Creation vs. Evolution

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OK, whatever you say, Michael.


I have covered all your queries here previously in this thread. I get tired of repeating myself to brain dead idiots like you. Who seem to think you are somehow special because you claim belief in God.

Dear noguru,

I guess I do feel special that Jesus grabbed my hand, and led me in the right paths to go, and let me learn from my mistakes, and was there to pull me up. Why must you always call people brain dead idiots all of the time? You believe in God, as you say, so be glad that Jesus is returning soon. Didn't He say He would in your Christian teachings? It's going to happen with or without you, noguru. Be wise, brother!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


:box: :chuckle: :angel: :cloud9: :rapture:
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This reply of yours only supports why I wrote in CAPS in my last. I only "yell" at people who misrepresent because, it is for personal advantage they do so, __ just to let them know they have been had.


Dear Cross Reference,

Don't let them get to you. There is more of them than us, so be strong and the troops will come to rescue you. You don't have to feel unwelcome here. Some of the people here don't have much of a heart or tact in the way they speak to others. They are very unkind, and it is easy to be like them back. Be strong. Stronger is the God within you, than the Devil that is in this world. Our time is coming soon, so be exceedingly full of joy!! I am ecstatic. I Can't Wait {Stevie Nicks song}!! Let's just jump on the Peace Train!!

Let Your Mood Be Reminded Of His Imminent Return, Not Like In The Past, But Now!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :thumb:



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I guess I do feel special that Jesus grabbed my hand, and led me in the right paths to go, and let me learn from my mistakes, and was there to pull me up. Why must you always call people brain dead idiots all of the time? You believe in God, as you say, so be glad that Jesus is returning soon. Didn't He say He would in your Christian teachings? It's going to happen with or without you, noguru. Be wise, brother!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


:box: :chuckle: :angel: :cloud9: :rapture:

I am happy for you that you feel special. Now can you shut up about it? I think we all understand how special you feel. Geesh! I swear it is like you guys have this insatiable need to be constantly coddled. It is kind of annoying after a while.

If you do not want me to call you "a brain dead idiot" then when you ask me a question remember my answer after the 4th or 5th time. I think it is ridiculous that I have to repeat myself many many times with you. And you still don't remember my responses.

Have you ever had a friend that is always seeking to be the center of attention and to be coddled? Are you that person in your circle, Michael?



Well-known member
Dear Cross Reference,

Don't let them get to you. There is more of them than us, so be strong and the troops will come to rescue you. You don't have to feel unwelcome here. Some of the people here don't have much of a heart or tact in the way they speak to others. They are very unkind, and it is easy to be like them back. Be strong. Stronger is the God within you, than the Devil that is in this world. Our time is coming soon, so be exceedingly full of joy!! I am ecstatic. I Can't Wait {Stevie Nicks song}!! Let's just jump on the Peace Train!!

Let Your Mood Be Reminded Of His Imminent Return, Not Like In The Past, But Now!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :thumb:


You and cross reference are way too sensitive. You guys need to get over yourself. That is just my opinion. Take it for what it is worth.


New member
"Spiritual adultery" is what that is.

Hypocrisy on a grand scale is what it is. You can call it what you like, I call it two-faced Hypocrisy on a grand scale. And worse is that Haggard shamefully preached the kind of hate indicative of fundamentalist Christians toward gay folk. :vomit:

But not to worry as long he repents he'll still be joining you in heaven, right? :idunno:

That is because you have allowed your mind to snap shut to the reality of life as it is, tragic, preferring rather to ignore what good you experience in your own life as being of something higher than you are willing to yield to by believing a falseness of it all __ made especially easy to except when times are pleasant. We learn by antagonism. In WW1 there was a very true saying: "There are no atheist's in foxholes".

If you think you can teach me anything at all about reality then you're even more deluded than you come over. :dunce: Like I have anything to learn about reality from science denying fundamentalist wackos, lol. Not in this world! :loser:

Your daft foxhole saying is about as true as a talking snake or someone coming back to life after being clinically dead for 3 days. In short, bonkers! It's just one of those daft sayings some idiot came up with to alleviate the cognitive dissonance of believing stupid things.

Perhaps not difficult to understand but, to except the logic is another issue, isn't it? I believe that is the challenge before us, regardless of what we read with by those who make the attempt to persuade to their perspective __ even mine.

It's really simple. You made a positive claim:

Originally Posted by Jonahdog
Perhaps some Christians are gay!!! The Horror!!!
No Christian is gay.

To rebut your claim I would only have to find one single case of a gay Christian. But you where given clear evidence that your claim was wrong:

Along with a subtle hint that you might bring up the No True Scotsman Fallacy. ie, words to the effect that, they're not true Christian....

