Creation vs. Evolution

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patrick jane

I think you are saying that for you, the Bible, in and of itself, carries a strong message of salvation.

My experience diverges crucially from yours, though I must exit the cave to make my point. During the decades I was an active Christian, like so many, I studied the Bible. I saw great wisdom and teachings therein. But I, like many others, found parts of the Bible that caused me to flinch in discomfort. I, again like others, simply pushed those to a recess in my mind, believing that the deficiency was in my understanding, and hoped that someday I would have the wisdom to explain those “warts” I saw in the Biblical text.

But when I encountered other Christians holding beliefs that I felt were untenable, I found they too accommodated their (to my mind) aberrant beliefs the same way I accommodated the Biblical passages I was uncomfortable with – “someday I will understand.” I realized that had I been a devout Catholic, or Methodist, or Baptist, my belief in the correctness of my chosen denomination would be immune from disproof as long as I refused to face the problems I was avoiding.

Long story short – I ended up laying all the issues on the table, and after pretty much divesting myself of preconditions, I examined the issues and made the best judgement I could from a far more impartial stance than I had ever dared to before. As a result, I walked away from Christianity, and religion in general. Since that pivotal time, my involvement in science has repeatedly shown me that there is a undeniable conflict between almost any level of literalism in the early parts of the Bible and reality. I stepped ten feet away from Christianity, and it is an immeasurable distance back.

Put me in a cave with a small library of books on physics – now that would be heaven.

that's cool. i did that too with preconditions and notions. like you i found what i thought were uncomfortable scriptures and other christians having wrong beliefs, doctrines, ideas of life and the world and just plain thinking untenable things. i became impartial and started studying scripture again by myself and i see the truth. i understand little comparatively, however, perhaps not.

i'm glad you didn't rip on the cave parallel, you got what i meant - thanks davisbj - :patrol:


New member
Natural explanations are by nature, natural. By nature, man is a worshiper __ and always has been a worshipper.
I think there is a lot of truth in this. From the times of earliest man, almost everyone in their life has to come to terms with the fact that friends or relatives have died. Seeing a person’s body sometime after they have died is not a pretty sight, and the complete termination of their association and friendship is often painful. So it is not particularly surprising that people would be receptive to claims that their departed friend and relatives are actually just in another, happier place, awaiting them.

I see that theme as a central one in a lot of what you say. The prospect that you may in fact be completely mortal is something you have a pretty strong aversion to. Christianity is a great placebo for salving that fear.


New member
… God is LOVE. His Being is LOVE. Only LOVE can create, bring into existence that which previously did not exist.
Wow, do Christians come up with some wacky definitions. I have people close to me that I have great love for, but my feelings for them are hardly what I would think God to be. As to saying only love can create, well, come on now. Maybe the only person that should be allowed to apply for a new patent at the patent office is God? Superlatives get downright silly sometimes.
… we were created, emotionally as well physically, in the image of the One Who is the supreme God,
Hey Cadry!!!! CR is contesting your claim that there is no sex in heaven. CR asserts that we are physically built just like God, and that most assuredly includes the sex organs. (Unless those parts of our anatomy are, in heaven, vestigial? Heaven forbid, vestigial is a claim of evolutionists.)

Cross Reference

New member
I think there is a lot of truth in this. From the times of earliest man, almost everyone in their life has to come to terms with the fact that friends or relatives have died. Seeing a person’s body sometime after they have died is not a pretty sight, and the complete termination of their association and friendship is often painful. So it is not particularly surprising that people would be receptive to claims that their departed friend and relatives are actually just in another, happier place, awaiting them.

I see that theme as a central one in a lot of what you say. The prospect that you may in fact be completely mortal is something you have a pretty strong aversion to. Christianity is a great placebo for salving that fear.

I am afraid you have misread me. Although some of what you say might be true about me, though I am still searching for it, I can assure you that the end matter is quite different than you suppose, i.e., "Eye hasn't seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for them that love Him" __ not in this life but the next, the real eternal one purposed for man from the beginning..

1. Man is a worshipper and always has been is a stand alone statement of fact influenced upon him by what he sees around him..

2. Christianity is a relationship with a living Person Whom I worship. It is no placebo. He has revealed Himself to me.

3. Realising I am mortal and subjected to what mortals are subjected to should be a no-brainer.


Well-known member
that's cool. i did that too with preconditions and notions. like you i found what i thought were uncomfortable scriptures and other christians having wrong beliefs, doctrines, ideas of life and the world and just plain thinking untenable things. i became impartial and started studying scripture again by myself and i see the truth. i understand little comparatively, however, perhaps not.

i'm glad you didn't rip on the cave parallel, you got what i meant - thanks davisbj - :patrol:

I made it clear that i understood what you meant. I also made it clear how your cave analogy is not an accurate representation of reality. Hence it ignores how knowledge/language is taught/learned. I understood your point, you rejected my point without sound reason.
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Well-known member
As much as it might seem appropriate to be nice and polite to people like cross reference, he demonstrates he has no respect for such treatment if you disagree with his "pentecostal" view of theology. He even states such in his profile. I cannot avoid the reality that people such as cross reference are negligent in their research of history, science and theology. And as is the case with many negligent people, they often employ malice in defense of their own negligence. I think we should all be honest about this.

Cross Reference

New member
As much as it might seem appropriate to be nice and polite to people like cross reference, he demonstrates he has no respect for such treatment if you disagree with his "pentecostal" view of theology. He even states such in his profile. I cannot avoid the reality that people such as cross reference are negligent in their research of history, science and theology. And as is the case with many negligent people, they often employ malice in defense of their own negligence. I think we should all be honest about this.



