Creation vs. Evolution

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Cross Reference

New member
You are an idiot to tell me what I think. This is why people like you are disgusting and oppressive.

I pray to God every day because of morons like you in this world. You are clueless and the collateral damage you cause is immense. You are just too stupid to realize it.

As I said, I pray to God every day that there is something higher as a purpose than just this physical existence. I just have no empirical evidence that anyone is listening. At least I am honest about that. I do not overstate my case for the "supernatural" by trying to attach my theological beliefs to some imagined "unity" of "tradition and authority". Nor do I base any of my beliefs, as you do, in unfounded and inaccurate views of the natural world.

This is another thing that makes people like you very dangerous. If you are not seeing the natural world accurately, how can we have any confidence in your actions?

The leadership of this world for too long has had its way in promoting your "actions". How well off do you believe they have left us by their godless acts that it be but only a few years away from total destruction?


Well-known member
The leadership of this world for too long has had its way in promoting your "actions". How well off do you believe they have left us by their godless acts that it be but only a few years away from total destruction?

Would you like a history lesson?

Oh wait, you just ignore the vast amount of information you do not like. Because you are a lazy, sleazy, coward. Who tries to use the name of God to compensate for your own disgusting and oppressive behavior.


Well-known member
No, you demand it. Even from God, that you speak against Him as you do.


No, I do not demand anything from God.

I do not speak against God.

I speak against you. Got that? You are not God.

Again you are inaccurate. And we all know that you will never correct your errors. Because you are under the delusion that you are God.

Cross Reference

New member

No, I do not demand anything from God.

I do not speak against God.

I speak against you. Got that? You are not God.

Again you are inaccurate. And we all know that you will never correct your errors. Because you are under the delusion that you are God.

You demand God reveal Himself to you. Who are that He should??

You speak against God in how you characterize Him as being imaginary. What does that make you out to be??

You can speak against me all you want.

I am not inaccurate as you need me to be by twisting my words to fit/aid your energy to explain what you can't.

Cross Reference

New member
How is telling me what I think any different that claiming you know "how I think" and "the reason I think that"?

I don't care how you phrase it, you cannot read my mind. You have no idea "what", "how, or "why" I think things. You are rude and oppressive to claim that you do, and not actually hear what it is I did say.

Do you really think people are that stupid that they can't see through you. Your infantile replies have no equal. You are further proving evolution to be wrong.


Well-known member
You demand God reveal Himself to you. Who are that He should??

I did?

Where did I do that?

I admitted that, to me, He has not revealed himself through empirical evidence. How is that demanding anything from Him?

Again you project your own disgusting attitudes on me.

You speak against God in how you characterize Him as being imaginary. What does that make you out to be??

No, I did not characterize Him in any way. I think characterizing God in any way goes against His warnings in scripture. Unlike you, I am open to whatever is, rather than what I have predetermined to expect.

You can speak against me all you want.

Ok good. Then shut up and get lost.

You are an idiot and all your attempts to defend Christianity are a miserable failure. So you should just crawl back under that rock from which you emerged, after you wipe the drool from your mouth.

I am not inaccurate as you need me to be by twisting my words to fit/aid your energy to explain what you can't.

You have been shown to be inaccurate in the vast amount of posts you have made on this thread. You will not admit your errors. But that is OK, because all others can see it for what it is.



Well-known member
Do you really think people are that stupid that they can't see through you. Your infantile replies have no equal. You are further proving evolution to be wrong.

I have no problem being transparent to others. In fact that is what I prefer. Unlike you, I want people to see what I truly am and what I am truly saying.

My responses only seem infantile to you because they are a criticism of your oppressive attitude towards others. Deal with it.

My comments about you are in no way a reflection of any natural explanation. Natural explanations stand or fall on their own merit.

Again you have made 3 inaccurate statements. But I expect no correction form you about these. That is your MO.

Cross Reference

New member
I have no problem being transparent to others. In fact that is what I prefer. Unlike you, I want people to see what I truly am and what I am truly saying.

You have certainly convinced me, hence my pity for you.

My responses only seem infantile to you because they are a criticism of your oppressive attitude towards others. Deal with it.

Oppressive?? In what way? Speak up and reveal more of your transparency or recant.

My comments about you are in no way a reflection of any natural explanation. Natural explanations stand or fall on their own merit.

Transparrent all of that for me, please.

Again you have made 3 inaccurate statements. But I expect no correction form you about these. That is your MO.

I am quite sure that if I have you would point them out. Why not stop fighting against God and do so?


Well-known member
You have certainly convinced me, hence my pity for you.

No need to have pity for me. You should save that pity for yourself.

Oppressive?? In what way? Speak up and reveal more of your transparency or recant.