Is that the faint sound of bagpipes I hear across the glen.......(?)

Which you did right on cue, as follows:

No gay Christian network is not Christian and cannot be, __ Christian.

Well yes, whether you like it or not, they are Christians and they are gay and you cannot get around that fact with a logical fallacy that you didn't even know about. :dunce:

You have been well-and-truly trounced :loser:


New member
Dear Davis,

I can assure you that, in my case, mine was enhanced. I can't go into details here. I just tried to and had to erase it. It would never make it past the judges. Just suffice it to say that I was doing 3 times better than I was before my operation. …

Dear Michael,

Much of your phrasing is ambiguous enough that I am not at all sure of what you are trying to say here. My point was, and is, that “ED” is a commonly encountered problem after prostate cancer treatment, whether radiation or surgical.


New member
Dear BJ,

… So that is why you turned from Christianity?...

God commanding that infants be slaughtered is only one of several things in Christianity that I could not turn a blind eye to.
… Do you know that tons of children die every day, especially in Africa?...
In Africa, or anywhere else, there is an enormous difference between children that die due to natural causes or man’s inhumanity to man, as compared to God ordering the massacre of innocent infants who pose no threat.
… So it would please you best if only the young adults and older die, and then it would be fine. …
No, what would please me would be if, in Biblical history, God had been seen to actually be a just God. Justice is when people deserving of punishment are punished, not when innocent babies and children are butchered by God's armies.

Do you really not see that difference, Michael? Is your moral compass so corrupt that you have to try to justify the killing of kids?

Cross Reference

New member
Hypocrisy on a grand scale is what it is. You can call it what you like, I call it two-faced Hypocrisy on a grand scale. And worse is that Haggard shamefully preached the kind of hate indicative of fundamentalist Christians toward gay folk. :vomit:

But not to worry as long he repents he'll still be joining you in heaven, right? :idunno:

If you think you can teach me anything at all about reality then you're even more deluded than you come over. :dunce: Like I have anything to learn about reality from science denying fundamentalist wackos, lol. Not in this world! :loser:

Your daft foxhole saying is about as true as a talking snake or someone coming back to life after being clinically dead for 3 days. In short, bonkers! It's just one of those daft sayings some idiot came up with to alleviate the cognitive dissonance of believing stupid things.

It's really simple. You made a positive claim:

To rebut your claim I would only have to find one single case of a gay Christian. But you where given clear evidence that your claim was wrong:

Along with a subtle hint that you might bring up the No True Scotsman Fallacy. ie, words to the effect that, they're not true Christian....

Which you did right on cue, as follows:

Well yes, whether you like it or not, they are Christians and they are gay and you cannot get around that fact with a logical fallacy that you didn't even know about. :dunce:

You have been well-and-truly trounced :loser:

Not hardly.

No gay is of Jesus Christ. Deal with it. Believe God and repent while His grace is still being offered.


I am happy for you that you feel special. Now can you shut up about it? I think we all understand how special you feel. Geesh! I swear it is like you guys have this insatiable need to be constantly coddled. It is kind of annoying after a while.

Dear noguru,

Someone asked it of me and so I answered. I had never really thought of it before much, so I had to think about it. It seems more like I've been through hell and back for all of my brethren and my sake. I do not have an insatiable need to be coddled. You say that, not me. I think you are jealous or something.

If you do not want me to call you "a brain dead idiot" then when you ask me a question remember my answer after the 4th or 5th time. I think it is ridiculous that I have to repeat myself many many times with you. And you still don't remember my responses.

Noguru, you call everyone on this thread names that aren't pleasant. You seem to have no self control sometimes, I believe. Everyone is a problem for you. You're supposed to make everyone a blessing for you instead. Don't you just love your brethren so very much in your heart?

Have you ever had a friend that is always seeking to be the center of attention and to be coddled? Are you that person in your circle, Michael?


There you go again, repeating yourself and then blaming it on me. No, I don't need to be coddled nor be the center of attention. I've just got a big message to get out to others. That is what is going on in my life. I love other people TONS!! We are ALL family, noguru, under Noah and his wife, and their children. Let's us then, love each other indeed and be as close as possible.

May God Give You A Love Injection!!

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You and cross reference are way too sensitive. You guys need to get over yourself. That is just my opinion. Take it for what it is worth.

Dear noguru,

Thank God we are still sensitive instead of a callous soul who no one can get through to. I'm glad the way I am.


patrick jane

Dear noguru,

Thank God we are still sensitive instead of a callous soul who no one can get through to. I'm glad the way I am.