New member
… "Eye hasn't seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for them that love Him" __ not in this life but the next, the real eternal one purposed for man from the beginning.
That is a pretty fair statement that shows how Christianity presents that ephemeral promise that death is not the end of one’s existence.
… 1. Man is a worshipper and always has been is a stand alone statement of fact influenced upon him by what he sees around him.
I do not dispute that worship has been a part of man’s history for a really long time. I thought I already agreed with that. I don’t know what you mean by “influenced upon him”.
… 2. Christianity is a relationship with a living Person Whom I worship.
Many Christians would agree with you. Others may choose to express what Christianity is to them in different terms. Years ago, I would have been comfortable saying the same as you did (but no more).
… It is no placebo. He has revealed Himself to me.
Again, words that I used to say as well. Until I forced myself to be brutally honest, and admit I had been using that lie as a placebo. I decided that between the pleasing pretense and a harsh truth, I would opt for the truth and admit God was just a product of man's imagination.
… 3. Realising I am mortal and subjected to what mortals are subjected to should be a no-brainer.
But I see no sign that you believe in the cessation of your conscious existence at your physical death. You have not weaned yourself of the placebo that mortality is but a temporary state on the way to an eternal conscious existence.


Well-known member
History. Try reading it again for the first time. You just might learn something -- if that is possible.

I have read it. Based on what you have posted here so far, it seems I have a much more in depth understanding of history than you.

I do agree that many in history have worshiped things, but that does not mean all have/had that inclination. As I stated before people tended to worship out of a lack of understanding the natural world. And they thought worshiping/sacrificing to God(s) was a way to gain control over things around them. I can show a plethora of evidence to support my claim.

Can you demonstrate that your claim is more accurate?


You are an idiot to tell me what I think. This is why people like you are disgusting and oppressive.

I pray to God every day because of morons like you in this world. You are clueless and the collateral damage you cause is immense. You are just too stupid to realize it.

As I said, I pray to God every day that there is something higher as a purpose than just this physical existence. I just have no empirical evidence that anyone is listening. At least I am honest about that. I do not overstate my case for the "supernatural" by trying to attach my theological beliefs to some imagined "unity" of "tradition and authority". Nor do I base any of my beliefs, as you do, in unfounded and inaccurate views of the natural world.

This is another thing that makes people like you very dangerous. If you are not seeing the natural world accurately, how can we have any confidence in your actions?

Dear noguru,

While you all are out looking for empirical evidence, the snake's going to bite you all in the butt while you're not looking. In other words, there is having FAITH in God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, while believing without seeing. Nope, no empirical evidence needed. Just try to always be ready for Him. For if the watchman knew what time the thief was coming, he would have made preparations for such. God does not need empirical evidence for us to believe in Him. C'mon!



Your whimsical notions of a fabulous Godly realm and its wondrously, eternal, structured supernatural hierarchy Michael is a pure religiously inspired fantasy. ;)
Face it Michael, no such thing is at all likely to be even close to the truth if only because it is merely that which other human beings have imagined down the ages and you have latched onto it, just as all those others do around the world with a quite different set of fantastic beliefs.
We stopped being children after puberty but yearning for a benevolent father figure who looks after us and tells us what to do is what some adults still want to cling to it seems.

I have no intention of ever being subservient to what are after all only other people's supernatural assertions, but I also object to the very idea that I have somehow been called into existence for the absolutely pointless purpose of eternal servitude to a supposed omnipotent entity, it's too ridiculous.
Also I dispute that we live under any godly "roof". As far as we can tell we are here purely by chance and should try to deal with this reality, bravely, as it actually is, not construct a perhaps more comforting fantasy opiate, let's try to grow up and take some responsibility here for our own lives! :plain:

Dear alwight,

Ah Al, you choose what you want to believe. You're going to need Percodan though, or Dilaudid. You want to be the god of your own heaven after you die. It's not going to happen. I will take responsibility here for my own life. I hope you do also.

Much Love And Care!!



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

While you all are out looking for empirical evidence, the snake's going to bite you all in the butt while you're not looking. In other words, there is having FAITH in God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, while believing without seeing. Nope, no empirical evidence needed. Just try to always be ready for Him. For if the watchman knew what time the thief was coming, he would have made preparations for such. God does not need empirical evidence for us to believe in Him. C'mon!


If you follow what I was saying in this regard to its root you will see that is exactly what I was saying. I originally posted this:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

cross reference took issue with what I was saying and claimed I placed expectations on God by pointing that out.


If you follow what I was saying in this regard to its root you will see that is exactly what I was saying. I originally posted this:

cross reference took issue with what I was saying and claimed I placed expectations on God by pointing that out.

Dear noguru,

Oh, I am sorry!! I did not know about the whole situation. These posts come on hot and heavy. I can't keep up with them, personally. Well, you take care. I've got to get to bed.

With Much Love From God And Me,



Dear alwight,

I don't know what to tell you anymore, alwight. Didn't you have bosses to serve when you worked jobs, etc? I know the 'why' for your reluctance, but tell that to God, whom I know you're not sure He even exists. I wish you the best of luck. Eeeeekkkk!

You have sweet dreams tonight!!


The Barbarian

No gay is of Jesus Christ. Deal with it.

Jesus denounced a lot of human behavior. He didn't spend any time on homosexuality. Apparently, He used His limited time with us to work on the things that were most damaging to our souls.

Shouldn't that be a clue for you?

Cross Reference

New member
Jesus denounced a lot of human behavior. He didn't spend any time on homosexuality. Apparently, He used His limited time with us to work on the things that were most damaging to our souls.

Shouldn't that be a clue for you?

It might be if you were correct because abominations are always damaging to the soul. God declared that and Paul confirmed He said it.
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