Creation vs. Evolution

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I am going to let you think about the implications of your last 2 posts for a while. Then when I have more time and the desire to untwist your twisted thinking I will get back to you. Granted I do not expect to actually get through to you, but I will give it another shot as time allows.

Dear Daniel1611,

I've been waiting now for a couple pages or more, for someone to answer your mishap. Daniel, gases rise upwards. It's the nature of gases to rise. How do you make gas? Well, the best way is to add heat, or fire. There are solids, liquids and gases. The gases usually rise. When you heat water, it gives off steam, which rises until it cools. Then it becomes condensation. But if remained a gas, it would keep rising. You'll notice that Helium is a gas that is lighter than air. That's why it's used for balloons. Because it rises. I believe that Hydrogen is also lighter than Oxygen. I don't advise heating it because it might explode. Now, I am thinking that many elements that precedes Oxygen on the Periodic Table is a gas and reacts the same way. I'll check out the 'Element Chart/Periodic Table' and get back to you. You know when you burn charcoal, it gives off a smoke that rises. In spite of gravity, it will rise. Do you understand now what's going on? I hope so. It's been nice chatting with you.

Tons Of Love From Jesus And Me,


:wave2: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:
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New member
So fake pictures. We keep going back to that.

As for Antarctica, all there is there are officially sanctioned scientists and military. No one outside of that group has gone coast to coast in Antarctica. Your boats go to the coast. You don't actually cross and come out on the other side. You don't fly over it.

I will get you some flight schedules where trips are hours longer than needed because they can't fly over Antarctica.


New member
There is a group of civilians attempting to raise the money to travel from one coast to the other of Antarctica. If they raise the money, the government will not allow them.


Well-known member

Dear Daniel1611,

I've been waiting now for a couple pages or more, for someone to answer your mishap. Daniel, gases rise upwards. It's the nature of gases to rise. How do you make gas? Well, the best way is to add heat, or fire. There are solids, liquids and gases. The gases usually rise. When you heat water, it gives off steam, which rises until it cools. Then it becomes condensation. But if remained a gas, it would keep rising. You'll notice that Helium is a gas that is lighter than air. That's why it's used for balloons. Because it rises. I believe that Hydrogen is also lighter than Oxygen. I don't advise heating it because it might explode. Now, I am thinking that many elements that precedes Oxygen on the Periodic Table is a gas and reacts the same way. I'll check out the 'Element Chart' and get back to you. You know when you burn charcoal, it gives off a smoke that rises. In spite of gravity, it will rise. Do you understand now what's going on? I hope so. It's been nice chatting with you.

Tons Of Love From Jesus And Me,


:wave2: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:

Michael, either Daniel1611 is perpetuating a very elaborate parody or he is thoroughly convinced of the certainty of his views.

If it is the latter, I do not think you will get through to him. Morton's Demon is ruling his thought process. And that little/big demon will not let the relevant data through for his consideration.


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Here is a test for those who think Daniel1611 is correct. Go to the furthest west mountain in the Pacific Coastal range of the US that is the same latitude as Japan. Take a high powered telescope. If Daniel is correct you should be able to see the mountains in Hawaii and/or Japan with that telescope.


So far for "proofs", I've gotten the same things people always say:

NASA cgi images, and
Things appear smaller from a distance.

Its common sense that its a spinning ball, right? But what do you have to back it up? Pictures, most of which NASA admits are not actual photographs. That's what your paradigm rests on: a few pictures, that you don't even know are real because you can't actually see earth from that vantage point.

But you have an emotionally charged, fanatical reaction if someone challenges your little picture . this " globalism" is so important to you that you cannot fathom the concept that you don't know that its a ball. You probably never thought about it much, but once its pointed out that all you have to prove it is a little painting, you have a conniption.

We have to be an insignificant ball, flying around an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy in an infinitely vast universe. We can't be stationary because it ruins the whole paradigm. Right?

But really, all you have to prove it is some paintings and CGI images. All you have is a little religious symbol that has been forced on you. And anyone who questions the image is a crazy person. Don't question the symbol!!! Don't question the leader!!!

Dear Daniel1611,

I've been supporting you up until now. Those who went into space, which includes the Russians are not trying to lie about the Earth. They could say it was flat, if it was. None of us would care in the slightest. Now how would we have seasons, like winter and summer, without the Earth moving into a different position, tilting on it's axis?


:wave2: :cloud9: :cloud9:


Well-known member

Dear Daniel1611,

I've been supporting you up until now. Those who went into space, which includes the Russians are not trying to lie about the Earth. They could say it was flat, if it was. None of us would care in the slightest. Now how would we have seasons, like winter and summer, without the Earth moving into a different position, tilting on it's axis?


:wave2: :cloud9: :cloud9:

Michael, why do you make it a point to support people?

You should be supporting the principle of accuracy regardless of who is contributing.

We hold principles above personalities.

Now that is a principle that makes a reliable personality and produces credibility.


New member
Here is a test for those who think Daniel1611 is correct. Go to the furthest west mountain in the Pacific Coastal range of the US that is the same latitude as Japan. Take a high powered telescope. If Daniel is correct you should be able to see the mountains in Hawaii and/or Japan with that telescope.

I'm suggesting the possibility that the earth is not a ball. Not that it's completely level.


New member

Dear Daniel1611,

I've been supporting you up until now. Those who went into space, which includes the Russians are not trying to lie about the Earth. They could say it was flat, if it was. None of us would care in the slightest. Now how would we have seasons, like winter and summer, without the Earth moving into a different position, tilting on it's axis?


:wave2: :cloud9: :cloud9:

The seasons would work by the sun moving instead of the earth.

As to why the rulers of earth would lie, there are a few possible reasons. One is that there is more land. There's more land that they don't want the masses to know about.
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