Creation vs. Evolution

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Cross Reference

New member
That quote is in reference to those taken in battle or from conquering lands. Leviticus is instructions for a waring tribe. They include many instructions on how to make a strong tribe within the historical context of the time.

And all with God as their Leader and not every man interpreting those instructions as he sees fit, in the obedience to His instructions. No democracy here. You overlook that very vital, little bit.

Cross Reference

New member
Dear Cross Reference,

No, you did not say a gay person has no hope. You're doing just fine, I think, to be honest. I understand where you're coming from. I do hope that you're giving your brethren tons of love like Jesus told us to do before He died.


I very much do give them space as I give others outside Christ. Because Jesus prescribed love to be for the brothers in Him: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one *to another." John 13:34-35 (KJV) In John 4:7-8 caution is there for the life emanating from the Christian who can be God revealed in the moment for loves sake or conviction, without a word spoken in condemnation aside of His love revealed.. The outcome of it all has been spoken of in the scriptures, dealt with by Jesus Christ who said: Let him who is thirsty come to His well of living water. The Christian soon finds out who is thirsty and who loves their life as it is and above all else, seeks to preserve it.

*"to" not "for", as some translations have it, connotes action.

Cross Reference

New member
Not as hard work as trying to convince myself that ancient myths and miraculous events are somehow true. :plain:

I well understand your plight. It must be very difficult trying to see through all that willful darkness with the hope of understanding what life is really all about. Settling for self-gradification is so much easier and you can touch most of it __ but it has no life to look forward to simply because there is nothing but "dead man's bones" to be found in it.


Well-known member
And all with God as their Leader and not every man interpreting those instructions as he sees fit, in the obedience to His instructions. No democracy here. You overlook that very vital, little bit.

Whose opinion on this should I adopt?

I was referring to scholarly research on this as my basis.

So whose opinion should I adopt, yours (because you claim to be possessed by "the Holy Spirit)?

FYI information I seek accuracy in all things. If and when I am standing in front of God, I will not be using the excuse "Well I got this wrong because I listened to other people on this and did not do my own thorough research". I will clearly and boldly say (If I am wrong) "I was wrong about this through my own actions or lack thereof."

Scripture was written in a historical context, I think it is foolish to ignore that context. You may have been told certain things about that historical context. But judging from your vast amount of past ignored errors, I'd say your opinion on this is not one of much credibility.
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Well-known member
I well understand your plight. It must be very difficult trying to see through all that willful darkness with the hope of understanding what life is really all about. Settling for self-gradification is so much easier and you can touch most of it __

And what exactly are you seeking in your attempts to "get into heaven", is that not for your self gratification?

Are you saying that you are not doing this out of fear of eternal damnation (eternal damnation would not be self gratifying)?

You see this is why no one trust you folks. You are not even honest about your own desires.
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New member
I well understand your plight. It must be very difficult trying to see through all that willful darkness with the hope of understanding what life is really all about. Settling for self-gradification is so much easier and you can touch most of it __ but it has no life to look forward to simply because there is nothing but "dead man's bones" to be found in it.
Do you think some people can very sincerely and honestly come to the conclusion that, as far as they can tell, God does not exist?

Cross Reference

New member
Do you think some people can very sincerely and honestly come to the conclusion that, as far as they can tell, God does not exist?

Never! Their resistance to the things of God spring from a nature that says: "I will have no God over me" leaving nothing but their flesh [adventures in futility] to rule them.


Well-known member
Do you think some people can very sincerely and honestly come to the conclusion that, as far as they can tell, God does not exist?

Of course they can. That is why an honest person admits this is a matter of faith.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Bur twisted fundies like cross reference even screw this up.

1.) They often conflate faith with confidence.

2.) And then they want others to amend their "simple faith in God" with confidence in the things these fundies claim about the rest of reality.

And they have the audacity to expect others to listen to their opinions on these matters, in the face of all their other errors they have failed to honestly admit.


Well-known member
Never! Their resistance to the things of God spring from a nature that says: "I will have no God over me" leaving nothing but their flesh [adventures in futility] to rule them.

And your desire to be ruled by others, leads you into a perspective where you belief anyone who claims belief in God from a "traditional camp". No matter how they have demonstrated the inaccuracy of their claims, and their inability to admit their errors.

Cross Reference

New member
Of course they can. That is why an honest person admits this is a matter of faith.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Bur twisted fundies like cross reference even screw this up.

1.) They often conflate faith with confidence.

2.) And then they want others to amend their "simple faith in God" with confidence in the things these fundies claim about the rest of reality.

And they have the audacity to expect others to listen to their opinions on these matters, in the face of all their other errors they have failed to honestly admit.

Kindly give the definition of "faith" __ since yours is misplaced.


Well-known member
If you are full of dead man's bones, that would be correct. What spiritual life of God do you possess that would alter that scenario? None I read of from you. You have no hope.

As I have stated before, I have no confidence in your credibility on these issues. It is obvious that you do not have the courage to face these questions squarely, because you are easily intimidated by deceivers.

Future generations of what?

Are you stupid man?

My point is very clear. Future generations of human life, just not your own individual existence.


New member
Never! Their resistance to the things of God spring from a nature that says: "I will have no God over me" leaving nothing but their flesh [adventures in futility] to rule them.
You are wrong. As I have explained to Cadry, for me to accept Christianity and profess a belief in Christ would itself be an act of lying to myself, to my friends, and if He exists, to God. If I am wrong, I will at least have been truthful.


Well-known member
Kindly give the definition of "faith" __ since yours is misplaced.


Do you really mean "misplaced"?

I know these things can be confusing to you, so I will put down the common definitions in the hope that this might help you sort this out.


a. Belief in God or in a set of religious doctrines.
b. A set of religious doctrines; a body of dogma: adhered to the Muslim faith.
c. often Faith Christianity Secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will viewed as a theological virtue.​

2. Confident or unquestioning belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. See Synonyms at belief, trust.

3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters; refused to break faith with his friends.

Cross Reference

New member
You are wrong. As I have explained to Cadry, for me to accept Christianity and profess a belief in Christ would itself be an act of lying to myself, to my friends, and if He exists, to God. If I am wrong, I will at least have been truthful.

Indeed, it would be since you have no intention of allowing Him to rule over you. You love your vain life as it is and don't wish to be disturb in living out whats left of it __ however many days of it you think you have left with no guarantee of living them out.
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