Creation vs. Evolution

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Cross Reference

New member
What is extremely soon Michael? Do you not see that you have just done the exact same thing. Extremely soon might as well be any time that isn't now. Sometime soon you are going to slip on a banana skin and fall into a bath of boiling custard and it's going to rally burn. Can't say when exactly but extremely soon..... Are you getting it yet?

No need to apologise to me but, for your own sake, try to realise how futile such statements are. Such and such will happen soon is an empty threat that just reflects badly on the one making it. Of course your apology is accepted and I hope you have learned something. :up:

Picky, picky, picky. :loser: Is that yur best shot?


New member
New?? I have posted on this forum near 20,000 posts. Why they lowered that figure is a question the Mods won't answer.
I know sometimes the amount of data at TOL that has to be stored becomes too cumbersome, and the mods archive a lot of the older and less interesting threads. Your stats are based just on the threads that are still potentially active for new posts.


New member
Yeah, you ought take the hint.
For a productive discussion, hints are a poor way to go. It is much better to try to state clearly and unambiguously what you want to say. Unless, of course, you are tentative in your beliefs, and are just using the forums as a sounding board to see what response various ideas generate.

Inasmuch as you are reluctant to answer my question, I am left to conclude you are unable or unwilling to give a definitive answer.

Cross Reference

New member
For a productive discussion, hints are a poor way to go. It is much better to try to state clearly and unambiguously what you want to say. Unless, of course, you are tentative in your beliefs, and are just using the forums as a sounding board to see what response various ideas generate.

Inasmuch as you are reluctant to answer my question, I am left to conclude you are unable or unwilling to give a definitive answer.

Conclude away.


New member
Well before you screw around with that one example in an attempt to fortify you opinion, why not comment of all the others, in particular having to do with reproduction?
I'll go through all of them if you explain how hybrids indicate a creator and not an indication of Darwinian evolution in action?
Hybrids are normally eliminated in natural conditions either because they get sick, can't compete, or are sterile.


New member
Conclude away.
Thank you, but that is not something I need your permission to do.

A more serious issue is the status of the Bible as a sacred tome. I presume, perhaps incorrectly, that you would like it if I were to embrace Christianity. Your reluctance to be forthright in addressing an Old Testament issue shows me that for you, a professed Christian, there are Biblical passages you prefer to not put under the spotlight. That’s not a very good recommendation for the veracity of your sacred text.


Well-known member
Thank you, but that is not something I need your permission to do.

A more serious issue is the status of the Bible as a sacred tome. I presume, perhaps incorrectly, that you would like it if I were to embrace Christianity. Your reluctance to be forthright in addressing an Old Testament issue shows me that for you, a professed Christian, there are Biblical passages you prefer to not put under the spotlight. That’s not a very good recommendation for the veracity of your sacred text.

They might be busy and worn out trying to defend something it doesn't say. They don't deal with 'tohu wa-bohu' very much, 1:2.


Remember that right now there are nomadic bands in the Mideast, who, somewhat similar to the Hebrews of the Old Testaments, are indiscriminately killing and raping and massacring people, sometimes with their targets specifically being school grounds and youngsters. And they declare that in so doing they, just like the Hebrews of old, are carrying out God’s will.

With your fanatical devotion, had you been brought up in that society, your participation in killing may well have been very real.

Dear BJ,

They are not somewhat similar to the Hebrews. I am not one of their nomadic bands, etc. I serve a God and Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. They do not. I think that if we served the same God, they would be privy to Jesus and the Holy Ghost. We worship a different God, even though they say it is the same God.


:sigh: :shut: :argue: :cloud9: :angel:


So far, I haven't seen anyone else say it was "a silly, loaded question". Do you often appoint yourself as spokesman for everyone else?

Dear BJ,

Yes, it is a silly, loaded question. You are trying to put CR on the spot. Do you deny that? Of course, you do, despite that it's true.



Michael, please check your facts. My first acquaintance with you was in this thread, yet that was only after this thread was already 6 months old, and had over 2000 posts. Is that "when you were new"????