I think you have the all-time best thread now that i look @ the #s

roughly 180,000 views per year. WOW - that may be 500 per day ? good job to the users on this thread (i may have viewed about 500 times) 150 posts ? anyhoo great thread Michael Cadry


Dear Michael,

Much of your phrasing is ambiguous enough that I am not at all sure of what you are trying to say here. My point was, and is, that “ED” is a commonly encountered problem after prostate cancer treatment, whether radiation or surgical.

Dear Davis,

I didn't experience any ED at all. I will PM you and let you know what else I meant. Right now!



I think you have the all-time best thread now that i look @ the #s

roughly 180,000 views per year. WOW - that may be 500 per day ? good job to the users on this thread (i may have viewed about 500 times) 150 posts ? anyhoo great thread Michael Cadry

Dear Patrick,

I must tell you that the credit for this Excellent Thread is thanks to God and also to the people that make up this thread. Each one adds their own flavor, sometimes how distasteful it may be, but for the most part, quite intriguing and delicious. No, don't ever thank me for this thread being this way. It is because of all of the other people that have posted here.

God Bless You Twin Bro'!!


:rapture: :rapture: :shocked: :guitar: :singer: :angel:


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Someone asked it of me and so I answered. I had never really thought of it before much, so I had to think about it. It seems more like I'm been through hell and back for all of my brethren and my sake. I do not have an insatiable need to be coddled. You say that, not me. I think you are jealous or something.

Noguru, you call everyone on this thread names that aren't pleasant. You seem to have no self control sometimes, I believe. Everyone is a problem for you. You're supposed to make everyone a blessing for you instead. Don't you just love your brethren so very much in your heart?

There you go again, repeating yourself and then blaming it on me. No, I don't need to be coddled nor be the center of attention. I've just got a big message to get out to others. That is what is going on in my life. I love other people TONS!! We are ALL family, noguru, under Noah and his wife, and their children. Let's us then, love each other indeed and be as close as possible.

May God Give You A Love Injection!!


Michael, of what do you think i am jealous?

I am somewhat pleased that your thread is as popular as Patrick Jane pointed out. I suspected it was up yhere. But in my opinion i do not have much confidence in the message you are getting out. I think the fascination with this thread is kind of like the fascination people had with the Anna Nicole show. Sometimes people have to stop and look at a train wreck out of some morbid fascination.

Michael i am actually a very compassionate and understanding person. I just find it a waste of time if i dont call things as i see them. I am more concerned with accuracy because it is to everyones benefit rather than pandering to any individuals overly manifested sensitivities. I apologize if you dont like my style, but i am not going to change to please some obviosly emotionally unstable loudmouth on some web site.


Michael, of what do you think i am jealous?

I am somewhat pleased that your thread is as popular as Patrick Jane pointed out. I suspected it was up yhere. But in my opinion i do not have much confidence in the message you are getting out. I think the fascination with this thread is kind of like the fascination people had with the Anna Nicole show. Sometimes people have to stop and look at a train wreck out of some morbid fascination.

Dear noguru,

I think you could be jealous because God is with me and I've had such a life. I've never seen or heard of the Anna Nicole show. People are not morbidly fascinated at this thread. They are just posters who have something to say. I'm getting hungry, so I'm going to have to take off soon. I think I'll have some waffles and honey. Less fattening than syrup.

Michael i am actually a very compassionate and understanding person. I just find it a waste of time if i dont call things as i see them. I am more concerned with accuracy because it is to everyones benefit rather than pandering to any individuals overly manifested sensitivities. I apologize if you dont like my style, but i am not going to change to please some obviosly emotionally unstable loudmouth on some web site.

Noguru, I do know that you are a compassionate and understanding person. I just wish you would refrain from talking down to people. It's very distasteful, but it's what you want to do, so you'll keep on doing it. Yes, I've got that part already. Noguru, how am I emotionally unstable if I've worked at the United Nations, CBS-TV&Records {Columbia label}, and ABC-TV Accounting Comptroller's Dept.? That was while I lived in Manhattan. Also why would God send 7 inches of snow on a NYC Daily News reporter's building so he would know that God was with me? You don't know as much about me as you think, noguru. There's SO MUCH MORE you just don't know. I can type 122 wpm. I can read 500 wpm. I took two years of typing in school and I was trying to imitate the printer they had which could print at 250 wpm. Plus I took a speed reading glass in school also.

God Be With You!!



God commanding that infants be slaughtered is only one of several things in Christianity that I could not turn a blind eye to.

In Africa, or anywhere else, there is an enormous difference between children that die due to natural causes or man’s inhumanity to man, as compared to God ordering the massacre of innocent infants who pose no threat.

