Creation vs. Evolution

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As regards the Old Testament killings we are discussing, my moral compass says to reach out with love and compassion and do whatever you can to protect and love innocent kids, and give them the same opportunity for growing up as choice adult members of society as you would have your own children do. Your moral compass denies infants who haven’t had an evil thought in their lives the right to even live, and instead consigns them to the horror of being hacked to death. Is it I or is it you that is exemplifying the Christian teaching of love and compassion for the most helpless members of society? Answer with either “Michael” or “BJ”, if you dare.

By the same obscene logic that you use, if some person goes insane and hacks all the children and infants in your extended family to death, that’s not something that would bother you, since God will take wonderful care of your slaughtered relatives.

Dear BJ,

I answer with Michael. I'll tell you BJ, it is only a few seconds usually for someone's spirit to pop out of their earthly body and transcend into the dimension that you do not know. The fourth dimension. It is why you can't see God yet. There is another dimension, a veil put up, if you will. {See Rev. 10:7KJV}. The rest of the time someone is being hacked to death, they have already left their body. Especially children. Some older people linger a bit before their spirit leaves their body. It depends what they did in their lives, usually. A spirit does not die. God made it that way. Anyway, I would trust myself in God's Hands instead of yours.



Being gay, eating shellfish, and the wearing mixed weave cloth are all apparently abominations, let's hope that you are being equally careful with all.

Dear alwight,

A very good call, dude!! Also eating pork, chops, ham, bacon, sausage. Yum!!! But have to exclude it from my diet out of my love for Him and for what He wants, not what I want. I've tried to do that with everything in my life. There isn't much time left now and none of you even understand.

Al, you are an excellent friend!! The best!! Stay cool!! You always accept my views and still love me the same regardless. I'm proud of you, Alwight!!


:rapture: :rapture: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


There are a few things about the original text of Genesis that may help you sort some of this out.

1:1 is a title like 2:4, 5:1 and many other places in Genesis. It is not action in the story yet.

The grammar of v2 actually goes: when God was creating the earth, it was already empty and void. Just note for now that there was material there already, in dissarray and emptiness. We don't know how long.

'empty and void' (tohu wa-bohu) is an expression having to do with God's judgement. It is in Jer 4:11. The land of Israel was empty and void after the first captivity of Israel as a judgement.

So at the end of Gen 1:2, We now therefore have:
an indefinitely old earth that is unformed and unfilled (we must assume he is referring to the visible surface, not the subterra).
2, it is in this condition because something was wrong and was judged. We are now reminded of an event that is coming shortly--the flood. We just don't know what kind of thing offended God. There are some clues in Job and the Psalms. Some of them have to do with a massive creature who was some sort of lizard in the sea.
3, the two terms 'empty and void' now set up an "answer" in the creative acts of God. Because there is a problem. First, he will provide some structures (again on the surface), and then he will fill those structures. So at the end of the 6 days of work, the place is un-void and un-empty, or, formed and filled.

We don't know how long this took, but as you say, he can speak things into existence as he wishes.

There are now some things that are more sensible to the OE scientist and yet the passage is still intact. In fact, paleontology refers to the Cambrian explosion, which is mysterious. That is referring to the sudden appearance of all kinds of species in the fossil record.

Dear Interplanner,

I don't fully understand what you are trying to say with your post. I don't want to just ignore you, so I am letting you know. Be more cohesive and specific. Explain yourself the best you can. Thanks much, brother!!


:rapture: :rapture: :) :thumb: :cloud9: :angel:


God did not cease to love the Israelites, even when they worshiped false gods and were punished.

God loves you, even when you have strayed, and rejoices when you return. God loves sinners so much that He sent His Son to die for us.

Dear The Barbarian,

Very important insight!! Yes, God does love us a lot, in spite of our foibles. It's a good thing or we'd never make it. I have had a rough enough time of it in my life alone. At least I've got clean drinking water and food. Some don't even have that.

I hope that Cross Ref. will note this in his rational thinking.

God Bless You Succinctly!!



Denial isn't a river in Egypt. You have been shown the existence of gay Christians. Would you like to see more?

The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (LGCM)

Gay Christian 101

Vicky Beeching, Christian rock star 'I'm gay. God loves me just the way I am'

And these people all sincerely identify them selves as Christian just as you do. They pray, read the Bible, go to church and worship the same deity as you, just like any other Christian. The only difference is their sexual orientation.