Dear Davis,

I don't mean you personally, buddy. It happened like 2 years ago. The new guys always get shaken down, it seems.



New?? I have posted on this forum near 20,000 posts. Why they lowered that figure is a question the Mods won't answer.

Dear Cross Reference,

What a shocker!!! I thought you were a newbie!! I guess I did not look close enough. Yes, you are a seasoned member. Older than even I. It's nice that you took the initiative to become an acting member moreso than before. I see you've started a thread. I will be posting there as often as I can. I wonder when will BJ realize that you're not going to answer him? Touche!!

May God Be With You In Your Endeavors,


:jawdrop: :guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:



Grolar Bear:
"This monstrosity is a naturally occurring hybrid of two bear species. Most ursine species can cross-breed, but this one is a recent occurrence for a sad reason. Climate change has been destroying polar bear habitats, forcing them to move further South. There, they meet and mate with grizzly bears. So, I guess this is kind of an indirect man-made species"

Looks like Darwinian natural selection within an arguably man-altered environment to me. Not sure where you think a creator is indicated here, can you explain?

Dear alwight,

God was involved in making such a special animal. He could have not allowed the combination at all. He is Who commands the genomes, DNA, atoms, electrons, genes, RNA, nuclei, etc. involved to allow such a creation. You will note that many species don't mix and God does not allow them to live. Some He does, by His Own Great Chemistry. The Father of ALL chemists! It isn't just 'natural selection.' There's a Creator behind the scenes. You'll discover Him soon. If God does not allow the fetuses/offspring to happen, then they won't. Don't you understand that at all?

Warmest Wishes & Cheerio!!


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:


What is extremely soon Michael? Do you not see that you have just done the exact same thing. Extremely soon might as well be any time that isn't now. Sometime soon you are going to slip on a banana skin and fall into a bath of boiling custard and it's going to rally burn. Can't say when exactly but extremely soon..... Are you getting it yet?

No need to apologise to me but, for your own sake, try to realise how futile such statements are. Such and such will happen soon is an empty threat that just reflects badly on the one making it. Of course your apology is accepted and I hope you have learned something. :up:

Dear Hedshaker,

I've already told most people on this thread about it. I guess you just missed it or something. It is not just by my belief alone, that Armageddon shall occur during this Autumn. A month or so, now. You should have been in the know a few months ago. So, now you know what I mean by soon. I'm chomping at the bit and I am extremely ecstatically joyful for days, weeks, and months now. These are days you'll remember, indeed. Happy Sukkot!!

Much Love Always, Hedshaker,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb:


Do you actually learn from any comments on the subject?

I am curious how you think hybridization is evidence for "supernatural creation" though?

Oh noguru,

Do you actually think the hybridization would happen without assistance from God? He is the Master Chemist in all of this. So many hybrids don't make it. But for those whom He touches in the womb, it happens... sometimes for good and sometimes not. If you think that the Lord is not working in the womb, with the cells dividing, etc., then you are a surprise. God says Himself to other people, "I knew you while you were still in your mother's womb." C'mon!! I'm going to have some cheese and crackers now.

God's Very Best For You, Noguru!!



New member
Dear BJ,

Yes, it is a silly, loaded question.

Hi Michael. The question was far from, silly or loaded. It happens to be a powerful and poignant question that notably puts Christians ill at ease which is way CR has shied away from directly answering the question. If you think it was silly and loaded then why haven't you explained to Davis, with evidence, why you think so? Easy to make a blanket statement but not so easy to justify. And I have to agree with Davis regarding your own answer, that if "you thought" your God ordered you to slaughter infants you would do so without question, especially given the times you claim to have had direct dialogue with your God. Very scary indeed Michael. Shocking in fact! Even if I believed in your God my own answer would be a resounding NO!

You are trying to put CR on the spot. Do you deny that? Of course, you do, despite that it's true.

Of course it does, in the same way that eating shellfish, and wearing mixed fabrics is OK while vile bigotry toward Homosexuality is justified, should also put him in the spot.

It's moving that you take CR's side so easily but forget that CR entered this thread of his own volition specifically to pick a fight.
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