Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear All,

Hi, you guys!! I am trying to catch up. Some of my posts, I have to work hard on, so it takes awhile. I am beginning Page 685 now. Will get to you!! Thanks!!

May God Pave The Way For You,


:patrol: :cheers: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


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Well, a lot of you certainly are living proof of that.

Unlike some of us who don't really have a life aside from being on here (which includes you Jose) those who really do know wouldn't waste their time with the likes of you. As a believer I try my best, and in your case it's not hard to refute a troll.
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Exploration had been encouraged by governments for centuries since much wealth can be extracted from empty or less developed territories.

And you got the godless bit the wrong way round - for many people it is the explanatory power of the sciences that has weakened faith, not lack of faith that propelled science conspiracies.

Columbus got a lot of encouragement, didn't he?


Well-known member
Unlike some of us who don't really have a life aside from being on here (which includes you Jose) those who really do know wouldn't waste their time with the likes of you. As a believer I try my best, and in your case it's not hard to refute a troll.

Is it just me or does anyone else see the irony of this statement at 28.49 posts per day?


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Why dont you have too look down to see the horizon even at 20 miles? Even at great height, the horizon rises with the observer and remains flat. On a sphere, you should need to look down to see the horizon .


New member
Actually, it's possible to go and see for yourself:

I called for a brochure. I'll try getting a rep on the phone tomorow. I do notice the website says you "just begin to see the curvature of the earth on the highest flight available.". I would need to verify it because I have heard people claim they see a curve while standing on the beach or in a commercial airplane. I can guarantee you don't see it from those heights and I'm skeptical of this " edge of space flight" due to the wording. You just begin to see the curve, it says. Not, "you can clearly see the curve of the earth.". Conveniently it isn't quite high enough to say that you can see the full curve.

I'm open minded to the globe, just very skeptical nowadays.

The Barbarian

Conveniently it isn't quite high enough to say that you can see the full curve.

You'd have to put it in 4-dimensional space to see the full curve. You can't do that without seeing the entire surface at one time. You can see the curvature, however.

The point is, that there are many, many ways to test the curvature of the Earth, and they all end up showing that it's round.

One interesting way was by Eratosthenes, about 300 BC. The studies of Aristarchus showed that the Sun was extremely far away, so the rays of the sun would be effectively parallel viewed from the Earth.

So, on the same line of longitude, the difference in angles of the sun, seen at two different places, would give the amount of curvature between the two locations. Eratosthenes used this method to come up with a remarkably good estimate of the Earth's size.

So, we have pictures (film, video, and digital images ), the mariner's observation that we see distant mountains on coastlines top first, and lower levels as we get close, Coriolis effect, Eratosthene's measurement, and this interesting one:


Rowbotham repeated his experiments several times over the years but his claims received little attention until, in 1870, a supporter by the name of John Hampden offered a wager that he could show, by repeating Rowbotham's experiment, that the earth was flat. The noted naturalist and qualified surveyor Alfred Russel Wallace accepted the wager. Wallace, by virtue of his surveyor's training and knowledge of physics, avoided the errors of the preceding experiments and won the bet.[7][8] The crucial step was to set a sight line 13 feet (4 m) above the water, and thereby avoid the effects of atmospheric refraction.[9] Despite Hampden initially refusing to accept the demonstration, Wallace was awarded the bet by the referee, editor of The Field sports magazine. Hampden subsequently published a pamphlet alleging that Wallace had cheated and sued for his money. Several protracted court cases ensued, with the result that Hampden was imprisoned for threatening to kill Wallace[10] and for libel.
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Dear DavisBJ,

I see that you have many posts not addressed to anyone, so I'll answer a couple of them. I do like talking with you. Hope you're doing well lately!! Now what I don't understand are Coriolis forces acting on a spherical surface? Do you mean like rain, snow, hail, etc.?

God Bless Your Heart!!


:cheers: :cloud9: :angel: :thumb: :guitar:
Michael, Daniel1611’s participation in this thread seems to be rather like mark SeaSigh’s was – mostly for his own perverse form of entertainment. His approach is less insulting and abrasive than SeaSigh’s was, and I doubt that Daniel will end up like Mark did having a Technicolor psychological meltdown on the internet. But I see little value in trying to educate someone like Daniel who is so poorly grounded in science and is so deep into conspiracy theories.

As to blessing my heart, it is doing well, except on those days when Poseidon gets angry and sends the Gorgon to rip out and eat my heart. That hurts.


New member
Why, can you elaborate?

In the late 1800s, before CGI, people used to do experiments. What several different people did was go to a level Canal in England and spread a few objects over 6 miles. Then they looked at them with a telescope and saw that they were all level. They didn't start to disappear over the curve.


Well-known member
In the late 1800s, before CGI, people used to do experiments. What several different people did was go to a level Canal in England and spread a few objects over 6 miles. Then they looked at them with a telescope and saw that they were all level. They didn't start to disappear over the curve.

Please provide documentation for this experiment.


Michael, either Daniel1611 is perpetuating a very elaborate parody or he is thoroughly convinced of the certainty of his views.

If it is the latter, I do not think you will get through to him. Morton's Demon is ruling his thought process. And that little/big demon will not let the relevant data through for his consideration.

Dear noguru,

Daniel 1611 needs to learn a bit from the people here who will help him. I will help him. He's a brother. He's just got this thing about the Earth and gravity. And a hangup about NASA. With time and wisdom, he can snap out of it. I can take that challenge, if necessary. Hey noguru, real good to hear from you!! You know that I care. Just sometimes, we can't agree and most of the time, we can. So it's cool. I'm just trying to catch up with you all. I am four or five pages behind you all.

May God Fill Your Cup To Overflowing!!


:thumb: :guitar: :angel: :angel: :rapture: :cloud9:


There have been at least six traversals of Antarctica in the last decade alone. None were military or government sanctioned scientists AFAIK.

Overflights have been happening with civilian tourism companies since the 1970s.

Dear gcthomas,

Well, look at you!! It's good to see you here once again. What have you been up to? Just posting at some other posts, eh? I'm trying to catch up to everyone. I am about 5 pages behind. You see, there are more than 7 of you and only 1 of me. Soon I'll be caught up. I just hate to keep anyone waiting, but I had to check up on you! You're quite the travel agent. Heeeeheee!! Just jokin'!! Well, don't be a stranger. Next time I hope to have time for a longer post.

Best Wishes For You, gcthomas!!


:cheers: :patrol: :cloud9: :thumb: :guitar: :angel:


Michael, why do you make it a point to support people?

You should be supporting the principle of accuracy regardless of who is contributing.

Now that is a principle that makes a reliable personality and produces credibility.

Dear noguru,

We are all wrong at one time or another, or even more often than that. I've always appreciated the person who was patient. That is all. He already knows what it feels like to be demeaned. I'm just letting him know that it does not have to be that way. I also respect creationists and atheists, evolutionists and agnostics, etc. I have a lot of love to give because I received it from my Father. That is all.

Praise The Lord!!

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