat with you later if you wish. Hey, I got a 96 Lexus with only 115,000 miles on it. It is LUXURIOUS. I cannot believe it has so many treats and gizmos. Even a moon roof. I've got to read the book and find out how to do everything. It's tricky sometimes. The radio comes with a remote control. I'm gonna take it to see my nephew. Well, you take good care buddy!! P.S. Nobody is an idiot!!

Tons Of Love, In Jesus Christ,


You're :first: :D :party: :thumb:


New member
Dear BJ,

Yes, it is a silly, loaded question.
Then why did you give direct answer to it twice? You said nothing about it being a silly, loaded question earlier when you responded with your answer.
You are trying to put CR on the spot. Do you deny that? Of course, you do, despite that it's true.
No, contrary to your incorrectly saying I deny it, I fully and freely admit it. And for good reason. When I was a Christian, the slaughter of innocents was one thing (among others) that I too avoided for a long time.

I think that any honest believer, upon encountering bothersome passages in the Bible, is betraying honesty if they choose to hide from seriously pondering passages such as the one in question. Even hideous books can be viewed as wonderful if one chooses to trivialize or ignore the objectionable parts.


They might be busy and worn out trying to defend something it doesn't say. They don't deal with 'tohu wa-bohu' very much, 1:2.

Dear Interplanner,

I don't understand what you are saying here. Need to put it a different way or something. This is the 2nd time this has happened in a short time. P.S. Click on the Go Advanced button below.

God Be With You!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Michael puts his foot deeper into his mouth

Michael puts his foot deeper into his mouth

Michael’s complaint:
Dear BJ,

I see how you jump on CR because he's new, just like you did to me when I was new. …
My clarification:
Michael, please check your facts. My first acquaintance with you was in this thread, yet that was only after this thread was already 6 months old, and had over 2000 posts. Is that "when you were new"????
Michael tries to dodge:
Dear Davis,

I don't mean you personally, buddy.…
I am going to repeat again, since it didn’t work the first time - Buddy, PLEASE CHECK YOUR FACTS. As the exchange above shows, you DID mean me personally. You said directly to me, “… like YOU did to ME when I was new…


New member
When Silence Is the Only Palatable Answer

When Silence Is the Only Palatable Answer

Dear Cross Reference,

… I wonder when will BJ realize that you're not going to answer him?
I don’t really expect CR will give a direct answer to the question I posed to him. For what it’s worth, Michael, you are one of very few Christians I have asked that question to who answered as forthrightly as you did. I commend you for that. The vast majority of Christians do just about the only thing they can do – what CR did – and that is to refuse to answer.

I am often accused of posing a loaded question. Yet my question presumes only a few things, all of them are things that nominal Christians have no objections to. 1) Is the Bible true and accurate? 2) Will you obey what God wants you to do? 3) Could you have been born in Old Testament times and locales, instead of here in the modern day?

With those three answers, there is nothing dishonest about asking how they would have reacted when ordered (nominally by God) to slaughter infants. Instantly they go on the attack against me, rather than honestly facing the issue I am placing in front of them.
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