Creation vs. Evolution

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That quote is in reference to those taken in battle or from conquering lands. Leviticus is instructions for a waring tribe. They include many instructions on how to make a strong tribe within the historical context of the time.

Please provide evidence of your position. Leviticus seems to me not limited to a warring tribe. Else, why all the sexual references.

patrick jane

Please deal with this:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13 (KJV)

If you say you are a Christian, you must agree with it or, you are not a Christian. They are the words of God.

only cuz you said please - butting in like i do, but it's been dealt with - see the NT -

patrick jane

You mean he has a better score than ACW. Im wondering how many who have contributed to or viewed this thread will think if Michael's predictions for this fall do not come to fruition. Im wondering how his popularity compares to other cults like Jim Jones and Heaven's gate.

lol, yes, yes, yes - coming soon to a place near . . . wait for it


Well-known member
Please provide evidence of your position. Leviticus seems to me not limited to a warring tribe. Else, why all the sexual references.

Historical cultural context. Are you unaware of the situation in that region at that time. The OT was written to the ancient Hebrews who were trying to get a foothold in that area. Other cultures around them had established urban societies. They were a nomadic rural tribe mostly though they had dealings with these other cultures.


Dear noguru,

Hey, Michael is still here. Whether or not my predictions come true or not does not mean that God is not omnipotent and wonderfully understanding. My mistake does not translate to Him. You can dis me, but not God. Just letting you know.

Praise The Lord!!


patrick jane

Dear noguru,

Hey, Michael is still here. Whether or not my predictions come true or not does not mean that God is not omnipotent and wonderfully understanding. My mistake does not translate to Him. You can dis me, but not God. Just letting you know.

Praise The Lord!!


you already admit it's a mistake even before it doesn't happen ? - that IS amazingly amazing -


you already admit it's a mistake even before it doesn't happen ? - that IS amazingly amazing -

Dear Patrick,

I am not already admitting it's a mistake. I'm saying if it is. I certainly believe myself that it shall be this Autumn. I can hardly wait, dude!!

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Dear The Barbarian,

Haven't heard from you in a while. I know you have a good heart. You are Catholic, right? You are an evolutionist Catholic, right? And noguru is a evolutionist Christian? To me, Catholics are Christians. I don't see much difference between us both except for some formalities. We both believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and the Son of God. Good enough for me. I feel sleepy tonight. The kitchen drain is clogged. Been working on that for part of the day. Also, did some shopping 2day. It was 105 here today or hotter. It was 117 degrees a couple days ago. We're breaking records all over the place. It's suppose to start cooling down now. Still in the three digits though. Had a deli turkey sandwich 2nite {with tomato}. 2morrow, will probably have hamburgers. Well, hope to hear from you soon.

Praise God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost!!



Dear Hedshaker,

Hey, how are you doin,' Buddy!! Hope that all is going well for you, chap!! What's the weather like there today? Is it hot there too? I hear the Mideast is unusually hot right now {Israel, etc.}. Interesting!! Oh, Lady Gaga's song just came on. I got the radio on. What do you think of her? I think she's fantastic. She got engaged to her boyfriend. Speaking of music, are you having fun with creating something new? I've got a nice keyboard that has many features, but I don't know how to work it. I have to find the instructions and try a few things. Just put new Martin strings {x-light} on my 12-string guitar. Talk about a lot of work!! Eeeekkk!! Also did a good polishing job on it {before I put the new strings on it}. It's all tuned up and ready to go. I may have to re-tune it some to accommodate my vocal range right now. I can't hit many high notes. So I'm going to have to tune it to a low octave. Well, will get going!! You take good care of yourself!!

Many Good Blessings And Cheerio!!



New member
Homosexuality will never go away while heterosexual couples breed them, including Christian and theistic couples. Anyone can be born gay including folks who grow up indoctrinated into Christianity or any other religion. It's purely the luck of the draw and it's too smaller minority to have any effect in society has a whole. The human race isn't going to die out because a small minority of the population are attracted to the same sex. That argument is daft. Nature is not perfect. most people are fully heterosexual while some are fully homosexual and there is everything in-between, including bisexuals. That's just how it is and no amount of Bible verses can change it. Nature cares not a whit for religious beliefs.

It's a dreadful and sad fact that so many young people espesially gay Christians choose suicide as result of the abysmal bigotry and shame they are subject to from their own family and peers.

There is an excellent film about this very subject with Sigourney Weaver called: Prayers for Bobby

Highly recommended and I suggest, if you're incline to hate those who are different that do no harm amongst consenting adults, try to overcome your bigotry and show a little human kindness instead.

There are many things in the Bible that you would find unsavoury if you think about them so just have a little humility on this issue.

Be kind. Be charitable. Homosexuality is not going to go away.


