Creation vs. Evolution

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patrick jane

And what exactly are you seeking in your attempts to "get into heaven", is that not for your self gratification?

Are you saying that you are not doing this out of fear of eternal damnation (eternal damnation would not be self gratifying)?

You see this is why no one trust you folks. You are not even honest about your own desires.

butting again, cuz it's the only way i can be included - i only speak for myself always, especially when i respond to a post that wasn't to me, like this one. if i am moved i respond if it's a worthy post.

i don't have faith out of fear of eternal damnation, eternity in hell, fire, eternal torture and/or torment. at that point, it doesn't matter anyway because nobody can control that; only God.

i don't believe because i seek glory with God and Christ forever, even though i will. i believe because it is written and God's Word is Truth. i am convinced and that will never change. I am saved by the Blood of Christ Jesus, but i don't feel like i'm more special than anyone

if i lived alone in a cave all my life and never spoke with anyone but i knew how to read, if given a Bible I would arrive at the same belief, perhaps a stronger faith as i wouldn't be subjected to human evil

Ephesians 1:13 KJV - Colossians 1:14 KJV -


Well-known member
if i lived alone in a cave all my life and never spoke with anyone but i knew how to read, if given a Bible I would arrive at the same belief, perhaps a stronger faith as i wouldn't be subjected to human evil

That's wonderful. But "If you lived alone in a cave for your whole life", you would not know how to read nor would you have any experience in which to understand the context of ideas being addressed about morality. If you notice, much of morality in the Bible (except for that which is about proper respect for Gods - no other Gods, idols, correct use of His name) is about physical personal possessions (wife and children were once thought to be possessions) and how they should be managed in a collective society. There is also, as I pointed out earlier, the guidelines given to Israel to make them a strong nation among many other hostile nations in that area. But managing personal private property is an important part of any society that seeks enough cohesiveness to act in unity.

So your hypothetical scenario is illogical, given our experiences with knowledge (of morality and all that is involved there) and language.
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Well-known member
butting again, cuz it's the only way i can be included - i only speak for myself always, especially when i respond to a post that wasn't to me, like this one. if i am moved i respond if it's a worthy post.

No problem there. I believe an open exchange of ideas (within reason and with proper self discipline) is the best method to achieve clarity.

i don't have faith out of fear of eternal damnation, eternity in hell, fire, eternal torture and/or torment. at that point, it doesn't matter anyway because nobody can control that; only God.

So you have no concern for your well being and the well being of others around you?

i don't believe because i seek glory with God and Christ forever, even though i will. i believe because it is written and God's Word is Truth. i am convinced and that will never change. I am saved by the Blood of Christ Jesus, but i don't feel like i'm more special than anyone

How do know that your interpretation is accurate?

Cross Reference

New member
butting again, cuz it's the only way i can be included - i only speak for myself always, especially when i respond to a post that wasn't to me, like this one. if i am moved i respond if it's a worthy post.

i don't have faith out of fear of eternal damnation, eternity in hell, fire, eternal torture and/or torment. at that point, it doesn't matter anyway because nobody can control that; only God.

i don't believe because i seek glory with God and Christ forever, even though i will. i believe because it is written and God's Word is Truth. i am convinced and that will never change. I am saved by the Blood of Christ Jesus, but i don't feel like i'm more special than anyone

if i lived alone in a cave all my life and never spoke with anyone but i knew how to read, if given a Bible I would arrive at the same belief, perhaps a stronger faith as i wouldn't be subjected to human evil

Ephesians 1:13 KJV - Colossians 1:14 KJV -


Well-known member
It appears you received cross reference's mindless stamp of approval. Good for you.

Why think about this stuff too thoroughly?

It all gets a little messy, and who has the time?

Why not just follow what you have been taught by "tradition and authority", it's much easier that way?


Well-known member
Indeed, it would be since you have no intention of allowing Him to rule over you. You love your vain life as it is and don't wish to be disturb in living out whats left of it __ however many days of it you think you have left with no guarantee of living them out.

I let God rule over me. And He is the one who warns me about following brain dead morons like you who try to convince me by misusing His name and try to deceive me by misrepresenting their own intentions.


Well-known member
intentions ? :nono:

noguru said:
So you have no concern for your well being and the well being of others around you?

I have no confidence in anyone who is not courageous and honest about their concern for their own well being and therefore the well being of others around them through empathy.

Will you answer this honestly and courageously, will cross reference?


New member
Indeed, it would be since you have no intention of allowing Him to rule over you. You love your vain life as it is and don't wish to be disturb in living out whats left of it __ however many days of it you think you have left with no guarantee of living them out.
Some of us it seems can face the hard truth whatever it might be, perhaps a real god or perhaps no god at all or just total oblivion, who knows, but not you I'd venture.

Others are apparently far too terrified by their own mortality to live this one life we know we have honestly without a comforting self delusion.

This has nothing to do with unwillingness to submit to a Godly authority, this is only about what happens to work best in your personal delusion. Being submissive and subservient to the God of your delusion is perhaps what earns you your imaginary brownie points to pin on your comforting security blanket?
But not mine btw.:nono:

Cross Reference

New member
Some of us it seems can face the hard truth whatever it might be, perhaps a real god or perhaps no god at all or just total oblivion, who knows, but not you I'd venture.

Others are apparently far too terrified by their own mortality to live this one life we know we have honestly without a comforting self delusion.

