Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
How about over-the-horizon artillery aiming tables being based on both a spherical (or WGS-84) shape of the earth and shell-flight time Coriolis drift?

The Coriolis effect could be caused by magnetic force rather than the gravity of the earth curve.


New member
How about the technique employed anciently of two people who have a north-south separation of many miles measuring and comparing the length of the shadows of standard length vertical sticks on a particular day?

Not sure what your point is. Be more specific and I'll respond.


New member
How about applying Newton’s law of gravity to an extended flat surface of the earth with limited rock strength and see what shape the earth (or any large planetary body) would assume?

If newtons law if gravity, that he himself knew had problems, is not correct then this point is moot. A sphere earth needs gravity. A flat earth doesn't.


New member
Yea, they are a lot like YECs, so I have had a lot of practice.

Bigger questions.

Why doesn't NASA take photos of earth instead of composites?

Why are there no stars in the few alleged photos they have taken?

Why is there no real time video of the earth spinning,?

Why don't we cross Antarctica?

Why is Antarctica so heavily guarded by 50 nations?

Why do airplanes make much longer trips than needed to avoid flying over Antarctica?


New member
My point here is What do we KNOW? speculating that its the earth's shadow is not knowing. When I was being trained in my job, my teacher would ask a question, and if I said "I think it's this...". He always said, " We don't need to think. We need to know.". This is a good philosophy for anything important.


In regards to THIS thread, the science changes all the time and has over the past 100 years. That was my point. It certainly has since I was in high school over 50 years ago. What I am saying is mankind still doesn't KNOW, but my God does. We don't need to know as Christians, because we trust in him to take care of his creation and do what we know and can do. We don't need to know because our destination is not on this earth in this universe so we're not too concerned about it.

You trust your deity to take care of his creation? Doesn't seem to me as though that trust is very well placed.


New member
My point here is What do we KNOW? speculating that its the earth's shadow is not knowing. When I was being trained in my job, my teacher would ask a question, and if I said "I think it's this...". He always said, " We don't need to think. We need to know.". This is a good philosophy for anything important.
You had a teacher? :shocked:
Who taught you not to think? mmm :think:


Strange given that flat-Earthers are generally evolutionists. :chuckle:

Another Stripe-sertion. (A factual assertion without any basis provided. A statement made to support an otherwise unsupportable position. A statement made to cause the reader to scratch his head and say "Why bother?")


New member
Daniel1611, Like some other posters, I am uncertain whether your questions are serious or whether you are just enjoying a good laugh at our expense. One thing I conclude from your responses is that, assuming you are serious, your dearth of understanding is immense, and your distrust of science is equally pervasive. Neither of those is likely to be rectified by someone posting something that suddenly corrects your misconceptions. If, on the other hand, you are just a troll, then I will excuse myself from this exchange.

First, before I decide, let me touch on a couple of your responses.
… A sphere earth needs gravity. A flat earth doesn't.
Assume the earth is flat. Jump up. If no gravity, what is going to pull you back down to the ground?
The Coriolis effect could be caused by magnetic force rather than the gravity of the earth curve.
The Coriolis effect, whether in weather or ballistic trajectories, has squat to do with magnetism.

Re ship appearing to sink below the horizon:
If it’s going down a curve, why aren't you seeing the back end? If a truck is going over s hill, you see the back end rising up as it goes over the curve if the hill. If s ship is going down over the curve, you should see the back end. You either oy see the top because the highest part is visible at a distance, or it is sinking if you don't see the back end.
I could care less whether it is coming or going. Simple case, take 3 identical tall ships, on a calm day park them at 4 mile intervals going out from the shore, with each of them broadside to the shore and not moving. You sit on the shore so your view over the ocean is just above the wave crests. I claim that for the ship that is 4 miles out, about the lowest 16 feet just above the wateriine will be hidden below the horizon. The second ship, at 8 miles, will have the lowest 64 feet hidden from view. The third one, at only 12 miles, will be probably be completely below the horizon, even though it should be close enough for binoculars to easily spot it if it were in the line of sight.

As to pictures of the earth, I am not sure what you are getting at. There are thousands of individual pictures clearly showing the spherical shape or the earth. In early space missions, many of those pictures were taken using ordinary film. Digital imaging now is much more efficient.


New member
And the answer is.....? Do you know? Or am I the only keeper of The Secret?

I have an idea of why. I don't KNOW because I haven't seen it. All I have is what the military says, and that means nothing. Tell me. Tell me why we don't cross Antarctica. If you tell me its because the equipment doesn't work in the cold, I will burst into laughter. That's usually the answer I get. South pole is too cold, but millions of miles out in space is fine for the equipment.


New member
Bigger questions.

Why doesn't NASA take photos of earth instead of composites?

Nasa does not have a monopoly on imaging from space. Most imaging is taken by other nations and many private companies. For whole earth shots , Google Meteosat.

Why are there no stars in the few alleged photos they have taken?

Because they are exposed for daytime illumination. The stars do show up in longer exposure photographs.

Why is there no real time video of the earth spinning,?

You would need a relatively stationary satellite that wasn't in a nearby poorly. The Galileo probe took such a sequence as it did a gravitational slingshot on the way to Saturn. Google that.

Why don't we cross Antarctica?

People are forever crossing Antarctica. There is a research station at the south Pole.

Why is Antarctica so heavily guarded by 50 nations?

It isn't. You can take a tour boat there.

Why do airplanes make much longer trips than needed to avoid flying over Antarctica?

They don't avoid. The only route that would routinely take you over Antarctica would be from South Africa to New Zealand. And no airline has that on its schedule. None detour to avoid overflying.

And these were your BIG questions?


Well-known member
You had a teacher? :shocked:
Who taught you not to think? mmm :think:

The "brilliant" gentlemen is obviously confused about epistemology, as most stubborn anti science people are. Yet in their zeal to prove they are right, they shoot themselves in the foot.

Knowledge is simply humans conceptualizing the objective reality around them. Of course it is wise to find a methodology that helps us get a conceptual model that is as close to the objective reality as is humanly possible. And since science takes hard facts that we call evidence and uses them to support a theoretical model, they are often confused about the nature of this exact relationship. In their zeal to conceal their confusion from others, they often sacrifice accuracy with the illusion of certainty.
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