Homosexuality will never go away while heterosexual couples breed them, including Christian and theistic couples. Anyone can be born gay including folks who grow up indoctrinated into Christianity or any other religion. It's purely the luck of the draw and it's too smaller minority to have any effect in society has a whole. The human race isn't going to die out because a small minority of the population are attracted to the same sex. That argument is daft. Nature is not perfect. most people are fully heterosexual while some are fully homosexual and there is everything in-between, including bisexuals. That's just how it is and no amount of Bible verses can change it. Nature cares not a whit for religious beliefs.

It's a dreadful and sad fact that so many young people especially gay Christians choose suicide as result of the abysmal bigotry and shame they are subject to from their own family and peers.

There is an excellent film about this very subject with Sigourney Weaver called: Prayers for Bobby

Highly recommended and I suggest, if you're incline to hate those who are different that do no harm amongst consenting adults, try to overcome your bigotry and show a little human kindness instead.

There are many things in the Bible that you would find unsavoury if you think about them so just have a little humility on this issue.

Be kind. Be charitable. Homosexuality is not going to go away.

Dear Hedshaker,

Thanks for the link!! I'll see about viewing it, if I can do it. You might be reminded that I have nothing but sympathy for those who are gay. I was gay most of my life. Of course, I understand what it's like. There's not a condescending bone in my body about it. I had to grow up hiding it from everyone. It was a rough childhood and young adulthood. I'm quite positive that God loves the gays and the bi's, and even those people born with BOTH sexual organs, a.k.a. as hermaphrodites. I have three friends like that. Hey, thanks for having my back about it. It's always so hard to stand alone. Kudos to you!! It's good having friends like you and alwight!!

Warmest Wishes,


:cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer: :thumb:


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Hey, Michael is still here. Whether or not my predictions come true or not does not mean that God is not omnipotent and wonderfully understanding. My mistake does not translate to Him. You can dis me, but not God. Just letting you know.

Praise The Lord!!


Agreed. But then remind me what you think we should do with your witness if your predictions do not come through?


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

Thanks for the link!! I'll see about viewing it, if I can do it. You might be reminded that I have nothing but sympathy for those who are gay. I was gay most of my life. Of course, I understand what it's like. There's not a condescending bone in my body about it. I had to grow up hiding it from everyone. It was a rough childhood and young adulthood. I'm quite positive that God loves the gays and the bi's, and even those people born with BOTH sexual organs. I have three friends like that. Hey, thanks for having my back about it. It's always so hard to stand alone. Kudos to you!!

Warmest Wishes,


:cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer: :thumb:

Thanks Michael. It's just the way I see things. It's how I have taught my kids and how they in turn teach My grand kids. We are sceptics and atheists but we wish no harm to another person or any living creature. We try to live and let live and expect the same in return. Anyone who wants to harm mine better watch out. I show no mercy to bad folk though I get little problems from then tbh.

Regarding gay folk, I know a few. They are the same as anyone else. Honestly I think you are wrong to call them sinful. They are just natural folk the same as anyone, which is why I think you feed the bigots by denying your own sexuality. Yes I know you are celibate . I am too for different reasons. For me I have no desire to be in a relationship and to see a woman just for sex breaches my code of ethics.

But being celibate doesn't stop you from being gay at heart. There's nothing wrong with being gay if your not a bigot. Embrace it and to hell with the bigots


Agreed. But then remind me what you think we should do with your witness if your predictions do not come through?

Dear noguru,

Why should I tell you such a thing when I know it will happen this Autumn? Just be patient and have faith!


:) :angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb:


Thanks Michael. It's just the way I see things. It's how I have taught my kids and how they in turn teach My grand kids. We are sceptics and atheists but we wish no harm to another person or any living creature. We try to live and let live and expect the same in return. Anyone who wants to harm mine better watch out. I show no mercy to bad folk though I get little problems from then tbh.

Regarding gay folk, I know a few. They are the same as anyone else. Honestly I think you are wrong to call them sinful. They are just natural folk the same as anyone, which is why I think you feed the bigots by denying your own sexuality. Yes I know you are celibate . I am too for different reasons. For me I have no desire to be in a relationship and to see a woman just for sex breaches my code of ethics.

But being celibate doesn't stop you from being gay at heart. There's nothing wrong with being gay if your not a bigot. Embrace it and to hell with the bigots

Dear Hedshaker,

You are such a wonderful person!! So very thoughtful!! I don't feel gay at heart anymore. I do still love men as much as I used to, so it all works out. That's all I ever wanted in the first place. Don't need sex. It hampers my life. But thank you!! I'm not a bigot either and I never will be. I love gays VERY MUCH because I have BEEN THERE!! I definitely can empathize with them. It's just I quit being in that type of lifestyle and now things are all different. I'm in love with Jesus instead!! And God. And the angels. My guardian archangel, Michael!! Life is quite intriguing and interesting. I can hardly wait until this Fall. Well, Hedshaker, it's always so nice to chat with you. Hopefully we'll chat again later today!! To a kind bloke!! I love you much!! {Did I say that right? I don't quite know how to use the word 'bloke'}.

Cheerio, Mate!!

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