This has nothing to do with unwillingness to submit to a Godly authority, this is only about what happens to work best in your personal delusion. Being submissive and subservient to the God of your delusion is perhaps what earns you your imaginary brownie points to pin on your comforting security blanket?
But not mine btw.:nono:

"To thine own self be true":

It has everything to do with submitting to a higher authority! You don't even want to retain God in your thinking.

I know it and you know it. And if you couldn't find the words to express your feeling about the matter truthfully, I just did.

Cross Reference

New member
I let God rule over me. And He is the one who warns me about following brain dead morons like you who try to convince me by misusing His name and try to deceive me by misrepresenting their own intentions.

Yes, I can see that. I just bet he is an angel of light, right?

Cross Reference

New member
It appears you received cross reference's mindless stamp of approval. Good for you.

Why think about this stuff too thoroughly?

It all gets a little messy, and who has the time?

Why not just follow what you have been taught by "tradition and authority", it's much easier that way?

Yeah but, it's a dead end. No future in it. Jesus said : "I came that you have life and have more abundantly". Can't be that for just the price of allegiance to Him.


New member

"To thine own self be true":

It has everything to do with submitting to a higher authority! You don't even want to retain God in your thinking.

I know it and you know it. And if you couldn't find the words to express your feeling about the matter truthfully, I just did.
I understand that for you being subservient is what seems to float your boat in your delusion.
If that's how you'd actually want to spend an eternity then you're more than welcome to it.

Cross Reference

New member
I understand that for you being subservient is what seems to float your boat in your delusion.
If that's how you'd actually want to spend an eternity then you're more than welcome to it.

By the Grace of almighty God, I am signed, sealed and delivered. For me, there is no going back to the spiritual grave I once was in. Christ Jesus raised me to a new life in Him that has no end. Everlasting Joy awaits those who seek Him to know Him. To bad you can't accept that kind of a message about God whose Name is, LOVE.

patrick jane

That's wonderful. But "If you lived alone in a cave for your whole life", you would not know how to read nor would you have any experience in which to understand the context of ideas being addressed about morality. If you notice, much of morality in the Bible (except for that which is about proper respect for Gods - no other Gods, idols, correct use of His name) is about physical personal possessions (wife and children were once thought to be possessions) and how they should be managed in a collective society. There is also, as I pointed out earlier, the guidelines given to Israel to make them a strong nation among many other hostile nations in that area. But managing personal private property is an important part of any society that seeks enough cohesiveness to act in unity.

So your hypothetical scenario is illogical, given our experiences with knowledge (of morality and all that is involved there) and language.

i know it's a small word, but it changes a whole statement - the word is if

my point is i believe in spite of the world and the evil that surrounds us. i choose God and Jesus because He chose me first - sorry if illogical hypothetical scenarios rub you wrong -


New member
By the Grace of almighty God, I am signed, sealed and delivered. For me, there is no going back to the spiritual grave I once was in. Christ Jesus raised me to a new life in Him that has no end. Everlasting Joy awaits those who seek Him to know Him. To bad you can't accept that kind of a message about God whose Name is, LOVE.
How convenient then for you perhaps that the real God apparently coincides so well with your own needs? :think:

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
Susan B. Anthony

Cross Reference

New member
How convenient then for you perhaps that the real God apparently coincides so well with your own needs? :think:

How do you know what my needs are or if I have any at all? All I stated is that I love God because He gave me the capacity to love Him.

I noticed in your last you used the word, "subservient". I really don't wonder why you used it however, it is obvious I was correct when said you would have no God over you. You see yourself as being your own god. All who do so should realize they are a religion unto themselves. So don't ever again you are not religious.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires."
Susan B. Anthony

Yeah but, she didn't know either what she was, given her mixed up religious background [Quaker, Unitarian, Agnostic]. At least with you I know where you stand i.e., completely in the dark __ living by Christian principles.


Well-known member
i know it's a small word, but it changes a whole statement - the word is if

my point is i believe in spite of the world and the evil that surrounds us. i choose God and Jesus because He chose me first - sorry if illogical hypothetical scenarios rub you wrong -

If pigs had wings...

It does not rub me the wrong way. I have become accustomed to people making unreasonable claims. It is part of the landscape, has been that way down through the ages.

But it don't fly the way it use to.

Also you do not seem to be understanding my point. I am not questioning your belief in God in the face of all else around. I have that same faith. I just do not uncritically accept the "fundamentalist" interpretation of scripture. Thorough research and rigorous critical analysis makes it clear that such a view is inaccurate.
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New member
Indeed, it would be since you have no intention of allowing Him to rule over you. You love your vain life as it is and don't wish to be disturb in living out whats left of it __ however many days of it you think you have left with no guarantee of living them out.
I said nothing about not wanting a God to rule over me, that is a distortion you choose to inject into what I actually said. Nor did I say anything about loving (or hating) my life. (You seem to care little for what I actually said, and prefer to insert some monstrous strawman more to your liking.)

I said I am being sincere and honest in saying that I have seen nothing that convinces me, or even suggests that it is probable, that God exists. Now do you want to respond to what I actually said, or is that something you have an aversion to?

Cross Reference

New member
I said nothing about not wanting a God to rule over me, that is a distortion you choose to inject into what I actually said. Nor did I say anything about loving (or hating) my life. (You seem to care little for what I actually said, and prefer to insert some monstrous strawman more to your liking.)

I said I am being sincere and honest in saying that I have seen nothing that convinces me, or even suggests that it is probable, that God exists. Now do you want to respond to what I actually said, or is that something you have an aversion to?

No. What my reply was addressing was your underlying reasoning that guides you in your religion.
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