You have no right or reason to question their sincerity. They are every bit as Christian as you claim to be. And has you have learned, to claim they are not really Christians or not "True Christians" is a blatant Logical Fallacy

Now you can either do the honest thing, man up and admit your error, or you can carry on with this ridiculous self denial. But if you do the latter know this, we all see you and you have no excuse. The evidence is beyond overwhelming. Maybe next time you will check your facts before making positive claims.

There are plenty of gay Christians, the same ratio in fact as any other walk of life. It's just that some choose to be open about it, unlike that piece of scum Ted Haggard.

It's no crime to be wrong, happens to all of us. Admitting it is where a sign of good character comes in. Do the right thing.

Do. The. Right. Thing.

Dear Hedshaker,

Thanks so much for your post and for the links you've provided. Cross Ref cannot seem to believe that God might love a gay person. God's done more difficult things than that. Try creating a Universe and tell me that He could not forgive a gay person!!

Oy Vay!! Keep In Touch!!

Do. The. Right. Thing.


Cross Reference

New member
Dear Cross Ref,

All gay persons are children of God. All persons are children of God. Some just need more refining and perfecting yet. If you think God does not love maybe 1/20th of the entire population of the Earth, that is a shame. You're right. God does want you to manage to repent from your sins and correct your actions accordingly. For every person, there is a certain time when they are ready to do that. For some, it won't be until the Second Death. There's too much that you think you know, that you don't. You are not God, so quit judging gay people. By the way, do you eat bacon. It is an abomination to God. That's what is written. Hey, when you are finally with the Lord, then tell us what you think is true. It will be different than your views now, in this world. I have said these things already.

Learn To Forgive,


Did I say a gay has no hope? However, it is God who turns one who no longer wants to retain Him in his knowledge, over to reprobation __ without a possibility of a reversal. It is by decree He does so.. Do you have a warning message to them about that because if one continues in that lifestyle or any ungodly lifestyle, what or who has won the battle for his soul? OMT: Unless the "law of the Flesh" is overcome, the result will be the same without God decreeing anything __ and there is only one way to accomplish that to win the victory.
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Well-known member
If we make exception for it, we may as well make exception for every one of the 10 commands and even for caring for our neighbor. Why not? That is why the society shown at the end of Rom 1 as falling to such awful lows is AFTER the acceptance of homosexuality. Not before.


New member
If we make exception for it, we may as well make exception for every one of the 10 commands and even for caring for our neighbor. Why not? That is why the society shown at the end of Rom 1 as falling to such awful lows is AFTER the acceptance of homosexuality. Not before.
Why on earth not make an "exception" of homosexuality between consenting adults?

There's nothing specifically in the 10 commandments that relates to homosexuality.
Unlike killing or stealing other people's rights to live their life as they wish are largely unaffected because some happen to prefer the same sex.
Perhaps homophobic bigots should simply mind their own business and not impose their ideas on others?

So what if some guy called Paul who blogged long ago was a homophobe?
There are plenty of homophobic bigots around today who aren't ashamed to hate in the name of God. :plain:
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Cross Reference

New member
Why on earth not make an "exception" of homosexuality between consenting adults?

There's nothing specifically in the 10 commandments that relates to homosexuality.
Unlike killing or stealing other people's rights to live their life as they wish are largely affected because some happen to prefer the same sex.
Perhaps homophobic bigots should simply mind their own business and not impose their ideas on others?

So what if some guy called Paul who blogged long ago was a homophobe?
There are plenty of homophobic bigots around today who aren't ashamed to hate in the name of God. :plain:

Please deal with this:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13 (KJV)

If you say you are a Christian, you must agree with it or, you are not a Christian. They are the words of God.


New member
Why on earth not make an "exception" of homosexuality between consenting adults?

There's nothing specifically in the 10 commandments that relates to homosexuality.
Unlike killing or stealing other people's rights to live their life as they wish are largely affected because some happen to prefer the same sex.
Perhaps homophobic bigots should simply mind their own business and not impose their ideas on others?

So what if some guy called Paul who blogged long ago was a homophobe?
There are plenty of homophobic bigots around today who aren't ashamed to hate in the name of God. :plain:

Make an exception even if it means by doing so it will bring down a nation?

Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.

24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:

25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:

27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled

28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.

29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

30 Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.



Did I say a gay has no hope? However, it is God who turns one who no longer wants to retain Him in his knowledge, over to reprobation __ without a possibility of a reversal. It is by decree He does so.. Do you have a warning message to them about that because if one continues in that lifestyle or any ungodly lifestyle, what or who has won the battle for his soul? OMT: Unless the "law of the Flesh" is overcome, the result will be the same without God decreeing anything __ and there is only one way to accomplish that to win the victory.