You are an unreasonable person. There is no reasoning with an unreasonable person. I only leave my comments here for the benefit of reasonable people.

Transparrent all of that for me, please.


Are you smoking meth or something?

That is not even a coherent idea.

I am quite sure that if I have you would point them out. Why not stop fighting against God and do so?

One more time for the mentally challenged:

I am not fighting against God. I disagree with you. You are not God.

Please note this correction and do not repeat the mistake in the future.

Also, will you ever learn to get that quote function right?

It is very simple to understand.

Cross Reference

New member
I did?

Where did I do that?

I admitted that, to me, He has not revealed himself through empirical evidence. How is that demanding anything from Him?

He has not and you demand he do so. Thank you.

Again you project your own disgusting attitudes on me.

What part of them were disgusting except the revealing/speaking of God in them?

No, I did not characterize Him in any way. I think characterizing God in any way goes against His warnings in scripture. Unlike you, I am open to whatever is, rather than what I have predetermined to expect.

You are only showing yourself to be a liar by such lies, especially about being open. You are no more open than a Locked box __ with no key..

Ok good. Then shut up and get lost.

[more childishness] How old are you anyway? Have I been going back and forth with a kid? I think so.

You are an idiot and all your attempts to defend Christianity are a miserable failure. So you should just crawl back under that rock from which you emerged, after you wipe the drool from your mouth.

My, my, aren't we being transparent? Will the real nogur, please stand up!!

You have been shown to be inaccurate in the vast amount of posts you have made on this thread. You will not admit your errors. But that is OK, because all others can see it for what it is.
Absolutely!! Just ask a few of your peers. They will agree with you, I am sure.

Cross Reference

New member
noguru;4419402[/B said:

You are an unreasonable person. There is no reasoning with an unreasonable person. I only leave my comments here for the benefit of reasonable people.

I wonder why no replies from them?


Are you smoking meth or something?

That is not even a coherent idea.

Wasn't meant for a coherent person to understand. I am quite sure you know what I mean.

One more time for the mentally challenged:

"I am not fighting against God. I disagree with you. You are not God"_"I am not fighting against God. I disagree with you. You are not God"_"I am not fighting against God. I disagree with you. You are not God"

You need to repeat that to yourself over and over. I have already been convinced about you.


Well-known member
He has not and you demand he do so. Thank you.

I have demanded no such thing. Noting what has not occurred is not the same as demanding that it occur.

That would be like "looking outside and commenting that it is raining, and you assuming that means I demand sunshine."

I do not expect you will understand how illogical your ideas are though.

What part of them were disgusting?

Pretty much everything you post. The displays of your character in your posts are disgusting. You are really a creepy person.

You are only showing yourself to be a liar by such lies, especially about being open. You are no more open than a Locked box __ with no key..

No, you are the liar.

[more childishness] How old are you anyway? Have I been going back and forth with a kid? I think so.

No, you are the childish one who tries to use God to compensate for your immaturity.

How old are you?

My, my, aren't we being transparent? Will the real nogur, please stand

Right here.

Absolutely!! Just ask a few of your peers. They will agree with you, I am sure.

You are an idiot, that much is clear. I really don't need any others to confirm that for me. I can see that myself.

Cross Reference

New member
I have demanded no such thing. Noting what has not occurred is not the same as demanding that it occur.

That would be like "looking outside and commenting that it is raining, and you assuming that means I demand sunshine."

I do not expect you will understand how illogical your ideas are though.

Pretty much everything you post.

No, you are the liar.

No, you are the childish one who tries to use God to compensate for your immaturity.

How old are you?

Right here.

You are an idiot, that much is clear. I really don't need any others to confirm that for me. I can see that myself. Because i am god!!!


Well-known member
I wonder why no replies from them?

Hmmm. No replies means there are no reasonable people. There is that impeccable logic of yours again.


You need to repeat that to yourself over and over. I have already been convinced about you.

I will repeat corrections to your inaccuracies about me as long as you repeat the inaccuracies about me. Ultimately you are the one who ends up looking foolish.


New member
Clearly you do have a need for the God of the Bible to exist. You simply won't accept that that anything else could be true and have probably invented your own to suit.
You could not possibly have arrived at that conclusion from what I have posted. So that is simply more willful ignorance on your part that you spam up to distract away from your problem.
Nevertheless I did, I think that your unsupportable inflexible religious beliefs rather speak for themselves.