No, what would please me would be if, in Biblical history, God had been seen to actually be a just God. Justice is when people deserving of punishment are punished, not when innocent babies and children are butchered by God's armies.

Do you really not see that difference, Michael? Is your moral compass so corrupt that you have to try to justify the killing of kids?

Dear BJ,

So who are you to Judge God? Sometimes, the good have to be killed with the bad. Because they can't be separated. This is why, as it is written in the Bible, that God is holding off until the latter days to separate the crops and the tares {weeds}. He doesn't want to pull out the weeds and risk hurting the crops too. So He waits until the crops are ready to be pulled. Then He can separate the wheat from the chaff and the crops from the weeds. You've got some issues to work out BJ, and I probably could help you. But I can't do it all in one post. Well, I have to get going for a couple hours. Will chat with you later!

Blessings And Warm Wishes!



New member
Dear BJ,

So who are you to Judge God?
I have no hesitation nor qualms about judging what people try to tell me is God. The very barbarity that I see in some parts of the Bible convince me that those acts could not have be ordered by any type of being that I could or would worship. I feel sorry that you have no such scruples, and that child massacre is just fine with you, as long as you think somehow God approves.

Just as right now in the world we are hearing about Terrorists using God as an excuse to justify repeatedly raping captive women, anciently when the nomadic Hebrews committed horrific acts of brutality, they too invoked “God” as a cover story.

And, though we are repulsed by hearing of modern-day rapes of captives in the Mideast, yet rape is less serious than infanticide. You give a free pass to a God who anciently commanded child slaughter. Can you then rationally object to soldiers who today say God orders them to commit a less heinous act?
Sometimes, the good have to be killed with the bad. Because they can't be separated.
And that is absolutely hogwash when applied to the Hebrew soldiers slaughtering children. Those children of infidel parents absolutely can be spared, and brought up in the same type of environment that the Hebrews raise their own kids in. You are mocking truth and decency by continually saying that those children had to be slaughtered. In the view of many Christians I am an enemy of good and righteousness. Then why is it that I see an opportunity for protecting and loving innocent children, and you, supposedly a chosen servant of God, shut your eyes to that opportunity?

Do it my way, and the heathen children may lose their parents, but they are presented with the opportunity to learn and grow into productive and upstanding adults. Do it your way, and those children are slaughtered corpses being eaten by scavenging animals and insects.


Not hardly.

No gay is of Jesus Christ. Deal with it. Believe God and repent while His grace is still being offered.

Dear Cross Reference,

I'm afraid you are badly mistaken. God loves His children despite their sins, and when and if they are able to repent and/or change their ways, He loves them all the more. I am one of the lucky ones, because I repented and was able to change my ways. I know what fuels your frenzy, namely what is written in the apostolic books. But being 'gay' almost always includes a 'crush' or 'strong love' in someone's heart for someone else. It's not just 'sex.' It's easy to call someone wrong if they eat pork and you don't. Same with if you eat clams or oysters, or whatever doesn't have a fin, and they don't. Eating pork, clams, and oysters/crab meat, are an abomination to the Lord also. So weigh things in the balances. God loves His Children Still for lesser things. So don't let it seem a wonder to you that He loves His gay children as much as the 'straight.' He's got a bigger heart than you'd ever imagine, and He has less tolerance for other greater sins, like thievery, murder, torture, rapists, etc. So, you see, He has a lot more on His plate than you realize Cross Ref. If He is able to forgive, who are we then not to?

When I was growing up and God and Jesus were in my life, there were no labels such as gay or straight. It was just the way I was and God loved me just as much as I loved Him, definitely even more. I loved my fellow man as much as I loved my own soul and would die in their place. I guess that's why God accepted me. I think He knew exactly what He was doing, in other words, putting a precedence on the situation right then and there.

Okay, time to get going. You believe how you want. It's easy to harp on the other person because they are different. Don't forget that CR.


:rapture: :rapture: :confused: :angel: :angel:


God commanding that infants be slaughtered is only one of several things in Christianity that I could not turn a blind eye to.

In Africa, or anywhere else, there is an enormous difference between children that die due to natural causes or man’s inhumanity to man, as compared to God ordering the massacre of innocent infants who pose no threat.

No, what would please me would be if, in Biblical history, God had been seen to actually be a just God. Justice is when people deserving of punishment are punished, not when innocent babies and children are butchered by God's armies.

Do you really not see that difference, Michael? Is your moral compass so corrupt that you have to try to justify the killing of kids?

Dear BJ,

You're sitting there trying to judge God and you are wondering about MY moral compass?? You'd better be more careful BJ. You're walking a tightrope. I'm sure that wherever the babies went to {baby heaven?}, God took wonderful care of them.

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