Dear Cross Reference,

Hey Buddy!! Like I said, I repented of my 'abnormal' behavior. It's because I love God tons more than smoking or being gay. Not all persons could definitely do what I did. When I quit smoking, I found out that I really DO have willpower. I found that out from the Chantix that I was taking. That's an anti-smoking pill. I quit having sex period. When you go to Heaven, there is no having sex there anyway. So I'm just quitting early instead. Cool, eh? I'm so glad I'm able to do these things. I used to think that I didn't have willpower to quit the cigs. Found out different. It took me 3 months of taking the Chantix pill.

Hey, I gave up being gay to please the Lord. I want to be rid of every way that He doesn't like to make Him happy. I've even fasted for a day, to give Him a gift. Hey, be more reasonable. Give a person some time to repent/change. Everyone quits at their own timing.

May God Grant You Mercy And Compassion For Others!!


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patrick jane

mickael did you see my quick math calculations and tabulations of your thread - all time best - 500 views a day - i think that's what i found - it was a handful of posts back - you rock


Did I say a gay has no hope? However, it is God who turns one who no longer wants to retain Him in his knowledge, over to reprobation __ without a possibility of a reversal. It is by decree He does so.. Do you have a warning message to them about that because if one continues in that lifestyle or any ungodly lifestyle, what or who has won the battle for his soul? OMT: Unless the "law of the Flesh" is overcome, the result will be the same without God decreeing anything __ and there is only one way to accomplish that to win the victory.

Dear Cross Reference,

No, you did not say a gay person has no hope. You're doing just fine, I think, to be honest. I understand where you're coming from. I do hope that you're giving your brethren tons of love like Jesus told us to do before He died.



Please deal with this:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13 (KJV)

If you say you are a Christian, you must agree with it or, you are not a Christian. They are the words of God.

And how do all those Christians feel about those illegal aliens?
"34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. "
Leviticus 19:34.

Do you wear clothes woven of more than one fabric?


Well-known member
mickael did you see my quick math calculations and tabulations of your thread - all time best - 500 views a day - i think that's what i found - it was a handful of posts back - you rock

You mean he has a better score than ACW. Im wondering how many who have contributed to or viewed this thread will think if Michael's predictions for this fall do not come to fruition. Im wondering how his popularity compares to other cults like Jim Jones and Heaven's gate.


Well-known member
Dear Cross Reference,

No, you did not say a gay person has no hope. You're doing just fine, I think, to be honest. I understand where you're coming from. I do hope that you're giving your brethren tons of love like Jesus told us to do before He died.


Can God die?


Well-known member
And how do all those Christians feel about those illegal aliens?
"34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. "
Leviticus 19:34.

Do you wear clothes woven of more than one fabric?

That quote is in reference to those taken in battle or from conquering lands. Leviticus is instructions for a waring tribe. They include many instructions on how to make a strong tribe within the historical context of the time.

Cross Reference

New member

Dear Cross Reference,

Hey Buddy!! Like I said, I repented of my 'abnormal' behavior. It's because I love God tons more than smoking or being gay. Not all persons could definitely do what I did. When I quit smoking, I found out that I really DO have willpower. I found that out from the Chantix that I was taking. That's an anti-smoking pill. I quit having sex period. When you go to Heaven, there is no having sex there anyway. So I'm just quitting early instead. Cool, eh? I'm so glad I'm able to do these things. I used to think that I didn't have willpower to quit the cigs. Found out different. It took me 3 months of taking the Chantix pill.

Hey, I gave up being gay to please the Lord. I want to be rid of every way that He doesn't like to make Him happy. I've even fasted for a day, to give Him a gift. Hey, be more reasonable. Give a person some time to repent/change. Everyone quits at their own timing.

May God Grant You Mercy And Compassion For Others!!


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:angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :rapture: :thumb:

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Beautiful! Wonderful! I am happy for you. Now show what words I used that you should take offense?

Cross Reference

New member
And how do all those Christians feel about those illegal aliens?
"34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. "
Leviticus 19:34.

Do you wear clothes woven of more than one fabric?

If you feel yourself to be correct, why not continue to defend your "rightness" instead of changing the subject?


New member
Please deal with this:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13 (KJV)

If you say you are a Christian, you must agree with it or, you are not a Christian. They are the words of God.
I'm an agnostic atheist, I think that the OT was written by those who in the past had their own cultural agenda and presuppositions to peddle, not those of a divinity. If someone claims to be a Christian then fine that is good enough for me, I'm certainly not going to vet or judge their worthiness for that title.
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