So shoot me if I do consider myself to be a sentient being who didn't actually ask to be here just to be subservient to a supposedly vastly more powerful entity than myself. Even if that were true why is it right that I have to remain servile now and for eternity, does might make right? You may not mind too much but why should I have to kowtow for ever, what morality do you think gives your God that right over me?
First off, love doesn't demand anything. God is LOVE. His Being is LOVE. Only LOVE can create, bring into existence that which previously did not exist.
This "LOVE" is simply a presupposition that you seem to have, but clearly the reality is that no such "LOVE" actually seems to emanate toward a great many real people on this Earth, not from any caring involved supernatural being anyway.

I certainly don't want to be a god and I don't want to inflict that "morality" on any other sentient being.
We humans are called "gods" in the scriptures. After all, we were created, emotionally as well physically, in the image of the One Who is the supreme God, purposed, by Him, to become as He is. Perhaps you never realized that? Now, what is in the way of that being possible is the nature given us which declares it shall have no other god over it. God has declared [no demand here] that there is no other way than we give up our rights to ourselves, to become He is. In this, He can be seen as 'Father' over all His creation AND has held Himself personally responsible for the failures of all mankind, the evidence of it we both can witness in our everyday life, life being so tragic. For this reason was Jesus Christ sent into the world to speak of it and die for the solution to the problem be made effective. I hope you have the good sense to ponder all that before rejecting any part of it.

Moving on:
Maybe your beliefs here owe more to one Joseph Smith and Mormonism than in something entirely of your own imagination? Are you a Mormon?:sherlock:

However, tragic events, suffering, disease, and why does God allow bad things to happen to good people has kept apologists flustered and waffling since Christianity began. Of course the best answer is that a natural world simply doing what a natural world does is the only rational, easiest and certainly the most likely explanation. Having to find an explanation for a supposedly perfect divinity's obviously imperfect creation has produced one or two frankly daft notions that don't stand up to any rational scrutiny whatsoever. Either your God is also imperfect or more likely imo doesn't actually exist.

I notice how you seem to think you know so well the mind of God, in common with a few others like you I might add. Strangely, what He does seem to feel responsible for and apparently agonises over seems to be of no great consequence regarding having responsibility for say congenital dysfunction, crippling diseases, parasites and natural disasters? God apparently only agonises over anything that can be baldly and vacuously asserted by all His enthusiastic spokesmen here on Earth, and which requires no testable physical evidence at all. After all why let any real facts and evidence spoil a good yarn, right CR? :plain:

Then you have in all probability simply created your own "God" and "principles" inside your own head, who is just how you wish your "God" to be within your personal delusion.
I have created nothing. I love God and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent. Him only will I serve.
Well said I'm sure, but probably all only part of the grand delusion I suspect.
If you want me to be subservient to your idea of "God" rather than any real divinity, then sorry but fat chance that won't ever happen, so you can perhaps stuff that where the sun don't shine as far as I'm concerned CR. :plain:
Caution with your words: Repentance might soon be impossible for you if you keep rejecting God's invitation for being included in His Eternal life.
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Cross Reference

New member
Hmmm. No replies means there are no reasonable people. There is that impeccable logic of yours again.


I will repeat corrections to your inaccuracies about me as long as you repeat the inaccuracies about me. Ultimately you are the one who ends up looking foolish.

Who believes that other than you? __ but you can keep hoping anyway.
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New member
… i don't have faith out of fear of eternal damnation …

if i lived alone in a cave all my life and never spoke with anyone but i knew how to read, if given a Bible I would arrive at the same belief, perhaps a stronger faith as i wouldn't be subjected to human evil
I think you are saying that for you, the Bible, in and of itself, carries a strong message of salvation.

My experience diverges crucially from yours, though I must exit the cave to make my point. During the decades I was an active Christian, like so many, I studied the Bible. I saw great wisdom and teachings therein. But I, like many others, found parts of the Bible that caused me to flinch in discomfort. I, again like others, simply pushed those to a recess in my mind, believing that the deficiency was in my understanding, and hoped that someday I would have the wisdom to explain those “warts” I saw in the Biblical text.

But when I encountered other Christians holding beliefs that I felt were untenable, I found they too accommodated their (to my mind) aberrant beliefs the same way I accommodated the Biblical passages I was uncomfortable with – “someday I will understand.” I realized that had I been a devout Catholic, or Methodist, or Baptist, my belief in the correctness of my chosen denomination would be immune from disproof as long as I refused to face the problems I was avoiding.

Long story short – I ended up laying all the issues on the table, and after pretty much divesting myself of preconditions, I examined the issues and made the best judgement I could from a far more impartial stance than I had ever dared to before. As a result, I walked away from Christianity, and religion in general. Since that pivotal time, my involvement in science has repeatedly shown me that there is a undeniable conflict between almost any level of literalism in the early parts of the Bible and reality. I stepped ten feet away from Christianity, and it is an immeasurable distance back.

Put me in a cave with a small library of books on physics – now that would be heaven.
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